The Daredevil Hero - Slingshot

Mischa Belic, 18
4 ★ P R O H E R O Japan, Unranked - Eirei College
P e r s o n a l i t y
To wit, she can be described as a good natured, energetic tomboy with a competitive streak and a penchant for flirting. Mischa, living up to her hero title, is a daredevil; she loves to take risks and get her adrenaline pumping. While many would think she doesn't take anything seriously, she is a very observant and intelligent person who is able to make snap decisions on the fly with a cool head. When dealing with villains she is known to throw in some quips to annoy them and throw them off their game.
She does have a secret that she desperately wants to keep; she is a massive nerd. Whether it's anime, manga, or video games she is just a nerd. The kind of nerd that learned Japanese just to read the RAWs of a chapter as soon as they are posted. The kind of person to make her own fan work and sell it under a pseudonym at comic cons because the last thing she wants is to destroy her social life. She has two kinds of sketchbooks. One she can show to people and the other she would have to kill them if they saw it.
Mischa is a recent foreign transfer from the Netherlands with an impressive lineage; on her mother's side there has been a dynasty of heroes and her mother is currently one of the top ten heroes in the country while her father is a Croatian diplomat. Of course as a child she had no idea what her father actually really did though she knew exactly what her mother did. Saving people, news interviews, photo ops, public admiration, and all the sparkle. There was nothing else in the world she wanted more than be a hero just like her mother.
Mischa was an energetic, if not reckless child. She of course was talented and with talent and with such a familial reputation expectations were placed upon her not just by her own family but everyone else around her. She at first didn't feel it; it was fun to develop her powers in all sorts of ways everyday though as she got older she could not help, but to notice it. To be as exceptional as her mother, to grow faster, to do better even when she was already doing her best so she wouldn't bring shame to her family. The pressure caused her to act out more, act more reckless with Daredevil stunts in any attempt to differentiate herself from her mother.
The time for her to graduate from her high school's hero program passed and she enrolled in her mothers alma mater though she couldn't stand being there. It was suffocating to have the constant reminder of her mother breathing down her neck, the constant comparisons, and the questions. Mischa made a request to transfer to Eirei College under the pretense that she wanted to study in the country where the Symbol of Peace once resided. It wasn't entirely a lie, but the truth was that she wanted to get as far away from her family as possibly could, away from the pressure and expectations. She needed a chance to become her own person and hopefully putting countries between her and everyone else would do the trick.
Q u i r k
Gen 5 - Emulation/Psychokinesis/Transportation - Awakened
Balance allows Mischa to manipulate the direction and strength of gravitational forces though it must be at the same time. For example, she could make it so she can walk on walls or 'fall' upwards or in another direction, using it to slingshot herself. However, this ability is not limited by touch; it has a range where she could use it to manipulate objects. For example, she could pull objects towards her or away from her as a form of defense or towards targets as a form of attack though can perform much more complex tasks to manipulate her environment. She can use it in more subtle ways for hand-to-hand combat. If she is able to focus the manipulation of the gravity's direction and strength on say a punch then she can increase its speed and strength though any string of attacks has to be thought out lest she accidentally pulls her limbs out of their sockets.
More powerful feats would include strengthening the direction of gravity or slingshot them through the air to drop them back to the ground though she prefers not to do that as that is unbecoming of a hero. However, if she wishes to extend the range then it will take greater mental power and may take greater effort to exert the same level of control and strength she could normally.
° Slingshot: By altering the direction of gravity and increasing the gravitational pull, Mischa can essentially slingshot herself or any target for that matter at high speeds. This can be used to increase the strength of her physical attacks and even projectiles, cratering and shattering reinforced objects.
° Float: By altering the direction of gravity into every direction and colliding into each other in equal force she can essentially cause something to just float. This is typically used by Mischa after Slingshot so she can remain in the air for longer periods of time and even float in place. The reason she can't simply just strengthen gravity upwards and have a weaker pull downwards is because it would stretch her like taffy.
° Shambles: Mischa alters the gravitational direction of several objects, constantly changing the direction as to create confusion and make it difficult to keep track where each object as they are used to attack the target.
° First Impact: Drawing her powers to their absolute limit, she first changes the surrounding gravity upwards with enough force to rip layers and layers of reinforced concrete, steel, and so on to create a solid mass that looks like a makeshift meteor and with all of her strength redirects its gravity towards at full speed. The impact of the attack leaves destruction in its wake.
S k i l l s
Multilingual • Artistic • Martial Artist
Support Item - Hero Costume - Patented
Her hero costume is designed to look like a motorcyclist's outfit with a black leather jacket that is typically zipped up though there is a white t-shirt shirt underneath it, black leather pants, a black tool belt, red gloves and boots, and a red motorcyclist helmet.
The gloves and boots are designed to absorb shock from her using her quirk for high speed movement and impacts. The knuckles of the gloves have metal plates that act similarly to knuckle dusters and the soles of her boots are made with iron.
The motorcyclist's helmet appears like a normal red motorcycle helmet with an abnormal field of view and is exceptionally durable. The helmet however is outfitted with basic vision magnification, night vision, and an AI assisting GPS software. It also has Bluetooth so she can listen to music.
Support Item - Tungsten Balls - Patented
Slightly larger than golf balls, they are just regular tungsten balls. Mischa uses them in conjunction with her quirk as projectiles. Held within her tool belt.