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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sorry man - I thought I'd told you, or that you would've picked it up from the other threads. I can open up a space for you so we're back to even numbers if you really want to play. TBH, I hadn't seen anything from you around at all, so I thought you'd dropped off of the forum altogether.

EDIT: Bearing all of this in mind, I'm going to say now that I'm going to be particularly ruthless on those who don't get their fingers out of their bumholes and post in a timely fashion. If you don't post within a week of a GM post and don't have an explanation beyond 'sorry, I'm lame at posting', then I'll kick you out. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but I'm not willing to let this die through inactivity this time around, and if there's this many people as starting players with interest, I'd quite like to see it run for a while, and complete at least some of the long-distance plot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Go Silver! I'll try not to weigh you down with my occasional writer's blocks!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'll follow along and join once some folks drop (if anyone does) if that'll strain things less; I don't mind waiting around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ramzam

Ramzam Squeaky Boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Sheet
Character Name: Adrian Kelsea
Age: 27
Species: Hare
Appearance: 5’ 8”, very evenly built. His ears are the better part of a foot tall, lending him a vertical appearance. His fur is bright white for the majority of the year, turning to a very subtle brown during the summer. His ears have black tips. His eyes are a very vivid shade of brown, to the point of almost appearing red in some lights. He wears a large brace on his right leg out of necessity and hides it under a padded tube of protective material. He is ambidextrous with a preference for his right leg and left arm.

Personality: Adrian is perfectly content to be with himself. While particularly articulate and able to express himself well, Kelsea has never been much of a conversationalist. He spends much of his time commenting on others and their actions as opposed to engaging them directly, hoping to avoid personal embarrassment or awkward situations. While markedly introverted and prone to staying quiet, Adrian recognizes the importance of communication in combat.

His self-imposed solitude has given him the habit of thinking aloud. Adrian knows he has a job to do and will complete his missions to the best of his ability. Beyond his life, Adrian has little to lose.

Adrian is highly discriminatory towards certain species as the aftereffects of his past experience. He has difficulty placing his trust in them and is much more on edge when approached. Being in a GEAR tends to make his biases disappear, however.

While he’s in possession of a strong gut, lean meats make him, “uncomfortable.” Adrian is not a rabbit.

Personal History: Adrian grew up in the small country of Treminia, situated at a high altitude on the northern end of the badlands. During his middle teenage years, a sudden disease swept through the country and had either tainted or outright killed a majority of the population's livestock and found its way into every meat product—a significant source of the country’s food. In the face of low purchasing power, botched aid from neighboring countries, and a supposed lack of produce, many of the Treminians starved to the point of desperation. The sudden void in the standard diet created a chain of events that rapidly spun out of control and within the following two months, most of the country had become a patchwork of warring gangs and cannibals. By the time Adrian made his escape into a neighboring country, he had been on both sides of the conflict.

He assumed a false identity as Adrian Kelsea, a (mostly) vegetarian hare from a balmy country south of Landren, whom immigrated with his family. He soon enough found that, after his experiences in the now permanently fractured Treminia, he wasn’t suited to life as a civilian and immediately enlisted in Landren’s military the second he was able to.

As a soldier and GEAR pilot, Adrian showed himself to be a near perfect sharpshooter. After several years in the coincidentally all hare squad, “Long Patrol,” he found himself unexpectedly transferred to the newly formed Roughriders.

Personal Weapons and Equipment:
A stun gun that doubles as a knuckle, typically paired up with a trench knife.
A pump-action shotgun loaded with slugs. Has an ACOG scope.
Also possesses an old revolver. It’s an expy of the real life Nagant M1895 that is capable of making effective use of a suppressor.
A very small PADD.
Adrian keeps a small notebook with the details of everything he’s killed.
I don’t have a favorite color.
Personal Theme: Phoenix – F-Zeroooo GX

Mecha Sheet (This is pretty basic and unfinished, I just had a hard time admitting it.)
Gear Name & Serial Number: L-68 “Hyper Saber” : L68-153-9GX
Appearance: The L-68 is GEAR with lots of curves, right in line with other machines developed by Proton Mechanical Solutions. The GEAR has a slight, triangular shape, due to its legs being bulkier than the torso. The whole thing looks a bit like a suit of armor.

Role: Hunting/Long range direct fire.
Normal Loadout:
Large, semi-automatic, 40mm rifle with a high maximum effective range and a multiple zoom camera system to match.

A 20mm pistol with several spare magazines.

Both hands can be turned into the striking head of a pile driver.

Other Systems & Equipment:
Winch built into the upper chest.
Enhanced audio processing suite.
Other notes: The L-68 Hyper Saber is a lighter variation of the L-60 Saber, built with a frame better suited to quick start-and-stop movement. While not exceptionally fast, the L-68 has excellent acceleration and deceleration for its class that allows it to quickly deal damage and relocate itself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Looks good to me, Adrian is approved. Though I didn't expect he wouldn't be. I'll add him to the OP when I have a chance to do so.

Aristo said
I'll follow along and join once some folks drop (if anyone does) if that'll strain things less; I don't mind waiting around.

Well, I've already added your name to the OP now :P so post your character, and stop being so polite, dammit!

Rafale said
Go Silver! I'll try not to weigh you down with my occasional writer's blocks!

It's not writers blocks so much as people just not posting for no reason, or losing interest. That pisses me off, when we have a group that's raring to go and complimentary on how good the setting is and then drifts off halfway through when things are about to get interesting. More so when I've also planned out character plot for those players too, or for the ongoing game. We'll see what happens, and hopefully it won't go that way this time.

Right, we have pretty much enough people to get started. I don't have time to put the IC up now, as I'm about to go to bed. However, I will try and put it up tomorrow evening (GMT), when I'm back from work.
I'm going to start with everyone arriving to the Landcruiser Parvan's Claw. That will also receive a write-up, along with a short bio of it's primary important personnel, so they're standardized, if I get time.
We'll have a first mission ready to go to pretty much off the bat, a quick-reaction one to help some people in trouble out. That in turn will lead us into bigger, worse things.
For those of you - all three of you, I think by this point - that played previously in the first iteration of the game, there won't be any aliens right off the mark this time, and there might not be any at all, you'll be glad to know. I have much better and more involving ideas.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Silverwindblade said
How would you feel about playing the leader of a Fireteam of infantry? You could have 3 other NPC's to control, and their transport (a jeep or hummvee-esque vehicle with a heavy weapon), that work alongside the squadron? It'd be handy for capturing objectives, rescuing people, laying ambushes etc etc. You'd have a full loadout of weapons and equipment we could collaborate on too.
I'd picture them to be more Special Forces-types than just line grunts too, so you could end up doing things like observation roles and meeting up with contacts in a crowd and such as well, before passing on the info for the rest of us to act on. It'd add another layer to the overall setting and plot.

Wheeeels! Expect Ashers to get rather excited if she see's a vehicle with wheels she can mod. Avoid letting her paint it Sprunk green and adding neons though (jks.).

I like this idea. Having a team near by will act as an excellent safety net for pilots who have to bail from their vehicles as well and it'll be nice to know there are some infantry watching Ashers back if she needs to break out the EOD suit or do some technical engineering.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Humm, I have a gryphon char I'd want to use, but I guess that'd be just half mammalian.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Yeah, and mythical or fictional creatures aren't really possible in the setting either - only existing animals, as they're an engineered species from Earthly animals.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Silverwind Blade said
Sorry man - I thought I'd told you, or that you would've picked it up from the other threads. I can open up a space for you so we're back to even numbers if you really want to play. TBH, I hadn't seen anything from you around at all, so I thought you'd dropped off of the forum altogether.EDIT: Bearing all of this in mind, I'm going to say now that I'm going to be particularly ruthless on those who don't get their fingers out of their bumholes and post in a timely fashion. If you don't post within a week of a GM post and don't have an explanation beyond 'sorry, I'm lame at posting', then I'll kick you out. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but I'm not willing to let this die through inactivity this time around, and if there's this many people as starting players with interest, I'd quite like to see it run for a while, and complete at least some of the long-distance plot.

Really? I've been around in a couple of other RPs... I guess I am just under the radar.

Like I said before though it is your call whether to give me the green light or not. I won't work on a CS for a rp I wont be in if ya catch my drift XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Really? I've been around in a couple of other RPs... I guess I am just under the radar.

Well, I was subscribed to your interest check, and it didn't go anywhere, and you didn't pop up in any of the other things I was in, so...
Anyway, I've put your name on the list, so get a sheet up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yeah.. That RP I made sadly could not go on due to ths lack of CSs in the ooc... That is another story! I'll get something together when I get home from school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I didn't even see the OOC go up :(
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It went up o.O
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I ran out of time to do any work on the IC today, but now I've got some other stuff out the way this evening, I will try to get it up and running tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I got called into work just now so plans have changed! I will get something up around four hours from now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Kensington Maxwell
Age: 24
Species: Wolf
Link if image fails

Personality: Kensington is a laid back yet high spirited individual. He is typically calm until he senses danger is out and about. When endangered the pilot is more on point and more focused with every detail in every situation. He might beable to keep calm under pressure but if the situation is extreme enough even fear can strike him. He tends to go overboard with the laid back image and to some a hint of 'country' can occasionally be heard voice when he is confident and excited.

History: Kensington grew up in a more quiet and peaceful environment in his young years. There many things grew inside him like the typical Avaran person. One thing though made him stick out from the others and that was the passion for the air. During an event he caught a glimpse of a LDF helicopter flying by and landing. Although it had landed and took off it took another unexpected passenger along, the young wolf's interest.

Ever since that encounter he researched, learned, and eventually enlisted to be an LDF pilot. Once fully an adult he went off to the closest airman academy to learn the techniques of flying. There he became the pilot he pushed himself to be, one who had the gift and now the training to fly attack helicopters, transport helicopters, fast movers, you name it he knows it. Now, after a year of active duty under his belt, the airman is on standby for further orders.

Personal Belongings: Spare Jacket, Aviator Shades, Canister of wooden toothpicks, Pack of Playing Cards in his jacket pockets, his personal PADD, a small notebook and pencil in his jacket pockets as well. ((He would have to fiddle with his vest in order to access his jacket if he were wearing the vest)/

Weapons and equipment: ((gonna take this one off the older RP :3))


Helicopter: Sky Hawk 102
CID #: M750328

Role: Close Air Support, Transportation
Normal Loadout: 30mm Chain Gun (Available for modification with optional missiles or rockets. (Missile count will be eight rocket count will be eighteen)

Other Systems: Distress Beacon, Radar evasion capabilities (If flown properly), medical equipment, stretcher, cables (For GEAR transportation whenever demanded) Active countermeasures and lock-on detection systems
Other Info: The SkyHawk 102 is a variant of the multiple role helicopter family. It carries and recommends two pilots but can be flown by a single trained and experienced pilot. Its roles can be Close Air Support, Transportation, Heavy Duty Lifting, Medical Evacuation, and Recon. Although they are effective and quick their pilots are low in numbers due to the training required to fly them safely and efficiently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

I think the link for your pic of Kensington is broken, but otherwise looks good. I'm guessing you're still working on the chopper?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey Silver, I might actually drop out of my position... After attempting to work on Clayton's character sheet again, I realized that I was lacking motivation for this RP. It felt more like work than play (unlike before). I doubt I'd be able to write well with that sort of mindset. So instead of making you guys go through the trouble of reading my (possibly) half-assed posts, I'll just open up my slot for someone else who has more enthusiasm and drive for this RP :).

Sorry if I disappointed any expectations from anyone, it's just that I don't think it would be fun for me to RP that way. I'll still lurk around to see how this goes though. And I might join, just as a back-up player if too many people end up dropping out XD (But God forbid that ever happens again...).

Good luck with this revival, Silver. I think you have a really good group going on here :) I Hope you all have fun!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yeah I am still working on the chopper Silver. Work was unexpected last night T.T

http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8761079/ Link for Appearance
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Rultaos Awe man you dropping out? I guess that's the choice you made... Even though your half ass posts seem to look better than mine XD Well I hope something inspires you to comeback down the road... Its enjoyable working with a familiar face, ya know?
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