This is the embodiment of Ki's being, taking the form of metal circle, an intricate pattern spiralling inside from four different places. There is a large, pulsating blue sphere inside of the circle. The entire outside rim being an eight-centimetre blade. His magic is potent, and takes the form of Ki's current emotions. Sol speaks telepathically with Ki, advising her about the current situation and observing the battlefield from a higher view than her, sending the images he sees directly to Ki's mind. Sol has great influence over Ki, often pointing her in the right direction. It is said Sol was once Ki's teacher, lending his soul to her so that he could watch after her, even after death. It is the first of the nine Najisefas. All Najisefas are connected through telepathy, but only Sol can directly communicate to Ki.
Resek - Bringer of Fire. Resek is most attuned to the art of fire, whether it be lighting a match, or sending a large plume of flame. His core burns a deep, but brilliant, red.
Kesek - Catalyst of Water. Kesek casts water upon her foes; whether it be dousing flame to sending a large wave at enemies. Kesek's core sparkles and stays as a crystally blue.
Doristen - Summoner of Earth. Doristen summons earth, or affects the existing ground. Whether it's blooming a flower or hailing down rocks, Doristen will be ready. His core is a dull earthy mixture, resembling the earth before civilization.
Ellisten - Lord of Clouds. Ellisten shoots air or steam at her enemies, whether it's blowing out a candle or sending a gale to knock over many people. Ellisten's core is the only translucent one, able to be seen through, but the inside is filled with clouds.
Norillet - Extinguisher of Darkness. Norillet blinds foes with flashes of light, or changes the current light level to Ki's advantage. Her core shines a brilliant light, with several beams of light actively looking like they are trying to escape from the core.
Sorillet - Douser of Light. Sorillet solidifies and densifies darkness, hitting foes upside the head or making bright lights burn low. His core never moves, instead reflecting light like liquid tar.
Jersuum - Conjurer of Life. Jersuum changes any existing object into a thrall, whether it's animating a stone gargoyle or making a chair a rampaging rambo. Of course, the thrall's power is limited to what it actually is. (No rambo chairs...) His core is a dark purple.
Baersum - Creator of Spark. Baersum sends electricity every which way, and is augmented in strength greatly if a storm is overhead. Baersum is a light purple core, occasionally sparking white in patterns that look like lightning.