Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier was making short work of the children cutting them in half and in some cases slicing off their hands.He wondered how many the woman the beast raped to make so many of his progeny.He made his way over towards the giant creature wanting to help out Madawc as best he could.

Xavier surprisingly jumped off one of the children going in to cut the head off the creature.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Wow." Madawc said appreciatively. Xavier appeared to be a much better fighter than expected, likely even better than himself, at least in some aspects. The demon-man lowered his warhammer and left his stance, but looked around carefully to see if there was anything left that wasn't yet entirely dead.

The cave had turned into a bloody mess, but: The job was done! The pudgy man turned around slowly, having to be cautious not to slip on the floor where the always dripping water had already started to wash away the blood. There were numerous smaller and larger bodies he had to make his way around, too.

When the contaminated area was behind him, he turned around, looking at the mute warrior: "Come ? We're done here. Let's collect the bounty."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier could see the giant creature's head hitting the ground with a loud thud,Coming back to the ground walking over towards Madawc patting his shoulder to get his attention.Pointing to the pregnant woman moaning softly,He wanted to save the woman since they could get a bit more money for her.

A childish moan once more coming out of his mouth tugging at the fat man's shoulder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Oh... that woman." Madawc replied a bit surprised. He had entirely forgotten about her as he had thought that there was nothing that could be done for her. "If you think that somebody can help her. Let's hope she doesn't spread more of these ugly things or we will have a problem."

The man started walking, leaving the woman up to Xavier. He wanted to collect the bounty as soon as possible, hoping that it was much. He had entirely forgotten to actually ask this beforehand. Soon, they entered Marcus' residence again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier nodded and sheathed his sword on his back walking over to the knocked out girl,Picking up the woman gently not wanting to harm her or wanted to kill her if she gave birth to a beast child. Coming out of the cavern and following behind Madawc making sure that their was not other creatures after them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc was moving surprisingly fast once he had entered the residence. When he encountered a servant, he asked straightforwarldy for Marcus, telling the other person about the reason why he had to talk with the man of the house as soon as possible. It was still daytime so he was likely not sleeping yet and hopefully present in this building.

The search ended up with him and Xavier being lead into the very same room the mission had started in, but they were left waiting for Marcus for several minutes. Given how surprisingly fast they had come back, this was something to be excused. When the rich man finally entered, Madawc went ahead: "So.. we've slain the beast. In fact, Xavier has brought someone back from the cavern, hoping that someone can take care of her." Seconds later, he noticed that he should probably have added something like 'in a positive way' to his last sentence. To 'take care of' someone who had been along with and tortured by such a creature for the sake of its own will COULD be misinterpreted...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier soon came into the room holding the unconscious woman in his arms carefully moving to stand beside Madawc,"By the gods...your brought...my daughter..." Marcus came running towards Xavier taking the pregnant woman in his arms caressing her cheek gently.Xavier was worried that she would give birth to another one of those creatures and he would have to kill it or her.

"Thank you..i am in your debt...and you will be rewarded for your work..Guard take her to her room and keep watch..." The councilman said as a guard took the girl away,"Mhm i will have my associate James give you the right amount of gold pieces and then some for bringing my daughter back to me" The older man said grateful for the two of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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That was surprising. Marcus' own daughter. Hell how lucky Madawc had been for her father not getting trapped in his somewhat ambiguous wording. Anyway, the more human part in him felt glad that this issue had been solved in a very peaceful way, and both parts of him agreed on that it was good to have that issue solved. With obvious pleasure, the demon-man collected his part of the money.

"So, what are you gonna do with all these coins, Xavier ?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier and Madawc were given their reward which was five hundred gold pieces including a two hundred bonus for finding his daughter,So in total they had about seven hundred in gold pieces. When asked the question Xavier let out a soft moan putting his purse of gold away on his person and hide it well enough that it would not be normally noticeable.

Moaning out again before writing something quickly on a piece of parchment giving it to the pudgy man,"I don't know what i would buy,Supplies mostly and food in case i get hungry but nothing to expensive i need some coin for my travel to Bravado" It said on the peice of parchment that the mute handed to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Bravado, huh ? If I am to follow you there I should probably try to buy a stronger horse, shouldn't I ? Do you know where I could get such a beast or perhaps accompany me there ?" Aside from that, he would need supplies as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier nodded his head wanting him to follow him to Bravado,However he wondered if he would be welcomed in his land.Walking outside of the Councillor's house seeing some beggars who were circling around them begging for some gold pieces for the group, The mute man pulled out some gold pieces form his purse handing them to each beggar smiling and feeling good about giving to the poor and hungry.

Unknown to him behind him some children thieves were stealing the mute's gold purse and running away and would be noticeable to Madawc.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc didn't care much about the beggars, but seeing Xavier taking care of them, he couldn't help but let loose of a few coins as well - for the sake of the evolving friendship between the mute and himself.

All off a sudden, he dashed away, just yelling "Xavier!" in order to get the mute's immediate attention. He just could not let that happen. Luckily, it were 'only' children and the streets started to be clogged up after the frist hundred meters, but still he had trouble to catch up to them. When he finally did, the boy was grabbed at his collar and left staring at Madawc's war-painted face. The demon-man lifted him off the ground with one arm. First, he yanked the purse out of his hand, then he delivered a very loud and very strong reprimand right into the boy's face. He dropped him back so hard on the ground that the child was struggling getting up again. "Get off!" Madawc shouted. The other thieves had escaped - he just had not enough arms to take care of all of them simultaneously.

Breathing heavily, he handed the purse back to Xavier, hoping that its contents were still in there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier seeing this was shocked by let Madawc take care of the thieves quickly and without a fuss,Letting out a soft moan walking over to the thief that Madawc had caught handing him a few gold pieces after picking him up on his feet.The boy quietly nodded and ran away with the mute putting the purse somewhere he could see and secure in cause he was robbed again.

He then headed towards a shop forgetting to thank Madawc and thanking him once they got into a general store, The shopkeeper looked worried that he would be killed because Xavier was wearing his skull helmet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Erm..." Madawc had noted that the shop's owner didn't feel well, and though he was still wearing his armor, he was sure that his appearance wasn't the reason for this. He had at least spent some seconds washing all the blood of it in Marcus' manor, well before hitting the road again, and his armor was looking rather ordinary in general. He continued to whisper towards the mute: "I think you could lower the prices for you if you would take this helmet off..." He tried to tell it in a humorous way, gently patting Xavier's shoulder.

What would he need to buy here ? A lot to eat, of course. Something none-perishable as he didn't know how long that travel would take. That was the most important thing. His clothes were still in pretty good shape he thought, so he wouldn't need that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier nodded his head taking off his helmet so the shop keeper could see his feminine face,Letting out a moan before writing down what he wanted to buy form the shop keeper.Handing the piece of parchment to the shopkeeper who nodded and brought the mute man the supplies he needed,"Is that all?" He asked him nervously looking at the young man.

The mute nodded and handed enough gold pieces to pay for the supplies he needed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Madawc approached the shopkeeper next. He bought several items: food like salt meat or long-lasting bread, a few candles and a few pieces of parchment. One could never have enough of that with Xavier around.

"So. What's the next item on the list ?" He suspected that the mute had not finished his shopping trip yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Xavier let out another moan thinking that he would have to go to the blacksmith to sharpen his weapon,Walking to the blacksmith's store talking or rather writing notes to the elderly but strong looking blacksmith who was nodding and looking over the parchment thinking that it would take a hour or so to sharpen his large blade.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Well... my hammer doesn't need to be sharpened." Madawc grinned, then departed from Xavier, stating that he wanted to buy some other things. Being on his own now and not knowing the city, it took him a considerable while and several friendly inquiries to find what he was looking for.

The man he was confronted with had a dismissive attitude towards him almost right from the beginning, but he was the only one who appeared to possess horses that looked suitable to Madawc. The demon-man got pointed at and even poked multiple times into his flabby, but not really large belly. He really would have liked to break this guy's finger or even something bigger. In the end, the trader accepted one of his two beasts and most of the coins Madawc had just earned this day as payment.

Madawc also bought a new saddle and some other small things before he returned to the agreed meeting point with the mute. Now he was sitting on a real war horse in full armor. It was obvious that it still was under very high strain, but it would suffice to carry him for several hours a day while his supplies were on the other beast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Soon after the blacksmith was finished with the mute's sword handing it back to him asking him a question which he got no answer to, The mute's answer was a child like moan and bowing his head and walking out of the store with his sword in sheathed now trying to find the pudgy demon man.

No such luck so far since most people were trying to avoid Xavier and his parchment with the question he was asking, Although he was sure he could find the demon man sooner or later.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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"Ahem..." There was a noise of someone jumping down from a height, and the loudness of the impact was indicative of someone wearing armor. Madawc nudged on Xavier's shoulder to get his attention. "Here I am. I've finished my purchase." He gently patted the neck of the heavily breathing horse.

"Would you like to try it ?" the demonically infested man asked friendly.
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