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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Cascade, at first, had put her trident away to keep herself from attacking the imp. But then he started crying out again for another deal. She noticed that the imp was looking at the gift she carved for Rala with greedy eyes.

She unsheathes her trident again and she angrily booms at the imp, "By Deep Sashelas, Are you deaf?! Let me try speaking louder for you: We! Said! NO! NOW! GET! LOST!"

It's clear that Cascade's patience with this imp is wearing thin. The fact that he is trying to use his cheap tricks to get his grubby claws on the gift she carved for Rala in payment for their assistance, is definitely irritating for Cascade. Cascade had carved that specifically for Rala in mind, and Deep Sashelas had seen fit to bless it during her carving of that gift!

...And she can't deny that a part of her is scared that Rala would give that gift to that imp and to this Nanna May....

...As though the gift means nothing to her...
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by LostDestiny
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Aura's senses went back to her own and she slid off the wagon and back onto the ground. She walked back toward the imp, passed Cascade, putting a hand on the water genasi's shoulder and squeezing a little before moving closer to the imp and leaning down.

"Little buddy does appear to have some hearing issues, perhaps he only hears what he wants to hear, don't you know making deals with genie and genie kin is just as bad as making deals with devils?" There was a sickly sweet tone to her voice that she only used when Aura was annoyed but hiding it, or when she was up to something. (Think customer service voice) "Perhaps we like the challenge and don't want an easy way out. But please, do tell what is the supposed deal, what on this and every other plan do you think we would trade our souls for? Hmm?" It was at this point that most of the party would realize that Aura was simply playing with this Imp now. He wanted to be a bother, she would get her entertainment out of this one way or another. After all the travel here had been quite boring, why not make things interesting now? "And remember dear imp, tread lightly, I am well versed in making deals and bargains with otherworldly beings." A partial truth to be sure but one that might make the imp rethink at least how it approached this situation.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Jørmund halts the cart and let's out an exasperated sigh. This imp would not get the hint. The cleric went to the back of the cart and grabbed his shovel and rope from where he set his pack. He checked one of the barrels of ale to see how much was left in there before starting to dig a hole by the side of the road. Periodically he paused to drink from the barrel in an attempt to make sure it was mostly emptied. While the others continued to talk with the imp, Jørmund dug until the hole was deep enough to hold the barrel and could be covered with at least a foot of dirt.

"Anyone who wants any more of this ale better get some now." Was all he said while he dug.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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When the imp called out to the group once more, Flicker looked equally ready to round on the small fiend alongside Cascade, the hair on their head slowly starting to resemble flames. However, they didn't get a chance before Aura stepped in, causing Flicker's rage to freeze for a moment. They raised an eyebrow as Aura stepped forward, starting to talk about deals with geniekin and the like. She was up to something, though Flicker had no idea what.

The fire genasi let out a sigh to calm themself before placing a hang on Cascade's shoulder, hoping this would stop her from lunging at the creature and allow Aura to do... whatever it was she was trying to do. They had to trust that there was a point to whatever-this-was.

Jørmund seemed to take this pause in their journey to open a barrel of liquer, even offering some to the rest of the group. Flicker gave their teammate a look. "Surprisingly, Jørmund, my stance on drinking has not changed since the last time you asked me," the fire genasi responded drily. They were attempting to sound joking in their tone, but given how tense they were at this moment, it probably came off sharper than they meant.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"By Deep Sashelas, Are you deaf?! Let me try speaking louder for you: We! Said! NO! NOW! GET! LOST!" Came Cascade's angry answer.

"My my... so quick to decline an offer so generous?" Mar'a'gan mused in response. "At least hear the terms first."

"Little buddy does appear to have some hearing issues, perhaps he only hears what he wants to hear, don't you know making deals with genie and genie kin is just as bad as making deals with devils?" An annoyed Aura spoke up then. "Perhaps we like the challenge and don't want an easy way out. But please, do tell what is the supposed deal, what on this and every other plan do you think we would trade our souls for? Hmm? And remember dear imp, tread lightly, I am well versed in making deals and bargains with otherworldly beings."

"You think I'm the one that will make this deal?" Mar'a'gan asked in confusion before chuckling to himself and shaking his head. "Of course you do. I have never been all that good at explaining these things. You will not be making this deal with me. It is my master you will bargain with."

"Anyone who wants any more of this ale better get some now."

"Surprisingly, Jørmund, my stance on drinking has not changed since the last time you asked me,"

"A master I should get to summoning." Mar'a'gan said, the implications of Jørmund's words and actions finally unnerving the imp. The tiny fiend clapped his hands twice then, causing a scroll to appear floating mid air in front of him in a whoosh of flame. The scroll unfurled with a gesture from the imp. Six seconds of infernal chanting later, a fiery portal sparked into being five feet away from the stump upon which Mar'a'gan stood.

Through this portal stepped a woman. The woman appeared human but possessed a preternatural beauty with ivory skin, long flowing light-brown hair, and golden eyes. She was clad in an elegant red dress and a held a dainty red parasol with her left hand. The woman's eyes swept across the party, pausing briefly over each member, before finally coming to rest on Rala. "An impressive find, Mar'a'gan." The woman spoke then to the imp though her eyes never left Rala, or more specifically the bracer that Rala possessed. "You will be well rewarded for this."

"Thank you, master." Mar'a'gan said with a deep bow.

The woman then took a single step forward towards the party and curtseyed like a courtly noble. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances, Adventurers." She said. "Madam Souise. That is my name. And I would like to offer you so much in exchange for so little." Madam Souise righted herself from her curtsey before continuing. "I understand that a vast raiding expedition from the Northlands will soon descend upon the Southern Coast. You go now to defend a small port town from this threat. I however could do so for you with a swiftness and efficiency far grater than any mortal efforts may endeavor to achieve. All I ask for in return is that finely crafted wooden bracer that rests upon your companion's wrist."

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Cascade looks to Aura and Flicker as they each place a gentle hand on her shoulders to keep her from lunging at the imp. She looks to each of them as Aura moves to begin...talking to the imp? She looks to Flicker and got the sense that they were placing their trust in Aura right now. She...had no idea what Jormund was doing with the hole and the ale.

Her attention was drawn back to the imp as he began to summon his 'Master'. Upon seeing this take place, she drew out her trident, getting ready for a possible fight. She tensed as the master summoned appeared. Apparently the master is a beautiful woman who wore an elegant dress and carried a parasol.

Cascade immediately thought of an Anglerfish upon seeing her: Her beautiful appearance was nothing but a lure, to distract from her true nature; The Anglerfish's true face and predatory nature. Her offer is as much of a lure as her appearance.

Cascade hears Deep Sashelas' words among the sound of crashing waves and dolphin whistles, but...

"Deep Sashelas...Something's wrong! I couldn't get your message. I'm sorry...!" Cascade tried to answer back silently with a short prayer.

She focused her attention back to the demon standing in front of them, and she answers her glaring at her, "We kept telling your imp: We. Said. No. Deep Sashelas's blessing is not meant for you, and we will never accept help from anglerfish such as yourself,"
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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Madame Souise met Cascade's glare with something that vaguely resembled curiosity on her face. "You will never accept my help?" Madame Souise asked with an inquisitive tilt of her head. "Even if doing so means sacrificing those you have set out to save? Because that is what will happen. I've seen battles such as the one you prepare to face play out many times before. If Northlander longships land on Zephyr's shores, the very best you could hope for is losing nine of your own before driving the raiders back. And when I say the very best, I do mean the very best. Each of you would have to strike flawlessly with every attack you make. Anything less than perfection on your part once battle is joined would mean more deaths on top of the inevitable nine." Madame Souise gestured towards Jørmund with her free hand then. "And if you need more proof of that than my word alone, you need look no further than the one you sought out for help in the first place."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Jørmund stopped digging the hole and stuck the head of the shovel onto the earth. He looked over to the imp and this Madame Souise and frowned as she made her commentary.

"And just what are you trying to imply? You say you've seen such things before and that might be. How am I proof of what you speak? What do you know of me?" The earth Genasi crossed his arms glaring at the woman who had appeared before the group. He was liking this less and less as this Madame Souise continued to delay the groups arrival to Cascade's home.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"I know that you are the folk hero Jørmund Hammer Fist. Famed in song and story for valiantly defending against the onslaught of marauding raiders and giving Haraldr Flat Nose the flat nose for which he is named." Madam Souise replied. "I also know that you undoubtedly carry with you the burden of those defenders that followed you to their deaths that day. Your fellow Northmen are a fierce people, so any force arrayed against them rarely comes away from the battle with as many warriors as were present for the outset. Tell me... do you truly wish to increase that burden you carry? Do you truly wish to see your companions shoulder that same weight themselves?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Aura crossed her arms and looked over her companions, each seeming to be more riled than the next. She held back laughter as Cascade called this woman an anglerfish. "I am told it's bad mannors to give away gifts from friends especially first gifts. And attempting to guilt my friend here into making the choice you want them to make is certainly a tactic, one I am afraid I might have taken the libery of hardening them to in my time with with them. Take the hint, and take a hike. I am sure there are many short piers you can take a long walk off of around here." Her tone remaining casual and calm as she spoke.

She tunred to her companions. "We have entertained this enough I think, it's a waste of time and we should really get moving, after all, an item a devil or fiend, or whatever this lady might be, is interested in is certainly one worht holding onto in my books." She was bored of this game and the sooner they left it behind the better for everyone involved. The being was trying to get under their skin, waste their time, she wasn't entirely sure but she didn't like it any more than anyone else did.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Flicker had been quiet during this whole exchange, not wanting to escalate the situation as they no idea exactly who this strange woman was or what she could do, but anyone who was looking in their direction would notice their hands forming into fists and small flames beginning to form in their hair. They didn't like how this woman was trying to guilt both Cascade and Jørmund into accepting her offer... and liked even less how much her words made a sort of twisted sense.

They took another deep breath before opening their hands and, somewhat hesitantly, placed one on Cascade's shoulder. "There are other ways - better ways - to deal with a problem then immediately jumping to deals with fiends," they said. They glanced over at their friends. "And we can definitely discuss those once we are in our own company." As much as they hate to admit it, the woman's word had sparked a feeling of anxiety within them, and they were keen to get away from her as quickly as possible before than anxiety became worse.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Cascade felt a wide variety of emotions as this demon anglerfish answered her words. Anger, confusion, guilt, and doubt all threatened to consume her like an insidious, all consuming whirlpool. She gritted her teeth, clenched her jaw, and balled up her fists tightly as she weathered through all of the intrusive thoughts the demon introduced to her mind.

What she especially didn't like, was that this demon was trying to do the same thing to Jormund! She focused on that and kept on glaring at her.

But thankfully, Aura and Flicker came through! Like a sun and summer breeze, they cut through the tempest of Cascade's emotions. She looks to Aura as she stepped forward and spoke, causing Cascade's glare to disappear.

Then there was Flicker's hand, warm to the touch, on her shoulder. She gave a smile to Flicker, to her friends, and gave them all a nod in encouraged agreement, and one of trust. She gives a hard stare at the demon and she finishes, "Right! We stared at this anglerfish's light for way too long already. Let's go,"

She then looks to Rala, and she speaks, "Auntie Rala, let's get going,"

At that she turns her back to the demon and starts walking, leading the way to Zephyr.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Jørmund's frown deeped as this Madam Souise continued. He stood there in the falling snow the handle of the shovel gripped tightly in his hand. Part of her words rang true, the northerners were fierce fighters and losses were not uncommon. The feeling of having led others to their death defending home was one that Jørmund dealt with and it was different than the battle at the camp. Those were people he did not know so the pain of loss was not as strong. Souise was right only in that Jørmund did not want his friends to suffer the same feeling.

"I've heard enough from you. You have not given us any reason to trust any of your dealings. The only thing you have convinced me of is that you will say whatever to get what you want. All that shows me is what you word is truly worth. " He turned to the cart and put the shovel back in the back.

Grumbling in primordial, he grabbed the lead for the horses and started to walk towards the village.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by rush99999
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Seeing that the party had pretty firmly decided against dealing with her, Madam Souise simply smiled. "Well if that how you want to play it then by all means, go right ahead." She said. "But should you ever find your homes in peril or your nemeses nipping at your heels... should you ever require assistance contending with any one, from the gods themselves to you yourself... or should you ever just find yourself in need of a stiff drink yet find that there are no taverns around to quench that thirst... know that Mar'a'gan will always be close by and I myself am but one cast of Sending away." With that said, Madam Souise stepped back through the portal, which closed behind her a moment later.
Hidden 4 hrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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Looking out over the village, Jørmund went into a brief trance staring to the earth beneath him. Anyone close enough would hear him muttering about where the forge was he was hearing.

The feeling of a stronger connection with Tharmekhûl washed over Jørmund as he snapped out of his trance. He was not entirely sure which things recently done the deity considered impressive. That might need to be something to ponder on later. The biting cold reminded him that standing in the road in this weather was probably not a good idea.

He plodded forward leading the horses and the cart down the hill to the village. "You said it's not normally this cold Cascade. Does it ever get close to this kind of cold?"
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