Hello Everyone,
This is an idea I’ve had circling in my brain for a while, a character-driven story about a ragtag crew exploring space for a company known as ExoGenesis. Think of shows like Firefly and Babylon 5, down to games like Mouthwashing and Stellaris (Yes, this is where I got the name).
Unbeknownst to everyone (or publicly if you so choose), the crew are made up of people who have done horrible things or made career-ending mistakes in their pasts. ExoGenesis, for unknown reasons, have decided to overlook such things in order to recruit them for an exploration mission.
(This game will begin with everyone preparing to leave home and boarding the Stellar Horizon. The mission is contracted for a year and a half, with ExoGenesis being able to extend that time up to two and a half years) (Everyone will be given individual missions via DM upon acceptance as well)
(The beginning will be heavily character-driven encouraging collaborations and characters getting to know one another, before any action kicks in) (Pre-established relations are acceptable as well)
The crew of the Stellar Horizon, a state-of-the-art exploration vessel, is tasked with investigating a strange anomaly detected deep within the uncharted regions of space. This anomaly, known only as “The Echo,” is a mysterious phenomenon that has baffled scientists and stargazers for decades. It emits inexplicable signals, seemingly a distress call, originating from a region previously thought to be devoid of life and technological presence.
The Stellar Horizon’s mission is simple: Travel to “The Echo’s” coordinates, investigate the source, and report findings.
Crew Roles:
I’m looking for four to five players to fill these starting roles. If more players show interest, I’m willing to open up more slots and work together to find suitable roles.
Posting Expectations?: I’m not a hard-ass on this as everyone has lives. I’m looking for committed players who don’t mind a slow-burn-esque roleplay. I currently work four days in a row, ten hours, with other life commitments so I understand if writing can’t be a top priority. Collaborations between players are heavily encouraged here, and those take time. As long as we’re moving at a healthy rate, I have no problems as I prefer quality over quantity. Once a week may be a minimum if we’re moving the story along, but once again, I’m not a hard-ass.
Can I Die?: In this game, anything is possible. I’m not looking for this to be a slaughter-fest, but this is a deep-space cosmic horror exploration game. Actions have consequences, and that’s what makes it a fun and interesting narrative.
Humans Only?: Sadly, yes. I considered allowing alien races, but for the narrative set, I think humans or majority humans works best for now. ExoGenesis is an Earth based company with the motto, "Seeding the Future, Evolving Humanity Beyond the Stars." after all. I’m not above allowing an exception, however, but it would have to be very convincing and well-written.
However, being a Telepath is acceptable. These powers are a recent emergence within humans and therefore classified as a different race (More on this to come).
Not enough Lore to fully say I’m interested!: This is understandable. I made this to throw the concept out there before I typed everything in full-detail. If there’s anything you need to know Lore wise, feel free to ask and I’ll give a quick summary.
Your Q&A didn’t answer my question!: Feel free to ask here or PM me.
Here is a CS with an example to encourage brainstorming. Lord knows my CS are not pretty, so feel free to use any CS template as long as the necessary information is provided.
This is an idea I’ve had circling in my brain for a while, a character-driven story about a ragtag crew exploring space for a company known as ExoGenesis. Think of shows like Firefly and Babylon 5, down to games like Mouthwashing and Stellaris (Yes, this is where I got the name).
Unbeknownst to everyone (or publicly if you so choose), the crew are made up of people who have done horrible things or made career-ending mistakes in their pasts. ExoGenesis, for unknown reasons, have decided to overlook such things in order to recruit them for an exploration mission.
(This game will begin with everyone preparing to leave home and boarding the Stellar Horizon. The mission is contracted for a year and a half, with ExoGenesis being able to extend that time up to two and a half years) (Everyone will be given individual missions via DM upon acceptance as well)
(The beginning will be heavily character-driven encouraging collaborations and characters getting to know one another, before any action kicks in) (Pre-established relations are acceptable as well)
The crew of the Stellar Horizon, a state-of-the-art exploration vessel, is tasked with investigating a strange anomaly detected deep within the uncharted regions of space. This anomaly, known only as “The Echo,” is a mysterious phenomenon that has baffled scientists and stargazers for decades. It emits inexplicable signals, seemingly a distress call, originating from a region previously thought to be devoid of life and technological presence.
The Stellar Horizon’s mission is simple: Travel to “The Echo’s” coordinates, investigate the source, and report findings.
Crew Roles:
I’m looking for four to five players to fill these starting roles. If more players show interest, I’m willing to open up more slots and work together to find suitable roles.
Posting Expectations?: I’m not a hard-ass on this as everyone has lives. I’m looking for committed players who don’t mind a slow-burn-esque roleplay. I currently work four days in a row, ten hours, with other life commitments so I understand if writing can’t be a top priority. Collaborations between players are heavily encouraged here, and those take time. As long as we’re moving at a healthy rate, I have no problems as I prefer quality over quantity. Once a week may be a minimum if we’re moving the story along, but once again, I’m not a hard-ass.
Can I Die?: In this game, anything is possible. I’m not looking for this to be a slaughter-fest, but this is a deep-space cosmic horror exploration game. Actions have consequences, and that’s what makes it a fun and interesting narrative.
Humans Only?: Sadly, yes. I considered allowing alien races, but for the narrative set, I think humans or majority humans works best for now. ExoGenesis is an Earth based company with the motto, "Seeding the Future, Evolving Humanity Beyond the Stars." after all. I’m not above allowing an exception, however, but it would have to be very convincing and well-written.
However, being a Telepath is acceptable. These powers are a recent emergence within humans and therefore classified as a different race (More on this to come).
Not enough Lore to fully say I’m interested!: This is understandable. I made this to throw the concept out there before I typed everything in full-detail. If there’s anything you need to know Lore wise, feel free to ask and I’ll give a quick summary.
Your Q&A didn’t answer my question!: Feel free to ask here or PM me.
Here is a CS with an example to encourage brainstorming. Lord knows my CS are not pretty, so feel free to use any CS template as long as the necessary information is provided.