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Hidden 1 day ago 1 day ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Welcome to Recollections: Primal Sinister, a slice-of-life RP set in the supernatural horror/urban fantasy universe known as the Recollections universe, It is set in a strange and unique universe where magic reflects the core of its humanity and its emotions, beliefs, and thoughts. In Primal Sinsister, the story is centered on a mysterious town with a tragic past. Originally it was a simple town built along the flanks of the sprawling Deepwater river. Like most modern towns it had its problems, none more so than the income disparity between its two sides. On the north bank of the river sits the bustling center of the city and finan hub of the state. There are fancy restaurants, world class night clubs, and countless centers of higher learning. It is a travel destination, and used to see hundreds of thousands of travelers each year. On the south bank of the river sits the lower district. It was once a manufacturing capital of the country but has long since known its absence. Situated close to the mountains and thus the minutes it used to be the heart of the city that pumped life into the other districts. Now, it is an over policed, under funded, and desolate place that the city council turns a blind eye to in the hopes that everyone will either be arrested or murdered in the streets. Even before the Cataclysm came to Cloverfield the powers that be were plotting to acquire and place over the residential areas of the lower districts.
A year and a half ago the city was rocked by the cataclysm that had threatened the world, magic and mundane alike, when Princess Nadine, herald of Nyrah the Ravager, descended from the skies and began to flatten the city. Several large cities had already found their destruction at her hands, and Cloverfield was poised to be the next on the way to the complete destruction of Dazzle. Yet, unlike the others that came before it Cloverfield was not only able to hold back the onslaught but also break Nyrah, and seal her and her destructive magic in the body of Princess. Unlike every city before it Cloverfield has deep connection with the land around it, cultivated by the various covens that trace their lineage back to the founding of the city itself, if not further back. This connection, this city, and these people ultimately did the impossible and saved the realm of Dazzle from further destruction.

However, despite this grand victory, the city has begun to show its ugly side in the years since. While the North side has had billions of dollars invested into the rebuild of the downtown district and other impacted areas the lower district has seen pennies on the dollar. While the bright lights of the city shine every brighter, the lower district has to contend with rolling blackouts.
White the skyline slowly returns to the north side; the lower district has seen their homes flattened and destroyed. The town that had accomplished so much is being pushed into a boiling pot with no path out. As well, as a result of the sheer destruction and suffering brought by Nyrah, monsters have begun to stir up in the mountains and in the haunted woods. Werewolf packs have begun to hunt once more, reports of vampire conclaves have begun to make the rounds in the magical circles in town, and ancient and terrible monsters long since locked away in the have begun to wake. If legends are to be believed the town could face a new threat in the coming months, if not years, that would shatter the fragile balance of the city. Thus it is here, amidst the backdrop of one of the oldest mountain ranges in Dazzle, where the inhabitants of Cloverfield must find their place. In this most fantastical of locations countless factions move to place themselves on the top of the proverbial ladder. They can choose to exist, as they are and always were, in this city despite what has happened. They can choose to uplift themselves and those close to them by playing the game and finding a place for themselves on the steps of the ladder. They can also choose to help burn it all down. Or they can choose to investigate the strange happenings in the woods and up in the mountains. Choice is the gift that was given back to the people of Dazzle and each person will have their own choices to make. Above all else, its thematic will be Connections, Identity, Emotions, and Memories.

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Hidden 1 day ago 22 hrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Cloverfield, once a beacon of modern progress and quiet prosperity, now stands as a stark testament to the aftermath of devastation. Built along the banks of the sprawling Nimtaké River, the city was known for its vibrant life and magnetic appeal, drawing visitors from all over America. For decades, Cloverfield was a destination, a hotspot for travelers, and a center of culture, with its economic heart pulsing on the north bank and its industrial might anchored on the south. Yet, the Cataclysm that struck a year and a half ago, unleashed by Nyrah the Ravager and her host, Princess Nadine, has forever altered the city. The final battle between Nyrah and Cloverfield’s defenders resulted in widespread destruction, and though the town emerged victorious, its scars run deep.

The city of Cloverfield is split clean down the middle by the Nimtaké River, which has always served as a physical and symbolic divide between wealth and poverty. On the north side, the downtown district shines again, rebuilt with millions of dollars in investment. Its skyline is returning, full of promise and opportunity, with high-rise buildings, boutiques, and nightlife. Universities and financial institutions stand tall, their marble steps bustling with students and businesspeople. Fancy restaurants and world-class nightclubs have reopened, drawing in the wealthy from neighboring cities, eager to forget the devastation in Cloverfield and immerse themselves in the city's luxury.

But across the river, the story could not be more different. The South Bank, once an industrial powerhouse, is a shell of its former self. Factories that once buzzed with life now lie in ruins, their skeletons rusting under the dim light of an overcast sky. The lower district, already struggling before the Cataclysm, has been left to rot, ignored by city officials who focus all their resources on revitalizing the north side. The council's disdain for the South is evident in the crumbling infrastructure, frequent blackouts, and minimal aid sent to the struggling residents. Poverty and crime are rampant, and the police presence is overwhelming, not to protect but to suppress. The once-proud working-class heart of Cloverfield has been reduced to a forgotten wasteland where the people are left to fend for themselves.
The divide between the two sides is more than just economic. Culturally, Cloverfield's north and south banks were always different, but now those differences have deepened into a chasm. The north side is cosmopolitan, drawing in people from all over the world. Its streets are filled with cultures, languages, and cuisines. Upscale art galleries and museums showcase works from every corner of Dazzle, and the universities are melting pots of intellectual discourse, innovation, and multiculturalism. Magical scholars, politicians, and wealthy travelers mingle freely, their lives untouched by the struggle just across the river.

On the south side, the ethnic and cultural diversity takes on a different tone. Immigrant communities, who once found stable work in the factories and warehouses, are now trapped in a cycle of poverty. These communities, primarily made up of people from magical lineages, descendants of workers, and those who had once thrived on the fringes of Cloverfield’s economy, have had to band together for survival. Magical traditions that once thrived in secret have come to the forefront as the people here turn to their ancestral practices to find hope and strength in the face of adversity.

Magic has always been a part of Cloverfield's identity, but in the wake of Nyrah the Ravager’s destruction, the magical scene has taken on a new, more volatile life. Magic is a carefully controlled and regulated academic pursuit on the north side.

Meanwhile, the south side has become a hotspot for dangerous, uncontrolled magic. With the devastation brought by Nyrah, magical creatures that once stayed hidden in the mountains and forests surrounding Cloverfield have begun to encroach on the city’s outskirts. Werewolves have been spotted hunting in the shadows; vampires are rumored to be establishing new covens, and ancient, long-forgotten creatures stir in the dark corners of the woods. Those in the lower district are often the first to encounter these threats, as city officials remain indifferent to their plight. This has led to the rise of magical vigilantes and factions who take it upon themselves to defend their community with whatever powers they can muster.

The battle with Nyrah may have been won, but the city's magical defenses are fraying, and the people of Cloverfield know that something darker is on the horizon. On the surface, the north side of Cloverfield may appear to be thriving once more. Still, beneath the polished façade, the city is teetering on the edge of collapse.

Cloverfield’s location, nestled at the foothills of the ancient Appalachian Mountains, only adds to the growing sense of unease and impending doom. Once a source of pride and natural beauty, the Appalachians have taken on a sinister aura in the wake of Nyrah’s devastation. The earth beneath Cloverfield seems cursed by her lingering magic, with frequent tremors and cracks running through the once-stable ground. Some believe the mountains are stirring, as though Nyrah's battle awoke something much older and far more dangerous. The once-bustling trails that attracted hikers from across the country have become abandoned as more and more people have begun to vanish without a trace. Whispers now spread through the magical and mundane communities, rumors of an ancient evil deep within the Appalachian caverns.

For the people of Cloverfield, the future is uncertain. Some cling to hope, working tirelessly to rebuild their lives on both sides of the river. Others have grown bitter and resentful, watching the rich side flourish while their homes remain in ruins. Tensions between the North and South are simmering, and it’s only a matter of time before they boil over. Protests have already begun to erupt on the south side, with calls for equal aid and investment growing louder by the day. But the city council, backed by the elite of the north, remains deaf to their pleas, focused only on maintaining their grip on power.

In the magical underground, factions are rising, each with its agenda. Some seek to harness Nyrah's lingering power to reshape the city in their image, while others work to protect Cloverfield from the new threats that lurk in the shadows. Amidst the rubble and ruins of the lower district, there is talk of revolution, of tearing down the barriers that have long divided the city and building something new in its place. The battle for Cloverfield is far from over. The scars left by Nyrah the Ravager have yet to heal, and with monsters stirring in the mountains, political tensions rising, and magic growing more dangerous by the day, the city stands at a crossroads. What happens next will depend on the choices made by those who call Cloverfield home: choices that could either save the city or doom it to destruction.

Hidden 1 day ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You already know what the fuck boutta happen
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You already know what the fuck boutta happen

Hidden 1 day ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

We all know that answer.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Oh heck ya.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Maybe retirement isn't for me..
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maybe retirement isn't for me..

but you're going to make a furry!
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

but you're going to make a furry!

Yeah, but only out of spite..
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Shin Ghost Note>

Yeah, but only out of spite..

you leave me no choice

Goes to make the Furry Killer artifact.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Bartimaeus>

you leave me no choice

Goes to make the Furry Killer artifact.

I have no doubts that you were going to make one of those from the very start :#
Hidden 1 day ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

That’s the true story of this slice of life. The war between Furies and The Fury Killer. His name is Father Wolf.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 20 min ago

Maybe I'll finally join one of these.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by NoriWasHere
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They’re a lot of fun. If you have any questions feel free to hop on the discord or send a message my way!
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Hidden 20 hrs ago Post by Theyra
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I might join this one if you will have me.
Hidden 19 hrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


You’re more than welcome!
Hidden 2 hrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


For the game plan. OOC will go up on Friday. You can work on your character sheet in the meanwhile, and if you want the template feel free to ask. Again, you don’t have to join any factions that are made, and can create your own faction. Slice of life means the choice is always yours
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