Name Isaiah Tuller
Nickname Izzy
Age 24
Family Unknown
Relationship status Single
Pack RankTBA
Human appearanceIzzy is tall and lanky. He stands at 6'3". His skin is fair and freckled, and his hair is reddish brown. He wears his hair in a sort of half-dread, half down style. He doesn't shave very often; he's too proud of his little beard braids. He has blue eyes, pierced ears, and a tattoo sleeve down most of one arm.
Wolf appearanceHe's a tall wolf with long legs and a slender build. His fur is a sandy brown with several shades in it. His eyes are bright orange.

PersonalityIzzy is the household "funny guy". His humerus personality developed as a coping mechanism, brought on by experiences in earlier life. If he smiles and pretends nothing bad ever happened, then it's almost like nothing bad ever happened. He doesn't like it when people try to see past the defense he built, and he certainly doesn't like talking about it. Although the root of most of his problems lie in the past, he prefers to keep moving forward. He doesn't like it when people around him are upset or unhappy, and often is the one trying to run around and fix everything. When it's him that's the problem, he withdraws himself from the situation until everyone's calmed down, then he proceeds as if there's no problem at all. His escapist tendencies can be problematic, but he doesn't foresee changing his ways any time soon.
LikesSunny days
Apple juice
Most people
DislikesWhen people say 'we need to talk'
Brussels sprouts
Having to sit still
SkillsOne of the faster runners; long legs help.
He's a great cheerer-upper
A good painter
He has a knack for climbing
He's pretty good at fixing/taking apart electronics
HistoryIzzy was a foster home kid. From what he knows, his mother was a teenager who had him by mistake and put him up for adoption. He never knew who his father was, and he never really cared. His foster family was all he ever needed when he was a child. They could have been made saints for all the crap they put up with from him and the three other boys under their care. Izzy was a mischievous child. He tore apart cell phones, TV remotes, radios, or anything else he could get his hands on. He made some pretty neat stuff out of the parts, but ruined hundreds of dollars of technology in the process.
In his freshman year in highschool, he got into robotics. The robotics club won many Bot Battles that year. It was over the summer between Freshman and Sophomore year that he discovered that he was different. Izzy was a bit of a late bloomer in that sense. His first phase happened when he was at home. He got in an argument with his foster mother over something fairly petty. He became unreasonably angry. When he shifted, he almost lashed out and seriously hurt her. Her terrified screaming snapped him out of it, causing him to run in fear. He didn't know what had happened to him, why it happened, or how to reverse it. He knew that, whatever was wrong with him, he couldn't go back home. What if he did it again, and actually hurt someone?
Izzy never saw his foster family again after that. He's never made any attempt to contact them, still afraid of what they might think. Or that they may not even be around anymore. After he ran away, he was spotted several other times by humans. It wasn't long before he had the big foot hunters, guys in black suits, and the whole scientific community hunting him down. Izzy was captured and taken to a government facility for testing. By now, he'd figured out how to phase back and forth between human and wolf. It didn't help much. He was kept in a large cage, usually drugged up and half aware of what was going on.
He spent about four years of his life being poked and prodded at like some kind of alien from outer space. Izzy doesn't remember most of it. His brain blocked out the more traumatic experiences. All he ever gets are bits and pieces. He managed to escape and go on the run before he found the pack. He's come to think of them as family, and trusting them as such. However, he's always been a little jumpy. He's always looking over his shoulder, afraid that one day the guys in white coats might find him again.
Izzy suffers post traumatic stress disorder from his time in the lab. He does a pretty good job of managing it without medication, as getting such medications would be pretty difficult. He
does have occasional episodes, but it's usually nothing the pack can't handle. With a good support system, he'd managed to live a happy life so far. He's never really told anyone exactly what all happened to him, beyond that he was captured and poked at. Beyond that, he doesn't know much more himself.