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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


'The Stonebreaker' and 'The Mad Priest'

Species/Race: Human Inburian-Morktree native
Sex: Male
Age: 40
Court Alignment: Red Wyvern
Role: Colonel / Warrior-Priest


Strengths and Weaknesses


Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 2 days ago

    Name: Andronika Hasikos
    Species/Race: Inburian
    Sex: Female
    Age: 19
    Court Alignment: White
    Role: Pretender
    Appearance: 5'6'', youthful looking, with dark hair and eyes.

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Comfortable with pistol, smallsword and broadsword. Has the rare and valuable 'gift of healing'. Additionally, Andronika is pretty good with people.
    Weaknesses: She's a teenager and can be a bit prone to overestimating her own abilities


    Backstory:Andronika Hasikos is one of the surviving members of the Hasikos dynasty (she is the Great, great, great, great, great, great niece of the Dakis III, the last Emperor). She is the eldest of three daughters of another Dakis, though her 'claim' is something she's never really thought about. In her mind, the idea that the Hasikos dynasty might enthrone itself again after 200 years was almost comically silly, though being one of the surviving members of the house has given her a certain amount of prestige amongst the Inburian community and she has, by human standards lived a relatively privileged life. She grew up in a rustic country villa, North of Grendell. There were servants, albeit not so many that she could escape chores. Her father mediated disputes amongst the local human community, giving some form of justice amongst a people mostly ignored by Haltian law.

    At 17, Andronika was engaged to Ioakim Costaou, a (relatively) wealthy local trader, 20 years her senior, and it was expected she would cement the marriage within the year, one which would afford her the ability to continue living her comfortable existence and which would bring Ioakim considerable prestige.

    Unfortunately for her, it was about this time she began manifesting the so-called 'gift of healing'. It first manifested when, while visiting the market, she witnessed an old man's leg get crushed by a cart. Andronika did what she could to bind the broken and twisted limb, though the other villagers who rushed to the scene were adamant the damage was too serious and the mangled leg would need to be amputated at the knee. Together, they took the man to the local physician, only for the physician to declare that, once the man's damaged clothing had been cut away, his leg was, miraculously, well on the road to recovery.

    In the following weeks, Andronika was asked to assist with several injuries of both people and livestock and it rapidly became clear she was developing a magical talent. Quickly the stories reached the ears of the local Elga lord, who sent a summons to the family farm, demanding that Andronika present herself at the manor to assist with the healing of a favourite horse. Andronika was nervous, though hardly in a position to disobey and she went to the Manor stables, performing the task as required. As she left though, she was promptly arrested, accused of stealing silverware from inside the Manor, somewhere she had never actually been invited.

    Initially she protested her innocence, though it quickly dawned on her that everybody actually knew she was innocent. The pantomime was being conducted in order to allow the Lord to sell her into slavery. Something he did a week later after finding her guilty of burglary in a hurried trial. Healers are worth a lot of money, particularly to a provincial Lord.

    Andronika, however, was not the kind of person to go away easily and, having convinced one of her guards to help her escape, an event which resulted in the death of several Imperial soldiers, fled into the Morktree with the aforementioned guard and several other escaped prisoners where the group traversed the nearly impenetrable forest, to emerge in the Kingdom of Carnelfenney as winter fell.

    One of Andronika's companions on the journey, and close friends, is the Aonène Alzina La Noue de Bellièvre, the woman now believed to be the 'Dawnbringer', prophesied to bring an end to the Blight. Partly due to her proximity to Aonène, several attempts were made on Andronika's life, almost resulting in her death on more than one occasion. This, more than anything else, spurred the young Hasikos girl to raise her banner in rebellion.

    When an Imperial Army arrived in Carnelfenneyan territory to 'escort' Aonène to the Emperor's court, Andronika used her regiment to supplement the garrison in the town of Trefgodwig and, when a relief force finally arrived, personally led a sally against Imperial forces in support of the King's army. This cemented her reputation for bravery, though quietly it wasn't an experience Andronika has any particular desire to repeat.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 2 days ago

    Name: Vassos Costaou
    Species/Race: Inburian
    Sex: Male
    Age: 41
    Court Alignment: White
    Role: Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Foot
    Appearance:An imposing 6'2'' man with short, dark hair and eyes

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: A trained, veteran soldier and competent commander.
    Weaknesses: Can't swim.


    Backstory:Vassos can't remember much of his childhood before he was abducted and taken to the military Academy in Alveby. Like many young boys in outlying areas he was snatched up, dragged to the capital and put through the pseudo-monastic Academy that turned boys into loyal members of the 'Owned Men'. Despite, technically, being a slave, property of the Emperor, Vassos and the other 'Owned Men' enjoy a greater degree of privilege than other humans. They live comfortable lives, they can amass wealth, and when they come to retire, they are able to marry. Indoctrinated from their first day, the 'Owned Men' are typically loyal to the Emperor, particularly when they are young. Vassos, however, is not young, and has spent plenty of time listening to other humans, many of whom have ideas about the Empire that are quite different from what he was taught at the Academy...

    Vassos has never risen to any position of command, though he was initially picked for the Light Cavalry, a more prestigious position than that of mere infantry.

    Over the past 22 years, Vassos has served in numerous border raids against the Quinians though in recent years he was moved to Grendell, stationed to keep an eye on the creatures that roam the Blighted land. He fought in several skirmishes against the Orcs, finding them physically repulsive though of little comparative threat compared to Quinian riders.

    It was in the villages around Grendell that Vassos began to be exposed to other Inburians who hadn't been through the Academy. Initially their ideas made him uncomfortable, though he listened, mostly because he knew he was Inburian. Gradually, some of those ideas started to take hold and Vassos started to imagine a free Inbur.

    After a drunken brawl that marred an otherwise spotless career, Vassos was fined and transferred to slave caravan duty for six months. It was not a prestigious role, though it was a fateful one, for it was there that he bumped into Andronika Hasikos and agreed to help her escape, hoping she would eventually raise a rebellion to free the Motherland.

    After several attacks by Imperial agents which nearly killed the girl on more than one occasion, Andronika did exactly that and appointed Vassos Lieutenant-Colonel to her Royal Regiment of Foot (with Aonène Alzina La Noue de Bellièvre as the symbolic head of the Regiment and Colonel). Vassos took an active part in holding the wall during the seige and subsequent battle of Trefgodwig, commanding the Regiment's musketeers in repelling an Imperial ladder party.

    Vassos remains an important advisor on military matters in the White Court.
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 2 days ago

    Name: Vestele Loralen
    Species/Race: Elgafolk
    Sex: Female
    Age: 67
    Court Alignment: White
    Role: Lady in Waiting
    Appearance: A slender 5'7'' with coppery-brown hair and light-brown eyes.

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Not many to speak of.
    Weaknesses: Is not going to be any use in a fight


    Backstory: Vestele Loralen is not the kind of person you would expect in the white court. Although she is reasonably young by elga standards, Vestele hasn't known much of a life beyond that of a steppe nomad though she definitely enjoyed her experiences in the capital when she did have an actual roof over her head rather than a tent.

    When civil war broke out, Vestele happened to be in the capital with a trading expedition though her clan rallied to Orrian Corfina's banner and Vestele quietly ducked out of the city before anyone could arrest her, joining the train of the mustering army and following it when it set off to meet the Eastern Imperial forces at Lysfelt.

    Lysfelt was a great victory for Western forces and the celebrations afterwards were raucous and involved a lot of alcohol. Vestele blames the alcohol for it, but at some point in the celebrations she was caught in flagrante with one of the Prince of Usantaka's retinue - a human. The scandal was enormous and Vestele was exiled from the clan.

    Realising her fortunes in the West were ruined and she would be received with suspicion in the East, Vestele decided to take off for Trefgodwig, rationalising that Andronika Hasikos would be quite keen to enlist an elgakvinne into her retinue. Vestele's calculations paid off and since making the journey she has made the most of the creature comforts afforded to being in the inner circle of a Pretender. Andronika, however, expects a bit more from Vestele than simply being her pet elgakvinne. Rather, Andronika imagines that Vestele will prove a useful diplomat when it inevitably comes to negotiating with one of the Corfina brothers...
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Badarby
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Character Description

    Name: Loan Klodig
    Species/Race: Human - Quinian
    Sex: Male
    Age: 29
    Court Alignment: White
    Role: Captain, Official Liaison between the White Wyvern and the King of Carnelfenney
    Appearance: Stands at 6 feet and 1 inch

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Loan is a trained soldier and is well versed with various contemporary weapons. A man of great stature and strength, he can also hold his own in hand to hand combat, but would prefer to have a blunt or bladed weapon if placed in such a position.
    Weaknesses: Can't swim


    Backstory: Loan Klodig was born to a minor noble family in the Kingdom of Carnelfenney, near the city of Trefgodwig. Well, it would probably be more accurate that he was born to a merchant family, but his widowed father did marry a lady a few years after Loan's birth so the family is technically of minor nobility. Plus, Loan had attained officer status when working as a mercenary employed by northern lords in the Quinian-Haltian border against Haltian raiders.

    The last year has been quite an eventful one for Loan. He and his men were ambushed by a Haltian raiding party that ended with him captured and transported with others deep into Imperial territory. He and a mismatch of others managed to escape the slave caravan with the help of a sympathetic guard and a princess who was also held in the caravan. The group broke out some individuals from a castle and fought off an orc scouting party at the Morktree. Somewhere in th excitement, one of the members, a peasant Monchian girl, was revealed to be the prophecized Dawnbringer and one member of the party tried to take the life of the princess and kindnapped the Dawnbringer before the girl was retrieved back. Lives were lost along the way. Then, the group took a trek to northern Carnelfenney, to home.

    However, the excitement didn't end once they reached Trefgodwig. War was being prepared now that the Haltians wanted to take the Dawnbringer in a gilded cage for their own use and 10,000 Imperial soldiers attacked the city. Loan was quick to protect his home from the Empire and he and the others fought long enough for royal reinforcements to arrive and relieve the city from the Empire. For his effort, Loan was rewarded handsomely and was appointed by the King himself as the official liaison between the Carnelfennian Royal detachment and Andronika's regiment.
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Badarby Literally me

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Character Description

    Name: Stefano Bene (real name Astartus Nicolau)
    Species/Race: Human - Shariq
    Sex: Male
    Age: 31
    Court Alignment: Black
    Role: Legal Expert and Negotiator for Coralie D'Ambois
    Appearance: Stands at 5 feet, 7 inches

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Being a legal expert in the maritime laws of many countries in the Circle Sea, Stefano is educated and is often used for taking part in negotiations with many organizations. Add to that, he is known for his charisma coming from his friendly, flamboyant, and laid back attitude; often used for diplomacy and swooning women.
    Weaknesses: While he had trained with weapons for self defense, conflict is not his forte and he’s not one to be looking for a fight. When the fists start throwing, he's finding a table to hide under. He also can’t swim, considering it to be bad luck and tempting the sea spirits.


    Backstory: Astartus Nicolau was born in a small imperial town to a Shariq blacksmith family. Despite his father's attempt to instill the value of honest living, Astartus had little interest in blacksmithing and would fall in the wrong crowd of pickpockets and scammers as a child, getting in trouble with local authorities over petty theft. As part of lashings given by his father and older brother, he would wise up and focus on his education, taking some interest in studying imperial laws. Part of it was a genuine effort for him to reform himself from his teenage years of being a troublemaker, part of it was because he wanted to leave the small town. He made his family proud once he passed the necessary requirements and tests to became a business attorney and was able to move to Inbur.

    However, trouble always seems to follow Astartus as he was under suspicion for possible involvement in a smuggling ring (which he was). He was able to flee the imperial authorities and bribed some Calarian trader for him to flee to Calaria. While escaping, Astartus threw some of his personal items overboard. Hopefully, officials in search of him would have written him off as having drowned in the sea.

    At Calaria, Astartus grew out his hair and beard and had taken a different personality. The quiet and reserved Astartus Nicolau is no more, now he's the flamboyant Stefano Bene, a legal expert from Calaria. Stefano worked for various merchants and lords, seeking the opportunity to finance his lifestyle of making more money and love to women. He even founded himself within the service of Coralie D’Ambois and her fleet of corsairs, using his words rather than fists to help out the Hasikos pretender. However, something is screaming at him from the back of his mind that this venture may be more than he bargained for.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Badarby
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Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Character Description

    Name: Edwin Aeorouant
    Species/Race: Human - Quinian
    Sex: Male
    Age: 20
    Court Alignment: White
    Role: Prince of Carnelfenney, Leader of the Carnelfennian Royal Detachment
    Appearance: Stands at 5 feet 9 inches

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: A member of the Royal House of Aeorouant, Edwin has access to the finest education the country has to offer, as expected for a member of the royal family to be literate and knowledgeable in many fields of study to assist the King or take up the role as one in certain circumstances. He is also physically fit due to his extensive training regiment growing up that he still follows to this day when not attending the meetings of the Privy Council or the tournaments. Edwin handled the use of many weapons and even trained with the Royal Guards to better hone his fighting capabilities.
    Weaknesses: Can't swim


    Backstory: Prince Edwin is King Perick III's youngest brother. He came from a long line of rulers as far as scholars recorded the history of Carnelfenney. To be more accurate, the House of Aeorouant is just another noble family that inherited the mantle from another family through marriages as the progenitor of the Royal House of Aeorouant, Prince Consort Donnan was married to Queen Agata of Heussaff, the prior Royal House over Carnelfenney. The entire royal line claims descendents from King Brevaler, the legendary founder of Greater Quinlan centuries ago.

    Perick was born into royalty as the third child of King Henog IV (Perick the eldest son, Katell as the daughter) and grew up with expectations that while he may not succeed his father, he will assist the Crown with the best of his ability as Prince. He was given the best tutor the kingdom can offer and he visited the armory to train with weapons due to his fascination with the kingdom’s implements of war. When he was 15, the elderly King Henog IV passed away and the eldest, Crown Prince Perick, was crowned as the next High King of Carnelfenny. The chance of his ascending the throne is slim, especially since Perick is already married with two healthy sons and a daughter when he took the throne while Edwin is still a bachelor. Not that Edwin has desires to take the throne as King, but he does feel limited in his roles.

    When the King raised his army to relieve the people of Trefgodwig from the Empire, Edwin rode alongside him, eager for some action. The Prince was there when the King negotiated with the Hasikos pretender, Andronika of royal support and after the negotiations, the King came to Edwin with the task of leading the Royal detachment in the King's name. Of course, the King didn't want his brother to fight in a foreign land just to bring glory for himself but also for the opportunity of creating a marriage pact between the Aeorouant and the Hasikos. In Perick's eyes, his brother is certainly available for a relationship and a marriage pact would be extremely beneficial to the Quinians when the Inburian Empire returns in full. Edwin understood his role and while he does want to fight the Imps, he is hesitant about courting the princess. Still, he willingly accepted the King's offer to lead a detachment of royal soldiers in the name of the King. Maybe there is some interests about marrying the Hasikos girl, maybe he justs wanted the adventure more.
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Badarby Literally me

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Character Description

    Name: Kieran Dadithas
    Species/Race: Elgafolk
    Sex: Male
    Age: 172
    Court Alignment: Eastern Empire
    Role: General of the Imperial Army in Grendell
    Appearance: Stands at 6 feet 5 inches

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Over a century of leadership and training with various weapons certainly does a lot for the Elgamann's military prowess. He's also open minded in his beliefs and prefers to promote his underlings based on ability and character instead of status.
    Weaknesses: Can't swim and his focus on neutrality in the interest of fighting the Blight may create his own enemies.


    Backstory: Kieran Dadithas was born after the rise of the Haltian Empire to a horselord family. As a teenager, he was sent east by his father in order for him to integrate himself within the developed area of the Empire and as a way to be familiar with eastern politics. In the East, Kieran was interested in the stories of the humans within the empire and read many books about the history of the Inburian Empire. The portion of the Blight was especially of great interest to him, which he believes another massive invasion by the Orcs could happen again, especially since the Blighted land is still there and only held off by the various armies. Politically, he's in the Reformist faction of the Empire, believing that the policies of Emperor Voron would only hasten the Empire's demise from within but went the way of military service instead of politics, placing much faith in Voron's eldest son in passing reforms within the empire.

    Kieran Dadithas found himself as the general of the largest military force in the Haltian Empire when he was appointed to lead the force at Grendell against the Blight. It was a job he took seriously and for the next century, drilled the soldiers and officers in Grendell almost daily, regardless of race and status. When civil war broke out within the empire, Kieran didn't send a detachment of the Grendell force to assist Voron II against Orrian. After all, it doesn't matter who becomes Emperor as long as the Blight is still there threatening the Empire's eastern border. Technically, Kieran pledges loyalty to Voron II as his Emperor, mainly due to the fact that Grendell is within the territories of the Eastern faction and of shared political sentiments for reforms. However, even Voron II understands Kieran's public declaration of neutrality in the conflict, that the general could not and would not spare men to fight and die for a throne when the Blight is already there and have already attacked many times. Of course, he has his preference of among the five factions. The Red Wyvern's force is especially brutal towards Elgafolks and he doubt that the Reds would be so kind to the Elgafolks in Grendell, he wouldn't mind the Reds being eliminated only so much that he fears that a Red victory would actually be detrimental to Grendell's military capability. Other factions, he believes, would have the threat of the Blight in their minds and would only ask for a token acknowledgement after their possible victories.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 2 days ago

    Name: Coralie D'Ambois
    Species/Race: Monchian
    Sex: Female
    Age: 25
    Court Alignment: Black
    Role: Pretender
    Appearance: slight, 5'4'', dark hair, blue eyes

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Coralie D'Ambois is literate and numerate. Also quite handy with a cutlass. She is also a practiced negotiator
    Weaknesses: Navigation at sea is a dark art Coralie does not really understand.


    Backstory: Coralie D'Ambois was born as the younger daughter of a not-particularly significant Vichian Noble House, but one with delusions of grandeur. Her mother, Callia was a member of the Hasikos dynasty from Inbur... not that Coralie remotely cared about any of that nonsense.

    At 17, much to the horror of her parents, Coralie eloped with the notorious (and handsome) corsair, Anquetil Champernon, Captain of the polacre, Hiver . After a year together, Coralie fell pregnant, bearing the corsair a son, also named Anquetil. Only a year later though, the younger Anquetil died of scarlet fever. Coralie was, by all accounts, inconsolable, and the situation was only made worse when the news reached her some months later that Anquetil Senior had died of his wounds after being hit by grapeshot off the Calarian Main.

    Coralie attempted to return home, only to find the doors barred to her. Coralie was disowned and neither of her parents would allow her into the house, let alone see her. The scandal she had brought on the family was, it was explained by a butler, too much to bear.

    This left Coralie in a rather precarious position as she was quite without any means to support herself. Realising a lack of relatives meant that there was dispute over who owned Anquetil's assets, Coralie decided to make a bid for then arguing she was, in effect, his common law wife and that he had intended to marry her when he returned from his voyage (which was a pure fabrication). The chance paid off and Coralie inherited Anquetil's apartment at port, the Hiver and a whole lot of debt she hadn't realised he had.

    The Hiver needed to put to sea and make some money, fast. Mostly to escape the scrutiny of the debt collectors, although also because she needed the distraction, Coralie decided to 'Captain' the ship herself though, in reality, for the first few voyages, she remained a figurehead and let the ship be run by her First Mate, Momin Asinger, while she learned the trade.

    Full of simmering anger at life and her family, Coralie renamed the Hiver, Vengeance.

    The first voyage brought back a small haul, enough to save the ship, though not the apartment and Coralie put to sea again.

    Better at finances than the late Anquetil Champernon, Coralie has made a reasonable amount of money as a 'privateer' over the last six years and has grown into a capable Captain in her own right. Her goal is to earn enough money to set up in a house larger and more opulent than that of her parents - not something that would have seemed plausible... until now.

    Taking on a Doel Union Letter of Marque, Coralie, through a quite extended piece of subterfuge, managed to capture a Calarian treasure galleon, earning herself no end of notoriety, a reasonably amount of money and the emnity of the Calarian Doge who would like nothing more than to see her hanged.

    With the outbreak of war, Coralie was convinced to use her rather vague connection to the Inburian Royal Throne as justification for an expedition to the mainland. Some of Coralie's followers seriously would like her as Empress, though the majority of the Corsairs and Mercenaries that make up the core of her army see it as an opportunity to loot elga manors.

    Coralie had made camp outside of the village of Sidskold when her forces were surprised by an Imperial force of 6,500 troops. Coralie commanded 9,900 troops, though many were peasants who had joined the revolt and her artillery was not in position when battle was joined. Imperial morale was high, expecting the corsairs and peasants to break and scatter.

    On the left, Coralie's small force of mercenary cavalry routed the first wave of Imperial cavalry only to be driven back by Imperial reinforcements. This, however, was the only success the Empire had at Sidskold In the centre, Coralie personally took command of her Iktani musketeers who held the village against several determined attacks from Imperial forces. On the right the Empire tried to outflank the Black Army by moving more cavalry through swampy terrain though Coralie had anticipated this and the Cavalry, took heavy fire from volunteer regiments before finally breaking in retreat. With the centre collapsing and Black forces advancing across the battlefield, the Empire abandoned their guns. The Battle of Sidskold was a slaughter, with nearly 900 imperial soldiers killed, and a further 2,700 captured. Just over 350 rebels were killed or were otherwise unaccounted for. The battle cemented Coralie D'Ambois as more than just a piratical nuisance - anyone who underestimates her is in for a rude surprise.
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 2 days ago

    Name: Momin Assinger
    Species/Race: Addonian
    Sex: Male
    Age: 39
    Court Alignment: Black
    Role: Formerly First Mate of the Vengeance, now Lieutenant-General.
    Appearance: tall, muscular 6' tall, dark hair and eyes

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: A competent and experienced soldier and pirate with a moderate amount of skill in most aspects of seamanship. Strong swimmer.
    Weaknesses: Nothing in particular


    Backstory: Momin Asinger was born 39 years ago in the town of Hatha on the South coast of the Circle Sea. Momin's father was a soldier in the Amir of Hatha's army which is sizeable for an Addonian city, due to the proximity of the city to the Blight.

    Momin followed in the family tradition and entered the army, though after several years of patrolling for, and occasionally fighting orcs, Momin began to realise he far preferred the sea to the sand and instead signed up about a Corsair ship that preyed on shipping along the human controlled portions of the coast, stealing their cargo and selling the captives into servitude either in the Empire on amongst the Addonian cities.

    Six years ago, in the midst of a storm, Momin's ship hit rocks and broke up off the wild West coast of Favis. Momin was one of the few crew who managed to swim to safety, managing to build a fire with the survivors.

    The fire was spotted, two nights later by a Monchian poleacre, the Hiver, captained at the time by Anquetil Champernon. Champeron offered to pick the Addonians up and, in exchange for a period of service on his vessel, drop them off at a friendly port.

    Momin gratefully accepted, finding he quite liked the charming Captain Champernon and, when his agreed period of service came to an end, joined the Monchian's crew, eventually rising to be the man's first mate.

    After Champernon's death, hit by grapeshot from a swivel gun mounted on a Calarian galleon, Momin had been somewhat concerned about what might happen to the ship. When his vivacious but otherwise totally inexperienced blue-blooded 'common law wife' decided she would take over as Captain, his concern had turned to dread...

    Though that dread quickly lifted when he realised Coralie knew she knew nothing and wanted his help to learn. Momin mentored the young Captain, discovering that she had a much better head for numbers than the late Captain Champernon had done if not quite the skill at sailing, though she makes up for any shortcomings by surrounding herself with good people - a trait Momin found he rather likes in a leader.

    After several years working with Captain D'Ambois, Momin remained her right hand and become a firm friend on top of that. When D'Ambois made her bid for the crown, Momin remained at her side, taking on the task of turning fresh volunteers into something approaching real soldiers - which his experience in the Amir's Army made Momin more qualified to do than most of the corsairs in the expedition.

    D'Ambois has appointed Momin as Lieutenant-General, on the assumption that he will take command of the Army in the event she is unable to herself.
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InfamousGuy101 Infamous Fella

Member Seen 2 days ago

Name: Alberic Thorel
Species/Race: Monchian
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Court Alignment: White Wyvern + The Dawnbringer
Role: Captain & Personal Guard of the Dawnbringer

Strengths and Weaknesses

Combat Expertise: Alberic is a seasoned fighter, skilled in the use of various weapons such as swords, firearms, and naval tactics. His Corsair background has honed his abilities in both skirmishes and larger battles, making him a valuable asset in combat situations. He is also capable of swimming, as most Monchians are.

Loyalty and Dedication: Once Alberic gives his loyalty, he is unwavering. His commitment to Aonène and the cause of the Dawnbringer is steadfast, even when faced with personal challenges or competing goals like his quest for vengeance.

Unconventional Fighter: Alberic is an experienced strategist, especially in unconventional warfare. His time with the Corsairs taught him to outmaneuver larger, better-equipped forces, which translates well to land battles.

Resilience and Endurance: Alberic’s difficult past has made him physically and emotionally tough. He can endure harsh conditions and recover from setbacks quickly.


Revenge-Driven: Alberic’s fixation on finding Warin Montfault can cloud his judgment and lead him to prioritize personal vendettas over the broader goals of the cause, putting himself and others at risk.

Reluctant Diplomat: While capable of inspiring those under his command, Alberic struggles with the more delicate aspects of diplomacy, often favoring bluntness over tact, which can alienate potential allies though it may have an positive effect on certain individuals.

Haunted by the Past: The trauma of losing his family and his inability to save his sister weigh heavily on him, sometimes leading to bouts of self-doubt or impulsive behavior.


Backstory: Born 30 years ago in the bustling port city of Vich, Alberic Thorel was the son of humble merchant parents. His early years were spent learning the intricacies of commerce and seafaring, skills passed down from his father, a seasoned trader navigating the Circle Sea. Alberic’s childhood brimmed with the clamor of docks, the salt tang of the sea, and bustling trade with distant lands. His father taught him the art of ship handling, haggling, and discerning quality goods—a foundation for a promising future in trade.

Fate, however, had other plans. On a routine voyage, Alberic's family ship was ambushed by the notorious pirates of Emiddley, long-time enemies of Vich. Despite their valiant defense with limited weapons, they were overpowered. Alberic's father fell first, protecting his son, while his mother and younger brother were ruthlessly gunned down. Alberic fought fiercely to protect his sister, Meli, but was overwhelmed. He watched in horror as the pirates dragged Meli away, their leader—Warin "Grey Beard" Montfault—mocking him with a chilling promise: "The seas shall bring you no mercy, boy."

Left for dead on the sinking vessel, Alberic felt the cold embrace of the sea pulling him under. Yet, as darkness encroached, he awoke aboard another ship. The Corsairs of Vich had intervened too late to save his family but in time to save him. Towering above the injured boy stood Gerart of the Corsair League, an imposing figure with white hair, a scarred face. Despite his intimidating appearance, Gerart's voice was kind. “You have spirit,” he told Alberic. “Join us, fight for justice, and bring honor to Vich.”

With nothing left to lose, Alberic accepted the Corsair’s offer, setting him on a path of vengeance and transformation.

Under Gerart’s mentorship, Alberic grew into a formidable Corsair. He fought against Emiddleyan raiders, Orcs from the Blighted Lands, and even encountered Filipanasans from the mysterious east. Each victory sharpened his skills and brought him closer to avenging his family. His ultimate target was Warin "Grey Beard," the man responsible for his family's demise, but Montfault had vanished, rumored to have fled to the mainland.

Determined to track him down, Alberic proposed a reconnaissance mission to the Inburian coast, ostensibly to scout Haltian shipping routes. Gerart, though suspecting Alberic’s ulterior motives, approved the mission. Alberic’s ship, however, was ambushed by the Halthians. Their caravel was destroyed in a fiery explosion, and Alberic was captured, bound for the Haltian-controlled mainland.

Alberic’s captivity ended when he was freed by two unlikely individuals: Vassos, a deserting Haltian Owned Man, and Andronika Hasikos, a sharp-witted peasant girl revealed to be a descendant of the old Inburian dynasty. Together, they liberated a group of prisoners, including Aonène de Bellièvre, a fellow Monchian. Their escape marked the beginning of a rebellion against the Haltian Empire.

As the group faced numerous trials, Aonène’s true identity emerged. Her sword glowed with a divine light, revealing her as the prophesied Dawnbringer, destined to save the world from the Blight. For Alberic, the revelation was transformative. No longer driven solely by revenge, he saw Aonène as the Uniter of the Circle, capable of ending the centuries-old feud between Vich and Emiddley and leading the Isles to greatness.

Despite his newfound purpose, Alberic’s quest for vengeance against Montfault lingered like a shadow. The two paths—duty and revenge—pulled at him, forcing him to confront the man he had become and the man he wished to be.

Alberic fought alongside Andronika and Aonène to repel a Haltian army at Tregodwig. The victory was hard-won, solidifying their status as a force to be reckoned with and most importantly fortifying Alberic's faith in Aonène. Following this triumph, Alberic was dispatched to the coast to secure an alliance with Coralie D’Ambois, the cunning, powerful yet unpredictable Corsair empress. As Alberic approaches the sprawling Corsair encampment, he reflects on how far he had come. From a boy seeking vengeance to a man standing at the crossroads of history, he knows the stakes havd never been higher and with the war barely beginning the question remains: can he reconcile his personal quest with his duty to the Dawnbringer and the future she promised?
Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 2 days ago

    Name: Jacinta Tassou
    Species/Race: Inburian
    Sex: Female
    Age: 26
    Court Alignment: White
    Role: Lady in Waiting
    Appearance: short and slender with gold highlights in her dark hair... which is to say very short. Jacinta is a mere 5'1''.

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: A skilled and aggressive sword fighter with good survival skills. Also good at buttering people up.
    Weaknesses: Hot headed and aggressive when her back is up.


    Backstory: Like many young Inburians, Jacinta Tassou was born into slavery in an estate just North of the metropolis of Inbur. While Jacinta would probably have grown up to be a farm labourer, she also happens to be an unusually attractive young woman and at age 20, was taken as a concubine by the MAster of the Estate, an elga noble by the name of Lathai Adxina, whose wife had recently passed away.

    While, for many people in a similar situation it would have been a deeply distressing, Jacinta had developed something of a crush on Lathai anyway (whom she found very handsome) and the situation turned out to be rather beneficial for her, with the young human quickly becoming a favourite. While she wasn't granted her freedom, there was very little the old elgamann wouldn't give her. Jacinta did no work and instead learned to ride a horse and read. She devoured chivalric romances, imagining herself as a knight, and after very little pleading was given lessons in fencing and became scandalously good with a rapier.

    This favouritism did not go unnoticed by the Lathai's children who grew to despise the young Inburian. Not that Jacinta cared. She imagined she would be long dead before her Master...

    Except she wasn't. Five years into their relationship, Lathai was thrown from his horse while hunting and died in his bed a week later. Realising she was in very actual danger, Jacinta packed her bag, including no small amount of Lathai's money and fled. She had rich enough clothing that nobody asked any questions when she asked for passage to Carnelfenney.

    Jacinta didn't have too much of a plan for when she landed, but by the time she had rumours were already swirling about the Dawnbringer appearing in the northern town of Trefgodwig who, as it happened, was a woman! Perhaps this was a chance to be the knight she wished she was? Equipped only with a vague idea of latching onto the chosen one's entourage, Jacinta travelled North in the depths of winter, reaching Trefgodwig shortly before the coming of spring.

    Hoping to get a glimpse of Aonène Alzina La Noue de Bellièvre, Jacinta travelled out to the fringes of the camp for the Royal Regiment of Foot where, instead, she met a very friendly and somewhat inebriated young woman who turned out to be Andronika Hasikos (who was celebrating her nineteenth birthday by drinking ale with the troopers). From that chance meeting, a friendship developed, centred around fencing, something which both of the young women took some pride in being accomplished at.

    During the siege of Tregodwig, Jacinta was not able to take up arms and fight (despite wanting to). But she still holds out hope that she'll be able to do her part in the coming conflict...
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Pangolin333
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Pangolin333 Ein Müde Schuppentier

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Elandär Lopfison
Species/Race: Elgen
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Court Alignment: White
Role: Just looking for his friend
Appearance: Short, dark hair. Around 6 ft 7 in, wears generic woodsman's clothes. Generally has a bow and knife. Carries himself with a distinct lack of pride.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Skills: Archery, survival, general knowledge about plants and animals, handling animals
Weaknesses: Firearms, money, politics, social stuff


Backstory: Born to a Elgen forester's family, he grew up from a young age knowing how a forest functions. At around age 16, he found himself on a hunting trip with a friend of his. This was fairly routine, although they were doing more talking than actual hunting. Eventually, they came across an abandoned bear cub. Elandär didn't want to kill it, although his friend seemed dead set. Elandär stopped him multiple times, before growing angry. As his friend leveled his weapon to kill the bear, Elandär drew his sword and killed his friend. Without thinking, he picked up the bear cub and quickly ran into the forest, exiling himself from society.

For years he lived in the forest, watching the bear grow and learning how to survive out in the woods. After many years, he and the bear were close friends, and even had a form of communication between the two. Some may call it a language, others probably wouldn't. They probably did. But some things just don't last. Eventually, folk nearby became afraid of a large bear and its mysterious trainer living in the woods, and despite avoiding capture for some time, Elandär was eventually put on a show trial and put into slavery. Hilandar, the bear, was purchased by a nobleman and sent somewhere distant. Elandär swore to find his friend again.

Eventually freed from his bonds, he joined a group headed by Andronika and a few others. There, he tried his best to keep up with everything that was happening, but found it hard. He had tried training to use firearms, but always found himself preferring his bow. He had managed to defend Andronika a few times before, but it never really felt like he had done much. At Trefogdwig, he stayed in the city and didn't participate in the fighting. He purchased a new bow, using some funds he'd scrapped around. He also began work on a small clay statue of a bear, to remind himself of his mission. With the end of the siege, he now wishes more than ever to go find Hilandar.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Pragia12
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Pragia12 Chaos and Conspiracy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Demencia
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Demencia Unreasonable Confidence

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Character Description
    Name: Captain Aghilas Jêle Doeli
    Species: Addonian
    Sex: M
    Age: 35
    Allegiance: Black Wyvern / Himself
    Appearance: Tall, imposing, with sea green eyes framed by dark hair and a large bushy beard. Standing 6'5", 235lbs, he's broad shouldered and usually wears a finely tailored, short cut, black satin-silk robe with silver trim. He wears a deep violet head-wrap, made of the same satin-silk, with a tight matching waist-wrap/shoulder sash, which carries a decoratively hilted nimcha, along with 4 flintlocks.

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Seamanship, Swashbuckling, Strength, Great Bravery
    Weaknesses: Excessive Bravery, Spendthrift, Vainglorious, Excessive Swashbuckling

    Backstory: Aghilas 'the Doel' was born son of a Doel slave-servant and an Addonian father he never met who promised to buy his mother's price, but never returned. As a young boy he was taken to sea as ship boy before his 10th year, growing up at sea aboard corsairs. Despite being a slave, Aghilas grew into a large, powerful young man respected among the crew, and a favourite of the corsair captain. It was during this time Aghilas was groomed as a lieutenant, and, in a turn of affairs neither he nor the crew talk about much, elected Captain after the position was abruptly 'vacated'.

    Captain Aghilas, or 'the Doel' as he is sometimes called (despite looking quite Addonian), quickly became one of the best known Addonian Corsairs. Rumours abound however that he has recently had a falling out with several local Addonian princes not offering him and his crew their 'due' - with the result that the al-Marid sailed into Mina-Sakh with several suspiciously Addonian looking prizes, laden with slaves, booty. He and his crew have spent their time in port spending freely as the al-Marid is being refitted, and developed a sudden keen interest in his Doel heritage and sailing to the Calarian Main.

    A larger than life figure in the piracy world there are some who've described him, at times, as 'a bit much.' Last anyone had heard he'd left the Circle Sea to terrorize the Calarian Main. His sudden appearance in Inburian waters under the banner of the Black Wyvern is an unwelcome sight for many merchants and naval men of the Circle Sea.

Name of Ship: Hamsat al-Marid
Type of Ship: Xebec
Rigging: Three masted xebec rigged, unusually for the time, with large bermuda rigged sails and copious jibs and other sails mounted for maximum sail area as well as trimming against the wind.
Crew Compliment: ~100
Cannon: 17
- 14 12pdrs on a small gundeck
- 3 4pndr swivel mounts, 2 fore, 1 aft.
Description: Hamsat al-Marid, often simply called Hamsat or al-Marid is around 35m in length, a beam just over 8m, and a draft that ranges between 3.5. Displacing just under 200 tons, she has a sleek, streamlined hull. Less obvious to the eye is an expensively retrofitted and as yet uncommon copper sheathed hull, along with a wider, longer keel than typical for xebecs for better stability with her large sails and in heavy seas. In light to moderate seas under full sail she's fast enough to give even fast frigates a run for their money with the wind and when in doubt, she excels in crosswinds and sailing close to the wind for an escape. Struggles a little in heavy seas when stability demands cut into her speed.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Folwin of House Virlaeth, Duke of Planina

Imperial Emmisary and Special Advisor to the Council of Foreign Affairs

Species/Race: Elgafolk
Sex: Male
Age: 473
Court Alignment: Eastern Imperial Court
Role: Noble Diplomat - Financier


Strengths and Weaknesses


Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Dame Ashryn Fenvyre

Species/Race: Elgafolk
Sex: Female
Age: 315
Court Alignment: Western Imperial Court


Strengths and Weaknesses


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