"Our past does not determine who we are now"
Government Form:
A Kleptocracy/kratocracy/plutocratic league of Warlords
A feudal State
The human population or as they call themselves Descendants. As in Descendants of the ancient 8 kings hence why they call themselves, they are a strange sight to behold, for a regular human, the iris of their eye glows in 8 different colors that is linked to the ancestry to one of the eight kings with heterochromia only happening when one is a descendant of two kings, but that is also not the most unusual fact about Descendants they are widely considered to be master engineers, not in the sense of their culture leads to then being able to favor engineering its that they are naturally born with genetical knowledge of engineering with children being able to fix machines, and in some rare cases design nuclear reactors at young ages, not much is known for why this happens, it is widely believed it's sort of a genetic memory. Other oddities of the Descendants or the Vusarian Humanoid include a near complete inexistence of diseases affecting their population, infections do not exist, instead the most common act of death is starvation, old age causing one to drop dead, and intentional killing by another human or animal. Some other genetic tendencies include a near tribal mentality akin to brotherhood towards one's own descendancy of a specific king, that culturally speaking they attempt to diminish so that events of the past do not repeat themselves as they say. Besides their internal behavior, their appearance is still different, including sharpened teeth being widely common, flexible tongues and pointy ears also being extremely widespread.
Total Population of the entire system totals in average at 3.5 Billion.
What is humanity for a Vusarian?:
Planets Vusary is the homeworld and only habitable planet of the star system, surrounded by three shattered moons, which are cracked with volcanic ravines, they look almost destroyed and chunks barely cobbled together, the world itself has 1.2 G’s of gravity orbiting a K type star. Said world is an arid world with large rivers and lakes, its oceans or seas as they are better put, due to them being rather small. Megacities dotting its surface together with giant ruins and abandoned infrastructure that is very alien in technology and design, being dated to be twenty thousand years old with life being archaeologically dated to be around 4 billion years old.
Little to no known anomalies exist in Vusary, planet life on the other hand is considered quite dangerous with life being adapted to be very aggressive and defensive. Flora is also known to be somewhat more habitable with Vusarians using their
Other worlds are strange to say the least; three gas giants are mapped with their frozen and equally cracked rocky moons being settled with mines being rather far. Meanwhile there is just one other mapped world a planet that seems in transition state between gas giant and rocky world thanks to absorption of gas around it.
Now for the rest of the Star system the Vusarians inhabit, many space stations dotting a rather broad area around its native star together with equally dangerous space derelicts of former space stations and gigantic ships with some still having automated defenses still active. Now what makes things more strange for the system is that while the star is 5 billion years old and will continue to burn for billions more the system itself can easily be classified as having a proto-planetary disk due to the amount of asteroid and space dust and lack of worlds.
HistoryThe history of Vusary and the league is considered the hardest thing to decipher, due to a lack of information pre what is called the dark era. Most information being passed orally also makes information gathering difficult. The best records layed are those that divide things between mythological and after league establishment, the information below is a combination of all that is known.
-Mythological HistoryLong ago the ancient mother Gael that fostered and grew, humanity, grew sick by the actions of her children, the races of man sending them out to explore the great beyond to save themselves from her death. The destruction of Gael made man weep for many days as its people mourned fleeing in the one great vessel, Mokro that fled the destruction wrought by the death of the ancient mother, eight great man, eight leaders, eight brothers of their people, counseled them as they arrived here in Vusary on its ancient lost green lush fields a new eden.
When they arrived in Vusary of old it was said they found their natives an alien race insect species called the Monuk. Their kind was gentle to offer the ancestors refugee in their world, the eight leaders shared with them the knowledge of man, its culture, power, fears, and glory the Monuk in return gave them land, wisdom, and knowledge of technologies never seen from powers to harvest the hearts of worlds, the energy of gas giants, to turn wastelands into green valleys, to become immortal and near godlike and the mightiest of all, the power to harvest the second sun for energy. The kindest gift of them was granting them land to rule over, in Vusary, to the ancient rulers and their followers. Bael, Kal, Niko, Naro, Jale, Luka, Utya, and Vixtra the immortal lords of our peoples. First they debated on how to rule but soon they found bitterness over who should lead. Dividing themselves on their best traits Bael saying, that he was the smartest and had more knowledge of leadership, believing he should lead, Nikor stating his strength would lead them, Kal that her kindness and ability to do good should lead them, Naro with his wits and eloquence, Jale with his ways of making good deals, and economic thought, Luka with his science and knowledge, Uytya with her energy and will, and Vixtra with her schemes and ability to trick others.
Unable to agree, they bickered and almost fought until their followers urged for a compromise and so they settled in one they would split what was granted to them. So they went off Mokro, sending their followers and themselves in the new world, splitting it up amongst them and their descendants co existing with the Monuk. Peace reigned initially but not forever, for different from the Monuk man was ambitious too much for its gain and different from the Monuk united in goal man was split and divided conflict brews.
Once the siblings loved each other. But once their cities grew some grew faster and bigger then the others and their love faded out of jealousy growing into jealousy. Their jealousy outmatched them building great monuments triggering anger in themselves. But at that time peace could still reign but it couldn't because in anger they builded armies and used the gifts of their cooperation with the Monuk to build great armies and fleets of power capable of destroying continents. From anger they moved to fear and from fear it burned into hatred of their once brothers and sisters.
In hatred from each other they builded even mightier weapons and consumed more resources. But also did the biggest crimes yet they made, using their power and might, they turned their children and the children of their followers into monsters and those who did not fight and protested against them. Into beings that mirrored their thoughts and ways this is how we came into being. But also the most horrific of things they did to themselves turning into monsters that haunted their lands;
The Monuk at first friendly were horrified by the power and might that the eight kings amassed and what they did to themselves and their children. At first they attempted to control them but the Monuk could not control the forces of man of the Monuk did not have reasons to compete to fight to even hate each other as much as man hated itself and its fellows. While for many a weakness for humans its a strength for conflict was eternal and with it change and growth could accumulate. But even change and growth must be restrained by the hand of calm and patience and the eight kings didn't have that. The Monuk once mightier than man now were weaker, their power obfuscated by the power of the eight kings and their nations. Soon becoming absorbed by them in fear of becoming targets of the eight kings wrath.
Soon the kings continued to grow, creating weapons that haunt the lands of Vusary to this day. The mutants that now infest the dead lands and the valleys of radiation. The machines that destroy cities and cause wars and devastation in the cyber wars of today. But also the most powerful of weapons is the trident of Mokro named after the ship that brought us to this world. The trident was able to control the two suns to dangerous effects using the knowledge of the Monuk fearful of its power they urged the kings to never use it and they promised to them. But lied to them as well for in their hearts the trident was a weapon against their most hated foe.
Their hatred grew until it couldn't anymore and war plagued Bursary and the worlds around. The kings send their children and their loved ones to die in their petty wars. Rivers blood flowed, seas turned red and many died for their hatred was with no equal even when bodies piled as high as mountains in battles fought in the green fields of Vusary they never accepted peace for their hatred burned as bright as the sun. But the war as brutal as it was, their children slave to them as it was and the Monuk fearful as they were could not held on forever and so the wars began to come to a close but they feared their end the end of their power as their children turned against them and in their fear and hated they committed the greatest sin of all.
Using the Trident of Mokro they used the power hoping to end the war instead it caused their end and the end of all that was good for the second sun exploded and Vusary seemed about to shatter and break into a thousand pieces but the Monuk seeing the upcoming end of their world and humanity sacrificed themselves to save the innocent and in the last actions cursed the kings to walk the land burned and cursed by their sins and tainted by the blood they shed and to forever drip from, their hands and for then to never again to find the love their children gave then. It is said that Vusary burned for years, the green fields of Vusary turned to barren wastelands, the great oceans boiled into salt fields and when the ashes finally settled, the kings wept upon seeing the destruction and chaos they unleashed. When attempting to find their children they ran upon seeing them, they were seen as monsters no longer guardians and parents they were once seen as.
Ashamed and humiliated, the eight kings vowed to return once they atoned for the sins they committed to the ones they loved, for their children and so they walked the earth like on the first day they arrived but this time in regret and it is said they were never seen again. As time went on the world healed the ash settled and life bloomed again but the scars of old remain. It is widely believed that when the kings return they either will take back their power and put their children on trial for their sins just as they judged their own sins. Others believe they still are around guiding events behind the shadows; some believe they died seeking redemption in death, others believe they managed to return to old Gael seeking redemption in home.
-Non Mythological historyThe league formed roughly some 50 years ago with a precision date being 53 years 7 months and 2 days according to a standard terran calendar. Before the league the fleet nicknamed Mokro arrived in the star system of Vusary possibly a single ship possibly hundreds of thousands data from earth ruins does not reveal much. In front of them was no uncolonised world but rather a sapient race nicknamed the Monuk. It is widely believed amongst scholars that initially humans and the Monuk cooperated in building the first settlements and society of the system. Until the great war came around, roughly archeological evidence seems to suggest human presence for the last 500 years even if it is sparse it seems to suggest that in the initial times things were peaceful by the lack of war sites in the period.
After sometime it is believed rapidly militarism began to be adopted by both races as weapons of war of multiple designs can be found in and around dating of the period to this day, unfortunately such build up that seemed to be used for deterrence and detente backfired. Defensive AI’s, bio weapons seem to have turned rogue, after an event that is collectively called by Vusarians as the great cataclysm. Possibly a disaster event unleashed by the sun that caused electromagnetic storms across the entire star system. Possibly combined with AI rebellions causing a full on collapse with the sun becoming the instability oddity that it is today. At the same time some believe that it was super weapons used that caused the disaster.
The Dark age is a period spamming the time after the great war who’s beginning and end is difficult to pinpoint. Its period is categorized by a post apocalyptic survivor mentality until the rise of warlords and city states once again. Society rebuilding aided by technological recovery, helped in the rise of a series of warlords states and pirate states, in both land and orbit; this period was known to be very brutal especially due to a plethora of genocidal leaders, doomsday Cults and many many other erased societies and leaders who arose and died before the league came into existence by the time the League arose they unfortunately locked most information of this period behind their archives for reasons difficult to explain but mostly rotate around avoiding separatism so to speak.
Roughly in the last 200 years there has been as well the presence of what is nicknamed by local Vusarians “the cyber wars”. Ancient war machines that seem dormant, reactivate. As their cores awakened, they launched massive wars against the local human race. Three have been launched in recorded history, each war bringing old machines of war that would turn to waste many cities, causing the deaths of hundreds of millions. The last war, the third cyber war, was famous for happening 20 years ago having for the first time utilized more advanced ancient tech, and even the AI core being able to utilize mutants in its campaigns, the war luckily ended much earlier then most cyber wars. Lasting only 8 years helped by the league of Vusary and ended by a specialist team that managed to deactivate the AI core at its base at heavy personal cost with the aid of the League. For the league it still maintains a very big militaristic force even after the end of the war to maintain order and avoid the next disaster. AT the same time most of the league’s army is led by a series of lords controlling territories that raise troops in service of the 9 most powerful warlords. It's also heavily recommended one do not take rogue still active Ai’s from the planet while Ai core’s are the most dangerous many forms exist and they can be very dangerous.
53 years, 7 months and 2 days ago. The league was created after 9 powerful warlords came together to dominate the star system after making a secret deal. All 9 invaded Vusaryand put an end to its original rulers and ruled from orbit. From there their power was nearly unmatched as they controlled large territories, their resources also being almost infinite against their rivals. Their alliance was so strong that many warlords formed a coalition in what could have been a disastrous war against them so they crafted a grand plan; The 9 approached members of the coalition with a proposal. Instead of a great war that would ruin both their territories and power, the families and clans would all join together in the formation of a League to rule Vusary. Led by the 9 these betrayers did what was called the great treason as in the largest space battle that Vusary had ever seen was famous with half the armada of the coalition turning on their own allies and killing them. With the end of the only thing that could have opposed the rise of the league and the 9 was defeated in the aftermath deals needed to be made the 9 formed their great council in which they ruled and beneath them checking them and giving representation to their allies was the council of lords. With the star in their control they began to assign new warlords to administer and rule over regions that were left in vacuum after the war while some were retained to be under 9 others became independent rulers.
In the following decades this warlords would use their power and the nicknamed new peace for their own benefit infighting with intrigue or small level warfare seeking domain over grander power others managed to climb to power via corruption and schemes as the League maintained a form that could be described as a decentralised feudal state of sorts. Something that results in sectors being ruled over by the rule of strong. This feudal state just as many in history equally has a hierarchical system of sorts albeit more primitive with the ability to climb to power due to service to a warlord being a common path up the ladder.
Culture and Society The League and its culture are complicated so to speak. Separated by clans or descendants as they call themselves children of the ancient eight kings while in clan structure it would mean family rules in dynasties this is a bit different: the family structure of Vusary is split in two, being genetics and one's own family eye color. The descendancy of one’s progeny from an ancient king marking one as a member of a clan assembled into its clan wide families or dynasties that work together which can can be incredibly large. The other is the cultural clan view or simply family as they put it, being part of a family is different from a clan, a clan is the people you were born into a family is a group you find companionship they are your parents, brothers, sisters cousins and even those inducted to the family some being slaves to servants, such structure is more diverse compared to a clan a family can be composed of several clans it even gaining cultural and political significance. These two explanations of family are the main pillar that sustains Vusarian Society. There is also a big debate culturally speaking about one’s lack of free will as they are bound to their personality from birth to their clan. These debates can last for hours and be contentious. In the end the most dominant belief is that one’s self is made by themselves rather than by descendancy of their clan. Something of notice is while the clans seek to divide themselves into their own groups culturally and it is not known if it was a common push by the people or by the league but many state this mentality is made by people as a lesson of the events that happened a legacy of the cataclysm to not attempt to maintain unity in a single clan but to diversify and seek unity amongst other clans least the past repeat it self.
The 8 clans the Baelites, Kaleviteris, Nikorians, Narorites, Jalerians, Lukarians, Children of Utya, and Vixtrians have objective and even recorded emotions and even personality seems to fit with their creators and dna. While there is the occasional outlier most of the time someone might align with them:
Baelites sons of Bael are considered to be very dangerous in actions, generally power hungry and wishing to gain more and more power. This clan is famous for its members being ambitious. Generally forming a hierarchical structure wherever they are in many numbers or with many other clans under them to keep their control. They are found by having
sulfur reddish eyes.
Kaleviterites are considered good people to be around, charismatic, happy, kind and quite friendly, states managed by them generally are more humanist compared to other clans. The obvious problem is that Kaleviterites are generally the poorest clan who espoused an idealistic vision of the world. They are easy to identify by having a very bright
jungle green eyes.
Nikorians are considered aggressive, personality wise and generally values align with might preferring strength Nikorians have a personality of being hot heads yet a vision of a world where the right thing is always the correct one, that also means they are rather stubborn their eyes are
blood red.
Narorites are gregarious in nature but in general terms, they have a tendency to be followers of order preferring to live more simplest lives, quite good in the act of finding compromise and generally being more pragmatic they are also considered cold hearted. Their eyes are gray like
silver or metal.
Jalerians are considered thrift in many ways if not very greedy, having
orange eyes they value wealth accumulation and life of a merchant and trading even if that includes doing illicit business generally called opportunists due to the fact many of them are swindlers.
Lukarians are considered scholars preferring the following philosophy and knowledge while not big in numbers they are easy to spot as bureaucrats and stoics, generally being very low emotionally and more introverts preferring to have a calm life in search of mysteries They have
sapphire like eyes.
Children of Utya are considered adventurers and explorers generally being called trouble makers as they are far more impulsive in their actions one thing that one would find is that most people within this clan are young one thing that is generally called is the curse of Utya that cuts the life of his children by nearly half they have
gold glowing eyes;
Vixtrians are considered sly and secretive having dark sclera with
violet purple eyes; Vixtrians are known for being treacherous as they are considered to value lies, plots and schemes above everything many consider them spies and thieves but also individualists they value their own freedom above everything.
The language of the Vusarian people is called the tongue but scientifically speaking it's better called the Vusarian Humanoid Tongue. It's a completely unknown language with an unknown origin or even cultural origin from earth. The centuries of separation compounded with whatever factors have resulted in a very different language.
Religion wise the Vusarian people and its clans and families follow the same beliefs about the descendants of the eight kings. But also the faith of the old mother goddess that is stated to have died in the great exodus. A faith that can be described as a form of ancestor worship centered around the eight kings, its philosophical outlook also being equally complex with some sects worshiping the eight kings as their ancestors and guides while others praying against them for their hardship seeing them as nothing more than monsters.
Architecturally speaking all Vusarian follow an architectural tone that can be described as utilitarian and brutalist buildings, albeit heavily using sandstone in places further from mega cities, an entirely functional level of architecture that seems dull at first glance with the only break being a form of art deco architecture and art. As for their more brutalistic structures for then it is generally ignored as they make carvings, paintings and many other decorations preferring to use buildings more as canvassas for their art, struggles, stories centering around their own family, clan or the entire city being used. Not only that but their society also puts emphasis on technology and engineering with large gestures or utilisation of infrastructure in their architecture and art in some form if it is public.
Culinary for Vusarians has a preference for less baking, or frying, preferring steaming and grilling. With the preferred method being boiling when making their dishes. One thing a visitor would notice is that they are preferred fresh, like killed in place fresh meat in dishes. Their food based around local plants and animals have a preference for being spicy, salty, sour and a lot of umami; many of their foods are generally soups and stews. When in solids with meats, vegetables or cereals they like to use them as sauces with meat.
Governance and Politics:
For roughly 300 years the times before the League was considered a very dark age and the beginning of the league nearly 50 years ago and the start of a new calendar marked the beginning of a new era. The age of dark as they call it was famous for multiple space and planetary warlords fighting over scraps of territory and resources. This was until 9 warlords located in Vusary came to a plan instead of fighting the 9 met and came to a very devious plan to share their resources and territory and to gain more instead. This was met with the coalition which they subverted and turned half of it against itself and with it they came to rule forming with it the great council formed by 9 seats 4 of which are now absent making now only 5 present members of their ruling council.
The Great council manages the administration, tax, and armies of the overall league, creating laws and regulations for the warlords and governors below then. Being the highest authority in the land most of their rulings are generally put to vote in vast distances with the five remaining members rarely, RARELY ever meeting, instead they submit laws privately to each other and vote a majority making it law with specific rules that thanks to the fact that a missing member means no rule can be made with a two thirds majority need such as a major law change in the entire realm.
Beside then lays the position of Judicars a position that operates as a form of high judiciary or as normal people call then The Crimson Eye a form of secret police and judicial system that operates in maintaining the governors and warlords in check from any thing that may go against them. The Crimson eye is famous for its officers arresting rulers on the spot and other times for its assassins that make sure that nobody gets too many ideas while having some military backing.
Beneath it all lies the Warlords and Governor Lords or Governors for short, Warlords and Governors oversee space stations, flotillas, chunks of moons asteroids and many other territories as overseers, above then lies the position of Overlord which can be described as a form of sector wide overseer maintaining the order as they serve as a form of high court of appeals in case of a warlord or governor overstepping they also report on the state of a sector in specific.
The army is known to be decentralised around a warlord or governor, even some Overlords and the council itself. Being around and available to be called whenever needed by the council but overall fleet leaders are rather free to do whatever they wish if their warlord approves of course but many lords also lack territory so they are known as nomadic lords.
Technology Overview: A lot of their technology is considered more hand made and utilitarian so to speak much is said to have been lost of their own history and knowledge. Which is unsurprising thanks to their unnatural immunity to plagues so to speak the medicinal area is severely lacking. It is highly recommended that a doctor that does not know what an infection is should be a concern. On the other hand their technology in bionics, cybernetic prosthetics and biological engeneering is quite advanced allowing for limb replacement to advanced degrees.
But while much is lost their adaptation to the new situation resulted in other expansions, their sector being in a state of constant warfare resulting in their ships developing radar deafening allowing for easy maneuvering for merchants to avoid detection.
In the area of construction a lot was streamlined and made simple to the point where an observer may consider Vusary technology to be rather unreliable and shoddy but in reality Vusarian technology despite looking shoddy is rather reliable and easy to repair provided you are instructed or know what you are doing. Their material and equipment are also incredibly resilient all things considered.
Thanks to their ingrained knowledge in engineering their technology also seems rather advanced once well studied with their energy weapons being rather advanced, same for their ballistic weaponry. Their ships also are quite interesting with fleets being divided between what a warlord can afford consequently when resources are available their fleets are of good quality with their engineering shining creating marvels of engineering. Now for more poor ones while still impressive their ships are way more utilitarian but still formidable.
Military Overview: Militarily speaking the league's military force can be described as massive on paper but in theory incredibly dispersed. The many warlords and rulers own their own armies to police and maintain order in their regions and in some situations go to war with other members of the league generally over disputes over territory and while some can spiral it is generally maintained by the standing armies of the league and the council.
The Flotilla of the league is considered its standing army; it's a great fleet docked around Vusary but also other important areas of the sector being controlled by admirals who answer to a Grand Flotilla commander who is appointed by the council of eight by unanimity. This commander is also responsible for leading the coordination of all other fleets of the league with the exception of the nine members of the council who can disregard orders if finding problems with plans.
The fleets of the league are generally mounted by cruisers and destroyers ships of great size that serve as either carriers for smaller ships, combat centric ships are more common, others are stealth vessels for reconnaissance. On the matter of its biggest ships, cruisers are considered the most common largest ship you may see but they aren’t the largest.
Flagships are considered a warlord's main ship and the most egotistical generally have ships larger than cruisers but it's not unfounded at times. The council has the largest ships to ever see in the league, at times less ships and more mobile space stations due to their size.
Infantry is the backbone of the Leagues army in space, most are famous for raiding and boarding crews of marines that attack ships, stations and asteroids soldiers with agile power armor, rifles and swords.
Now planetary things get complicated; infantry of Vusary’s surface are more focused on desert and arid warfare not having swords, mostly more heat tolerant armor and energy rifles generally aided by mechanised forces of tanks and vehicles. Mechs are generally rare to see unless in specialised terrain.
In some cases there is the utilisation of locked in ancient war machines that still can be used to be let out in areas of importance to use as a rampaging tool. Lucky such actions are rare and generally considered desperate or eccentric depending on the person.