Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


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UserName: WitchChild

Character name: Mishi Xu The Magnificent and Spoony

Age: 24

Mageblood type: Ancient

Favoured Magic Class: Rune Crafting

Previous Magic training: Mishi has no real magic training but is a magnificent stone worker and artisan.

Race: Zhuandii

Appearance: (Pic coming when i get the drive to do draw concepts)
Mishi is rather odd. Most people may think of the Zhuandii as female due to the appearance but some may mistake the spoony kid as a male. Mishi identifies herself as a she due to how most people have described her while she is in truth a hermaphrodite. She has light bluish skin with no natural darkspots. Over her left arm are swirling tattoos of dragonlike creatures in dark blue ink from wrist to shoulder and further. Her sea green hair is rather long and decorated with feathers at her left ear and some coins that tend to jingle when she moves. She occasionally partially dyes her hair at irregular intervals.
She is 5'4" has mostly feminine frame but there is enough masculinity there to confuse some. Her almond shaped eyes are a color of dark emeralds and hold playfulness and innocence.
Her attire is that of a sleeveless tight shirt and around her neck dangle pendants of Hrollf teeth, pearls, gold and silver. She has a very decorative belt and wears a knee high skirt over shin length pants of leather. On her belt she carries a canteen of water at all times as well as her hook blade based on the traditional Zhuandii bone hook but bladed. The weapon is made out of Bloodsea iron of her own forging. The blade is masterfully crafted with similar patterns as her tattoo engraved at each side of her blade. It was made with care and she spent almost three days straight forging it to perfection with little to no breaks. Along with those, she also has a rolled up satchel of tools fitting a jeweler or an archaeologist.
When the weather is moderate and not too cold, she usually just wears sandals though wears warmer clothes when it is needed such as the winters.When she wears her usual clothing, it can be seen that her right leg is tattooed in similar fashion as her left arm. When she can, she'll wear anything made out of very fine fabrics.

Short Bio: Coming up in a bit. (Nothing major, just some background to share about your character from where they were born, their life like, and what drove them to study at the College? At least 2-3 paragraphs (5-7 sentences), though believe me when I say the more depth and detail then the more the GMs- at least one of them- will love you for it…)

Good Attributes: Mishi is a magnificent swimmer and has quick and agile movements.
She is extremely friendly and doesn't have a mean bone in her body, seemingly.
She is very active and is unlikely to tire out soon.
She is a craftsman prodigy. She can work as a jeweler or even a blacksmith.
She is an experienced metallurgist and can tell materials apart.
She is a novice musician and is currently practicing. Not a master bard but she wants to get there.
Acrobatic and Athletic.
Extremely dangerous underwater

Bad Attributes: A bit of a scatterbrain at times.
Is very naive and gullible
Doesn't read too much into the situation so subtle hints fly way over her.
A bit of a prejudice towards Naga (But won't outright attack them unprovoked, just tends to stay away)
Seemingly unpredictable when bored. Examples: Carves out something or paint on expensive furniture she is sitting on/at (Sometimes people in some cases or golems), wanders away and pokes at dangerous things

Secret Word: rebirth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bonjour, mes amis! Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Don't bring your devil language here, you foul demon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crossark


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WitchChild said
Don't bring your devil language here, you foul demon.

Por qué?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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WitchChild said
Hey, it's a mixed blessingPro: Works of people like Karen Travis can officially be ignored if you'd likeCon: Thrawn is no longer Canonunless...benedict cumberbatch is cast as him in Ep 7

I care more about the lack of Yuuzhan Vong to be perfectly honest.

Also, I am not just here randomly. Well, I kind off am. Though I am also here as I am working on a CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Hey WitchChild, Frettzo and myself are working on a collab that involves fighting the masked demon, though Frettzo hasn't been on it in a while, I'm assuming because of life things. Perhaps you can join it as well?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'D enjoy that very much, thank you, Elite
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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If you've read it there are only three reference sin the char to skullduggery pleasant.

The rest will be completely unique. I couldn't resist however.

UserName: Sep, cause Fallen is boring.

Character name: Arcadius

Age: Unknown

Mageblood type: Lues

Favoured Magic Class: Noxomancy

Previous Magic training: Studied at the college of Aerta, however all that knowledge is now lost.

Race: Originally? Human. Now, he’s missing everything that makes a human human. He’s just a Skeleton.

6Foot Tall, 1 inch.

Short Bio: Arcadius, who cannot remember his family crest. He fought in the Dark Wars, however he can’t remember what side he fought for completely. He only recalls that he wielded shadows and used them to bring death to other people under orders. Before the war broke out he had been a detective and he remembered more of that than he did off anything else, he remembers being trusted with information and secrets and trying to find solutions to things, and he remembers dieing.

He doesn’t remember how he died he just remembers the pain of dying. Something stabbing through his chest, held by someone he knew and that was the annoying thing. He didn’t even know who this person was let alone how he knew them. They had been important, and he had trusted them. That was all he remembered. The next thing he had woken up in a coffin hearing the sound of dirt being piled on top of him.

Above him were strange runes which he had cursed himself for not knowing however while he could remember using magic he could not remember how other than the most basics of his arts. Despite this the coffin must have been bound, meaning that no magic could be used on it or inside of it which was bad for him. He tried shouting, the person on the outside either did not hear him or did not care. Everything rotted in the time that past. How much time he did not know, he gave up and he had no way to track the time. No day or night cycle no way to carve in stone so that he could recall. He half expected to die again, in fact he welcomed the thought however his clothes and flesh merely molded and decayed until he was naught but a skeleton. It was very disconcerting at first however eventually he decided it would be an improvement, no more worrying about spots or tidying his hair in the morning. Shaving, definitely no more shaving in his future. Eventually, he didn’t know when he was dug up. Of course no point in shouting if they even spoke the same language as him. He was moved around a lot, he didn’t know why and he got quite cross at none of them for being curious enough to open the lid of the Coffin. It would have been a simple task that enslaved him.

This went on, and on, and on. He merely resided himself to his torture for eternity spent in this box with himself.

Good Attributes:
- Keen detectives eyes.
- Has no muscles - so doesn’t get tired from running etc.
- No lungs so does not run out of breathe from physical activities/being underwater.
- Versed in Martial Arts.
- Good historical knowledge.
- Light does not affect his sight, he can see just as well in the dark as he can in the light.

Bad Attributes: - Wise Crack, likes to talk and crack jokes that can seem an annoyance to people.
- Despite his condition he still feels pain if he is stabbed (Especially in what would be fatal areas).
- Due to his extended… isolation it is likely he will have issues getting to grips with interaction again.
- He can be quick to anger, and if he becomes truly angry he will enter a state where he cannot use magic and has to resort to physical violence.
- He can’t die by normal means(Which is a curse believe it or not).
- He is hard to hide in a crowd.
- He isn’t very stealthy…
- He isn’t up to date on current history since before the war that lead to his death.

Secret Word: Rebirth, ironic, huh?

Spoke to Fallen about the whole "Skeleton" idea.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Did she also mention that you need to put a virgin onto the Alter of Ice and Murder? Otherwise, I'll have a hard time approving this CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

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EliteCommander said
Hey WitchChild, Frettzo and myself are working on a collab that involves fighting the masked demon, though Frettzo hasn't been on it in a while, I'm assuming because of life things. Perhaps you can join it as well?

How far are you in that collab?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Lucius Cypher said
Did she also mention that you need to put a virgin onto the Alter of Ice and Murder? Otherwise, I'll have a hard time approving this CS.

She said she had idea behind the whole curse thing, I'm not privy to all of her ideas.

Also we agreed that he still has limitations upon using magic, and is back to beginner level. Anything else bothering you Lucius my friend?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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Leon5431 said
How far are you in that collab?

Not too far.

Sep said
She said she had idea behind the whole curse thing, I'm not privy to all of her ideas.Also we agreed that he still has limitations upon using magic, and is back to beginner level. Anything else bothering you Lucius my friend?

I would think it would be difficult to use blood-based magic without blood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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EliteCommander said
I would think it would be difficult to use blood-based magic without blood.

Fallen had an explanation for this as well.

I should really have copied that conversation from the IRC.

Basically she said it was possible for the Athings, I forgot as I'm tired to inhabit bone. Plus that is part of the whole cursed by... (or blessed) Duuri. I think she said. To clarify some things.

-He does feel pain as if he has flesh and bone etc. Stab him through the chest you won't kill him, but he'll go down.
-He isn't going to the sanest person so that too is a disadvantage.
-As is the fact he is out of his own time and still can't remember the war (Or frustratingly, his own death).
-He doesn't know why he was cursed(Being in a Coffin trapped for hundreds of years pretty much makes you think you've been cursed)
-You can literally pull him to pieces and he excruciatingly has to live through it.
-You can still get a hammer if you smash all the bones to pieces.
-Me and Fallen discussed that if he over used Magic he would start to fall apart, as it would start to fall from whatever sorcery was holding him together(Fallen suggest this be in the form of the bones turning to dust and then slowly regenerating once I rest).
-Don't you think it would be incredibly extraneous on him mentally that he sometimes remembers using all this magic but he basically has to start over again?
-If using Shadow Magic requires binding with the Nox will this not be harder for him since he is technically dead?

Just pointing out most of his flaws.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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I should point out for Arcanite(Thankyou Echo)

Fallen said it does reside in all things and my idea was that he draws from whatever magic is keeping him walking and being a smart ass. Hence why if he draws from it too much he begins to fall apart.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Sep said
She said she had idea behind the whole curse thing, I'm not privy to all of her ideas.Also we agreed that he still has limitations upon using magic, and is back to beginner level. Anything else bothering you Lucius my friend?

There's the Alter thing, yes, but I'll get back to it later.

As Commander said, all the magic in our world runs off of Mage Blood. I suspect that it will be difficult to have mageblood without the flesh to hold it in, unless your marrow is so potent that it can function similarly. Additionally, "Not being able to die by normal means" may sound like a curse in a long run, but very soon there will be people who'd want to crush your skull underneath their foot. If that doesn't do you in, there may be some issues regarding competitive fairness. And while I can chalk it up to "Magic" as to why your bones are still together, without any muscles your skeletal body probably can't exert much strength either. Bones can only provide so much bush before they snap. Speaking of that, if your flesh was able to decay, what level of density does your bones hold? Since your character wasn't fossilized, I can't imagine that his bones are thick and sturdy, in fact if his flesh would be able to decay while he's still alive, his bones may be quite brittle, being held together only by the magical energies that allow his continued existence as a skeleton. There's probably lots more I don't know about, so correct me on these points as I go.

For the Alter of Ice and Murder, I don't necessarily require virgins, as I accept all and any, plus Virgins are hard to come by. I just need you to find another player in this OOC and offer their body to my Alter, and depending on who you chose would depend if you are worthy of my
blessing. Food offerings of impressive art quality, or images of bomb diggity booty, are also acceptable sacrifices, but I demand that those images be placed here where all can see, in it's image-posted format. Links are not acceptable.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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And Ninjad. Well, the points on the Alter still stand. Get to it!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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Comletely (or at least mostly completely) unrelated tangent, did you know that bone strength is one of the greatest limiting factors in human strength? Our muscles are capable of far more physical strength that we can exert, but it would snap our bones (or tear ligaments, tendons, and muscles themselves). When people get struck by lightning and are sometimes thrown ridiculously far, that is purely due to the person's muscles working uninhibited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Me and Fallen were talking about ways to kill him, while technically splitting him up won't kill him we talked about it.

Going along the idea of magic being used to keep him going, it is why he is basically a shadow of himself. Like he was semi-resurrected he is all there but at the same time his flesh and bone is missing (Fallen said I could put this down to Duuri but I cannot recall if she said she had an idea or if I was to come up with one). Probably cruelty in the fact he is just bones.

Hence, the reason he still feels pain as if flesh was there which can relate to the fact how he can still walk and talk as if his flesh were there. About killing him, if you want we can add destruction off his skull to the list however there is also the fact that you can completely obliterate anything he is (all the bones), find a way to remove the magic from him or force him to overexert himself in his use of magic. That is going along the assumption that part of his magical ability comes from him manipulating whatever is holding him together and if he cannot control it effectively he essentially gets rid of everything holding him together and starts to turn to dust. The more he does this the longer it takes him to recover and even once he grows back he'd still have to wait to make sur ehe was at his strongest and just wouldn't fall a part again. E.g. Tank and a Water Trough. You want to keep the Tank Full or he starts falling to pieces but if it fills up and continues to fill it goes into a trough and that he can use. Of course unlike a normal trough it will have its limits to how full it can go and how much power each moves depends on his practice.

(An easy way to destroy him would be find another mage who can do decay magic to decay him bone by bone.)

Lucius said plus Virgins are hard to come by.

Self sacrifice?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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EliteCommander said
Not too far. I would think it would be difficult to use blood-based magic without blood.

I would imagine he is quiet vulnerable to maces and the type. Probably wouldn't be too strong when it comes to strength, but that really depends on the extent of his curse.

Anyway, well mind if I jump in? I was going to have the Wintercrest reps arrive soon and help with that demon.

Also hello evilscottishguy Sep, long time no talk.
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