Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
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DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Please post your Character sheets here.

Character Sheet Template

(Feel free to add more information, but all points here have to be included in the CS)

(No anime, real pictures only.)
(List close family members)
Relationship status
(Single, or name of mate. Mate can be NPC, Or we can pair off ONCE ALL THE CS'S ARE SUBMITTED. Let's not "first come first serve mates" please, it needs to be an agreement between both parties.)
Pack Rank
(Will be decided once all CS' are submitted)
Wolf appearence
(Real wolf image)
(A few lines please, I notice this is mostly shown during RP, so it can be short and sweet, just a few points please.)
(x3 at least)
(x3 at least)
(x5 at least)
(A good paragraph or so, please)
Any other information
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by breathofarda


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Travis Clint

Nicknames: Trav or Red

Travis is a shorter man standing around 5'4", but what he lacks in height he makes up for in physical strength. He has worked his body into a temple, and treats it as such. He can usually be seen with a small amount of stubble on his face, and is nearly always wearing a suit of some kind.

Age: 26

Family: Father (Marcus Clint) Is deceased, but he has a mother (Jesse Clint, maiden name Taylor). Travis has a younger sister named Marie, whom he loves more than anything in the world. His family lives out of state, but he communicates with them regularly through letters and phone calls.

Relationship status: Single

Pack and Pack Rank are TBD

Wolf Appearance:
Trav's wolf form appears as a large red wolf. However he is shorter than most of the other werewolves in terms of height, but he may be the most muscular looking of the group.

Personality: Travis is a very polite individual, who generally dislikes stepping on the toes of others. He is very hard to make truly angry, but if he is pushed to that point he becomes ferocious and very hard to calm down. Travis wears his heart on his sleeve, being very open with people, especially with the members of his pack.

Likes: Modern luxuries, a good book, the company of others

Dislikes: Cigarettes, Heights, Small Spaces

Through conditioning and training Travis has maintained a very healthy body. He is strong, and can go for a very long time before tiring, as an added bonus because of his healthy diet and exercise he rarely gets sick.
Travis has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice. He has a pretty good idea on how the mind works and owns various textbooks on the subject.
Whenever Marcus Clint passed he left his family a large sum of money, Travis is able to live comfortably in a nicer loft apartment and can afford his love of nicer suits.
Travis is hard to anger, and can keep very cool under pressure.
Travis has his student ID from his college days, meaning he has access to online resources and campus access for the local university.

Travis Clint was born in to Marcus and Jessie Clint, and they couldn't have been happier. Marcus was the head of a small chain of banks in the next state over and from this they gained a small amount of wealth. Travis had a very simple life growing up, and his family was very close. When he was eight years old his mother had his younger sister Marie. Travis immediately grew very attached to Marie, a feeling he shares to this very day. Travis enrolled into college right after high school, and was doing very well in classes. However during Travis's junior year his world was crushed, his father had died in a car accident. After returning to college after burying his father Travis just missed that vital spark. He managed to graduate with his degrees, barely. Afterwards he moved from place to place, finding it hard to settle down. That is until he found the RedThorn pack. He lives in one of the nicer pack buildings and loves guests, but isn't afraid to go into the woods to see his packmates.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emery Smith


Em, Emma

18 years old


Clarke Smith (Mother-deceased)

Relationship status:




Pack Rank


Wolf appearence


Distant, Likes to spend time in solitude, Brave, Smart, Tough


Peaceful environments, Spending her time alone, Rainy weather


Noise, People who put others in danger, People who take the good things that they have for granted


~Speed~ Due to her small build, her speed makes up for what she lacks in strength

~Tracking~ Good at tracking due to her good senses in hearing and smell. She's also very observant

~First Aid~

~Hunting~ Her speed helps her catch her preys.

~Cooking~ Good at cooking because she always had to cook for her ill mother


She grew up in a small town called Cape Town. She grew up without a father and she was the only daughter in the family. Her mother never talked about her father and whenever she tried to ask her about him, Her mother would only avoid or ignore her questions. Unfortunately, her mother became very ill. At the age of 16, she had to drop out of school to work and pay for her mother's medicine and hospital bills. After some time, her mother passed away and she has been a different person ever since. She left town one day to go seek out her father, even without being certain if he was alive or not. One day, she came across the woods where she met the RedThorn Pack that she now belongs to.

((This CS is still in need of editing))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
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DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ok guys, probably totally my fault for not clarifying.

Your wolf MUST be in Redthorn pack, and they MUST live in the pack buildings!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My character lives in the pack but she grew up in a different place (before she found the pack and joined)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Edited my CS to state that Travis lives in one of the pack buildings, that was my bad xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
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DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That's fine :)

I just realised I'd forgotten to clarify!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Have my CS up soon. (This is still a werewolf RP right? Not just shifters or did you change it to shifters?)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
Avatar of DizzyIsabella

DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

No no, it is Werewolves.

I'm in the UK guys, so if you want to ask me questions, send me a quick PM, as I'll be heading to sleep soon, and I'll answer them in the morning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

On the other forum for this you said it is like Twilight werewolves. (I am not a fan of Twilight, I see you are not either, however I know enough to know that they are not werewolves. They are in fact shifters. She has stated this and it was in the book.)

So I am not going to make a CS I wanted real werewolves. (Ones like on Van Helsing.) Wolves that are just twice the size or ten time the size of regular wolves are still shifters to me. A werewolf is half man half wolf.

However I hope you all have a great time RPing ^.^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by breathofarda


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

If any of you have read the Anita Blake series, there's a compromise: capable of both human, human/wolf, and wolf forms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I am a fan of the classic wolfman form too, but I have no problems with how this is going xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Name Caelyn James Marconi
Nickname C.J.
Age 31
Family: Mother is deceased, killed by his father after an altercation and he was unable to control his rage. Mother was named Rose Marconi, Father is Micah.

Relationship status: Single (very reluctant to mate, due to his mother's death)
Pack: TBD
Pack Rank TBD
(Will be decided once all CS' are submitted)
Wolf appearance

Caelyn is somewhat reserved, keeping his real thoughts to himself. However, he is very protective over that which he cares about. He always tries to remain calm no matter the situation.
Running, hunting, swimming, also practices meditation.
Conflict, backstabbing/non-loyal people, losing his temper
Powerful swimmer, great problem solver, hunter/gatherer, carpenter in human form, Willing to do what's necessary (will be played out)
Caelyn when he was 12 witnessed his mother's throat tore out by his father Micah. His father had an alcohol problem and it didn't mix well with his Lycanthropy. It led to anger, and lots of outbreaks of rage. Micah actually is a wanted serial killer (still at large). Knowing Caelyn witnessed the whole act, his father is on the hunt for him. Years of running led him to the park and the protection it offers. Caelyn keeps his past a secret as of right now. It has truly troubled him all of these years. After being too weak to protect his mother, Caelyn has trained rigorously to gain strength and stamina. He swims 5 miles every morning (weather permitting). Also, fearing to gain his father's rage, he stays away from any kind of alcohol or anything that may dampen his mind. He does mental focus activities to remain in control of his emotions like meditation etc.
Any other information
Caelyn's true and ultimate goal is to gain a life of stability, to build up a circle of friends/family that he knows he can trust and try to protect. This is his goal, and his biggest fear. He is scared that he too will destroy that what he loves most. He constantly compares himself to his father, and blames any of his mistakes or short-comings on his fathers blood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Yes I know it's Bjorn from Vikings. No Matt is not a viking.

Name: Matt Schafer

Nickname: Matty (just not to his face)

Age: 24

Family: Richard Schafer (Father/deceased), Mary Schafer (Mother/deceased), Irwin Schafer (Grandfather/Alive)

Relationship status: TBD

Pack:RedThorn (R.T. FOR LIFE)

Pack Rank:TBD

Wolf appearance

Personality: Matt is headstrong, ambitious, but not entirely heartless. He cares about the well being of the Redthorns, but he understands that, as with all things in the natural world, those who cannot survive on their own will die, and those who survive will thrive. He believes that one day, he could be the next Alpha, but until then, he will give his life for his pack.

Likes: Fighting, Hunting, Metal Music (where he can find it)

Dislikes: Cowardice, Naivete, Being alone

Skills: Matt is a fighter at heart, but he also has a general's mind for strategy, and he does not fight recklessly. He finds enjoyment in leading others to victory and glory, and he loves his pack mates. But one thing that Matt can grasp that not many other's can is self sacrifice. No leader should be frivolous with the lives of his followers, but if it comes to that, Matt will do what is necessary to protect the pact, even at the cost of his own life.

History: Matt lived a fairly normal childhood, unaware that his father had kept his lycanthropic nature hidden from even his wife. On Matt's 12th birthday, the family car slipped on a patch of black ice, killing both Richard and Elizabeth. Young Matt was comatose for nearly 6 weeks, but when he awoke, he found that most of his scars would never go away. As his only family, Grandfather Schafer took in the boy, and told him of his legacy as a werewolf. Irwin Schafer has been a loyal pack follower of the RedThorn's all his life, and brought his grandson into the fold and taught him the nature of his powers. (Is that OK? I wasn't sure when werewolf-ism manifested in people, so I just sort of went for it. If it clashes with what you have I can change it.)

Any other information: None right now. May expand later.

Quote: Don't worry. We got this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
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DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Everyone is fabulous so far guys! Keep em coming! I'm going to start my character soon.

I think I'm going to go with being the deceased Alpha's daughter.

Would anyone like to be the Alpha's son, who feels he has claim to be Alpha due to blood? (I'd like him to be arrogant and cocky, and a bit power hungry,not really suited for Alpha at all.)

But I also need a mate for my girl, who is the other contendor for Alpha, who's more suited to the role. (But you guys can wait until I have my girl up)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Isaiah Tuller




Relationship status


Pack Rank

Human appearance
Izzy is tall and lanky. He stands at 6'3". His skin is fair and freckled, and his hair is reddish brown. He wears his hair in a sort of half-dread, half down style. He doesn't shave very often; he's too proud of his little beard braids. He has blue eyes, pierced ears, and a tattoo sleeve down most of one arm.

Wolf appearance
He's a tall wolf with long legs and a slender build. His fur is a sandy brown with several shades in it. His eyes are bright orange.

Izzy is the household "funny guy". His humerus personality developed as a coping mechanism, brought on by experiences in earlier life. If he smiles and pretends nothing bad ever happened, then it's almost like nothing bad ever happened. He doesn't like it when people try to see past the defense he built, and he certainly doesn't like talking about it. Although the root of most of his problems lie in the past, he prefers to keep moving forward. He doesn't like it when people around him are upset or unhappy, and often is the one trying to run around and fix everything. When it's him that's the problem, he withdraws himself from the situation until everyone's calmed down, then he proceeds as if there's no problem at all. His escapist tendencies can be problematic, but he doesn't foresee changing his ways any time soon.

Sunny days
Apple juice
Most people

When people say 'we need to talk'
Brussels sprouts
Having to sit still

One of the faster runners; long legs help.
He's a great cheerer-upper
A good painter
He has a knack for climbing
He's pretty good at fixing/taking apart electronics

Izzy was a foster home kid. From what he knows, his mother was a teenager who had him by mistake and put him up for adoption. He never knew who his father was, and he never really cared. His foster family was all he ever needed when he was a child. They could have been made saints for all the crap they put up with from him and the three other boys under their care. Izzy was a mischievous child. He tore apart cell phones, TV remotes, radios, or anything else he could get his hands on. He made some pretty neat stuff out of the parts, but ruined hundreds of dollars of technology in the process.

In his freshman year in highschool, he got into robotics. The robotics club won many Bot Battles that year. It was over the summer between Freshman and Sophomore year that he discovered that he was different. Izzy was a bit of a late bloomer in that sense. His first phase happened when he was at home. He got in an argument with his foster mother over something fairly petty. He became unreasonably angry. When he shifted, he almost lashed out and seriously hurt her. Her terrified screaming snapped him out of it, causing him to run in fear. He didn't know what had happened to him, why it happened, or how to reverse it. He knew that, whatever was wrong with him, he couldn't go back home. What if he did it again, and actually hurt someone?

Izzy never saw his foster family again after that. He's never made any attempt to contact them, still afraid of what they might think. Or that they may not even be around anymore. After he ran away, he was spotted several other times by humans. It wasn't long before he had the big foot hunters, guys in black suits, and the whole scientific community hunting him down. Izzy was captured and taken to a government facility for testing. By now, he'd figured out how to phase back and forth between human and wolf. It didn't help much. He was kept in a large cage, usually drugged up and half aware of what was going on.

He spent about four years of his life being poked and prodded at like some kind of alien from outer space. Izzy doesn't remember most of it. His brain blocked out the more traumatic experiences. All he ever gets are bits and pieces. He managed to escape and go on the run before he found the pack. He's come to think of them as family, and trusting them as such. However, he's always been a little jumpy. He's always looking over his shoulder, afraid that one day the guys in white coats might find him again.

Izzy suffers post traumatic stress disorder from his time in the lab. He does a pretty good job of managing it without medication, as getting such medications would be pretty difficult. He does have occasional episodes, but it's usually nothing the pack can't handle. With a good support system, he'd managed to live a happy life so far. He's never really told anyone exactly what all happened to him, beyond that he was captured and poked at. Beyond that, he doesn't know much more himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Chupatoasta


Member Offline since relaunch

Alaska Kossak




Choma Kossak
Rebeka Kossak
Weston Kossak

Relationship status


Pack Rank

Wolf appearance

Only difference is that she's got a black strip of fur down the her spine and her eyes in her wolf form look the same as those in her human.

Personality Alaska prefers to keep to herself. She loves to people watch and just learn other's habits, likes and dislikes. Despite her quiet demeanor, she's very quick to get pissed off if people begin to mess with her. She resorts to violence when pushed just a little, not afraid to let people know she refuses to be walked on. That is, outside of the pack. When it comes to the pack, however, she knows her place and that the alpha has the final say no matter what. She'd never go against her leader's wishes, whether she agrees or not. She values her family, although she doesn't see them much, but also sees the pack as her family as well.

Thunder storms
Being alone

Being alone
Most people
Being stuck inside

Very flexible, can maneuver very well in both hunting and fighting
Knowledgeable of both wolf and human anatomy, along with those of prey
Rarely misses her target while hunting
Not afraid to be on the offense side of the line
Not a quick runner, but makes up with maneuver speed

Alaska was born in the Ukraine. When things got tense between her father's pack and another, she and her brother were sent to live with her mother's mother. From the age of eight, she was homeschooled due to not knowing English very well. At the age of twelve she was in a car accident that caused not only her grandmother's death, but also left her with pertain occipital lobe damage. Because of this, she isn't able to see very well out of her left eye and instead picks up one just shadows. When she turned eighteen, her brother left to go back to the Ukraine. However, Alaska, having found Redthorn, stayed where she was. She hasn't seen her parents in over six years, but talks to them often.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

no longer playing...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 8 days ago

DizzyIsabella said
Everyone is fabulous so far guys! Keep em coming! I'm going to start my character soon. I think I'm going to go with being the deceased Alpha's daughter.Would anyone like to be the Alpha's son, who feels he has claim to be Alpha due to blood? (I'd like him to be arrogant and cocky, and a bit power hungry,not really suited for Alpha at all.) But I also need a mate for my girl, who is the other contendor for Alpha, who's more suited to the role. (But you guys can wait until I have my girl up)

Well, considering that I already wrote Matt to want to be Alpha, so.....

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