Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sadu
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Sadu Heavensflame

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

If Alias could feel as if he was seconds away from death... that would certainly be the sense that washed over him. The moment that shell got close to her face, it was like he had pulled it from the freezer, his fingers stinging with sudden cold. The... liquid, turned solid in an instant. This was all just a warning to what was about to happen however, as if from nowhere with a flash, ice appeared around Morgan. Alias had some luck however, or perhaps it was intentional, as much of the ice that spread around Morgan was long, incredibly sharp spikes. But what spread in the direction of Alias was a single bulging chunk, like a fist, that went right for his stomach!

This was about the moment that Morgan's eyes opened, right as the ice made contact. It was probably enough to hurt, but the ice stopped moving as soon as she awoke, which saved him from having the wind knocked out of him... mostly.

Morgan was quick to stand up, brushing herself off, and a moment later, all the ice turned to water, sloshing into the sand.

"You should know better than to try and play pranks on a sleeping Magus!" She was red in the face, checking herself for injuries... and she wasn't even yet aware of what it was that Alias had been doing to begin with. When she first arrived on the island, she claimed to be the apprentice of the greatest wizard in the world. Considering magic wasn't exactly a thing around these parts, most didn't really believe her, especially since when asked to prove it, she could not produce a single bit of magic. Claiming she had forgotten how to do magic didn't help her case, but at least now she had finally proven she knew magic!

Well, she proved she was capable of it. It was likely clear to Alias Morgan had no more idea of how she did what she just did than he did. But there it was, magic!

@King Kindred
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

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Zac didn't look away from what he was doing, but he was able to listen to Lucian and Taivas easily enough. "Thanks for the offer, but I don't need any help," he told Taivas as he pulled his goggles down over his eyes. "For one, I don't let anyone work on Sigrid but me. Nothing personal or anything, just a preference of mine. Besides, with some of these parts, you gotta be especially careful. Best case, you might pinch a finger. Worst case? Like I mentioned, atomization."

HHe looked over the ship once more before he climbed back into the cockpit and opened a small compartment, where he pulled a heavy-looking leather apron out. He also grabbed a box of tools before returning to where he had previously been. "As for where I'm from," he continued as he pulled on a pair of thick leather gloves, "I'm not usually supposed to say anything, world order and all that, but it's kinda hard to play off a ship falling from the sky. Easiest answer would be that I'm from here, there, and in between. Don't really have a home, anymore, long story that I rarely ever feel like talking about."

He opened a larger panel, revealing a large, complicated-looking machine. It was largely comprised of what appeared to be a pair of large rings, similar to heavy-duty electromagnets, between which was a sphere of glowing red energy. "Oh, that ain't good," he muttered to himself as he looked at the sphere. "That's supposed to be blue. Must be a busted limiter somewhere not doing its job and too much power's getting fed into the Stardust Core. Easy enough fix, at least..." He opened another panel and flipped a few switches. As the ship slowly powered down and the sphere of energy harmlessly dissipated, he heard Lucian mention a raft. Zac's brow furrowed as he lifted his goggles and looked back toward the shore, where, sure enough, he saw a simple-looking raft.

"Well, can't exactly fault you, but that thing won't get you anywhere near off-world," he said matter-of-factly. "And even if it did, if you don't have the proper protection, none of you would survive more than five seconds between worlds."

Suddenly, his attention was pulled to the formerly-unconscious girl as she became very much conscious, thanks to whatever was in that shell, as ice suddenly sprung forth around her, slugging the guy in front of her in the stomach. As the ice immediately thawed into water, he asked, "Interesting. You can use magic?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Oh Alias could feel it alright. The same sensation that fell over him just moments ago resurfaced its ugly face. Was he really just about to die for a second time today? Was Death specifically targeting him? If he survived whatever was coming he'd be beyond lucky. If Death came for him a third time today he just might accept the eternal sleep and be done with it. Clearly he's wanted. Suddenly the shell in Alias's hand turned colder than ice. He dropped it immediately and examined his hand and the fallen shell. "What the----" he attempted to say. He should not have taken his attention off the Ice Queen before him. He was too distracted to notice the incoming ice fast. "Oof." was all he could muster as the young warrior could muster before hunching over in pain. What the Hell was going on today?

He recovered quickly, but still rubbed his pained stomach. He wasn't sure if he was glad or not that he skipped breakfast today. "I wasn't playing a prank. You passed out." But Alias couldn't focus on that or her magic for long before Zac's words still lingered in his mind. He confirmed that there were other worlds out there and he was from one, multiple even. He would've felt completely vindicated if it hadn't been for his words to Lucian. He was wrong. He had to be. Yeah, he might have gotten here on a spaceship as well, but he didn't entirely remember that whole ordeal. But more importantly, Tsu was out there. He and Hoshi knew it and the latter could feel it. This Zac guy clearly didn't know everything. He didn't know how to stop his own ship from falling out of the sky onto a beach where kids played.

Alias thanked Hoshi for helping him up and turned to Zac. "She always said she could, just no one believed her until now. Just like no one believed us about other worlds. So far we're two for two. You don't need that flying death machine to get to other worlds. Our friend Kitsu left on a boat and we don't know how Morgan and I got here, but no one saw one of your spaceships. There are other ways." Alias was trying to sound confident and sure of what he was saying, but his frustration and anger at the thought that they could be wrong was seeping out through his tone.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Bacon
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Bacon The Dark Lord

Member Seen 40 min ago

Levi was... well, to say he was overwhelmed would be putting it mildly. He was currently trying his to remain calm after hearing this Zac guy mention that his ship could atomize the entire island if it's reactor exploded. So, in a desperate attempt not to break down, he looked to find anything to divert is attention away from this. Just in time to see Morgan pelt Alias with a fist-sized chunk of ice.

"... What in the..." His eyes widened as he took a couple steps back. Magic was real? Well, at least Morgan wasn't just delusional and/or insane, that was good to have conformation on, at the cost of his entire world view. At that point, he walked over towards the ocean, scooped some seawater with his hands, and splashed himself in the face. As he registered the cold sensation, and turned to see the ship was still there and Morgan still had her perimeter of frozen spikes. That was all just... too much. So, Levi did what he always did when he got overwhelmed. He started to stretch.

"I need to take a lap. I'll be back. Feel free to join me if you can keep up." He said as he stretched his legs. Then, he turned down the beach, and started a light run.

As his body worked, he put on his headphones, hit play on his cassette player, and used this time to process... well... everything that had just happened in the past ten-to-twenty minutes. So, start with the least concerning part, and go from there.

First off, Taivas is apparently from another world. He seems eager to leave, so I'm sure that'll be arranged pretty quickly. Means I don't have to bother introducing him to anyone else.

Number two, magic is real. I guess all that talk about dragons, wizards, and fairies from those old storybooks wasn't just something to entertain people. And apparently Morgan can use it, so at least she isn't demented like I thought when she first genuinely claimed she could use magic.

Number three, other worlds do exist. Which means that Alias and Hoshi are gonna want to leave and try to find Tsu. I'm not sure how their parents will react to that, but unless I start guarding that ship and never sleep again, nothing will stop them from getting on board.

Should I tell them? No. They wouldn't believe me, especially now that Alias' theory about other worlds has been proven. Best I can do it go with them, and make sure they don't get themselves killed then. I'll take what savings I've got, but I'm not sure if munny will be worth anything on other worlds.

Now, last and most important. There is a vessel on this island that could destroy me and everything I love if the man fixing it screws up one little detail. I can't do anything about that one. So, all of our lives are effectively in the hands of a man who probably has a concussion after falling from... what I can only guess to be orbit. Best not to dwell on that one. When I get back, I'll just get him whatever he askes for.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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Lucian watched Levi take off down the beach, his friend clearly overwhelmed by the chaotic morning. Between the crash landing, the revelation that magic was real, and the confirmation of other worlds, it would be a lot for anyone to handle.

He glanced back at the group, then made a quick decision. “I… think I’m going to go after him. Just to make sure he’s alright.” He jogged after Levi. He understood the need for a moment alone, but after the strange dream he’d had, and everything else that just happened. Something told him that this wasn’t just a coincidence, and he wanted to be there for his friend.

As he caught up, he ran next to him in silence for moment. Then, Lucian took a breath, and spoke up “Well, that was an intense way to start the day.” He said with a chuckle. “Are you… ok? I know it’s a lot. But hey, if magic is real and other worlds are out there… doesn’t that mean we have more possibilities than we ever imagined? Maybe it’s not so scary. Maybe it’s… kind of exciting. But… I’m here if you need someone to talk to about it“
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

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Things were escalating quickly, to say the least.

While Morgan was busy falling down, Hoshi was transfixed on the new newcomer. "Zac," she said to herself, assuring she wouldn't forget his name. She hung with studious focus to Zac as he explained himself, and shifted her eyes from him to the ship he had arrived in as he proceeded. Hoshi found herself abashedly conflicted on how she felt about him being OK after his crash; on the one hand, if he meant them harm, then there was no way they'd stand much of a chance fighting him off if he even close to full strength. On the other hand, if what he said about his ship's energy core (whatever that was) being able to destroy the Island, then they were fortnuate that he was in a good condition to fix it before it became a problem. As he set himself to work, Hoshi released a self-soothing breath. Sound in mind, she accepted the fact that if he had intent to harm them, he likely wouldn't be taking the time to inspect his ship, and wouldn't have been open to friendly conversation.

She inched closer to the ship, trying to sneak a peak at what Zac was doing to repair his vessel. She looked it over as well, simply in amazement at the fact that such a vehicle even existed. This... this is it. Her heart started racing. She backed away just a few inches when Zac eyed the raft behind her. She too looked at it, surprised that it hadn't been damaged by any debris from Zac's wild landing. She returned a sharp, offended scowl when he commented on how ineffective a raft would be at reaching other worlds. The scowl quickly gave way to more sullen and defalted frown. "It was better than nothing," she said, dejectedly, and just barely audibly, bowing her head down. The wieght of her own doubts about the project being affirmed hurt, though only to the extent of feeling like they had wasted their time and effort on something that wouldn't have outright failed at best, or gotten them killed at worst.

"Brrrh." She shivered in a sudden cold. Raising her head, she scanned the area and immediately saw Alias dropping the ice-cold conch shell. A half-gasp, half-scream forced from her vocal cords when icy spikes pierced out around Morgan. When the blunt protrusion of ice gut-punched Alias, Hoshi sprung towards her friend nearly as quickly as the ice had formed. She arrived at his side and helped him back to his feet as he shrugged off the pain.

"He's right," she said, confirming Alias' statement to Zac. "We don't know how Morgan and Alias got here, or how my br-- Kitsu vanished. There definitely weren't any ships like yours around on any of those days though. We'd have seen something. So there had to have been another way. But," on the 'but' she looked at Alias, then the raft, then back to Alias. "You say our raft wouldn't get us far. I believe you. I... I was afraid of that." She looked longer at Alias. "Better we know now than after we've already set sail, yeah?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Zac watched Lucian and the other guy run off and said, "Huh. Maybe I should've told them the core was okay, now. Didn't think it'd freak them out that badly."

Turning to his audience, he said, "Trust me, I've been traveling between worlds for the last three years. I know a thing or two about it. I don't mean to bash all the time and effort you obviously put into your raft, but it just won't work. So, I'll go ahead and give you and anyone else a crash course on sailing the Ocean Between, as it's called."

He reached into his apron and pulled out a blue marker. With it, he drew some figures on the wing of his ship: a stick figure and a few uneven circles. Pointing to the stick figure, he said, "This is you or anyone else who wants to travel..." he pointed at the circles, "And these are the other worlds you wanna get to. You might think it's as simple as jumping on a raft and going wherever you want, but it isn't. For one thing, unless you're protected by a ship like mine or something like it, you're not gonna get far before it wipes you out." He drew squiggly lines around the stick figure before adding little x's where the eyes would go, emphasizing his point. He also added a little rocket ship, like what you would see in a cartoon, and drew a little checkmark next to it.

"Secondly," he continued as he drew a circle around each of the worlds, "The universe doesn't really like it when worlds mingle, so each one is isolated from all the others. In order to get to a world, you need to know the route to it and a certain condition has to be met for the barrier around the world to disappear." He suddenly paused as something occurred to him and a thoughtful look crossed his face. Speaking of which, why was I able to land here? Does that mean this world is... He shook his head, pushing the though from his mind. He would deal with that problem if and when he had to.

He drew arrows between each world as he continued, "That said, you're both right. There's another way to a different world that bypasses the barrier and the need for a route. If you can find or make an opening into these 'corridors,' then you can go wherever you want, no problem. The issue with that is that it's much, much, much more dangerous than using a ship, which is why I rely on Sigrid to get me where I need to go. That, and I don't know how to make one of these openings. And I'm not equipped to handle that kind of journey."

He pointed his marker at his audience and said, "I don't know about those of you who weren't born here, but your friend either wound up lost at sea or they stumbled through one of these openings." He thought about adding that there was no way of knowing where the guy's friend ended up or if they even made it through safely, but, besides feeling that he had hammered that point home effectively enough, a nagging thought kept pushing into his mind. He capped his marker and asked, "That said, I have something very important to ask you all. Have you or any of your friends noticed anything odd? Other than me crash-landing, I mean. Feelings, strange dreams, odd figures? Particularly in the shadows?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Sadu
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Sadu Heavensflame

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Morgan let out a long sigh once she calmed down, and after Alias explained himself, finally giving a short "Then, I'm sorry. I did say I don't know how to do it... it just happened. I used to know but... at least I can subconsciously control it enough to not kill you." and when asked if she knew magic by Zac, she was happy someone finally believed her, even though it came from having just proven it. "I was taught magic by the most powerful Wizard in the world. But since I woke up here, I can't remember anything, not how to use it, where I came from. I don't even know who my master was. Nobody here even believes in magic, so I figured my master wasn't well known here."

After listening to everything that was said, and looking over the visual explanation that Zac had drawn though, Morgan almost passed out again, but instead of flopping over like a fish, she pointed at the drawings. "That, was explained to me before. My master, he said he had visited countless other worlds, that he did it regularly. He said no normal person could do it, but he explained it that same way. He said that opening the door between worlds is dangerous because..." She couldn't remember that part, just that you weren't supposed to do it. But then, the last question struck her, and she pointed off into the distance.

"I felt something there." She was pointing across the water to the village, specifically into the mountains behind it. Maybe she actually was crazy this time, but either way, she ended up saying "But it's gone now. It disappeared when you arrived." Her mind was on something else though as she spoke aloud to nobody in particular... "Are there doors between world... into corridors... a door, in the middle of a forest?" Looking like she was about to pass out for a third time today, she had to take a deep breath and force herself to stop trying to remember. Instead, she simply said "My master always said man would fly one day."
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Alias could only feel disheartened. It felt like this Zac guy was sent here by some malevolent being to crush their hopes and dreams. It hurt when even Hoshi expressed doubts at their plan. Was he really just some naive and delusional kid? Hoping for the best and refusing to accept the worst? He gave her a soft nod, unable to vocalize it in fear of them never being able to leave this world. Zac certainly wasn't going to take them with him. He didn't think they had what it took to survive out there and unless he was some kind of creep he wouldn't want to take them from their parents to go on a perilous adventure.

A dormant and hidden anger started to boil to the surface as Zac began explaining the process of traveling between worlds and how it would result in sure death for kids like them. He didn't even know them. He was treating them like defenseless children. At least that's all Alias was hearing. Every word out of the stranger's mouth dropped like bricks building a wall to close off their goals and dreams for good. His heart couldn't take it. He was aching inside. His entire life he had dreamed of traveling to other worlds and going on adventures with his friends. This was supposed to be reality? No. He couldn't accept it. He refused to accept it.

Then Zac went and pushed the Kitsu death button. Something triggered inside of Alias. Magic, spaceships, world barriers, dangerous corridors, doors, or shadows. None of it mattered to him right now. "Kitsu would've never been lost at sea!!!" Alias tried to make a fist, very tempted to knock this guy out, but instead a light flashed in his right hand before what appeared to be a large key appeared in it. The strange key disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Alias was so tunnel visioned on Zac that he didn't even notice. How? That's impossible... It's not time yet. Who are you, Child of Radiance? A voice echoed in his mind, no. That wasn't right. His heart? That wasn't possible, was it? The voice seemed to calm him down. He let out a deep exhale trying to regain his composure. "Kitsu is the strongest person I know. This island builds survivors. The sea is our home. He'd never fall to it. And as a matter of fact, Hoshi feels him out there and I've been feeling things out there for as long as I could remember. It was dark and cold, but lately I've been feeling light too. Calling out to me." Then he remembered what Morgan said. He thought he felt something back there when he and Hoshi were heading back from their talk. He just thought he was imagining things because of their conversation. But was someone else actually here? Was his family in danger? Or was his family about to become whole again?

"So maybe you're right." Alias conceded before clarifying what he was right about. "Our raft wouldn't have taken us off world. We never expected it to. There has to be a way in and out of this world in the water. We're going to see other worlds and we're going to find Kitsu and no one, not even a barrier is going to stop us."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"... Feelings, strange dreams, odd figures? Particularly in the shadows?"

The beat in Hoshi's chest stuttered a second. A subtle redness returned to her face; she tried to hide it by lowering her face. She threw Alias a side-eye, hoping that he would speak before her. Her thoughts veered back to the dream she had woken from that very morning, and the feeling that Tsu had somehow been reaching out to her. She wondered if now was a good time to say something. No. Not now. If she were alone with Alias she might have opened up. But not with Zac and Taivias nearby.

"I--" she cut herself off as Alias started. He seemed to be having a go at Zac. Her eyes widened as a flash of light errupted in and vanished from her friend's hand. For a second she could have sworn she saw something in the shape of a sword outlined faintly through the flare. "Alias!" She threw a stern glare at him. "It's ok," she said, more calmly. "I don't think Zac is belittling us."

She lowered her head again, thinking for momemt. "I've had strange feelings too." She looked up at Zac. "I have been for a few days now. Like something is trying to draw me away from home." She patted her chest with an open palm. "It kind of peaked this morning. And then he appeared," she pointed her thumb to Taivias, "and then you crashed here. I reckon I might have just had some wierd premonition or something." She shrugged.

She took another long look at the ship. Damaged as it was, Zac seemed confident he could get it into the sky once more. "So, your ship," Hoshi shifted the conversation. "Does it have room for passengers? Could... could you take us with you when you leave?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Bacon
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Bacon The Dark Lord

Member Seen 40 min ago

Levi clicked off his cassette player and took off his headphones as he noticed Lucian running up alongside him. He ran silently for a while more, letting Lucian finish his thought. “... Yeah… intense is definitely a word for it.” He chuckled slightly under his breath. “But hey, could be worse. We’re not all dead… yet. Depends on whether or not the concussed man back there accidentally fries his ship’s reactor as to if we stay that way, though.” He paused again, turning slightly as the beach did.

His feet kept kicking up the sand behind him, as he minded his pace a little more now that someone was running with him. He just stayed silent for the most part, not really knowing how to phrase his thoughts in a way that would make sense, without coming across as potentially demeaning. So, he opted to focus on running while the gears in his head whirred. He noted the cool breeze off the ocean, and the beautiful color contrast between the trees, the ocean, and the beach.

“... Magic being real is interesting. Not good or bad necessarily just... interesting. Not sure how I feel about other worlds, though.” He finally said, his legs starting to feel the burn as he kept going. That wasn’t much of a concern for him, they ran for maybe five miles before he had spoken again, and a full lap around this island was maybe twelve to fourteen. The only reason he was feeling it now was because he’d already ran a full lap earlier that morning. “I guess… I’m just a little worried about the others. You know them, they don’t always think things through. And around here, sure, that’s fine. Worst care they end up in swimming in the ocean, or in a sparring match they weren’t ready for. But out there, who knows what’s waiting?” He exhaled hard. Or, at least, harder than he already had been. That definitely wasn’t everything going through his mind, but it seemed he wasn’t comfortable sharing any other thoughts right now. It wasn’t because he didn’t feel he could share his thoughts with Lucian, moreso because he couldn’t find the right words to do so.

“So, how about you? What’s your take on this whole mess?” He offered Lucian a small smile.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lucian smiled back, he kept up with Levi’s pace as they rounded another curve in the beach. “I get it,” Lucian began, taking what Levi had told him. “Magic, other worlds… it’s a lot to take in. Feels like it all got thrown at us without any warning.” He chuckled softly. “But… I think that’s what’s got me so interested. Ever since I was little, I always felt like there was something more out there. I just didn’t know what it was.”

He paused, turning to Levi looking thoughtful. “You’re right about the others, they’re probably dying to see what’s out there, and yeah, they don’t always think things through. But maybe that’s why it’s good we’re here too, you know? If they’re going to go diving headfirst into the unknown, then they’ll need someone to keep them grounded. Someone like you.”

He put his hand on Levi’s shoulder. “I know you’ll look out for them. You always do. And no matter what happens, we’ll always have each other.”

Lucian paused, searching for the right words for what he was going to say next. “As for me?” He chuckled, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. “Honestly? I’m kind of excited.” He hesitated, then added, “Especially after… well, after the dream I had this morning.”

He hesitated for a moment, then continued. “I was standing on this giant mosaic of my mom, like a stained glass floor. It was… surreal. And then these voices started asking me questions. Questions about my fears, about what I wanted most in life. They kept calling me ‘young prince,’ which, I mean… I know how weird that sounds. But it all felt so intense, like it was leading up to something important.”

Lucian’s eyes drifted out to the horizon. “Then I had to face… well, a shadow of myself, I think. It was huge and terrifying, like it was made of all my doubts and fears.” He let out a small laugh, shaking his head. “Sounds ridiculous now, but it felt so real. I was fighting it, Levi. And somehow, I won. I think it was trying to show me something about myself. Then, I woke up back on the beach.”

He rubbed the back of his neck, nervous after having said all of that. “I know it sounds strange. But after that dream… I feel like I have to see what’s out there. Like I’d be missing something important if I didn’t.”
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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Taivas didn’t seem to care that Levi and Lucian left to go on a jog. He seemed more focused on Zac’s ship. His ship would be the only way he could try to escape this island. “Do you mind if I watch you work on your ship? Perhaps I can learn something about repairing a spaceship?” He asked, watching Zac start to work on fixing his ship. Looking over his shoulder, taking mental notes on how to fix a spaceship. “So you said you're from another world? Where are you from? I don’t remember where I’m from, but I know it’s not here.” Watching Zac working, studying every move he makes. Memorizing everything he was doing, feeling a strange familiarity.

Listening to his explanation of how he travelled. He felt this was a similar experience he had gone through before. But he couldn’t remember if this was explained to him before. He was glad Zac was giving him a crash course of some kind. Quietly listening to Zac mentioning shadowy figures that could be lurking around. Another strange feeling came over him. He looked around and could spot one lurking in the shadows of the palm trees.

A memory was unlocked in his mind. In this memory, he was in some sort of garage speaking to someone. He couldn’t make out their facial features, which were fuzzy. However, he remembered a little bit of the conversation. Their conversation was about Taivas going on a spaceship to visit another world. The reason for the departure was to bring someone back to this person. The words that caught his attention were heart and princess. He didn’t know what this meant as it seemed out of context. Snapping out of his memory, he moved closer to stand beside Zac. Pulling out the locket and showing him the picture. “Have you seen these two while on your travels?
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Zac listened to Morgan before rubbing the back of his neck. "Well...The 'corridors' I mentioned are kinda strange. You don't get to them through what you'd think of when you think of a door. It's more like a hole in space. I'm not sure a door in a forest, though." He paused as something played at the corner of his mind, and added, "Your master must be one powerful magic user, though. Besides using a ship or the corridors, the only other way you could travel to other worlds would be with some serious magic."

Zac jumped slightly at the sudden outburst, but kept his cool. He had a feeling that someone would react like that, so he wasn't all too surprised, nor could he blame him. What surprised him, however, was the flash of light in Alias' hand. There was a distinctly familiar-looking shape amidst the light, one that immediately rang bells in his head. He thought about saying something, but when no one else reacted, he held off. If it was what I think it was, he thought, then it'll make itself known when the time's right. I don't need to rush anything. He raised an eyebrow when Alias went on to talk about what he and Hoshi had been feeling. He reclined back against his ship, looking completely unbothered, and said, "If that's the case, then your friend might really be out there. Who knows, maybe he stumbled into a corridor and wound up on the other side okay or someone used some strong magic on him to whisk him away. If there's one thing I've learned in all my travels, it's that it's never a bad idea to listen to your heart."

He glanced over at Taivas as he asked him where he was from. With a shrug, he said, "Like I said, here and there. Where I'm from doesn't matter too much, at least not anymore." When he showed him the locket, Zac took a close look, searching his memory for those faces, before shrugging as he answered, "Sorry, man. I've been a lot of places and met a lot of people, but I don't think I've ever seen them before."

He fell into a thoughtful silence, then, as he thought about what he had been told. A dark, heavy feeling...a presence in the town across the water... He wished he could talk to everyone else to hear what they had to say, but he knew he had to get to work on his ship. If he had a chance to talk to them, then he would, but that would have to wait. Regardless, he couldn't deny the bad feeling that had started to form in the pit of his stomach. As he turned back toward his ship to work, he heard Hoshi ask if he could take people with him. "I've only got three seats and one of them is mine," he said as he began working on a severed wire. "I'm not particularly opposed to taking anyone with me, but you guys are gonna have to decide who."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Sadu
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Sadu Heavensflame

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hearing how her master must have been incredibly powerful to do the things he claimed he did, Morgan was lost in thought for a few moments. Everyone had their own questions for Zac, and things were getting a bit chaotic. But she ended up mumbling something about how her master was an old, odd man who always spoke of the things he saw in other worlds, and she always thought he was crazy. Funny how that worked out...

"I don't know how... powerful, my master was. He had quite the temper, but even when he was fuming with anger, he was a silly man. He always made me laugh. He was very smart, but he never struck me as the all powerful sort." She looked down at her hand, and after a few moments of thought, she said "I barely remember him. He wore blue all the time, and he had the longest beard I had ever seen... I remember, spending days and days up in his tower reading books. Books about magic, about the stars..." She didn't really know who she was talking to at this point, maybe herself, saying all this out loud, talking through it to help herself try and remember.

Eventually, she looked over to Alias, and rather bluntly said "I did think the raft was a dumb idea..." though, she turned her head away, thinking that was a bit harsh, as she did a soft correction- "I mean, maybe I was just being pessimistic..." with a long sigh she said "What I mean is, if only someone like my master can easily travel between worlds, then something like going out to sea on a raft isn't going to get you anywhere except drowned. Magic comes from an innate ability, and careful study and understanding."

Maybe out of guilt for having shown up out of the blue like she did, and never having so much as thanked them for taking care of her, she felt like she wanted to help, but she just didn't know how. "Maybe, if I could remember what my master taught me... I could open the way. Maybe, some of the Astrology magic I read about..." She of course, had no clue if that was what allowed her master to travel as he did... and the more she tried to remember the words in those books she read, the more she felt dizzy...
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Alias came to his senses once Hoshi called his name. She was right. He was taking it all too personally. He just hated the thought of Kitsu being gone. "I'm sorry..." He conceded softly. Feelings of relief and vindication washed over him when Zac started to believe them and told them to trust in their hearts. He was less concerned about the raft's capabilities and moreso the survival of his brother. So when Morgan reiterated that the raft was a dumb idea he didn't take it as personally as when Zac initially said so.

Alias shook his head at her offer. "No. You can barely remember your past without a headache. Zac said using these other ways are dangerous. I'd never risk a friend to save another." He blushed slightly. The words came out before he realized it. He sounded like a shōnen anime protagonist just now. Morgan hadn't been there long, but she quickly became part of the island's ecosystem and fell in seamlessly with the beach crew, even more than most locals. But he believed this was the first time he called her a friend out loud and showed concern for her life over his own goals.

Before they could react to that or Alias could volunteer for a spot on Zac's ship his father arrived.

The Mayor couldn't believe what he was seeing. His son and his friends were surrounded by two strangers and a very large machine with metal wings. He couldn't even comprehend what was happening. Were they getting kidnapped by aliens? His mind and heart were both racing. The world was spinning. He fell flat on his back creating a loud thud.

Alias turned around to see the Mayor. He must've come to check on the crash from earlier. He was surprised no one else noticed it and came running before. He looked at Hoshi and Morgan. "Hey, I'm gonna take him back to the house and try and convince him this was a dream. Meet me at the Papou Tree with Lucian and Levi later."

He then focused his attention on Taivas and Zac. "I'm sorry again for my outburst earlier. You see I clearly care about my friends and I still don't know you two yet. If either of you hurt my friends there's not a barrier or ocean between worlds that'll stop me from finding you. And Zac if there's a way to hide this while you work on it, you should. More people will keep passing out if you don't."

With all that said and out of the way he ran over to his father. The old man was heavy, but Alias was strong for his age. He had to be. He lifted him from the ground and placed his arm around his shoulders, carrying him back home.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Star Command

Launchpad and Leon marched towards Commander Nebula's office, past several other Rangers and LGM's. As they finally arrived, they heard the sounds of laser fire from within. Not entirely unusual. That meant that Nebula's desk had found him for paperwork. As the commotion within died down, they heard the boss himself yell. "GET IN HERE!!!" Launchpad smiled as he fixed his armour and marched in, Leon simply walked in without a word. They both looked to see Nebula's desk with a hole blown in it, hog-tied in the corner as it thrashed wildly trying to deliver him his paperwork. A giant smoking laser bazooka proped in the corner with Nebula looking out of his window. He was visibly panting. Nebula was a terrifying individual in combat, despite his advanced age, missing leg and being confined to Desk Duty. Everyone around agreed that the only reason he had agreed to get promoted out of the field was because of Buzz being around, the only man in he universe almost as deadly as himself. "Fall in Rookies." He ordered. Launchpad and Leon stood to attention.

Nebula marched over to the hog-tied desk and riffled through the drawers, before pulling out a pair of files. "Launchpad McQuack." He announced, going through the rather large file. "Age: 31. Species: Duck. Place of Origin: Duckberg. Specialization: Hand-To-Hand Combat. Former Specializations: Piloting, Dogfighting, Logistics. Psyche-Profile: Suffers from Delusions of Grandeur. Seems to have a misguided belief that he's an ace pilot, despite having crashed almost every ship he has ever been trusted with. His background report claims he has flown for a great many years, but his Star Command record seems to imply that he has never actually landed successfully in his life." Launchpad did the quick maths on his fingers... He could remember at least twice when he landed a plane. "Promotion prospects: Likely, if he applies himself to his Hand-to-hand combat. Dishonourable discharge likely if he applies to more piloting. Mental Aptitude:... N/A..." Nebula raised an eyebrow.

"What? I've never been good at tests!" Launchpad responded. Nebula rolled his eyes before flicking to Leons considerably smaller record.

"Leon Esla, Age: 41. Species: Lilty. Place of Origin: Altifaria. Specialization: Heavy Weapons. Former specializations: Sharpshooting, Weapons Development. Psyche-Profile: Refuses to communicate on a social level with his fellow rangers, although seems to be fierceley protective of them. Was removed from Weapons Development in order to try and foster more social skills, but this seems to have failed. Believed to be suffering some form of extremely severe PTSD, but it's not effecting his work, nor is he interested in dealing with it. Promotion prospects: Highly likely if suspected PTSD is dealt with. None otherwise. Mental Aptitude: While not necessarily book smart, does show an extremely intimate knowledge in the fields he specializes in. Nebula threw the files through the air without looking at them, his Hog-Tied desk managing to jump up and grab them in the correct drawers before landing again. "Rangers, you two are the ABSOLUTE LAST Rangers i would consider putting on a task such as this... But it's not my decision. Comes from higher up than me." Launchpad and Leon looked at each other, both slightly confused.

"Ya mean there's someone higher up the food chain than you?..." Nebula gave Launchpad a look that would burn a hole in the skull of a lesser man. Launchpad then snapped back to attention "Sir?"

"Who is above me is none of your concern." Nebula stated. "What is your concern is that you are going undercover in Traverse town. Reports that the Heartless are going to be making a move there are concerning the higher ups and they specifically requested you two. Don't ask me why, i don't know why, and i probably don't WANT to know why. But they want you two. So, stow those Ranger Armours and take only the bare necessities of weapons. Elemental ones if you're going up against the Heartless. He grunted. "AND THAT MEANS NO PLASMA BAZOOKA!" He roared at Leon, who simply saluted back. "Dismissed." Nebula sat back down in his chair. As the pair left and the door closed behind them-


The pair looked at each other. "Well, Leon, it'll be great workin' with ya." Launchpad chuckled, extending a hand. Leon looked at the hand, then shook it. The pair then walked off to their quarters to prepare for the assignment.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hoshi could barely contain herslf. A ship that could get off world had literally fallen from the sky. The owner was seemingly on the level. And to boot, he was able and willing to bring people with him when he left. Thoughts of the raft had all but evaporated from her train of thought as she shivered and smiled. Maybe, if they got off the Islands, they could even get their own ship; finding Tsu would be a breeze.

The one issue, however minor, was the limited seating. That reality brought Hoshi ever so slightly back down to from cloud nine. The question of who the two passengers would be bored itself into her mind. She passed a cursory glance at those that remained nearby. Taivas was a shoe-in for a spot to leave; he had only come around that morning, had no place to go or stay, and seemed intent on getting himself on his way. That left one seat for the 'Island Five.' They'd need to be in agreement on who that would be.

Like the ship not long before, Hoshi's musing dropped down to earth.

"Yeah," she said, turning to Alias, who was craddling the sudden passed-out mayor. "I'm gonna go find Levi and Lucian. Gotta tell them what's up. We'll sus out the plan later." She bolted off toward the beachfront on the other side of the Island. She dashed across the beach, ducking casually through a sword duel between a boy with spikey brown hair and another with slick, shoulder-length silvery hair, ignoring their shocked "whas" as she headed toward the dock.

She was passing by the small waterfall pond when she stopped dead in her tracks. Certain someome had called out to her, she looked beyond the pool of water, to the opening under a nearby tree. In a near trance-like state she made her way towards the opening... the "Secret Place." A misnomer, given that all of the kids knew about it and had been inside at least once. It drew Hoshi's attention like a magnet. Leading chest first, she swiftly made her way through the space between the rocks and into tight cave. She could swear she heard someone at the end of the passage.

"Hello? Lucian? Levi? You two in here?" She reached the dead end, where the old, weathered, wooden door rest completely out of place. It was the most curious thing on the island, especially given that there seemed to be no way to open it from inside the cave; most had written it off as a piece of driftwood left there to either decorate the space or spark interest and intruige; a long running prank to get people talking. Other than that, there was little else beyong the etched drawings and message scrawls on the stones left by the Islanders over the years.

Hoshi bided her time looking at the works, especially one from a few years ago: a rough sketch of herself and Alias sharing one of the mystical Paupu fruits. The fruits were said to have the power to bind the destinies of those who shared one. Levi had made the drawing about three years ago, mostly as a joke, so Hoshi had guessed when she had watched him put it there. Still, she figured a part of him was being genuine about it. She couldn't help but beam i nearnest sentimentality at the sketch. Her and Alias...

"Uh?" something behind her caught her attention. She wheeled around to an unsettling sight...
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Bacon
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Bacon The Dark Lord

Member Seen 40 min ago

Levi smiled at the encouraging words from Lucian. He always had a gift for knowing just what to say, for knowing exactly how to quiet those small voices of doubt. When Lucian started to talk about his dream, it had defiantly peaked Levi's interest to say the least. He'd read a book or two on how dreams worked, and from how vividly he could describe it, and how it apparently wasn't a nightmare, Levi figured that was no normal dream.

"Well... I don't know what the young prince thing is about. But... if I'm remembering correctly from a book I read a bit back, dreams are where your conscious mind and subconscious mind can effectively communicate. So, if you were able to fight a manifestation of your doubts and fears, and win? That says a lot about you. They say courage isn't the absence of fear, but acting in spite of it. So, in a way, you could see that as... maybe some metaphorical representation of courage?" He said, only partially sure. He was going off of half-remembered information, and trying his best to help his friend with it.

"Then, of course, there's another notable part to that. You remember it, seemingly vividly. And, from what you told me, I'd call that more of a lucid dream than a nightmare. By what I know, you shouldn't be remembering it this vividly if it was just a normal dream. Which tells me... it wasn't." He seemed partially concerned. They knew magic was real now, so that could be anything. A vision? A message? There wasn't any way for either of them to know, as they didn't know nearly enough to tell.

"And hey. I'm heading out to watch the others backs anyways, so what's one more person? You at least, I don't have to hold back whenever someone implies that Hitsu's dead." He chuckled a little, then turned to look at the horizon as they continued to run.

"Other worlds, huh? Well... I'm sure I can come up with something to feed everyone's parents. I don't think they'll believe me, or let you all leave, if I just said that we're leaving to new worlds. I was offered a job on another island the other day, so maybe I could say I'm bringing you with me? Change of scenery being good for recovery and all that." He said, referencing the fact that most, himself included, figured that they were just refusing go let go after Hitsu's death. The change of scenery bit wasn't lying, at least. This way, if he's wrong than good. It means their friend is still alive. If he's right, if gives those two a chance to accept it. It'd be good for them either way. Plus, Morgan gets a chance to find out where she's from, and Taivas gets to go home. All of this assuming that Zac lets them board his vessel, of course. Seeing how relaxed he was with the whole 'falling from the sky' thing told him he'd be alright with taking a few passengers, though.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Little Bird x King Kindred; Hoshi x Cloaked Figure))

In the dark shadows of the cave stood a tall, slightly slouched figure dressed in a brown cloak. At first it appeared that they blended into the tree next to them. The figure's face was hidden by the cloak. It almost appeared as if they had no face. It was only their voice that confirmed it was a man. “I've come to see the door to this world. This world has been connected.”

Rebounding herself from the initial shock of the figure standing before her, Hoshi gathered her confidence and held firm and tall. She had never seen this person around before; That’s three in one day… As tall as she could stand, Hoshi fell short by a significant length. She quickly and smoothly resigned her stance to the reality that he was simply larger than she was. Yet her composure fell no shorter when she spoke. “Are you the one that called me here?”

The cloaked figure stood there silently, not showing signs of understanding her question or a willingness to answer it. He shook his head before deciding to give her a vague answer. This was her quest. All he'd give her is a nudge in the right direction. “Hearts are always calling out, looking for home.”

Hoshi eyed the cloaked person, contemplating his words. The feeling that had drawn her into the Secret Place had subsided. But the aftermath of soreness behind her sternum was in agreement with the man’s words. Is that what she had felt? A Heart calling out? Could it have been him? Hoshi maintained her eyes on the strange man, hoping he’d explain further.

He looked past her at the images scrawled on the wall. Even if the drawing was a bit crude he recognized the two individuals. One was clearly her and the other was the boy… “That boy…” He started, changing the subject. “is cursed by darkness. The dark hole in his heart will swallow all he holds dear.”

“What?” Hoshi looked over her shoulder at the etching of herself and Alias. “Alias is cursed?” She questioned in a whisper. She shook her head and looked back at the man. His earlier comment about the door stuck out to her. “What’s on the other side of the door?”

“You and your friends understand very little about your world and the worlds beyond yours.” The cloaked man said softly. “People aren't the only ones with hearts. Listen and you'll hear the hum of the world calling out.” He decided to give her answers that would force her to reach the hidden meanings on her own. “But just like in people, darkness lies in the hearts of worlds.”

“The Worlds have Hearts?” She looked over her shoulder at the door. “Is that what this is?” She turned, full body, and approached the aged slab of wood. “The Heart of Our World… if we could open it… but we’ve tried to…”

“You still don't understand. If the door was opened your world would be changed forever…” He paused, unsure if he should continue. He decided to and spoke again. “Those without hearts would consume those with hearts. This world will become dark. Your greatest nightmares realized.”

“Oh. Well that kills that idea.” Hoshi was audibly disappointed; the hope that the door might be a path off world had taken her interest. “Who are you anyways?” She pivoted back around to face the cloaked man. “Wait, what?”

Hoshi would turn to see the mysterious figure no longer there. He didn't even seem to leave a sign that he was even there. Was he real, or did she just imagine him?

“Weird… where’d he go?”

((@Bacon, @Crimson Flame))

Left with more questions than answers, Hoshi made her way outside and returned to the beach. When the sunlight caught her, she remembered that she had been looking for Lucian and Levi. Now free of distractions, it didn’t take long to find them; a quick scan up, down, and along the beachfront and she saw the pair together. She sprinted towards them. “Hey! she called out. “I’ve got good news and slightly-less-good news!”
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