Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The Story Thus Far, as told by Aulder, a former-human-turned-Iotan of the Empty Lord:

"The surface of Progaia, which some call the human world, is an ever overspilling cauldron of strife, terror, and chaos. Humanity, a most divine creation, is smack dab between Demonity and Angelity; the baneful Demons and the mighty Angels, natives of Hell and Heaven, respectively. 5 millenniums ago, there was the Great War, in which the Heaven Gate was destroyed by a hulking abomination created by none other than Krengius the Fleshshaper. Heaven was utterly obliterated and its few ruins can be seen today.

Regardless, the angels managed to rout the demon hordes back into Hell and established their dominance over humanity in the form of 'big brother' protecting his younger sibling: it was anything but this. Since then, angels had devolved, some would say, by breeding with humans. Yet their diligently trained angelic classes remained a ruling presence to this day.

Not that it mattered much.

12 months ago (Season 1 of this Roleplay), a scheme was made to collect the essence of the world. Why? The Hell Gate was cracking, and its gatekeeper, Melody, sought help from the Angelic Council in order to keep it intact. Their headquarters located in the city of Loom, all angels were tasked to gather essence however they could, from humans and demons, and of course themselves. Many battles took place during these times, some of which distracted from the main goal at hand. A valiant effort was made to subdue the nefarious villains lurking about, who sought to use the Council's plan for their own gain. Yet in the end, despite all of the tragic tales that occurred therein, nothing could be done to stop the human ghost known as Judas Iscariot from seizing the Sword (the form that the essence of the world became upon manifestation).

The Hell Gate was broken, and the path made clear for all of Hell's demon lords to access Progaia unrestricted. The horizon for our world is bleak at most, and despair is found in the hearts of many. All across the world, various nations have been ripped apart and reduced to a shadow of their former glory.

But Loom (shown above) has had it worse. Much worse. Torn to pieces, its inner dilapidated districts remain a no-man's land as two powerful factions dominate territories on the opposing outskirts. One led by the insane Judas, the Gospel, and the other, known as Omnity, which beckons all individuals of all three races into harmony and alliance. Gates broken and bonds shattered, the very fate of the Three Worlds may continue to become even more grim and desolate. There are other beacons of hope out there, somewhere... but unless they can find some way to gain a foothold into the power struggle between the Gospel and Omnity, their futile efforts will only serve as pale glimmers, quickly snuffed out, and likely forgotten.

There are many sides in this story. Are they are all legitimate paths? Or is there only one route that matters? That's up to you.

There are many characters, all of whom will come and go. Who will you befriend? Who will you make an enemy? That's up to you.

I reckon that many, including my lord, will attempt to persuade you to their side: for every soul matters in the End. Will you matter?

Again, that is up to you, my friend.

... Well, I must be going... perhaps we'll meet later, and share a cup of tea as we contemplate our roles in this story."
Note: It should be realized that the demons and angels of Essence of the World II are not what we'd call the biblical kind of demons and angels. Despite similar names and locations used, this is a completely different world, albeit most of the real world events in Real Life did occur. As for gods, there is lore on that. And they are as rare as the actual beings themselves.

If you are interested, please post here and make yourself known. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask them. The OOC thread will be provided by either Slade or I very soon. It give you some general rules specific to this RP (as I'm expecting you to already know the general rules for most roleplays), as well as some lore, profile template, etc.

GMs: Slade, Mikael
GM Assistants: Celaira, yoshua171
Roleplayer Limit: None as of now, and we currently have 7 veterans from Season 1 continuing with us.

They will be very helpful and polite to you. Don't be shy! Thank you for reading this Interest Check.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While I'm usually pretty leery about signing up for RPs that have been under way for a while (or in this case have multiple seasons) because from my experience, Vets of the RP don't really want any business with the new guy, and just want to continue whatever interactions they had between themselves, I will say that you've piqued my interest. If there's a quick and dirty way to play catchup on the lore from Season 1, I'll give it a shot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

“A long twelve months it has been,” a voice emanates from the shadows as two glowing embers slowly fade into existence, “...it seems that the time for chaos to reign has come. Oh, but do not fear, there will be plenty of that later. For now feel welcomed, come on in, it'll be fun...trust me. - Szayeis, Master of the Game and Chimeric Lord of Chaos. The Demonic Lord of the West.

Perhaps he might welcome you into his fold and allow you to become his pawn, after all, order is overrated, don't you think? Hehe, I'm yoshua171 one of the Veterans of EotW, or Essence as we often call it. I play Szayeis (quoted above) one of the Demonic Lords along with a human enchanter named Vaihrn, a kind angel named Saella, and then there's Mairyell.

I welcome anyone who might be interested to come check it out, there's plenty fun to be had, chaos to be wrought, and good to be done.

Do feel free to ask me for help if need be, I mean I do happen to be one of the assistants ^_^

Regardless, to those who join or take a look, welcome to Essence of the World.
- - - - - -

Well, as an assistant I can tell you that there are likely three-four ways you can catch up on lore. There is the site, which has all the information on angels, demons, the creation of the Essence verse and other pertinent info (as well as the character sheets from Season one). There is also a copy of Season one (or most of it at least) on the home page of the site. Alternatively I do believe that Mikael is going to compile a summary of Season one. I don't know if it'll be quick and dirty, but I do know that Mikael, Celaira, and myself will compile a Tl;dr(too long, didn't read in case you didn't know) version of that summary if it gets too long.

You can also ask questions. Hehe. As to worrying about long running RPs and the veterans not wanting to be involved with the newer players, well I'm pretty sure you'll have no problems with that. We're a crazy, wacky, fun and accepting bunch and we've already talked to at least three other new players and are on our way to figuring out different ways to interrelate our characters and spur interactions so no one feels left out....and then there's Mikael :P ^_^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

yoshua171 said
and then there's Mikael :P ^_^

^///^ ... stawwp it, Yosh! Gawd...

Hello Krauxis! Welcome... I'm glad you're interested. I haven't written an Int Chk in forever and, boy, I didn't expect a response so soon! Anyway...

Yosh's pretty much wrapped it up for me. Thanks mate. Um... let's seee. Yes I will be attempting to compile a summary on Season 1's events, though I should add that you will not be at too much of a disadvantage if you ignore most of Season 1. You'd just be missing out on awesome reads~ and... interesting tidbits about veteran characters. But see, when RPG went down, we lost a lot of our stuff... but our former GM (Wind Wild) managed to collect our story in Google Cache (if I understand this right)...

Here is the link to how we finished Season 1. Link

It's only 30 posts and is practically a summary itself! (lol jk.. but you should get a good impression on most of our characters, events, and lore).

In short, you don't have to feel too pressured into understanding Essence of the World and its mechanics, we're mostly here to just have fun, joke around, and put out a good story. We also talk on skype as it's easier to communicate that way, but you don't have to do that. It's just there, in case, you know.

Hope to see you Krauxis. =) Until the Next
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krauxis
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Krauxis Who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thanks for the quick responses, fellas, I'm a bit reassured. I'll take a glance at that link when I've got a bit more time, but it does look pretty cool. For the record, I'm not averse to skype, as long as it's not all voice all the time. I'm not really a voice guy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hahaha, we haven't used voice chat even once in the little group chat we have established for the RP. Feel free to PM either of us your skype name and we'll add you and then getcha in on the action (so to speak) haha. God...why am I awake? Oh wait, that's right...I don't have a life (yet =_=)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You're welcome. Glad you're feeling a bit more confident. ^^;

As for skype, it's pretty much chat, sir. Voice and cam are hardly used. If ever. I'm hard-of-hearing so I dislike voice chats anyway :P

Edit: Oh you damn ninja =.=
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Well, I was interested in the old Essence, although never having the time/energy/motivation to actually join when I could, so I guess I might as well voice my interest this time. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oh? Maybe Wind Wild might remember you, sir. =D

I'll give her a poke and see if she'll check you out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Oh, well look who it is, haven't seen you in a good while :P

Also, welcome~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I don't remember ever actually showing interest on the old Essence, so I doubt Wild Wind will know who I am. Any interest I had was personal and kept quiet because I couldn't/wouldn't join back then. :P Maybe I did show interest though... who knows? My memory isn't fantastic.

Also, haiiiii yosh~! <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I see. No biggie. ^^; Happy to see you anyway, mate.

-stares at Ichthys's signature-

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*rubs hands maliciously and cackles*

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hey now, don't get too evil, that's my job! Hahaha.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ichthys
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Ichthys something fishy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fine, okay, you can be evil. I'll just cutely giggle instead of rubbing my hands and cackling.

*giggles cutely*


Anyways, thanks for noticing my signature. You likey? I made it myself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mikael


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yes, I do. It's sheer awesomeness and such a teasy~

Welp, I'm off to bed. I'll check on this tomorrow. Until the Next
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

We-hoo~! It lives! >w< *hugs everyone who made this happen*

*ahem* To the new people interested. :) You really don't have to read Season one to join. Not only because it will take you a year to read it, but also because the world as it was back then is pretty much ruined. The major rules still apply and those will be specified in the OOC where you'll find all you need to know to function properly in this universe.

As for jumping in, there's a reason why a new Interest Check is opening and accepting new people. The world is pretty vast and allows for a lot of characters and plots to go on at the same time and we all want to see some fresh blood flowing into it. Many of the characters will be very open to all kinds of interactions and I think weaving new people in will happen very easy and naturally. If anything, the setting in Omnity and characters like Ioi (Mikael), Szayeis (yoshua171), Zi (me) and probably a few others, will, I believe, actively work toward trying to recruit people to their ranks. Me, personally, have no set plan of action and will adapt my actions to the plot's needs. Basically, what I'm saying is, we'd love to have you on board and will make sure you don't feel excluded or isolated from the others. Essence Season 1 didn't even follow a main plot so we're veterans in improvisation as well. :}

So join us! =D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dharc


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Though I'm not quite sure what the roleplay holds in store for newcomers such as myself, but I'd like to include myself in the mix, if that seems alright with all of you. ^^

I'm just wondering if someone could clarify the qualities of demons and angels, since they don't seem to be what I would normally see a demon or an angel as. Mainly the demon side, if you would. I'd love playing a character who just wants to tear a few new holes into existence, or the more sly, cunning character who's motives are always for the benefit of themselves— and the demise of others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here you go. :) Some things are still subject to change but I take the liberty of putting the link here just for the sake of clarity.
GMs, if that's a problem with you just tell me and I'll take it down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dharc


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Does this fill in the appearance requirements of how those who are demons would look, or does it look too human? I saw this picture saved in my library, so I searched it up, and well, I want to use it!
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