We're missing our last guard XD hopefully Dim shows up soon

IVIasterJay said
You're forgetting Rune again.
Rune_Alchemist said
...I'll just be over here....being forgotten...Lol, no seriously though. I had to work morning and last nights shift, but I'm free for the rest of the day! Time to finish that CS!....also, can I mention I hate work? Seriously, I'm better off freeloading >_>
Soulserenity20 said
Lol don't apologize, it's not you at all. Its your airhead GM flipping through OOC pages trying to collect all the characters so I don't forget any and the irony comes to sucker punch me in the face XD
DimCarcosa said
I think only one person's expressed interest in the Regis, and he wanted Registeel. Not sure if he ended up taking it or not.
Soulserenity20 said
Rune, did you claim a sibling slot originally In the interest check?
Soulserenity20 said
It's okay, I just wanted to make sure. Id have opened a slot if i had accidentally ignored your claim XD
Soulserenity20 said
And, if it's okay with everyone in the RP, I'd be okay with giving the up chosen royal legendaries up to the guard. For anyone who wants to change that's fine. Again, if even one person has a problem with this I won't do it. I want this all to be fair. :)
Soulserenity20 said
Deoxys is taken XD I'm sorry!
DimCarcosa said
Heh, I barely noticed that most guards aren't using legendaries.
The Traveler of Realms said
And Rune I have Deoxys, sorry :(
Rune_Alchemist said
Huh...you're right. Odd.Suppose I can see the appeal though. I honestly don't like many of the legendaries the guards choose from xP
Soulserenity20 said
Go ahead and take latias, I'll keep regice "on ice" incase someone has a problem with it. But I hereby declare, with the power of GMness, that rune can have latias as a "I'm sorry I keep forgetting you" gift. Mwah ha ha.
DimCarcosa said
Rune? What Rune, I don't see any around here.Also yeah, I've been a bit busy helping around the house and getting ready for a Cinco De Mayo festival (actually a barbeque with latin music in the background) that's happening a few blocks away. I'll still probably finish this before we leave, but it's possible that I'll have to post it from my phone. Thank god for cloud storage.