Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Mobius Zeltos

Age: 26


Birthplace: Zenterr

Personality: Mobius is a calm and collected combatant, never letting anything surprise him. With people he tends to be a loner, rarely talking to people and normally tries only to deal with people as acquaintances, never as friends.

Race: Human


Weapon: swordstaff, heavy gauntlet/shield combo, heavy gauntlet/shield is like a mercenary or hero from FE 13 which I shall get a pic in a hider for it.

Thauma #1: Volt

Thauma #2:Efreet

Base Artes/Spells: Base Artes, Beast, lightning blade, coil, Rising Phoenix

Bio: Mobius was a part of a mercenary band all his life, since he was a boy he was taught how to hold a weapon, first using a staff when he was a child. After some time the other mercenaries, as well as his father, wanted him to be kept safe, they all had grown to appreciate the boy and what he did for the group. He would help wherever he went, plus his overpowering abilities were somewhat wasted on the flimsy staff he carried around. His father used every bit of money he had to get armor forged for his son, it had a one of a kind shielded gauntlet, that would keep his blocking arm safer than with a regular shield. Mobius would don the armor with glee and coupled with his work with a sword staff would make good use of it. On his eighteenth birthday his father, him and a decent sized portion of the company undertook a daring assault on a bandit camp that belonged to a rather nasty band of the cutthroats. It was going smoothly until they fell into the trap of the bandit chief, they entered a killing ground, most of them turning into pincushions form the loosed arrows from the archers, Mobius' father shielding him from the arrows, pushing his son to the ground and laying ontop of him. The bandits not satisfied with their work jumped down into the coliseum like area and started rolling bodies over and stabbing them, one rolled Mobius' father off of him and before the bandit could stab his father's corpse the young mercenary smashed the weighted end of his staff into the man's skull, killing him outright. Mobius leapt up, sickened by how they had fallen into the trap and by the loss of the only family he had, but still fighting every single bandit killing them with staff and shield. The battle wore him down however as the chief circled his weary adversary, taking in the young battler with a mix of intrigue and arrogance. His attacks coming in and testing the mercenary, never getting within reach of the shield, and keeping Mobius on his toes when it came to the chiefs own sword and axe. Soon the battle was going agianst Mobius as he was being pushed back bit by bit by the bandit chief, until his leader and reinforcements arrived, taking down the remaining archers and his leader easily dispatching the bandit chief. Mobius resigned from the company a few months later, he never felt the same after his father's passing despite knowing that could happen in their line of work. From then on he took solo work as a mercenary, Eight years into his career he is wandering now, having enough money to stay alive, keep his weapons and armor in good condition, and just keep himself well supplied. All Mobius is looking for now is an employer so he can continue being a blade for hire.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TurboTuber
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Anton Selsvart
Age: 27
Appearance: Anton's not really the tallest guy around. At barely 5'9, Anton tries to maintain good posture to make up for his height. Keeping his medium-short blonde hair slicked backwards, Anton is the picture of professionalism. Which isn't to say he doesn't look friendly, as the almost chronic smile would suggest. He clearly exercises with some regularity, though it is clear that he has focused more on tone than mass to maintain a more agile physique. He is also the proud owner of a most likely illegally-obtained thaumaturge outfit, for those times when he would rather people not know it was him. This is a good approximation of how he looks.
Birthplace: Boreas
Personality: Anton is a very nice guy. Really. He's amiable, with an easy smile and a quick laugh. I mean, yeah, it is theoretically possible to get him angry, but you have to really be trying at it to get a rise out of him. Okay, so he can be a little sarcastic sometimes and it's not always easy to tell what his opinion is of you (acting friendly doesn't necessarily mean he considers you a friend), but overall he's not a bad guy to know. Just, you know, don't be an elf. He hates elves. Okay, so maybe that wasn't the exact right way to phrase that; he murders elves. It's not a matter of revenge or anything (though one could be forgiven for jumping to that conclusion), it's just that he believes that elves are naturally egotistical would-be tyrants who if left unchecked will enslave or wipe out all humans. Anton sees Boreas as the beginning, and if nothing is done all of Glazend will be like Boreas or worse. Ultimately he would want to wipe the elf-led nation from the face of the planet, but seeing as how he's just one guy with finite resources he's willing to settle for elf-murder for now. Baby steps. He's not super fond of half-elves or dark-elves either, but at least he's not straight-up homicidal in that area. The dude is just sorta cold towards them, and they probably shouldn't expect that he'll remember their birthday or whatever.
Race: Human
Canon or OC: OC
Weapon: Knives. Lots and lots of knives. He tends to throw them a lot, so he keeps quite a few on his person at all times.
Thauma #1: Sylph
Thauma #2: Shadow
Base Artes/Spells: Crow Blade, Ill Wind, Severing Wind, Shadow Storm
Bio: Technically, Anton was born in Boreas. That doesn't necessarily mean he grew up there, 'cause he didn't. Born to merchants Jack and Estel Selsvart, Anton's family enjoyed moderate success selling slightly better swords and armor to wandering adventurer's whose current swords and armor were slightly worse than what they could get at the shop. Somehow, Anton's parents even knew how to make a profit from buying hordes of what their customers referred to as vendor trash. Anton never understood how they did that, even well into his twenties. His parent's business hit an unfortunate stumbling point when elf soldiers from the Boreas military came in the night and set fire to their shop. Anton never knew if the arson was just a random act of violence against some humans or if they had done something specific to incur the wrath of the Boreas elite, and if his parents knew they never told him. The whole family fled that night, packing as much as they could (and being experienced merchants that was actually quite a bit) and fleeing into the night. They ran, and the kept running. Quite a few of Anton's formative years were spent this way, with his family traveling South to escape Boreas. The incident with the fire had put a great fear in the Selsvart family, and Anton's parents spent many a night telling he and his younger brother Stacil horror stories about elves from Boreas so the children would keep their heads down as they fled the country.

After years of travel the Selsvarts had successfully left the borders of Boreas and down into the heart of Sord. Estel's parents had moved to the steampunk nation for their golden years, and upon their passing had left their daughter their property there. It was in Sord that the Selsvarts set up a new shop, and a new sort of normalcy fell over the family. Years passed, and while Anton's brother had begun expressing interest in taking over the family store he had larger aspirations. When he came of an appropriate age, Anton left his family to travel North into Zenterr and make his fortune. Well, that's at least what he told his family. It wasn't a lie, really; it just wasn't the full truth. You see, Anton was a man on a mission. He had seen the cruelty of the elves, had heard the tales his parents had driven into him as a child. Anton was going to put a stop to the elves, was going to make sure the world was safe for humanity. Now, well into his 27th year, Anton works for the Willards and Turner bank, figuring that if one was to make their fortune, they might as well work where all the money is. He has killed 6 elves, and has not once been suspected of murder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by benit149


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Both are accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Uh oh Turbo.

Anton & Lumen conflict incoming for sure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shinra


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Either that or a blossoming romance.

After all, opposites attract.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name:Xoven Trilgade
Personality:Very calm and casual, he will very rarely get angry at anyone, much less hold grudges against them. He is very friendly and typical makes friends easily, this might come from his customer service experience at his shop. He believes in honesty and would not lie to people as he believes it leads to the path of being a criminal.
Canon or OC:OC
If Canon, which game:

Thauma #1:Volt Thauma
Thauma #2:Shadow Thauma
Base Artes/Spells:
+Ravaging Tiger: Two-part upward and downward slash.
Base arte can be connected from a regular attack.
+Void Tempest (Asking for this to be a dark elemental attack)
Horizontally slashes in an arc in front of him.
+On a Roll: Having hit a target with a crossbow bolt, the next two bolts will be fired from the crossbow in half the time.
+Piercing shot: The crossbow bolt can break through weak barriers/shields, the downside is it can only travel half the distance of other crossbow bolts, requiring you to be much closer to your target.

Bio:He was just an infant when he was given to a family friend, the owner of a shop, at the north west edge of Sord. This shop builds and sells clocks.

He cried a lot in his first few years there. Wondering where his mother and father went and why he was with this strange person. Eventually he got used to living with him, inside the back of his shop. Time helped him get used to it more then anything else though and by the time he was three years old, he was used to the man's accompany. Two years, thereafter, he found out the man's name was Oswin and he was a human.

He then learned about clocks because for the time being, Oswin wouldn't let him leave the shop and the only thing around was clocks and pieces of clocks... Whenever he asked about leaving, Oswin would reply by simply saying "Your not ready yet, but I will let you know when you are." So he worked a lot with connecting gears, brass plates, balance wheels and many other parts.

Three years passed and one day Oswin called him over after buying food and locking him inside once again,'because he was not ready yet.'. So once Xoven came over to him and he sat down at Oswin's urging. Xoven then began to learn about his family. Apparently they were both elves, from Zenterr. They wanted simple jobs, like crafting things like clothing. But the 'Authority's at be' ordered them to spend at least half their time improving and or developing magitechnology. They mentioned why only elves seem to be pushed into doing this. The 'Authority's' simple answer was to take advantage of their natural abilities for magic. His parents refused, claiming that the pursuit of magitechnology would only serve for violent means, like preparing for war. They were immediately exiled for this decision as it defied the 'top brass' of Zenterr. "That is why they came to me, trusting you to my care, for fear that the 'Authority's' would change their minds from their former decision. Thus deciding that exile was not enough and then actively pursue them inside of Sord and because of this fear, they have been on the run ever since." A few moments passed and then he said, "Whatever you do, do not hold grudges because of what happened with your parents. Grudges only serve to burden the heart and ruin one's life." After hearing all this Xoven nodded and decided that he would let all of this go and live his life the way that he wants to.

Then Oswin, decided to let Xoven accompany him on his trips to buy food, supplies and other errands around Sord. His mechanical knowledge increased from asking questions at different parts stores, that they stopped in on some of these errands.

A few years passed and he reached the age of twelve and one day while they were shopping at one particular store the shopkeeper mentioned a dueling club, that would fight with prototype weaponry made from gears and all sorts of things. So he joined this club after getting permission from Oswin. He would go there during his days and return during the nights. Shortly after joining, Xoven, shared his mechanical knowledge with the other members of the club, who were impressed so much they actually had him build the weapons for them and barred him from using any of the prototypes. The reason being, is that there would hardly be any more future weapons to practice with, if their best repairmen became injured using one. The flip side was once the weapons were proven to be reliable, then he was allowed to duel the other members with them. This allowed him to have substantial combat abilities and increase even more his mechanical knowledge.

Years passed and eventually at the age of twenty, the club became very well known and his skills as a sort of weapon mechanic became highly sought after. So he was able to apprentice under one of the best weapon mechanics in Sord and with that came, a sizeable pay cheque. At the age of twenty one he moved on his own having, bought a steel house in downtown Sord.

Today, He still works at the same shop, but now as the owner.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by benit149


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Is it possible that I could change Lightning and Acid rain to some archer based original arts?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by benit149


Member Offline since relaunch

That would be better. I don't want everyone to be able to use base artes and spells at the same time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Awesome I changed it up. Let me know what you think.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by benit149


Member Offline since relaunch

Looks good.

I have my lengthy exposition prologue + Melvin intro post ready, but I'll churn it out later tonight. ;)

EDIT: Uploaded story post, so let's get this thing rolling. I also added a date system, where the ten months of the year are named after the Thaumae and have 30 days each. Their chronological order is the same order I wrote them in the intro post (Undine, Efreet, Sylph, etc.). It's the night of Martel 14, so the news of Melvin's attack will reach Izumo during the day on Martel 15.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Love don’t die

Age- 19 years (actual age)
Appearance(see picture above)
*Her eye colors do not match- with one, a heavy red and the other, an purple as a possible result of human and elven genes mixing, she wears an eye patch over the purple.
* red beret with the lower part having four leaf clover patterns. She wears an elegant red and gold cloak, and underneath that she has a short green elven shirt and sleeves with bracers with darker green ends. On her lower body she has a short green elven skirt with a small white cloth and a belt with four leaf clovers and a four leaf, Celtic-designed clover buckle. On her legs she wears green thigh-high elven boots.

Birthplace: Zenterr

Personality- Intelligent- Suspicious-Discreet-Observant- Sarcastic-Experienced liar-Adventurous-Fearless-Humble- Reserved with strangers-Muscially talented- Dark humor

Race- Half-Elf
Canon or OC-OC
If Canon, which game- N/A

-Lorelei: Voice/ instrument, mainly a flute she stores hidden under her cape. Unlike any other flute, and heavier than most, it can deploy a series of spikes from the end, inmitating somewhat of an mace. These spikes can also be thrown, hence what she has named it, ‘la flûte mortelle’, or the deadly flute.
- Skilled with the bow- the one she carries is average.
Thauma #1: Celsius Thauma
Thauma #2: . Lorelei Thauma
Base Artes/Spells:

“Deimos, my sweet Deimos.” A human mother, rising a half-elf child in a world of impending chaos is what Deimos remembered as a young girl. The rules were to never venture outside. She never understood why she couldn’t laugh and play with the unmixed races of Glazend, the closest she’d ever get would be sticking her cheeks up against the family’s small adobe and wave to the children who’d hesitantly watched her as if she had a third eye budging from her forehead. Her father wasn’t around too much, becoming just an extra guest at dinner who supplied them with money. Every day, he would head out to the sect of Maxwell, supposably conducting a job and business there to keep his family safe, even going as far as giving no record of her birth and race. She was their little secret. Soon, her parents would implant the idea of her being of a mixed origin and of the dangers of it- they weren’t fools, they prepared her greatly for the ‘outside world’, infusing hoards of weapons and instruments into her hands until she found the ones she excelled in- a bow and a flute. She also grew a musical talent for many instruments. By mid-teens, she’d been sulking around town with these select items under a cape with a hood- “Hide your ears, that’s the quickest way they’ll tell. Hide your eye, the two colors might be the quickest way you’ll get questioned.” She grew accustomed to wearing an eyepatch often, being able to tell more about her surrounds through her trained hearing.
In public, she assumed the identity of a pureblooded elf, her features made way for this, eluding the eyes and the semi-dull ears. In her years of being young, she was excluded from these news of the government research. However, with too many nights snuck out and too many strolls along towns reading the newspaper, she eventually became educated. Along with this hidden identity and the government’s mysterious plans, she lives to die, and dies to hopefully be among one of many who put a stop to the corruption in society.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Posted in the I.C. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Just waiting to get accepted :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by benit149


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darkrougenin


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Posted, and I did a recolor of my character with my (horrible) photoshop skills haha Lucas "Luke" Flamberg
Just wanted him to look more to my liking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xAsunaWolfx
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xAsunaWolfx The Sriracha Lover

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

^ I see. im always recoloring my characters too :P

Also, posted, with whoever who plays melvin
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I am pretty sure I know the answer to this question, but I thought I would ask anyway.

It will be night time until you post that it isn't anymore?

Also, I kinda want my character to sleep until morning if that is ok?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yeah…to add onto Gareth’s inquiry I am kind of confused on what to do or where to meet actually. I am still not sure how my character is going to bump into Melvin or anyone else at that. I probably should have mentioned that before posting huh? ><' So, are we just to venture to Boreas then by whatever means?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by benit149


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I guess I should remove the dating system to avoid confusion, but character name + location headers would be helpful. We'll have to do timeskips once enough happens to keep things moving.

Melvin and Deimos nearly ran each other over, and Melvin is lying to Deimos saying that they should go to Izumo for help. Lumen could run into them at the outskirts there.

Also made a basic map of Glazend here, which I will be putting on the first OOC post and updating as more locations as added. As you can see, Izumo is WAAAAY south, so we won't be reaching Boreas for a long while. If you guys have any locations you wish to add, please let me know and I'll make the changes ASAP.
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