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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 20 min ago


The Hero of Time was prophesied to defeat evil. With the Master Sword in hand, he was meant to strike down the king of evil, and restore peace to the kingdom. The Hero, Link, did these things. He gathered the sacred jewels and used them to unlock the Door of Time. He used the Ocarina given to him by Princess Zelda to open the door. There it was, the Master Sword in all its glory, waiting for the Hero to claim it. The Hero, still a boy, took the sword in his hand and fell into a deep slumber. When he awoke, seven years had passed, and he found himself suddenly grown up. He was greeted by a man named Rauru, the Sage of Light. The Sage explained that the Hero was not yet ready to wield the blade, and so he was kept safe in the Sacred Realm until his body grew into one that could wield the sword properly. But a lot of things had happened in Hyrule during those seven years. When the Door of Time opened, the evil Ganondorf used the opportunity to break into the Sacred Realm and steal the Triforce, the sacred Golden Power. But the Triforce cannot be controlled by just anyone, and only part of it remained in the Evil King's grasp, the Triforce of Power. The other two pieces - one of Courage and the other of Wisdom - found their way into the hands of two individuals worthy enough to carry them. The Hero himself was chosen by the Triforce of Courage, while the Triforce of Wisdom went into the grasp of Zelda, the now-wayward Princess of a kingdom all but ruled by Ganondorf.

When he could not obtain the entire Triforce, Ganondorf turned his attention from the Sacred Realm onto the Kingdom of Hyrule itself. He managed to bring forth a dark army of Moblins out of the Dark World, and they became the muscle of his army. They ravaged the land, starting with Hyrule Castle and Castle Town, forcing its inhabits to flee and go into hiding in Kakariko Village. From there, Ganondorf's influence spread across Hyrule like a plague in an invasion that later came to be known as the Seven Year War. His evil magic created curses and awakened dark monsters slumbering in the ancient temples. When the Hero finally awoke, he found himself in a Hyrule he barely recognized. The Sage Rauru told him to seek out the other Sages and awaken their power in order to weaken Ganondorf's hold on the land. He did so, and with the help of the enigmatic Sheik, the Hero found and awakened all six Sages. The stage became set for him to finally confront Ganondorf, especially after Sheik revealed himself to in fact be the lost Princess, Zelda, and the holder of the Triforce of Wisdom. Ganondorf struck, capturing Zelda and taunting the Hero to brave his castle if he dared. After climbing the treacherous tower of the Castle, the Hero faced Ganondorf in battle and appeared to emerge victorious. In his defeat, Ganondorf brought down the castle around him, forcing Zelda and the Hero to make a hasty retreat. After it was all said and done, Ganondorf emerged from the rubble, now transformed into the incarnation of evil known as Ganon. In one last struggle, the Hero fought with Ganon, but the Master Sword was kept out of his reach, and thus the Hero had no means to strike down the Evil King. Ganon was victorious that day, slaying both the Hero and Zelda. He tried to claim their Triforces, but the relics refused to allow him control, and they forced themselves out of his grasp once more, this time shattering into eight pieces each and scattering across the land.

Another year passed, and in that time, Ganondorf has spread his army across Hyrule. His first obstacle was Nabooru, the Sage of Spirit and leader of the Gerudo bandits. Nabooru tried to kill Ganondorf herself, but she failed, becoming the first of the Sages to fall. Instead of giving her death, Ganondorf instead cast his evil spell and transformed her back into the mighty Iron Knuckle. His conquest began in earnest with Kakariko Village in a battle that was later called the Kakariko Massacre. There Ganondorf slew many Hylian soldiers, Goron warriors, and Sheikah agents who tried to the defend the village. Among those slain were Impa and Darunia, Sages of Fire and Shadow. Zora's Domain fared no better. As word of the Hero's defeat spread, the Zora's ancient enemies - the River Tribe - returned to Hyrule to take advantage of their weakness. They invaded Zora Hall and executed King Zora, claiming the Domain for themselves. When Ganondorf came, the River Tribe offered their allegiance to him, even offering up the captured Princess Ruto - the Sage of Water - as a tribute to the King of Evil. He accepted, and imprisoned Ruto deep in the depths of the Water Temple. After Zora's Domain, the Kokiri Forest caught Ganondorf's gaze next. Saria, the Sage of Forest, tried to defend the other Kokiri Children, but there was little she could do on her own. She also fell before Ganondorf, who decided to place her under his control and use her to rule the Forest and enslave the Kokiri Children. As for Rauru, his fate remains unknown, though he is presumed either dead or perhaps imprisoned behind the Door of Time. The only region that did not yet fall was Gerudo Valley. Ganondorf sent a contingent of his army there to conquer it while he focused on Zora's Domain and Kokiri Forest. He even placed Nabooru the Iron Knuckle in command of the invasion. The Gerudo were crafty, however, and they had also been aware of the war happening elsewhere in the Kingdom and thus they were able to properly mount a defense. It was not an easy battle, but the Gerudo managed to successfully push back the invasion and defend their territory, if only barely.

As parts of Hyrule fell to Ganondorf's onslaught, her people began flocking to the only place still free from the war: Gerudo Valley. The Gerudo, in spite of their history as ruthless thieves, were not so cruel as leave the rest of the people to their fates. They allowed refugees into the Valley, offering them a place that was still safe, a refuge, an oasis in the vast desert. Together, the Gerudo and the Refugees built a small town and outpost out in the desert dunes, and named it Oasis. Oasis became one of the few places still free from Ganondorf's reign, and it now houses a small but dedicated Resistance Army.

The fate of the Triforce remains unclear. However, the eight fragments that both the missing Triforces broke into soon found themselves in unlikely locations, and sometimes in the hands of unlikely people.


Instead of just listing them all out in the open and making this even more of a wall of text, I've organized the race details behind a series of hiders. You're welcome. xD

Major Players - Important NPC's

Lay of the Land - Locations

The Fragments - Who Has What?


  • 1. Sibela (Gowi)
  • 2. The Knight (Zeroth)
  • 3. Dia (Bai Suzhen)
  • 4. Nadijah (Jester Acharis)
  • 5. UNKNOWN
  • 6. UNKNOWN
  • 7. UNKNOWN
  • 8. UNKNOWN


  • 1. Yuri (Kafka Komedy)
  • 2. Cricket (Sigil)
  • 3. Etzo (The Fox Without)
  • 4. Sigurd (Sho Minazuki)
  • 5. UNKNOWN
  • 6. UNKNOWN
  • 7. UNKNOWN
  • 8. UNKNOWN

Some Rules

  • As GM, my word is law.
  • The first rule applies to any Co-GM I appoint.
  • Keep to the standard rules of the site. You should know what they are.
  • Characters to need to be believable. By that, I mean I'd rather avoid the standard Anime tropes that can often crop up in these games.
  • Magic is obviously allowed, but I'd like to keep it limited for the beginning of the game. Unless you're playing a dedicated spellcaster, in which case I expect your exceptional skill with magic to be offset by a lack of skill in combat.
  • Do not start with any of the magical items from the games. They'll have their role to play, but remember, they were all in Link's possession when he died so they shouldn't be anywhere else to start with.

Character Sheet




[b]Background:[/b] Where were you when the Seven Year War began? How did you escape being killed back then? Where and how did you hear of the Hero's defeat? Were you at the Kakariko Massacre? How did you escape from it? Did you flee to Gerudo Valley? If not, then where? Did you make your way to Oasis at a later time? What are the details of how you came across one of the Triforce fragments? Did you sense anything mysterious or wondrous about it? How has finding the fragment led you to where you are now? Most importantly, is your fragment from the Triforce of Courage or the Triforce of Wisdom?

[b]Skills:[/b] These are for your physical prowess. How good you are with a weapon, or if you can pick locks and move around without being detected.

[b]Magic:[/b] These are for your not-so-natural skills. Can you charge your sword with a spin attack? Conjure and throw a ball of flame? If so, it goes here.

[b]Gear:[/b] What kinds of weapons, armor, or tools is your character usually outfitted with?

[b]Weaknesses:[/b] How are you flawed? Does your magic spells come at a hefty cost? Is your armor strong but too heavy to allow for speedy movement? Everyone has weaknesses, so what are yours?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Finished, some things to note:
  • I hilariously used Linkle as Sibela's new faceclaim, I know it's silly but I like visual aid.
  • The CS is admittedly... massive, but don't let that intimidate you.
  • The original character did not have a personality or weakness section so I sort of winged it, hope it is okay.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Here's my submission, please let me know if anything needs to be tweaked.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thinking I might join, one question though, what age would you say the sheikah wait till to actually send people in their tribe out on missions. Was thinking of having a kid from the tribe as my character, having been too young during the times to be fighting. But if it's under 16 I'll probably just write up some other reason.@Double
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bai Suzhen
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Bai Suzhen

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

a work in progress
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Just checking in here with my work in progress CS.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Double One other question, been playing hyrule warriors a bit recently, and while I'm aware the characters are vastly over powered compared to their contemporary versions, is it plausible to use the fighting abilites that are shown in that game as a basis for what they various races do, trying to figure out what kind of abilites the sheikah have and that is the most I've seen them represented.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 20 min ago

@The Fox Without Sheik in Smash Brothers. Use that as your basis. While Hyrule Warriors is a fine game in and of itself, it's not what this RP is based on. This RP is based on what is presented in the main games (which I feel Sheik's Smash Bros moveset does a wonderful job representing), so no blowing past hundreds of foes in single swings, if you don't mind. ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I mean making a Sheikah is pretty straightforward, just make a ninja.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Double Fair enough, haven't played a ton of Zelda games, OoT and TP being the only ones I've finished, so not a whole lot of info on the clan, I'll check out the wiki before making the CS. Gotta work, but I'll try to have a WIP up at least tonight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 20 min ago

I mean making a Sheikah is pretty straightforward, just make a ninja.

True, though they aren't limited to just being like Ninja though. The Sheikah I plan to portray will not be strangers to planting explosives and sniping with crossbows, essentially adapting their way of fighting to suit the situation like most guerilla forces realistically do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Wait, so, it's never explained in the games as far as I'm aware: Is Termina part of Hyrule? Or is it just adjacent to Hyrule? Does it even exist? Or is it a product of Skull Kid or Link's imagination?

Basically, where are most of the Dekus concentrated? Cuz I have no idea where the Deku Monarchy would be located.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 20 min ago

Wait, so, it's never explained in the games as far as I'm aware: Is Termina part of Hyrule? Or is it just adjacent to Hyrule? Does it even exist? Or is it a product of Skull Kid or Link's imagination?

Basically, where are most of the Dekus concentrated? Cuz I have no idea where the Deku Monarchy would be located.

Termina is, as far as I can tell, a parallel dimension of sorts. That's the only way in-universe I can think of to explain why many NPC's and characters from OoT have dopplegangers in Majora's Mask. Plus, Majora's Mask falls under the Child Link Timeline, which is not at all the timeline we're following for this game.

As for the Dekus... I assume they come mostly from Kokiri Forest, perhaps they have some kind of hidden palace somewhere in the Lost Woods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Gotta a few background ideas, but need to know, do you think of Gannondorf as the type to take prisoners, or more the kill shortly after interrogation type. Trying to decide between hiding in plain sight, escaped prisoner, or recently returning after being shipwrecked.

Apologies for badgering you with questions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 20 min ago


Gotta a few background ideas, but need to know, do you think of Gannondorf as the type to take prisoners, or more the kill shortly after interrogation type. Trying to decide between hiding in plain sight, escaped prisoner, or recently returning after being shipwrecked.

Apologies for badgering you with questions.

Depends on the threat level, really. That, and how useful they might be to him in the future. He killed Impa and Darunia because of their prior reputations for being skilled warriors and capable fighters (their loyalty to Hyrule couldn't be broken either). He turned Nabooru back into the Iron Knuckle because he figured having a big iron tank for a general would be useful, that and her history for being under his control made it feasible enough to go through with. He kept Saria and Ruto alive, because, honestly, they aren't fighters in the slightest. They have Sage powers, sure, but the game shows that both of them are pretty useless in a fight, so Ganondorf didn't see any reason to kill them straight away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Gotta a few background ideas, but need to know, do you think of Gannondorf as the type to take prisoners, or more the kill shortly after interrogation type. Trying to decide between hiding in plain sight, escaped prisoner, or recently returning after being shipwrecked.

Apologies for badgering you with questions.

Not sure how Gannondorf's gonna be portrayed here, but he strikes me sort of as a Medieval Lex Luthor. Cold, calculating, murder-ey, and prone to insane cackling, but often completely undone by his own hubris. He might decide to be brutal to make a statement, if he found you with a bunch of other prisoners and could make a gory scene on the roadside to scare people into submission and subordination, but he might consider one guy a waste of effort who would probably end up dying of exposure without his help.

...I've been lurking for a while, I do have a char in the works.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Okay, @Double, I'm finished. If you could look it over, I'd be honored.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 20 min ago

2x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I just realized 3 of our characters are hylians with the triforce of courage who came from the guard.
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