Hidden 14 days ago 6 days ago Post by Kuro
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Kuro ʟᴜᴍᴇɴ ᴀᴅ ᴍᴏʀᴛᴇᴍ / ɪɴ ᴛᴇɴᴇʙʀɪꜱ ꜱᴇʀᴠɪᴍᴜꜱ

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"Life doesn't always work out in your favor."

[ ❇ ] B R I E F F A M I L Y H I S T O R Y
Originating from Milford, the Holloways have been a family name in Huddeen since the late 1940s when the former Holloway Textile Co. was consolidated into a larger company upon sale of the family business. James Holloway, eldest son of the late Francis Holloway and freshly home from overseas fighting in war-torn Europe, had used this as an opportunity to purchase a house in Huddeen, having found the town quaint and welcoming to raise a family in.

Since then, the Holloways have been an active member of Huddeen's community. Wherever you look, there has been a Holloway attached to almost every aspect of Huddeen, from the mayor's office to the fire department to even the local school board. Jill Holloway (née Cooke) was one such Holloway, working as the local weather correspondent until her passing of ovarian cancer just prior to the apocalypse.
[ ❇ ] F A M I L Y M E M B E R S

"Sometimes you have to do things that you'll come to regret doing."
H O L L O W A Y, B L A K E || P A T R I A R C H
H O L L O W A Y, B L A K E || P A T R I A R C H
Blake is a man that looks more like someone's grandfather than someone in his middle forties. Time and stress has weathered him considerably to where one might mistake him for being older than he actually is.

Driving semis for a living, Blake was often away from home hauling cargo deep into Canada or elsewhere. Sometimes it was apples to Quebec, other times it was Christmas trees to the Midwest. It was long, tiresome work, and it often kept Blake from being home with his high school sweetheart, Jill, and their two daughters. But regardless of how stressful the hours were, it kept his family comfortable, and that was all he wanted.

Then came the diagnosis. His beloved wife had ovarian cancer—and it took her, fast. She had passed while he was out on the road, far away from home. Since then, Blake has been beating himself up for not being there during her final moments; his grief still affecting him to this day even into the apocalypse.

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"A quote."
H O L L O W A Y, H O L L Y || E L D E S T D A U G H T E R
H O L L O W A Y, H O L L Y || E L D E S T D A U G H T E R
A paragraph or two of characterization goes here, briefly touching on their personality, background, etc. Add more or remove tables as needed.

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"Mr. Fluffykins says hello!"
H O L L O W A Y, M O R G A N || Y O U N G E S T D A U G H T E R
H O L L O W A Y, M O R G A N || Y O U N G E S T D A U G H T E R
At five years old, Morgan was an unexpected yet welcomed member of the Holloway household. She doesn't quite understand why her mother is gone, and is known to ask innocent questions about her whereabouts. Additionally, Morgan also remains ignorant of the apocalypse, deliberately kept in the dark in hopes of somehow preserving her childish innocence. Her older sister, Holly, wants to tell Morgan about both, but she ultimately doesn't have the heart to do so. It'd crush her, and she likely would never be the same.

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Hidden 13 days ago 6 days ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

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[ ❇ ] B R I E F F A M I L Y H I S T O R Y

When Huddeen was small, Rutherford Graves – a veteran of the American Civil War – deciding to start a new page of his life far away from what he had become accustomed to. Through time he became the face of law and order in the New Hampshire township. It is through those roots that the Graves household traces back their residence in Huddeen. Though it may not be for very long.

“There has been a Graves in Huddeen since Ulysses S. Grant became President.”

That’s changed over time, but usually there’s been a Graves wearing a sheriff’s badge in some way or another. The last Graves to wear a badge, Paul D. Graves, died ten years ago after a terrible battle with lung cancer. He was a gruff, but charming and friendly character. But life carries on.
[ ❇ ] F A M I L Y M E M B E R S


“Prove your worth. No excuses.”
G R A V E S, L O R R A I N E || M A T R I A R C H
G R A V E S, L O R R A I N E || M A T R I A R C H
At 46, Lorraine never expected she’d be where she is now.

Ten years ago, her husband, Paul, lost his fight against lung cancer. She’s not particularly sure the family ever managed to do without him. After his funeral, neighbors and friends saw how she became more aloof and standoffish. Part of it was the stress of providing for the family by herself, but also just part of how she reacted to Paul’s sudden death.

Life was hard. Working at the high school during the day and working as a gas station attendant at night, Lorrie found time was a valuable resource she just didn’t have–but it was enough to keep the family afloat even if it kept her both physically and mentally exhausted at all times. She’s still not sure she did the best she could over the years, but with Davey helping out and Lee college-bound everything seemed to make sense again. It was a feeling she now is beginning to realize was very short-lived.

Relations of Note



“I dreamed of getting out of Huddeen once, never thought it’d be like this.”
G R A V E S, D A V E Y || S O N
G R A V E S, D A V E Y || S O N
About to hit his 25th birthday, Davey is beginning to prematurely think about his life.

With many of his friends now either out-of-state living life or starting families of their own in New Hampshire he is beginning to feel a certain way about his own life and the circumstances. When his father passed he was fifteen, in the prime of his high school experience. By the time he graduated, he had to find work to support the family as new bills seemed to swallow his mother whole with each passing year. But hey, at least he had his head on straight.

Confident, irreverent, but hard-working, Davey has earned a reputation as a solid handyman. The time he’s spent with his dad’s old bike has made him have a good sense for auto repair, though admittedly he still has a long way to go. Still, he’s twenty-four and a sense of longing and escape still weighs on him, though a sense of ironic humor has possessed him after the last two weeks.

Relations of Note


“There’s always tomorrow.”
G R A V E S, L E E || D A U G H T E R
G R A V E S, L E E || D A U G H T E R
At 18, Hailee (or Lee to pretty much everyone) is finally happy that high school is over.

She misses her dad alot. A few days before she turned eight she sat in silence as he flatlined at a hospital in Manchester. It’s a memory she thinks about often and it's probably why she was such a snarky, angsty little kid in the years that followed. Before everything changed she was preparing to attend college at UCLA. She feels particularly fortunate that she’s in New Hampshire rather than California, though part of her is pretty convinced that the universe fucking hates her.

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[ ❇ ] N O T E S


Hidden 4 days ago Post by Morgannis
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"We may not be perfect, but we work through our faults and accept one another."

[ ❇ ] B R I E F F A M I L Y H I S T O R Y
The Bailey family has been a long time staple for the town of Huddeen. Opening the Happy Days Diner in the 1960’s, Cynthia helped her mother and grandmother tend the small restaurant as the town that they loved grew. They would often host celebrations there for the community, as well as hold food drives, and other things that would help to benefit their community. They would even donate meals if a particularly bad storm came through the town, giving at least a little bit of reprieve for any affected by it.

When her mother grew old, the Happy Days Diner was passed to Cynthia, who in turn passed it to her youngest son, Patrick. It has only been a few months since Patrick has returned to Huddeen with his wife and children. While Patrick himself had been a fervent part of the community in his youth, this is the first time Margaret has been out of the big city, and her apprehension is clear. Will she be able to live up to the Bailey name, and keep the family in the good graces of the community?
[ ❇ ] F A M I L Y M E M B E R S


"Nothing is more important than family."
B A I L E Y, P A T R I C K || F A T H E R
B A I L E Y, P A T R I C K || F A T H E R
Age: 44 || Occupation: Happy Days Owner / Overall Tech Guy

Patrick was always the quiet one out of all of his brother’s. Even at a young age he loved technology, and was often the one that his mother would call when she needed any kind of help with the computer, phone, or television. It wasn’t a surprise, then, when he told her that he wanted to leave Huddeen and go to school to become an IT professional.

It was there in the city, working on his bachelor’s, that he met Margaret. They worked for the same company at the time, and her beauty captivated him, forcing him to come out of his shell and take a chance before someone swooped in and took it for him. Asking Margaret out was the best decision he ever made, and he couldn’t be happier. Now he has a family he would do anything in his power to protect.

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"Take every day one step at a time."
B A I L E Y, M A R G A R E T || M O T H E R
B A I L E Y, M A R G A R E T || M O T H E R
Age: 39 || Occupation: Executive Assistant to Beth Greene, owner of Coral Fashion

Having a family was always difficult for Margaret. Being raised by a single mother, she never wanted what she had as a child, watching her mom struggle to keep them afloat. Yet when she herself turned into a single mother, she refused to take the same course. Instead, Margaret flung herself into work, starting out as a simple receptionist for a large fashion company, and working her way up to executive assistant of Beth Greene, owner and operator of Coral Fashion. It was there that she met Patrick.

Margaret could never fathom why Patrick loved her. To her, she was boring, dry, and distant. She would yell over the kids to try to quiet them when they were being rowdy, her first born Tommy getting the brunt of her anger. She was distant, and while she floundered at parenting, Patrick seemed to excel. He completed her, grounded her, and helped her finally start to open up to her surroundings. Even after 14 years of marriage, she’s still learning and becoming a new person day by day.

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"I'm getting out of this family, one way or another."
G R A Y, T H O M A S || O L D E S T S O N
G R A Y, T H O M A S || O L D E S T S O N
Age: 22 || Occupation: Begrudgingly works at Happy Days Diner

To say Tommy was a problem child would be an understatement. Ten years old when his mother married Patrick, he hated the man with every inch of his being. He wanted to be with his father - his real father - the man often letting him do everything and anything that he wanted to. The marriage between Margaret and Jude was toxic, but Tommy didn’t see that. How could he, when his true father was obviously playing favorites.

The anger stuck with Tommy, festering in him. He often got into fights, took to fighting and smoking at a young age, and was overall just a horrible person to be around. Fighting with his mother was constant, but even through it all, Patrick never raised his voice to the young man. In fact, Patrick never treated him with anything but kindness; it only made Tommy angrier, however.

Leaving the apartment they shared in the city, Tommy tried his hand at college. It ended poorly, though, with a fight breaking out between himself and other young men. Being kicked out of the university, and with nowhere else to go, Tommy found himself in Huddeen with his family. His mother hoped for a fresh start, but all he wanted was to run and never look back.

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"Never let anyone try to change you. Show your weirdness, and scream it out to the world!"
B A I L E Y, E M I L Y || O L D E S T D A U G H T E R
B A I L E Y, E M I L Y || O L D E S T D A U G H T E R
Age: 15 || Occupation: Sophomore in High School

Spunky, weird and unrestrained, no one is sure where Emily’s personality came from. She is nothing like either of her parents, often being the life of the party, and the wildest one in the household. She speaks her mind, will defend her friends with her life if necessary, and loves to make new ones to add to that roster.

Once they moved, Emily tried to not let it get her down. They weren’t that far from the city, after all, and once she was able to drive in a year she would go and visit her best friends as much as she could. She was able to make some new friends in Huddeen as well, showing them the city ways, as well as learning as much as she could about her new home.

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"I prefer silence and the company of books, over being around other people. It's just how I am.."
B A I L E Y, L U C A || Y O U N G E S T C H I L D
B A I L E Y, L U C A || Y O U N G E S T C H I L D
Age: 12 || Occupation: Middle School Student

Luca is just like his father when he was younger. Quiet, shy, and knowledgeable, he tends to keep to himself, now more than ever. Being pulled away from any friends he had made in the city hasn’t helped, and the poor boy is often going from school straight to his room, where he connects with his old pals online.

Shyness has kept him from making any new friends, and when his own aren’t around online, he tends to wander the wilderness around their house.

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"Kindness costs nothing, but it's value is exponential."
B A I L E Y, C Y N T H I A || G R A N D M O T H E R
B A I L E Y, C Y N T H I A || G R A N D M O T H E R
Age: 63 || Occupation: Owner of Happy Days Diner

Being a resident of Huddeen since she was born, Cynthia always did whatever she could to help the community. She pushed her four sons to be the best people they could be, and grew her household name to be a prominent part of their society. With her husband Matthias, they enjoyed a life of happiness, living in God’s Grace.

Even with all of her stubbornness, though, she couldn’t save her husband. The old man died 5 months before the world began to end, heart failure catching up with him, no matter how many times Cynthia tried to get him to see a doctor. The weight of already losing a son to an accident, mixed with losing her partner of forty-three years, began to bog her down. Calling up her youngest son, Patrick, it was quickly decided that the family would move back to Huddeen in support of her.

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Hidden 4 days ago Post by Theyra
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"We may be a different kind of family than most, and we have gone through some trouble, but we are here for each other no matter what.

[ ❇ ] B R I E F F A M I L Y H I S T O R Y
The Hawthorne family has been in the town for five years now but has mostly kept to themselves. Though Lara and her brother Zach tend to be more active than their stepfather Grayson or as he likes to be called, Gray. Before being a family, the siblings and Gray had their ups and downs in life before meeting and Gray taking the troubled pair in. They have been together ever since and are a tight-knit family, Gray seeing a second chance at having a stable family and the siblings having a good parent in their lives. It was Gray's idea to move to a quiet, small town, and he figured that would be a good place for the pair to grow up after all that stress in their lives. An idea that the twins agreed to try out and so far have not regretted it.
[ ❇ ] F A M I L Y M E M B E R S


"When you are given a second chance to redeem yourself, you take it and do not look back"
H A W T H O R N E, G R A Y S O N || S T E P F A T H E R
H A W T H O R N E, G R A Y S O N || S T E P F A T H E R
Grayson had a life growing up with his parents and made him escape by joining the military when he was old enough. Grayson would end up meeting his future wife while with the army and would leave the army in order to marry her and have a family together. They would end up with two kids. However, this would not last, and after problems and fights, Grayson would end up divorced. Though he was still able to see his kids. For years, he lived on his own, just getting by.

One day, he came across a pair of runaway children. They told him their story and he let them stay at his place. When child services became involved and found that the children needed a new home and had no other relatives. Grayson offered to take the two in and after some talk with child services and the two children. It was agreed, and the three have been together ever since. It was Grayson's idea to move to a quiet, small town to help his new children grow safe and sound. Huddeen was a choice that he would not regret moving to so far. All he wants to do is make sure they grow up well and can handle themselves once they are ready to be on their own. But, before then, try and be a better parent and keep the family together than repeat what happened with his first family.

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"Just because you had a bad life, it does not mean it can get worse"
H A W T H O R N E, L A R A || S T E P D A U G H T E R
H A W T H O R N E, L A R A || S T E P D A U G H T E R
Lara had always been more of a fighter and seemly takes after Grayson in some ways. Though her life before meeting Grayson was a bad one. She is grateful that he has managed to give her and Zach a sense of stable and happy life. Lara regularly speaks her mind and is protective of her friends and loved ones. More so, her younger brother Zach, but otherwise. She has become an outgoing person if a little shy and reserved at times.

Making friends while at Huddeen and moving past her troubled past. Graduating from high school and eager to start the next chapter of her life.

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"Never let you past define you and express yourself"
H A W T H O R N E, Z A C H || S T E P S O N
H A W T H O R N E, Z A C H || S T E P S O N
Zach after moving in with Grayson was a quiet kid at first. But as he got used to living with Grayson and learning he could trust Grayson. Did Zach start with help from Lara, did he start to come out of his shell. Now Zach while still a a bit shy and timid. He has grown to express himself. His favorite hobby has been photography and loves messing with photos with photoshop.

He has made some friends at Huddeen and wishes to see the world once he is done with high school and get enough money to do so.

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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

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Hidden 18 hrs ago 18 hrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

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Jake Gauthier, 43
Helen Gauthier, 43
Jake Gauthier, Jr., 17
Jenn Gauthier, 16
Kyle Gauthier, 14

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