Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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G M (s): Lord Wraith C O N S U L T I N G G M (s): None G E N R E: Fandom T Y P E: Guided Sandbox
"To me, writing is fun. It doesn’t matter what you’re writing, as long as you can tell a story."
S T A N L E E ( 1 9 2 2 - 2 0 1 8 )

I N T R O D U C T I O N:
I N T R O D U C T I O N:


The world loves a hero. They give hope to the hopeless and inspire us to look beyond ourselves. Modern myths and epitomes of epic proportions, the likes of the Avengers and the Justice League have protected the world for several decades. While legends have persisted since the dawn of time through oral traditions, hieroglyphics and storytelling, the so-called bronze age of heroes began at the height of the First World War when Colonel Steven Trevor was rescued by the Amazonian Warrior then dubbed 'Wonder Woman'. The silver age was ushered in by the Super Soldier Arms race that bore forth Captain America who was soon joined by others during the Second World War.

But the Golden Age of Heroes began when he arrived to Earth.

The world was irreversibly changed when it learned that a man could fly. Lois Lane's interview with the 'Superman' shattered any remaining doubt about the legitimacy of these so-called 'superhumans' and soon numerous others began to follow in the Man of Steel's wake. Alien invasions were repelled, megalomaniacs thwarted, teams of legends founded and soon the Justice League and the Avengers were household names.

Until one day, they vanished.

About a week ago, the world was briefly engulfed by a green glow, the source? No one is sure, and no one has taken credit but after that things began to change seemingly overnight. Mysteriously and without a trace, individuals such as the Batman of Gotham and the patriotic Captain America were suddenly no longer found. Calls for Superman went unanswered and burglars were free to carry on unhindered by notes from Queens' friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. Heroes of note from across the globe were found to be missing in action and the trail was cold.

Then people seemingly began to forget, they were unbothered by the missing heroes, some of the greatest names to ever be known and they were gone, forgotten by the world at large. Their foes and rogues on the other hand were in rampant in number and now without a major adversary leading to a worldwide record crimewave. Seemingly unopposed they took advantage of the massive power vacuum.

But heroes inspire us, and so even in their absence, the world was not defenceless. In preparation for a day such as this, the heroes had taken others under their wings, trained them in their arts and inspired ones who could not forget and will not. Ones who carry on their mentors' memory and will stop at nothing to find out what happened to them.

This is a story of legacy, of those who were taken under the wings of their mentors and trained to carry on the cape and cowl.


S U M M A R Y:
S U M M A R Y:

In 1917, Colonel Steven Trevor was shot down over the Pacific Ocean, considered killed in action before his miraculous return accompanied by a woman claiming to be the princess of the Amazons. This WONDER WOMAN was the first superpowered being recorded in modern history and would go on to help turn the tide of the war, joined by fellow metahuman and gifted individuals such as the Atlantean warrior; NAMOR THE SUBMARINER, the super-speedster and the gadgeteer Dan Garrett, better known as the BLUE BEETLE. Along with Steve Trevor, this 'all-star squadron' became known as the DEFENDERS and would go on to inspire the first iteration of the JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA following the war's conclusion.

The Justice Society flourished during the following decade. While Namor returned home following the war, Wonder Woman stayed and travelled the globe in search of other individuals like herself, gathering the likes of HAWKMAN, HAWKGIRL, GREEN LANTERN and THE HUMAN TORCH. While Johnny Quick found himself a rival in the form of THE WHIZZER. Later editions still would go on to include the SANDMAN, STARMAN and WILDCAT.

Unknowingly, however, the presence of the Justice Society had unintentionally jumpstarted a super-soldier arms race. Dr. Abraham Erskine; a German biochemist and physicist who had spent much of his early life studying the human species had devised a way to create a 'Super Soldier Serum' but ultimately his research was misused resulting in the creation of the RED SKULL. Fleeing to America, Dr. Erskine came into custody and protection of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, or the S.S.R. who put the good doctor for 'Project Rebirth' which ultimately brought the world the paragon known as CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Following the Second World War, faith in heroes had become jaded, with many seeing them as government weapons. This was further solidified when the Justice Society was forcibly disbanded when the S.S.R. approached the heroes with an ultimatum; become government-sanctioned and registered heroes or be forcibly retired. One by one, the heroes disappeared back into the shadows, though some resisted and were publicly unmasked and jailed for trumped-up crimes. By the 1960s, masked heroes were considered a thing of the past, but gifted individuals were still rising.

Dubbed, the 'Children of the Atom', mutants were rapidly becoming more common among youth leading to Charles Xavier and his confidant, Erik Lehnsherr to found the XAVIER INSTITUTE FOR GIFTED YOUNGSTERS. The creation of this school would go on to give birth to the X-MEN while Erik would later turn his back on Charles, taking the name MAGNETO and forming his own BROTHERHOOD OF MUTANTS as the mutant scare continued to rise.

With this threat at home, the former S.S.R. was transformed into the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, or simply S.H.I.E.L.D. under the leadership of NICK FURY. Founded in the wake of the Allied victory over the Axis powers and HYDRA during the Second World War, S.H.I.E.L.D. is an American extra-governmental counter-terrorism and intelligence agency tasked with maintaining both national and global security. The division was organized to protect the United States from all possible threats including tracking not only the rising mutant threat but any form of metahuman that arose. Though even under the watchful eye of S.H.I.E.L.D. the world wasn't ready for the devastating meteor shower that nearly wiped out a portion of Kansas during the fall of 1989.

Hidden amongst this meteor shower was a small intergalactic spacecraft carrying the infant Kryptonian; Kal-El, who would be discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent. The Kents raised the young boy as their own, but the world was forever changed the day the young Clark Kent revealed himself as SUPERMAN. Superman's appearance began a new age of heroes, while the red and blue blur reigned above the city of Metropolis, New York found itself a menace in the form of SPIDER-MAN while Gotham's corruption was preyed on by the BATMAN.

P R E M I S E:
P R E M I S E:

Absolute Comics: Scion is a guided sandbox style of roleplay in which players take on the role of a legacy comic book character to tell smaller-scale stories against the GM's large-scale narrative. The greater story, laid out below in the 'Summary', will be told through regular GM updates which push the narrative and lead into both season-wide plot threads and smaller wide-spread arcs. The goal of the GM plotlines is to encourage interaction between players and to allow the opportunities for players to play reactively opposed to always driving their own plotlines. However, players are heavily encouraged to also further their own stories and deal with the repercussions and loss of the circumstances the plot has found them in.

Sensation & Wonder is a collaborative linear sandbox roleplay that uses the ideas presented in Marvel and DC Comics' various media to create new and exciting stories using familiar elements and characters. To those of you asking exactly what a collaborative linear sandbox is, I define this style of game as a compilation of linear stories written by multiple groups of people that interact and mesh to great one persistent game within the same sandbox. If that's as clear as mud for you, let me try to clean it up.

Players will apply to the game using one of the provided character skeletons. Using these skeletons they'll choose a character and indicate whether they wish to be a 'Driving', 'Roaming' or 'Supporting' character. Driving characters are assertive players who wish to create plots and story arcs that no only they can write out, but also invite others to collaborate on and complete with. Roaming characters are for players who want to mingle with the greater game and write both solo and with as many other players as possible. Lastly, Supporting characters are for players who want to lock in on a specific plot being direct by someone else and write alongside them.

In-game history is decided on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, it should not be designed in a manner that locks out another player from taking on a favourite role. To give an example, if a player applies as Dick Grayson before an application has been received for Bruce Wayne, then the player applying as Grayson can decide to portray Dick as Robin, Nightwing or even Batman. No matter which of these roles the Grayson player chooses, it has an effect on a future Bruce Wayne player.

Due to the inclusive nature of the roleplay, a Bruce Wayne player would have to craft their CS to reflect a Bruce who allows for opportunities for a Grayson player or other notable members of the Bat-family. For instance, if the Grayson player chooses to be Nightwing, then the Bruce Wayne player will need to portray an older Batman. Even if a ‘Dick-Bats’ could block a player from playing Bruce Wayne as Batman, it shouldn’t necessarily block Bruce Wayne as a character. If so desired by both parties, a Batman Inc.-like scenario could even be worked out. It should also be noted that villains are just as viable of characters and applying for Captain America does not mean another player can't join as Red Skull.

It is important to remember that interaction, much like any role-play, is the bread and butter of the game. To that end, players are encouraged to work together to create a mutually desired outcome for all those involved. Classic teams ups such as Batman and Robin or Wolverine and Hawkeye are always welcome but don't forget, this is a One Universe Rp where the Devil of Hell's Kitchen can work alongside Gotham's Dark Knight.

S O U R C E M A T E R I A L:
S O U R C E M A T E R I A L:

As previously mentioned this roleplay allows players to draw upon characters from not only just the DC and Marvel Universes, but also other characters may be considered on a case-by-case basis if they fit the tone and feel of the game. Priority, however, will be given to characters who originate from within either DC or Marvel Comics and their subsidiaries.

Your character concept can be based on any iteration of the character. In terms of career, try to keep the greater goal of the game in mind, and characters with legacies ideally should be further along in their careers to allow for inclusivity of other players. That said, please don't let this lead you to believe origin stories have no place here. Origins can be told conventionally, with the assistance of other players or through flashbacks and other framing devices.

In regards to what any iteration of the character means for you as a player, is that this world's Spider-Man could currently be Miles Morales, Iron Man could be replaced by Iron Heart, Batman could be Terry McGinnis. This also means that some heroes might just be starting out, perhaps the Teen Titans were just formed? Maybe Scott Summers just found out he was a mutant? The changes and possibilities are near endless but are sure to create a unique world for us to tell our own takes on these 'modern myths'.

G A M E P L A Y:
G A M E P L A Y:


In the past, games have largely relied on the concept of parent characters however it has never fully thrived on this concept. While certain characters will be given priority to related supporting NPCs, players will be limited in order to leave room on the board for others.

For example, a Batman player may be limited to laying claim to Alfred, Jim Gordon and Dick Grayson. Outside of this, if someone else wanted to apply as Barbara Gordon, they would be free to do so on the condition their concept doesn't force a change from the original Batman player.

If desiring a supporting NPC from outside your character's 'franchise', players will be limited to one such named character with the stipulation of revisiting their claim pending player involvement and IC advancement.

Taking a page from UOU: Emergence, villains are, in addition to being playable, available at a first come first serve basis provided they are not an arch nemesis. Though if a player opts to forfeit their arch nemesis, they too become available.

The IC will be divided into Zones, will players upon applying specifying which Zone is their starting Zone. Each Zone will have its own unique plots and arcs, with some overarching plots bleeding into other Zones, if not all of them to bring those participating together in a 'Crisis' to solve.

Zones are intended to be loosely defined geographic regions. Initially envisioned to be a East Coast, West Coast and the Rest of the World situation, this may change pending player character placement.

Within each Zone, in addition to player driven activities, will be Crimes, Conspiracies and Crises. These are GM governed events of various lengths designed to direction and enforce interaction and collaboration between players.

Crimes - Short arcs, straightforward, easy to solve
Conspiracies - Longer, mystery-driven arcs, may lead to other crimes or Crises.
Crisis - Medium-length, highly collaborative events that are game-changing.


As these games tend to draw recurring members of the community, we'll be enforcing a new rule that if you had previously participated in either Ultimate One Universe: Emergence or its predecessor, Absolute Comics Presents - What If?, you cannot reapply as any character you previously played. Should a week elapse after the RP starts and that character remains unclaimed, you will be able to apply for the desired character at that time.

This is in addition to a week's delay in the original application process to ensure that all interested parties have a fair shot at 'A-List' Characters.

No Team Applications

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Characters Off the Table:

Batman - Bruce Wayne
Superman - Clark Kent/Kal-El
Captain America - Steven Rogers
Wonder Woman - Diana Prince
Iron Man - Tony Stark
Thor - Thor Odinson
Hawkeye - Clint Barton
Aquaman - Arthur Curry/Orin
Spider-Man - Peter Parker
Cyclops - Scott Summers
Iceman - Bobby Drake
Beast - Hank McCoy
Professor X - Charles Xavier
Marvel Girl - Jean Grey
Angel - Warren Worthington III
Green Arrow - Oliver Queen
Black Canary - Dinah Drake
Hulk - Bruce Banner
The Flash - Barry Allen
Daredevil - Matt Murdock
Green Lantern - Hal Jordan
Ant-Man - Hank Pym
Wasp - Janet Van Dyne
Namor - Namor the Submariner
Reed Richards - Mr. Fantastic
Sue Storm - Invisible Woman
Johnny Storm - Human Torch
Ben Grimm - The Thing
Stephen Strange - Dr. Strange
Kent Nelson - Dr. Fate
T'Challa - Black Panther

All other 'parent' characters will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Online

In 1917, Colonel Steven Trevor was shot down over the Pacific Ocean, considered killed in action before his miraculous return accompanied by a woman claiming to be the princess of the Amazons. This WONDER WOMAN was the first superpowered being recorded in modern history and would go on to help turn the tide of the war, joined by fellow metahuman and gifted individuals such as the Atlantean warrior; NAMOR THE SUBMARINER, the super-speedster and the gadgeteer Dan Garrett, better known as the BLUE BEETLE. Along with Steve Trevor, this 'all-star squadron' became known as the DEFENDERS and would go on to inspire the first iteration of the JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA following the war's conclusion.

The Justice Society flourished during the following decade. While Namor returned home following the war, Wonder Woman stayed and travelled the globe in search of other individuals like herself, gathering the likes of HAWKMAN, HAWKGIRL, GREEN LANTERN and THE HUMAN TORCH. While Johnny Quick found himself a rival in the form of THE WHIZZER. Later editions still would go on to include the SANDMAN, STARMAN and WILDCAT.

Unknowingly, however, the presence of the Justice Society had unintentionally jumpstarted a super-soldier arms race. Dr. Abraham Erskine; a German biochemist and physicist who had spent much of his early life studying the human species had devised a way to create a 'Super Soldier Serum' but ultimately his research was misused resulting in the creation of the RED SKULL. Fleeing to America, Dr. Erskine came into custody and protection of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, or the S.S.R. who put the good doctor for 'Project Rebirth' which ultimately brought the world the paragon known as CAPTAIN AMERICA.

Following the Second World War, faith in heroes had become jaded, with many seeing them as government weapons. This was further solidified when the Justice Society was forcibly disbanded when the S.S.R. approached the heroes with an ultimatum; become government-sanctioned and registered heroes or be forcibly retired. One by one, the heroes disappeared back into the shadows, though some resisted and were publicly unmasked and jailed for trumped-up crimes. By the 1960s, masked heroes were considered a thing of the past, but gifted individuals were still rising.

Dubbed, the 'Children of the Atom', mutants were rapidly becoming more common among youth leading to Charles Xavier and his confidant, Erik Lehnsherr to found the XAVIER INSTITUTE FOR GIFTED YOUNGSTERS. The creation of this school would go on to give birth to the X-MEN while Erik would later turn his back on Charles, taking the name MAGNETO and forming his own BROTHERHOOD OF MUTANTS as the mutant scare continued to rise.

With this threat at home, the former S.S.R. was transformed into the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, or simply S.H.I.E.L.D. under the leadership of NICK FURY. Founded in the wake of the Allied victory over the Axis powers and HYDRA during the Second World War, S.H.I.E.L.D. is an American extra-governmental counter-terrorism and intelligence agency tasked with maintaining both national and global security. The division was organized to protect the United States from all possible threats including tracking not only the rising mutant threat but any form of metahuman that arose. Though even under the watchful eye of S.H.I.E.L.D. the world wasn't ready for the devastating meteor shower that nearly wiped out a portion of Kansas during the fall of 1989.

Hidden amongst this meteor shower was a small intergalactic spacecraft carrying the infant Kryptonian; Kal-El, who would be discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent. The Kents raised the young boy as their own, but the world was forever changed the day the young Clark Kent revealed himself as SUPERMAN. Superman's appearance began a new age of heroes, while the red and blue blur reigned above the city of Metropolis, New York found itself a menace in the form of SPIDER-MAN while Gotham's corruption was preyed on by the BATMAN.

The modern history of heroes is unknown to most people. Still, those within S.H.I.E.L.D. and A.R.G.U.S. are well aware of just how long ago beings of extraordinary power decided to join the modern world.

Justice Society formed after World War I, was forcibly disbanded

-The Defenders? (Wonder Woman, Namor, Johnny Quick, Blue Beetle (Dan Garrett))
-Justice Society founded in the wake of World War II
-The SSR offers the JSA an ultimatum of join, and become government superheroes or forcible retire, resistance meant unmasking and/or jail time.

Justice League formed when a hostile Atlantis surfaced. Shortly after Atlantis was revealed, Wakanda introduced themselves to the world.

When an alien threat caught the Justice League by surprised and lured them off planet, an invasion threat forced the hand of SHIELD to activate the Avengers Initiative. An act originally planned as a counter measure to the Justice League.

Justice League members include Batman, Superman, TBD,

Avengers includes Diana Prince, co-founder alongside Colonel Nick Fury, Iron Man and originally Thor and Captain America before both deflected to the Justice League.

Thor was originally SHIELD's answer to Superman.

Justice League:
The Flash

Later Members:
Captain America
Black Panther
Green Arrow
Black Canary

Captain America
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Black Widow

Later Members:

Scion, a new coven of powerful and scorned wielders of the arcane and mystic. It is by Scion's hand that the world's leading heroes have vanished.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Donna Troy or Cassie Sandsmark
Dick Grayson
Jason Blood or another magic user
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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"Even Heimdall turns a blind eye to the land between the living and the dead." Loki replied dryly, "We will be undisturbed."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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"Once, I saw Bruce snap a wooden bat clean in half." A smile crossed Dick's face, "The mook wet himself on the spot." He shook his head, stifling a quiet chuckle, "Sometimes when it rains, I still can smell him. Been around dead bodies less potent than that."
Hidden 30 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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A plague spreading through Unterland corrupting the Vis and afflicting those who wield it. The plague is connected to Midyeden and sends our protagonists through Limbo, looking for the cause and a way to save their home.
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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An adult Nightwing at the height of his career as Nightwing, a steady relationship, looking to settle down when he finds himself taking a young vigilante under his wing and fighting against a part of himself that he thought he had left behind. The worst of Bruce comes bubbling up in him and Nightwing realizes he needs to be a better mentor than his was to him.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Born of a Magni mother and a Jäger father, Jonas Lehrer the Third has always been a child of two worlds. Though born mundane, he has always been fascinated by his mother's tales of the world that lay beneath the one his father was sworn to protect. But Jonas' mother was not long for this world, the nature of the Jäger was to make enemies, and when those enemies couldn't get to Jonas the Second, they came for the boy and his mother.

Despite being a Magni, Lucinda Lehrer did not possess a vast mastery of the Vis and though she fought long enough to spare her son's life, it was at the cost of her own. Following that tragic day, Jonas was forced to live a nomadic life under the tutelage and training of his father. His mother's familiar however imprinted on Jonas, and so Melek kept watch from the sky as the clever crow followed the boy and the Sparrow.

Jonas Lehrer III was one of two founding members of the Pacific Royal Collegiate & University along with the co-creator of the modern Hyperhuman Classification System. A kind and gentle soul, Jonas wasn’t afraid to roll up his sleeves and take action when necessary as shown by his involvement in the Crestwood Hollow Incident.

Jonas was ultimately killed by his former colleague, Yakob Kowalski who through manipulation of Winter Carlyle managed to successfully steal Jonas’ identity and take control of the school until his defeat at the hands of his former students and faculty.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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In the beginning...

Before time began, there was only darkness, a ceaseless void until the Light revealed himself.

The Light became known as the One.

The One who has always been, who never ends and who never began.

The One who reigns above all.

From the One came a seed planted deep within the Abyss. There, out of the void, grew a tree, and upon its many branches, life began. The roots drew upon the primordial Abyss, siphoning energy from the void and from the Light. This energy, the Vis, rapidly accelerated the growth of the tree and led it to flower and bloom. Some branches flourished and grew strong, bearing fruit while others grew briefly before withering away, their fruit rotting and falling into the void.

There on the tree, the fruit brought life and the One cared for them all. He ruled with love and care and placed a Watcher over each branch, but his most trusted, he placed in dominion over the roots of the tree which provided the lifeforce for all the fruit-bearing branches.This Caretaker was above all the other Watchers and the was given dominion over them along with access to the Vis.

But the Caretaker drank of the Vis and soon began to think himself more powerful than the One. He began to see his position as servitude rather than a privilege. The Caretaker of Roots allowed his heart to harden and soon began to resent the One Above All. In his anger, he sought to bring others to his side and rally the Watchers against their master. Some sided with the Caretaker, and so war broke out in the heavens as the Watchers turned upon one another.

War erupted in the heavens, the Caretaker and his forces versus the One and his. But the Caretaker was caught off guard by the power wielded by the One, and those who followed the Caretaker soon found themselves defeated and fed to the void. The Caretaker’s rebellion was quickly quelled and he became known as the Deceiver for leading the other Watchers astray. Returned to the roots of the tree of Life, he was forced to remain deep beneath the sprawling tree, banished from the presence of the Light.

The tree's roots were the source of all life, but also a reflection of it, and within them grew the Deceiver's domain. A world beneath, quite similar to those above but yet different, twisted and mirrored. Imprisoned betwixt the roots, the Deceiver was unable to confront the One directly, but that didn’t end the war as he continued to use the Vis, to create, to mold and to unleash beings and creatures to his own end.

These Hellions posed a danger to the life spawned by the Tree and so the One put charge on a Watcher to protect the realms from the dangers that the Roots spawned. And so Samael became the Angel of Death, striking out against the forces of the Deceiver.

But, the Deceiver was no fool.

He knew the Light, the One Above All had dispatched forces against his creations and so he reached into the Void and drew back his allies, Watchers who had become so imbued with the Void they tarnished the Vis. With great satisfaction, the Deceiver watched the ancient force fragment and splinter, splitting into the Nox and the Lux. His Watchers became Mothers to this new magic, and it became part of their very lifeforce.

Mothers of Magic, witches, the Hexemalefik.

And the Deceiver's favourite of these was Lilith.

Taking on the form of the One’s created, Lilith stole away through Limbo, ascending the tree until she found a paradise where she met a man. So Lilith deceived the man, whom the One called Adam. And so Lilith bore Adam, many daughters, a witch’s brood and thus the Hexenbrut were created to spite the One.

And so like Lilith, her sisters followed to this paradise and the witches laid with the men and soon the Hexenbrut spread across paradise bringing with them the ancient magic bestowed by the Deceiver.

The Vis was a powerful draw for Man who inherently craved power and many sought to learn from the Hexenbrut and their mothers, the Hexemalefik. While most lacked the talent, some were marked from birth and others still were persistent enough to unlock the secrets of the Vis, mastering it and manipulating its forces through tools and other means. Thus, the Draoi were created, mortals who unlocked the secrets of the universe.

The One saw his paradise corrupted and he mourned. But Samael went to war and so, the Angel of Death descended upon the Paradise Lost.

The Watcher alone clashed against the Witches and their brood. As the war waged, the Draoi; afraid to lose their power, sided too with the Witches and slowly Samael found himself overwhelmed and driven back.

Wounded, the Watcher plummeted from the sky, landing among the humans of Midyeden. There humans saw Samael and in the spirit of their creator, nursed the Watcher back to health. But the Witches found Samael and razed the village who saved him.

Discovering a survivor, it was Samael’s turn to return the favour and he allowed his blood to grace the human’s lips. The infusion of Watcher strengthened the human far beyond what they had been before. Granted the Watcher’s sight and power, the human became a hunter and so Samael built an army more numerous than the sparrows.

The Witches were hunted to extinction and the brood purged from Midyeden, exiled back to Ünterland. Draoi were scattered and hunted like Hellions as Samael’s Sparrows and their kin pursued them for the next millennia until they too were forgotten like dust in the wind.

The Path is narrow and difficult for only few will ever walk it. Enemies lie in wait on all sides, hellions and Magni alike, lurking to down the Sparrows as Samael’s soldiers continue their war, working in the dark to bring forth the light. The Path is the name given to the mission bore by the Jäger, the Hexensbane, and it is their sworn purpose to protect Midyeden from the threats of the Deceiver and his Hellions of Ünterland.

Hellions enter Midyeden through Conjunctions, an event when Ünterland and Midyeden, the Mundane, are briefly connected, bypassing the prison dimension known as Limbo. Limbo, or Purgatory, exists not as a plane between life and death but rather as a bridge between the worlds of the Mundane and Ünterland. A hostile plane, host to lost souls and the Hellions that feed upon them, Limbo is known as the realm of the damned. Originally a plane of traversal between realms, Limbo was transformed into a prison during the war between the Jäger and the Hexenbrut.

Due to the meddling of the Hexensbane, Limbo exists as a barrier, not only to keep Hellions and the Magni native to Ünterland from crossing over but also to keep the Mundane from entering. As such, it exists as an aid to Samael’s definition of the natural order, an attempt to maintain a balance between the Mundane and Ünterland. When a Magni crosses over from Ünterland to the world of the Mundane, Limbo often attempts to strip them of their extra seele or soul.

Despite acting as a prison for all manner of Hellions, Limbo is not impenetrable and at times Limbo opens, allowing passage where Hellions can escape to either realm. Other times Limbo causes the two realms to overlap and merge, creating a Conjunction which allows for travel and a temporary merger of the two planes.

The living can not remain in Limbo for an extended period, and those that do find their bodies rapidly aging before turning to decay. For this reason, it is understood that Limbo exists outside the normal passage of time making it particularly useful to Jäger who are walking the Path. With experience, one can use Limbo to cross the world in an instant or even defy the natural flow of time.

Sworn to walk the Path, the Jäger live disconnected and nomadic lives often free of attachments and entanglements. While imbued with numerous gifts from Samael, scattered and isolated, they were a target. Thus, the Venari Council was born, truthseekers with power and influence who could offer protection and aid to the Jäger. Men and women of influence who could have charges dismissed and offer housing, food and even comfort to the weary, road-worn souls.

Further still, Samael offered help in the form of his Chosen, virgin maidens elected for their untainted blood to be used to further infuse power and protection upon his Sparrows. Jäger are marked by Samael's Chosen. Their virgin blood inscribed on the Sparrows’ skin in the form of a protection rune through ritual skin stitching that imparts upon the Sparrow safe passage through Limbo.

The problem with power and authority is that it needlessly corrupts and so too it was that the Venari Council slowly began to distance itself from the Path and instead employ the Jäger to protect their fleeting power.

When the Jäger wouldn’t comply, they too were hunted to near extinction. An Inquisition was led and they were seen as no more than witches of another flavour. Like those they had banished, the Jäger were forced to take refuge in Ünterland.

Displeased with the actions of the Council, Samael returned from the void and ventured to Midyeden, the Angel of Death lashing out and so the Venari Council was decimated, free to rebuild as Jäger who had evaded capture ascended to the seats that had once been held over them.
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