A Tale of Hormones
Uh, yea, this is a sort of off shoot to the canceled RP "Kurai Majokko." We just kind of felt like playing our characters more and exploring the interpersonal relationships of a lusty blood witch, a dark code enforcer, a brooding misanthropist, and an emotionless drug dealer. Who knows what sort of nonsense these delinquents are going to get into?
The RP takes place in Hibusa Town and features some of the most backwards magical girls to ever grace the world. The only thing that keeps them loosely in check is being a part of the Detention Club. Without this, Hibusa Town may as well not exist. In an unusual twist, it's the dark girls that are forced to work in teams and the light girls that usually go at it solo. There's also some amorphous blobs that are made out of dark emotions called Miseria. Otherwise it's all very magical girl standard.
We just mentioned Hibusa Town in the last section. But in short, if you can think of it, it's probably in or near the town.
Rules? Those are for light girls...
You literally already have one of these from the last RP If you're an eligible participant. Just slap it in the character tab for reference. And by golly, make sure none of the links are broken. Otherwise, Ponn might point it out with the tone of a disappointed parent.

Codex of Terms

A group of Dark Magical Girls who share the selfish same beliefs, or that was what their leader had planned. Instead, the Detention Club has become something of a daycare center that attempts to keep the unhinged girls in check. Two reigning rules govern the Detention Club. No killing outside of the Miseria and no exposing themselves to the world outside of Magical Girls. Even with such lax rules, the club's Code Keeper has her hands full.

Amorphous blobs that dark magical girls hunt to grow their power and light girls hunt for sport.

They pretty much are just here to sell merchandise and have no tangible reason to exist in the setting. Much like all mascots.

Like soul gems from Madoka Magica, but more varied.

A Tale of Shadow

Since the beginning of this world, magic was created from the hearts of star-borned children. Granted as a gift to mortals, magic is often associated with warriors of the light, sworn to defend the world from darkness. These denizens of light take the mantle of Magical Girls and wage their crusade from the shadows. Hidden from the eyes of the known world, they battle misery and grief wherever it may rise.
Magic, however, holds loyalty to neither good nor evil. Magic is power, and power is to be used by the strong, the willing, the selfish. Such attributes flow freely in Hibusa Town, a territory latent, even steeping in it. It is a land held by Magical Girls who have been scorned, tossed aside, and have questioned their faith in the mantra of good. Indeed, Hibusa Town lays dark from the creatures of horrors and darker still from the ones who slay them. The Kurai Majokko; the Dark Magical Girls.
Any of virtue are turned away; any who resist are given swift lessons to make them turn away. Many a fool would dare to enter Hibusa Town's streets in efforts to rekindle hope and friendship to its residents. But as whispers of a greater evil surface, Hibusa Town runs rampant further and further away from the light. For in Hibusa Town, the night comes quick and the nightmare becomes reality.
Magic, however, holds loyalty to neither good nor evil. Magic is power, and power is to be used by the strong, the willing, the selfish. Such attributes flow freely in Hibusa Town, a territory latent, even steeping in it. It is a land held by Magical Girls who have been scorned, tossed aside, and have questioned their faith in the mantra of good. Indeed, Hibusa Town lays dark from the creatures of horrors and darker still from the ones who slay them. The Kurai Majokko; the Dark Magical Girls.
Any of virtue are turned away; any who resist are given swift lessons to make them turn away. Many a fool would dare to enter Hibusa Town's streets in efforts to rekindle hope and friendship to its residents. But as whispers of a greater evil surface, Hibusa Town runs rampant further and further away from the light. For in Hibusa Town, the night comes quick and the nightmare becomes reality.
Welcome to Hibusa Town. In this bright and beautiful town, players will wield the power of magic as a Magical Girl. But rather than stand for the virtues of all that is good, you will fight for your own gain and merit. Something has made you turn away from the light; be it tragedy, a question of faith, or just boredom from protecting those who don’t deserve it. Whatever it may be, you fight for only yourself and the Detention Club.
Within this RP, you will battle the curses to plague this world to strengthen your own power, the Miseria who wander the streets. You will encounter those who think differently than yourselves, Magical Girls who still follow the light. And you will encounter all that Hibusa Town has to offer, be it the strange, the mundane, and the darkness lingering inside you all. How well you delinquents get along will be up to you, but no doubt it feels satisfying to be the villain.
Within this RP, you will battle the curses to plague this world to strengthen your own power, the Miseria who wander the streets. You will encounter those who think differently than yourselves, Magical Girls who still follow the light. And you will encounter all that Hibusa Town has to offer, be it the strange, the mundane, and the darkness lingering inside you all. How well you delinquents get along will be up to you, but no doubt it feels satisfying to be the villain.
Hibusa Town is wide and expansive, strange and mysterious. Surrounded by mountain villages on one side and sea bordering the city on the other, it serves as the basis of the RP. For many of the corrupted Magical Girls residing there, it has been their homes for some time. No one knows how Hibusa Town came to be or why it was built in the first place. And to be honest, no one really cares anyway. To the residential occupant, no event is taken in shock, at least not anymore.
The town is said to possess a charm to it, along with a bad habit of weird occurrences within its borders. How much of it is to blame for magic, the Miseria, or something else is for the residents to discover. Any and all phenomena is associated with guardian spirits who watch over the land. How shocking it must be to discover these so called "spirits" are simply Magical Girls who've lost their way. More importantly, the town is home to Hibusa High and, by extension, the Detention Club: a group of Dark Magical Girls who share the same selfish beliefs. The Detention Club connects these dark warriors together.
So long as the club is never betrayed and never disrupted, Dark Magical Girls are free to do what they please within Hibusa Town. Be it exploring the layout and its secrets, hunting the land for Miseria, or something more, the choice is theirs to take. Even if the nights have been suddenly getting that much darker, that much colder.
The town is said to possess a charm to it, along with a bad habit of weird occurrences within its borders. How much of it is to blame for magic, the Miseria, or something else is for the residents to discover. Any and all phenomena is associated with guardian spirits who watch over the land. How shocking it must be to discover these so called "spirits" are simply Magical Girls who've lost their way. More importantly, the town is home to Hibusa High and, by extension, the Detention Club: a group of Dark Magical Girls who share the same selfish beliefs. The Detention Club connects these dark warriors together.
So long as the club is never betrayed and never disrupted, Dark Magical Girls are free to do what they please within Hibusa Town. Be it exploring the layout and its secrets, hunting the land for Miseria, or something more, the choice is theirs to take. Even if the nights have been suddenly getting that much darker, that much colder.
• Each player is allowed one character each for now, primarily Dark Magical Girls. We will allow a select few to play the opposite team; 1/3 of the total number of players we have at all times.
• There will be no specific posting order. However, wait at least two turns before posting again to let others have fun as well.
• Please post your Character Sheets onto the OOC for evaluation. After being accepted, you may then post them onto the Character Tab.
• Keep your IC posts at a minimum length of two or three paragraphs (i.e.: around 500 to 1000 characters), for each character in your post. Furthermore, try to write as well as you can.
• If you have any problems, questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to let the GMs know.
• There will be no specific posting order. However, wait at least two turns before posting again to let others have fun as well.
• Please post your Character Sheets onto the OOC for evaluation. After being accepted, you may then post them onto the Character Tab.
• Keep your IC posts at a minimum length of two or three paragraphs (i.e.: around 500 to 1000 characters), for each character in your post. Furthermore, try to write as well as you can.
• If you have any problems, questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to let the GMs know.
• Appearance: Self-explanatory. Please include two references for your normal self and your Magical Girl uniform. For brownie points, find an appearance for before and after your corruption.
• Name: Self-explanatory.
• Title: Your Magical Girl name.
• Age: Self-explanatory.
• Emblem: The item that allows a Magical Girl, good or evil, to transform. Emblems come in a variety of forms, be it small accessories or even tattoos. They are the source of a Magical Girl’s power and damaging or removing them will greatly hinder battle strength and vitality.
• Devil Arm: The weapon of a Dark Magical Girl, now twisted and corrupt much like their blackened souls. Describe what your weapon used to be and what it is now due to your slide into darkness. Light Magical Girls call their weapons Sweet Arms.
• Magic: Your special magic. Much like your Devil Arms, your magic is affected by your transformation and your wish. Describe what it once was and what it has now become.
• Background: Please describe what corrupted your character here, be it out of tragedy, selfishness, or some other factor.
• Sample Post: Write a small post describing what your character wished for/why they contracted. Doesn't have to be long, 2-3 paragraphs is fine. Please place this into a hider. This is the most important factor of acceptance regarding your CS.
• Other: Optional. Anything else not mentioned above that you may wish to add goes here.
• Name: Self-explanatory.
• Title: Your Magical Girl name.
• Age: Self-explanatory.
• Emblem: The item that allows a Magical Girl, good or evil, to transform. Emblems come in a variety of forms, be it small accessories or even tattoos. They are the source of a Magical Girl’s power and damaging or removing them will greatly hinder battle strength and vitality.
• Devil Arm: The weapon of a Dark Magical Girl, now twisted and corrupt much like their blackened souls. Describe what your weapon used to be and what it is now due to your slide into darkness. Light Magical Girls call their weapons Sweet Arms.
• Magic: Your special magic. Much like your Devil Arms, your magic is affected by your transformation and your wish. Describe what it once was and what it has now become.
• Background: Please describe what corrupted your character here, be it out of tragedy, selfishness, or some other factor.
• Sample Post: Write a small post describing what your character wished for/why they contracted. Doesn't have to be long, 2-3 paragraphs is fine. Please place this into a hider. This is the most important factor of acceptance regarding your CS.
• Other: Optional. Anything else not mentioned above that you may wish to add goes here.
[b][color=gold]• Appearance:[/color][/b] Self-explanatory. Please include two references for your normal self and your Magical Girl uniform. For brownie points, find an appearance for before and after your corruption.
[b][color=gold]• Name:[/color][/b] Self-explanatory.
[b][color=gold]• Title:[/color][/b] Your Magical Girl name.
[b][color=gold]• Age:[/color][/b] Self-explanatory.
[b][color=gold]• Emblem:[/color][/b] The item that allows a Magical Girl, good or evil, to transform. Emblems come in a variety of forms, be it small accessories or even tattoos. They are the source of a Magical Girl’s power and damaging or removing them will greatly hinder battle strength and vitality.
[b][color=gold]• Devil Arm:[/color][/b] The weapon of a Dark Magical Girl, now twisted and corrupt much like their blackened souls. Describe what your weapon used to be and what it is now due to your slide into darkness. Light Magical Girls call their weapons Sweet Arms.
[b][color=gold]• Magic:[/color][/b] Your special magic. Much like your Devil Arms, your magic is affected by your transformation and your wish. Describe what it once was and what it has now become.
[b][color=gold]• Background:[/color][/b] Please describe what corrupted your character here, be it out of tragedy, selfishness, or some other factor.
[b][color=gold]• Sample Post:[/color][/b] Write a small post describing what your character wished for/why they contracted. Doesn't have to be long, 2-3 paragraphs is fine. Please place this into a hider. This is the most important factor of acceptance regarding your CS.
[b][color=gold]• Other:[/color][/b] Optional. Anything else not mentioned above that you may wish to add goes here.

Codex of Terms

A group of Dark Magical Girls who share the selfish same beliefs; the Detention Club is what connects these dark warriors together. Hosted in Hibusa High, it is the hangout spot and organization most of your characters are affiliated with. What passes as mundane club activities are, in actuality, meetings and assigned dealings among the Dark Magical Girls living in Hibusa Town. Publicly, the club's purpose is to perform selfless acts for the school. Of course, much of this is a farce and easily exploited with magic.
While these girls are always hungry for new blood in their rank, two reigning rules govern the Detention Club. No killing outside of the Miseria and no exposing themselves to the world outside of Magical Girls. Such rules are enforced by the club's Code Keeper, a role closely tied to the group's leader.

The many and miscellaneous monsters you will encounter in your story. Miseria are the source of grief and curses in the world, serving as the titular enemy to all Magical Girls. While those of the light are sworn to vanquish them to protect humanity, there’s no real gain in doing so. As Dark Magical Girls, slaying Nightmares bolsters your own power, further leading you into corruption. They're said to be most active during the night, particularly when the moon is nigh.

Creatures taken the form of cats from beyond who form pacts with Magical Girls, giving them their unique powers via wishes and serving as their guides. Lacking a face and features, they often describe themselves with cute emoticons and other symbols upon their screens. Curiously enough, Mascots don’t seem to be affected in either appearance or nature when Magical Girls become corrupted with darkness. The group of Dark Magical Girls known as the Detention Club in Miso City currently have one residing Mascot overseeing them.

The item that allows a Magical Girl, good or evil, to transform. Emblems come in a variety of forms, be it small accessories or even tattoos. They are the source of a Magical Girl’s power and damaging or removing them will greatly hinder battle strength and vitality. Emblems are a Magical Girl’s greatest asset….and most vulnerable weakness. Destroying one will end a Magical Girl’s life.