Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Anyone elses pm's being poopy?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SpartanDoesAcid


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Urukhai, i'm going to try to post as soon as possible but i got a lot of school work so i don't really have time for a well calculated response, sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orangebox


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hi, was curious if there are still openings? :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


No problem
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orangebox


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nation Name: Uarukiria

Population: 100,000

Year it was founded: 82 of the Astric Calender

Where is it on the map?: Small island near Culliver's Bay.

Capitol: Onon (Baycity of Onon)

Capitol location in country: Bay area south-west of the Island.

Society: The Uarukirians used to be nomads, living off the land and travelling across the continent for better pasture. However, with the threat of the slavers lingering around the wide continent, a unification in the name of their own survival took place and the many different clans gathered under a single banner. With the populace shielded by a governing authority and a strict border held by military personnel, the slavers could not hope to do much.

The Uarukirians are now working to be an industrious nation concentrating on maritime and trades. With their past heavily tainted by slavery, the society views slavery with much discontent. Due to the nature of the largest city being a trading port, it has allowed knowledge from all over the word to accumulate. As such, they pride themselves to be knowledgeable in worldly affairs and are avid learners. There are a few notable educational plazas which are built to nurture the intelligence of young Uarukirians.

Military: Although Uarukiria's military prowess is no where as astounding as other military powers in the world, they possess the best in espionage and subterfuge. Simply through that, they have been able to ward off attacks from multiple nations on a conquest run. Simply by knowing what the enemy wants before they act, Uarukiria's military can simply choose to either infiltrate and sabotage, or assign the Nightingale to assassinate whomever who was responsible for the project.

Regardless, a standing army of 1,100 is maintained all the time to guard it's small borders and maintain public security since the capital is a port city. They are split into two divisions; the spear-diving Kingfishers and the bow-wielding Hummingbirds.

The Nightingales are the intelligence gathering division, and a nation secret. The Nightingales are an elite organization headed solely by the throne, and only a select few know of their presence. Only the very elite that served in battle can be allowed into the fray. They act as traders and envoys of the nation, but deals solely in the acts of espionage and subterfuge. They number only a few, approximately less than a hundred. Since the Uarukirians are generally thought as a merry-going people, the thought of them being intelligent enough to have used crucial information for their own advantage had never crossed anyone's minds.

Government: Hereditary Monarchy

People of Importance:

Economic: The nation survives solely by trade and plans to build a center for education for the world.

-Tariff: Tariffs are based around trade goods. The currency of Uarukirian coins are weak, but sufficient enough for trade within the nation.

Religions: Animism and ancestor reverence. They praise the Earth Mother for their livelihood during life, and the Sky Father for their well-being afterlife. The Uarukirians are also seen to seek blessing from their ancestors, as they are culturally pious.

Technology: Their most technologically advanced ballistic creation is none other than the Uarukirian rapid-firing crossbow. It is light and mobile with a rapid-firing feature, however it is not very useful in extreme ranges nor is it made to puncture armor. The rapid-firing crossbows are then used as weapons of concealment instead.

Due to the lacking numbers in the standing army, they are all equipped with steel-grade armaments - as most of it are ancestral armor passed down from generation to generation. It is generally preferred than iron, as it is lighter - allowing an ease in flight maneuvers.

The Uarukirians have basic fishing vessels and for trade. Military maritime vessels are designed to carry troops rather than for combat as they do not have the resources available for cannons.

Domestic Issues: Nothing of note.

Issues Abroad: The Uarukirians are usually a high-priced target for slave traders, due to their natural beauty and general passiveness. However, with the founding of a unified nation, the citizens are now protected from the slavers as they are not easy targets as compared to the time when they were roaming nomads. Even so, there are rare occurrences that one or two may have been snuck off into different continents by the devious slavers. It is a serious offense in Uarukiria if the perpetrators were caught, and are usually sentenced to death. In the world, Uarukirians are generally viewed as a slave race due to their past.

World Influence: 1

-Relations with Neighbors: Trade routes established.

Major Cities: Onon

Landscape: The terrain around Uarukiria is known to be mountainous; which is why the avians of Uarukiria found it as a safe haven where Onon is found. Of course every safe haven has it's drawbacks. The rugged, mountainous and perilous terrain was scarce in natural minerals. It was merely a mountain desert, void of any vegetation or small critters when the Uarukirians first settled. Though with the effort of the citizens, the rugged landscape had been transformed into the Bay City that is known as Onon. With infrastructures built closely among one another, decorating the rugged mountains with buildings, Onon was a sight to behold. Coupled by a stretch of a beautiful beach backed by sky scraping mountains, the Uarukirians turned it into a port city which focussed solely on trade.

History: The Uaru tribes were once a mythical mention by explorers and travelers who lost their ways. On the verge of death, the explorers claim glimpses of witches with wings soaring above their near death bodies. The next thing they knew, they were back into the vicinity of civilization with no witches in sight. It was known to be the kindness shown by the winged witches, and it was true. As such, the myth spread far and wide. This has lead to curious minds venturing into the continent whereby these witches had supposedly appeared. It was then that the Uaru tribes were known to the world.

The Uaru tribes scattered around the vast continent were a nomadic bunch. Moving only for better pasture and climate, while the most of their time was spent with barely any squabbles. With explorers eventually making contact and an acknowledgement of their existence, began a time whereby trade with the outside world prospered. It was not too far then, when the slavers arrived. The Uaru tribesmen were sought after for their beauty - and since both genders were androgynous, this has lead to a huge drop in population. Hearing the news of the disappearance of entire tribes overnight has lead to the the majority of the scattered tribes to form in union.

As such, the young nation of Uarukiria was born.

Strengths: Espionage and subterfuge, diplomacy, trade and education.

Weaknesses: Weak standing army, target for slavers and a generally weak race in terms of physical strength.


Race Application

Name: Uaru (single) Uaruin (many)

Appearance: The avians of Uarukiria looks exactly like how humans do, although generally shorter in height - much similar to a human child. However, there is one clear vibrant difference. These avians possess wings located on their hips, usually colored in different vibrant hues with wingspans nearly twice of their own height. The wings of Uarukirians are often their pride and joy, utility-wise and aesthetic-wise. Their physical gender differences are generally androgynous, but tend to be more on the feminine side. However, they possess sexual organs similar to their human counterparts.

General Description: Not exactly the best hunters back in history, but their soothing voice, eloquent speeches and lulling androgynous looks have lead them to survive from the countless bloody conflicts around the world. Though being one of the creatures who personifies beauty in the world comes with a price. They are often hunted and sought after usually by slavers. Though, that is a thing of the past, as the nation of Uarukiria now seeks to make their stand in the grand theater of the world.

Social Norm:

Level of Intelligence: High

Strengths: They possess the ability to fly, but with limited distances depending on their stamina and carriage weight. Even though possessing a weaker physique, they are blessed with a nimble and dexterous body. Their eyesight are also similar to their much more primal cousins - the eagles, capable of vision with extreme distances.

Birdbrain? That's a clever myth spread by Uarukirians themselves. Who would've thought that the 'bird brains' themselves actually led everyone to firmly believe it? Unlike the myth, the Uarukirians have sharp minds capable of grasping logic easily. They are keen in the learning of language, and usually grasp multiple languages with ease and can converse eloquently. They are also perfectionists when it comes to craftsmanship. Due to their nomadic lifestyle, they are an adaptable race capable of living in harsh environments most of the time.

Weaknesses: The average Uarukirian has weaker physical strength compared to the average human. As such, they are not the best in melee combat. They are also a very passive race, usually friendly and naive in a sense. They enjoy merrymaking too much to be sometimes of productive use and are usually lazy. Coupled by the fact that they are perfectionists, avian-made crafts are generally hard to come by due to their whimsical pace. Their lifespan are shorter as well, with an average of about 50 years.

Other: The majority of the Uarukirians possesses an unnerving level of beauty, a double edged gift for they are highly sought after as well by the slavers. Those with an aesthetic preference for human beauty tend to seek Uarukirians for pleasure. However, Uarukirians tend to use it to their own advantage, as it is that much more easier to extract precious information with a pretty face and coupled with a graceful demeanor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 8 days ago

I'm sorry everyone, I've been super ultra-busy with finals and work, but I hope to be more active.

Both are accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by voteforpandaa


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

May I join this?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SpartanDoesAcid


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So are the messengers having to come in person? Because my nation is really isolated, and as such attempting to send a message to my leader would be tremendously difficult.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SajeW


Member Offline since relaunch

Nation Application

Nation Name: Argin Dominion

Population: 10,000,000(+/-)

Year it was founded: United barbaric tribes Year 58 – Officialized Dominion Year 72 after many civil wars


Where is it on the map?:

Capitol: Warilin Hall

Capitol location in country: Centered in the narrow strip connecting the east & west and surrounded by mountains (if approved)

Society: The people of Agrin are a hardy and simple lot, keeping their clothing heavy and dark to handle the frigid climate of the north. Each man is expected to master combat to a certain degree, peasent boys learning the axe and spear while the sons of Chiefs and under-chiefs master horse and sword. Women are regarded with respect as the “keepers of the land” and do all of the farming, cooking, and artisan work. Do not put it past an Agrin woman to take to the field of combat however, as any Agrinian would give their life in defense of their homeland. It was an army of mostly women peasents that lead the first queen to victory after all…

Clan Warilin maintains a sophisticated army of 300,000 regulars as well as the Proudspear Band of 20,000 elite troops.
Organization of Clan Warilin
3 Warbands of 100,000
Each warband consists of 10 Fists (10,000 troops)
Each fist is divided among Raiders (light cavalry), Spear Bands, Rangers, and Axe Bands
Proudspear Band
Each troop of the Proudspear Band is an elite ranger specializing in Spearmanship, swordsmanship, archery, and horsemanship. The skill among the disciplines is varied but each individual may serve as any given capability.
Clans Osrin & Alcarin command retainer forces of 100,000 regulars with a Honor Band of 5,000 elite troops each.
Retainers orgainized into Fists and Honor Band is organized like the Proudspears
Clan Borik commands a fleet of 300 warships and 50,000 regulars with an Reduced Honor Band of 500 elite troops.
Troops of Clan Borik are akin the the Vikings in our world, seaborn raiders and heavy cavalry while the Honor Band are berserker axe-infantry

Government: Matriarchy – Ruled by a single queen with a council of retaining Clan Chiefs. Two Clans are given responsibility over the two regions, East & West, while Clan Warilin (the ruling Clan by birthright) administers the fertile center. There are many under-clans with under-chiefs that support the Clan Chiefs and the Queen.

- People of Importance:
Queen Magali Warilin – The rightful Queen and unopposed ruler of Agrin. She is young but clever, famously beautiful, an expert politician, and a legendary tactician/strategist.
Clan Chief Cain Alcarin – A heavy-set, calm warrior with a deep loyalty to the Queen and the dominion. He has four sons, each of which carry his banners into battle and is the closest advisor to the Queen.
Clan Chief Willem Osrin – A tall, grim faced man with an incredible ability for economic administration. While he lacks the loyalist fervor of Alcarin, he and his Clan are dedicated to the progressive growth of Agrin as a nation and believed the Queen and traditions of Warilin leadership are the only way to achieve prosperity.
Clan Chief Chansen Borik – A massive, rowdy bastard of a man whose brutality in battle is both admirable and revolting. While he has sworn loyalty to the Queen he has frequently been the subject of her ire of his raids on miner clans within the realm. It has taken a great deal of effort on behalf of the Queen to keep him in check as his ambitions push him toward raiding Agrin’s mysterious neighbors.

Economic: At the moment Agrin is perfecting internal self-sufficiency which has been its way since the tribes were young. Recently however Queen Magali has begun contemplating breaking the time-hardened tradition of isolationism and establish contacts with their southern neighbor, Anika.
Industry – Mining, timber, agriculture, and hunting are the backbone of the economy. Agriculture is their weakest as the hard, frozen soil is tedious and the weather destroys crops. But the farmers of Agrin are a stubborn lot and produce a sufficient amount of grains. As a result, bread is seen as a luxury in Agrin.
Resources native to Agrin – Iron, Copper, Stone, Wood, Furs, Ice, Salt, Coal

-Tariff: Currently none, this is a foreign concept to Agrin

Religions: Animism – The people of Agrin see life and power in all things, living and non living, and thus believed they are surrounded by gods at all times. The Chief of the Gods is Agrinor who gave the region its name. A warrior is the closest to Agrinor and as a result veterans are regarded as a priest would be. However the religion holds to a natural chaos philosophy in which the gods will do as they please no matter the action of mortals. As a resulted, morality comes from a need of family honor rather than divine punishment.

Technology: Previously barabaric, they have made great strides in revolutionizing but are still underway. They have paved roads, carts, plows, iron weapons and steel for the elites, but lack siege equipment. The most recent discovery was the windmill for civilians and War-Sleds (similar to chariots) for the military.

Domestic Issues: Clan Borik’s desire to raid Agrin’s neighbors has become an increasingly troublesome issue for the Queen. Currently it is under debate whether or not to remove Borik from power and replace him with a trustworthy undercheif.

Issues Abroad: Long term isolationism has left Agrin unaware and (mostly) unaffected by the outside world. Now Queen Magali seeks to end the isolationism in order to strengthen Agrin and gain a new perspective for her people.

World Influence: Currently 1 due to isolationism with the strength to reach 4/5 once involved in the world.
-Relations with Neighbors: Suspicious and isolated for now but growing curious

Major Cities:
Warilin Hold is a stark and grim fortress city and the capital of the dominion.
Tobin’s Reach is the furthest north city and home to a variety of mines and prison camps
Alcarin Hold is the stronghold that keeps the peace in the East, controlled by the loyal clan Alcarin
Osrin Hold is the stronghold that keeps the peace in the West, controlled by the loyal clan Osrin
Broken-Rock Hold is the only true port city of Agrin and controlled by the troublesome clan Borik

Landscape: Deep forests and icy tundras mixed with rocky highlands and mountains. The winters are long and hard and the summers crisp and lovely. A key terrain feature is Warilin’s Shield, a ring of mountains that surrounds the fortress capital of Warilin Hold.

History: The people of the dominion once belonged to many barbaric tribes with their own cultures and customs. However, in the year 24, a man was born to the Clan Chief of Clan Warilin. Saje was his name. As all men of most clans did, he was raised a warrior-hunter and there were none finer than him in battle. However his true strength was his mind. A military genius, and the first of his intellect among the tribes, Saje revolutionized the way Clan Warilin conducted itself in combat. His tactics and grand strategy skyrocketed the influence and power of Clan Warilin beyond any other clan. By the time he had become a man he was feared and regarded amongst all surrounding tribes.
Upon his father’s death he took the seat as Clan Chief and sent warbands and diplomats to the East and West. Any who refused to swear allegiance to Clan Warilin faced a deceptive and devious foe. With brutality and wickedness he crushed his enemies and with compassion and unheard of reformation he fostered his allies. By the year 58 there were none who did not love him and none alive who still bore hate for him. Clan Warilin had dominated the tribes of the north.
During the winter of 62, Chief Saje fell ill and died weeks later in his bed. While the people mourned his death, his Sons began to plot for control of the Dominion. Civil war erupted across the land, tearing apart the fragile kingdom built by Saje and once more blood turned the icy rivers of the north a wicked crimson. As the realm burned, Mara, Saje’s only daughter and youngest child, wept for the people. It was her compassion that saved the dominion. Raising an army of outraged citizens and loyalist soldiers, she took the fight to her brothers and revealed once again the military prowess of the Warilin bloodline.
Upon her eldest brother’s death in 72 at Tobin’s Reach she became the sole remaining heir to the Dominion and the first High Queen of Argin. From then it was declared men were too aggressive to rule and the long tradition of matriarchy began.
Now in this present year, her descendent, Magali Warilin, sits upon the throne.

Strengths: The people of Agrin are her greatest strength. Each is willing to fight and die for the Queen and the vast majority of the population is trained in combat to some degree. They are a stubborn people who are experts at making the most of what they have. Their leadership is also very intelligent and cunning in the way of military and economic strategy.

Weaknesses: Isolated and suspicious, Agrin has missed out on many technological and philospophical advances of the world. This is something they seek to remedy soon, but as it stands they remain ignorant of the world.

Summary: A collection of barbaric tribes united and hardened through prolonged warfare. They remain hardy and strong, capable of great victory on the field of battle. However they are isolated and ignorant of the outside world. As the new era dawns, Queen Magali seeks to bring Agrin into the world scene so her people may know the prosperity of other nations.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@SpartanDoesAcid, I think a great deal of runners has been send out to all nations. No matter how isolated you are, a runner will probably still have crossed your border with the message requesting to speak with the local leaders. You can say that you killed the messenger or something but that would almost be a direct act of war against the Empire of Vallhal (and to be honest, i doubt any nation right now could stand against it might alone.)

@VoteForPandaa, i think we're open as long as there is still room on the map. So yes, i guess you can still join.

@SajeW, i'm by no means a GM, co-GM or anything like that so you don't really need to listen to me. But there are a few weird things with your nation. First of all, a population of 10.000.000 is a lot. Especially for a region practically hugging the north pole. I doubt so many people would actually be able to live there. Beside, the surface you chose isn't that big. Urukhai had the previous highest amount of population with 5.000.000 but lived on a region almost triple yours and much more south. So naturally your army (320.000) is also quite a lot. Other than that i have no real issues. Btw: i just wanted to say that i believe that your nation is one of the first that didn't mention a certain mystic force or magic in anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SpartanDoesAcid


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I think it might be a little more complicated with getting the message to my nation, given that extended isolation has made both the writing system and language irrecognizable even to the most distinguished linguist in this world, and I'm sure that a simple runner wouldn't have training in an isolated language like Qriythonic. Would a translator be sent along with the messenger, or possibly an interpreter of some sort? Or am I just thinking too hard about this?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I doubt that 'thinking too hard' isn't possible in Nation RP. It sort of depends.

The language barrier can be created or ignored. That's something you chose. Urukhai and I seemingly decided that just talking the same language would be easier (we haven't really discussed with it. We just rolled with it). You can chose to do this (so there would be something called the Common Tongue or something like that) and ignore the language barrier.

If you chose to make a language barrier then it doesn't mean there has to be a real problem. You could say that someone on a border town or a trader that comes in ones every three years (for your famous silver maybe?) or so can speak the language a little. He could have been hired by a diplomat from Valhall. (i also think that the term Diplomat is better than just runner).

Or you could say that the diplomat entered the country somewhat unknowing and just following rumors of a nation there. He could be captured, tortured and/or slaughtered. Or there would be no diplomat and you were never discovered. I think Corin really left this all open for you. But remember that you can't stay invisible. I'm sure that with the supposed freedom of Corin, there also comes the price that Valhall will have send a lot of spies out. Meaning that at one point, you will get discovered.

In the end, i think you should try to come up with something and please, never think you think too hard on something. It can make nation RP very fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orangebox


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Do I get a small cut of land off the blue land below Culliver's Bay? Or must I take the whole plot?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vakte


Member Offline since relaunch

I would like to reserve the green area connected to Lacria, with the orange on top, as I am running an idea and that seems the best location for it :)

Should get an NS up within the next couple of days.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Orangebox, why would you want that little part? It's not really near your already claimed Dark Red part so i don't really see why you should need that..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orangebox


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ah, well my choice was supposed to be either dark red or a small chunk off blue.

I wasn't sure if I can get a small chunk off a bigger land, so if I can't do that I'll settle with just the dark red. However, if GM permits, I'd prefer a small chunk off the left-most tip of the blue land south of Culliver's Bay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Post will be up soonish
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Postwill be up today
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, i've just been blessed by CorinTraven to be his Co-GM (i asked it) and maybe GM in the future. I'll try to make it all work soon. Anyway:

@orangebox, if you prefer a small chunk of the blue land under the Bay, i'll grant it to you. But it would be a true blessing if you could send me something like the map with borders so i know how much you want to take from it.

@Vakte, i'll reserve that spot for you.

@All: if everyone has any questions, i'm mostly on once or twice a day so go ahead and ask. I'm also planning to post a little as Valhall so all the nations get some interaction.
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