OOC For RP Is Live

That is it! You are freaking tired of your mother trying to hook you up with her podiatrist; your best friend saying that the guy at the coffee shop is perfect for you and everyone asking at the family reunions when you are going to find a nice guy or girl to settle down with. It is never ending and you've tried the online thing only to be hooked up with a number of losers who look nothing like their uploaded image. It is time to get away from it all and just see if you can do something about this, if even for the week.
After some talk with your travel agent you found the spot. Pezula Castle in South Africa. It has sun, sand, mountains, romance and is for singles only. Okay you can do this. A Passport check and a flight later and you have landed in one of the most beautiful places you have ever imagined. If you find romance, great. If not least it should be a lot of fun just looking at all the yumminess running around the beach.
You begin on Day 1 of 5. You are settled into your room and are headed to the Speed Dating Event to kick off the weekend. You will be paired up, get 90 seconds to talk and then move on to the next. It's like an all you can eat buffet of hotties. At the end of the exchanges you will contact your trip coordinator (the GM Via PM) - and let them know your top five choices. After which you will be paired up for longer more intimate dates as the week progresses. Everything goes well you might actually find the love of your life. If it doesn't, you're at least going to have a good time right?
Wait, what happens if you really fall for someone that isn't interested in you? Well, try to crash their dates if you want! Show them where they messed up. Have fun with it! That is what this whole week is about! So, pack your bags! You're off to Africa and this isn't any Blending moment, this is pure unadulterated last chance option before you become the crazy cat lady or man. Let's see what you can dish up! Heck, are you seeing someone on the side when the dates aren't planned? Oh, this could get juicy.

Setting: Pezula Castle in Noetzie Beach, South Africa
Time Frame: Modern Day - Starting June 1st, 2016
Rp Tags: Modern, Slice-Of-Life, High Casual, Romance
Type Of RP: Character driven more realistic Rp
What's Up: You will play two characters in this RP; 1 Male and 1 Female - that way we are assured of an even number of both genders. (You can still be any sexuality you wish though.) - We will start at the opening of the Speed Dating Scene and take things from there. This RP will go through the 5 days at the resort. The Beginning Speed Date will consist of a kick off where you will be randomly assigned your starting pair. Each pair will get 1 colab (or one post each) to go through your 90 second date. Then you will be repaired with another until each female has had 90 seconds with each male. After that is done, you will PM me, the GM, with your "likes" - I will tally them up and the ones who liked each other then most, top 5, will begin a series of planned dates that will happen over the week. At the end, votes will come back into me once again and we will see if anyone found the real thing. ^_~
List of current approved characters for the RP and who they are RPed by
Speed Date Pairings - Round 1 (This list will be updated throughout the RP to make it easy to keep up with who you are currently "dating"

*Rules are enforced - they may seem strict and harsh but I am a fair Gm as long as communication remains open and honest and people do no take advantage.

*Fill out one of these for each of your characters. Once both are completed post them in the OOC for review! Do NOT post them in the CS Tab until I have approved them. To cut down on Face Claim (FC) Confusion - when you start filling out your CS, please tag me in the OOC and post your FC's so I can go ahead and put a "claim" on them for you so others we don't have two people looking exactly alike running around the hotel, lmao.

That is it! You are freaking tired of your mother trying to hook you up with her podiatrist; your best friend saying that the guy at the coffee shop is perfect for you and everyone asking at the family reunions when you are going to find a nice guy or girl to settle down with. It is never ending and you've tried the online thing only to be hooked up with a number of losers who look nothing like their uploaded image. It is time to get away from it all and just see if you can do something about this, if even for the week.
After some talk with your travel agent you found the spot. Pezula Castle in South Africa. It has sun, sand, mountains, romance and is for singles only. Okay you can do this. A Passport check and a flight later and you have landed in one of the most beautiful places you have ever imagined. If you find romance, great. If not least it should be a lot of fun just looking at all the yumminess running around the beach.
You begin on Day 1 of 5. You are settled into your room and are headed to the Speed Dating Event to kick off the weekend. You will be paired up, get 90 seconds to talk and then move on to the next. It's like an all you can eat buffet of hotties. At the end of the exchanges you will contact your trip coordinator (the GM Via PM) - and let them know your top five choices. After which you will be paired up for longer more intimate dates as the week progresses. Everything goes well you might actually find the love of your life. If it doesn't, you're at least going to have a good time right?
Wait, what happens if you really fall for someone that isn't interested in you? Well, try to crash their dates if you want! Show them where they messed up. Have fun with it! That is what this whole week is about! So, pack your bags! You're off to Africa and this isn't any Blending moment, this is pure unadulterated last chance option before you become the crazy cat lady or man. Let's see what you can dish up! Heck, are you seeing someone on the side when the dates aren't planned? Oh, this could get juicy.

Setting: Pezula Castle in Noetzie Beach, South Africa
Time Frame: Modern Day - Starting June 1st, 2016
Rp Tags: Modern, Slice-Of-Life, High Casual, Romance
Type Of RP: Character driven more realistic Rp
What's Up: You will play two characters in this RP; 1 Male and 1 Female - that way we are assured of an even number of both genders. (You can still be any sexuality you wish though.) - We will start at the opening of the Speed Dating Scene and take things from there. This RP will go through the 5 days at the resort. The Beginning Speed Date will consist of a kick off where you will be randomly assigned your starting pair. Each pair will get 1 colab (or one post each) to go through your 90 second date. Then you will be repaired with another until each female has had 90 seconds with each male. After that is done, you will PM me, the GM, with your "likes" - I will tally them up and the ones who liked each other then most, top 5, will begin a series of planned dates that will happen over the week. At the end, votes will come back into me once again and we will see if anyone found the real thing. ^_~
List of current approved characters for the RP and who they are RPed by
Speed Date Pairings - Round 1 (This list will be updated throughout the RP to make it easy to keep up with who you are currently "dating"

- Gm Is Goddess
- Gm has final say on all matters
- Gm does check on posting and log in habits
- CS Sheet Provided Must Be Used
- Use code provided below
- Must create one male and one female character
- Do not submit WIP's - Final CS's only
- Post CS for approval in OOC
- Only GM approved CS's allowed in CS Tab
- Change color code to one not in use
- May not use default color, a187be, 82ca9d or white
- This is a slice of life rp
- Real Life cause and effect will be in place
- Realistic Character Sheets Only
- Character ages between 25-35
- Language - No Filters
- Romance - Pg-13, then fade to black
- Follow All Forum Rules
- Communication is Key
- Posting Habits
- Minimal of 2 well developed paragraphs per post
- Must IC post once every 7 days
- I do not accept no inspiration as a reason not to post
- Keep up with all IC and OOC posts
- No word in IC or OOC after 7 days = Your characters decided to go home early (in other words you're out of the RP, no refunds)
- No spamming OOC - Seriously, I will gut you
- Minimal 2 posts between your last
- Know your personal posting limitations before applying to join
- If you cannot post, you must contact the GM and make them aware, you will be granted extra time to post (do not take advantage of this) - I realize real life comes first but you know your schedule better than anyone, if you join it is your responsibility to keep up and not hold up the rest of the Rpers
- Spots are not first come first serve
- Gm will review completed CS first
- Gm will review previous Rp's and posting habits
- Gm will then notify you if you are approved
- You may use characters from previous RP's
- Previously used characters must be redone to fit current CS sheet
- Previous RP relations are stripped clean
- There will not be relation sheets for this RP - No one knows any of the other characters to start
- Read through Rpers Guide To Etiquette to know expectations of attitude in this RP both of yourself and of the standards your GM holds herself to.
- Under Anything Else in your CS please post your characters religious belief to show you have read the rules

Character Sheet
*Fill out one of these for each of your characters. Once both are completed post them in the OOC for review! Do NOT post them in the CS Tab until I have approved them. To cut down on Face Claim (FC) Confusion - when you start filling out your CS, please tag me in the OOC and post your FC's so I can go ahead and put a "claim" on them for you so others we don't have two people looking exactly alike running around the hotel, lmao.