[ ❇ ] N A M E
André Bellamy
[ ❇ ] O C C U P A T I O N
Famous Actor, Fairy Type Specialist
[ ❇ ] B A C K S T O R Y
Born in Lumiose City, Kalos, André's childhood is not what one would consider normal. His mother was Michelle LeBeau, a well known socialite and actress. She was a tabloid fixture known as much for her love life, and party girl lifestyle, than she was for her acting ability. She had flings with men, women, anybody she found interesting. She probably never would not have gotten married at all had she not gotten pregnant after a fling with fellow French actor Charles Bellamy. He was a serious actor, focused more on his craft than being a celebrity. They got married because their publicists thought it would be good for both of their careers to marry. Michelle and Charles Bellamy became even bigger stars once they got married, and had their son, which they named André. They sold the rights to their baby's first photos to a tabloid for a substantial amount of money, and both of them were offered a lot more film roles than before. They became a power couple in the film industry.
Since his birth he's been in the lap of luxury. His parents are both famous actors, and since his birth he's been in the lap of luxury. Due to his parents being famous actors, and therefore often busy, André rarely ever saw them. He was also homeschooled for a while, and was rarely able to leave the house. He felt lonely being in a big empty mansion with only caretakers that were too busy to keep the kid entertained. André's parents brought him expensive toys to make it up to him. For a while the shiny new toy would make him feel less lonely, but soon he would get bored of it, and the loneliness came back. He thought something better would solve the problem. When his parents announced a new trip, the young boy cried, and of course, his parents brought him a new, better, more expensive gift once they got back. The same thing happened, it would make him feel good for a while, but soon he'd get bored again. He would continue to ask and receive more and more expensive things throughout his childhood. It was great, and André grew accustomed to wealth and having anything he wanted on a whim. It was nice, but it still wasn't enough, the bad feelings still didn't go away.
André recieved his first Pokemon from his parents. He asked his parents for a sibling so he would have someone to play with. His parents laughed, and said they would work on it. Shortly after that, his parents brought home an adorable Cleffa that he named Jolie for their son, and the subject of wanting a sibling was dropped. André bonded with this Cleffa quickly due to their similar natures. She is the only gift his parents gave him that André hasn't grown tired of. She is the closest friend André has ever had. After doing research, and learning about the Fairy type, as well as the complete lack of male Fairy type specialists, André decided he would catch more Fairy types.
At some point, his parents thought it was a good idea for him to start interacting with other kids, so they enrolled him in a private school. When André started going to school, and meeting other people his age, he got a lot of attention from them due to being the child of famous movie stars. At recess, every kid wanted to play with him. Being with others made him feel just as good, if not better, than opening up a brand new toy. It was then he thought that if new toys won't help, then maybe people will. During this time, he made a small group of friends that André was very close to. They were all different, but somehow they all get along. They all dreamed they would go on a journey together. For a while, André was happy. Then he had to move, and leave his new friends behind, and André was sad again.
At the age of thirteen, André's family moved to Virbank City, to further their careers. There, his parents encouraged their son to follow in their footsteps, and become an Actor. They put him in acting classes, and used their connections to pull a few strings, and get him and his Cleffa a starring role in a major film. He didn't want to do this at first, but did it anyway to please his parents. While making the movie, he came to enjoy being on a movie set, and acting. When his first movie went to theaters, and became a box-office success, he enjoyed all the fame and attention it brought him. Or more specifically, he liked all the adoring fans. He also enjoyed the piles of money, expensive things, and all the glamour that being a movie star brings. He decided to pursue a film career, while also attending school when he wasn't filming. After doing that for a few years, he became as famous and successful as his parents. He is often chased by Papparazzi and crazed fans, and he is also often the subject of ridiculous rumors in gossip magazines. Usually, they involve him spending absurd amounts of money on something lavish, being seen at a party, or romance rumors with various other celeberties. (Not long after hitting puberty, he discovered how attractive people were, and the joys of love. Although he's never had a serious romantic relationship, much to his disappointment.) He doesn't mind all the craziness that much. As long as he has all his adoring fans, then all is well.
André has everything now, devoted fans, a luxurious life, and piles of money at his disposal. Despite this, he still isn't satisfied. He feels like something is missing, but he isn't sure what that is. He received an invitation to attend the Pokétopia Battle Resort as a celebrity guest. Of course he was going to go. He wasn’t going to deny people the pleasure of his company. As well as the opportunity to show off his beautiful fairies.
[ ❇ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y
First off, André has tastes that are usually considered femmine. His favorite color is pink, and a lot of his things are pink and have hearts on them. He likes fashion, and he has a taste for cute things, and he's not really emabrrased by it. He really doesn't understand why boys in this country have an issue with guys liking that kind of thing. He just guesses it's because they're insecure about their masculinity. André is very obsessed with beauty and looking good. As a movie star, he feels he has to maintain a certain image, and because people don't want to be friends with an ugly person. He always makes sure he is perfectly groomed before leaving the house, and as such it takes him a while to get ready in the morning. Because he puts so much effort into looking good, he hates getting dirty, as it ruins all the work he put in.
He really values his relationships. He doesn't like to be alone, so he goes to great lengths to make friends and fans everywhere he goes. He often attends parties to meet new people. For the same reason, he also likes love and romance, and as such he comes across as a flirt. He openly hits on people (he's openly bisexual, so guys as well as girls) he considers to be attractive, though he is usually more polite about it then most guys, because he is genuinely looking for a relationship. He is very touchy-feely in his flirting, and openly expresses affection through hugs, kisses, caressing, and other forms of touching. He enjoys it when people respond in the same way. He also likes pairing people up who he thinks would make a good couple, regardless of gender and orientation, and jokingly teasing the two involved.
He can be charming and manipulative when he wants to be. He uses his charm, charisma, and the occasional bribe to get what he wants from people. He knows just what to say to win people over, which sometimes helps him get his way in many situations. While he is polite and well-mannered, and typically acts friendly towards others, he treats people like objects to make himself feel better. He can be self-centered, and disregards how other people feel and what they need if it's not benefiting him somehow. It's not something he does consciously, it's just how he is. He was brought up believing that people's affections can be bought, and it's worked out for him so far.
Having become used to being given whatever he wants, André has been spoiled by wealth. He has an appreciation for the finer things in life. He wears expensive clothes, drives around in fancy cars, takes exotic vacations, and freely spends money like it grows on trees. He is very generous with his money, since he has so much of it, trading a a few dollars for something better is no problem. He's also found it much easier to woo people with money. He especially enjoys being famous, and being adored by many. He doesn't mind the the craziness that comes with being a cleberty either. Bad publicity is still publicity, as long as people are talking about you, then that's all that matters. André has always been accustomed to life on top. His worst fear is losing it all, whether that be ruining his movie career, or losing his hard earned friends.
[ ❇ ] P O K È M O N

Jolie the Clefable
Angelique the Togekiss
Pierre the Shiny Gardevoir
Clé the Klefki
Jeanne the Sylveon
Sophie the Azumarill