Date: Monday May 23rd, 2017
Road To Grimm: Roy sat there listening as he drove, letting Cecily get her ramble out. Thing was he thought she might be getting somewhere as she kept talking. "No, you're good," he said before turning onto the main highway south, now that they were out of Chicago.
"Juno hires men, look at me," he said and then sighing. "And your former boss," he added. "Maybe she was lying about the fact that it was two women. Juno could have easily sent a male in on the job. I don't know who the man is but I do know this. There is some fucker in the organization known as Mr. March. He seems to be their final stop in things. If what they call Aquaduct can't get it done or them personally, they send in Mr. March."
He stopped for a moment before pulling the car over at the side of the road and putting it into park. Turning in his seat he looked over to Cecily. "What if it wasn't Juno? What if Natasha wasn't lying about genders or number but the organization itself? Like trying to frame them?" Roy said before pursing his lips and lighting up a cigarette. "If they were forcing her to work, maybe she thought she could help take them down by framing them for someone elses murders?"
Grimaldi Books: Adelaide didn't speak Spanish but Italian was rooted and rather close. She was able enough to figure out that he wasn't saying anything bad. She just nodded and waited for the two men to leave before rolling her eyes. Just like a man, fucked up and instead of apologizing and trying to correct the situation, he just walked away. It was no skin off her teeth though. Looking over at the woman she had to smirk at Roberts words. He was right, they did have things to do and she was rather tired of being side tracked. Not that she wold have minded helping but Caesars logic seemed to be anything but logical. If he was trying to find out information, so what if he was there? If Wentworth had hacked her place, they already knew he was there. If she researched it, she would do it there, they would know anyways. Wouldn't it be better for him to actually be present so he could have the information at the same time instead of being a step behind? Seemed he wouldn't get the information at all because if Adelaide could do anything, it was hold a grudge. She'd let the world burn before she would do something nice for someone who she felt owed her one hell of an apology.
"Well what is it?" she asked to the girl.
"Yeah, listen, the boss, he ain't like us," Claire said and Adelaide gave her a look of
you don't say. "I don't know what is going on but he's on edge and all I do know is whatever it is you might know he needs to know. Or fuck, what you could find out he needs to know."
"I don't care. I refuse to work with someone that feel entitled to anything. Especially my time. Especially to someone who tries to use guilt and fear and rudeness to get his way. He is no better than that fucker in the Oval Office right now. Pitches a tantrum during negotiations, walks out."
"You told him to leave."
"Didn't stop him from still talking."
"He apologized!"
"Level of apology should always be greater than need."
"Oh fuck, like we got time for this shit."
"Apparently you have all the time you need to still be here talking to me."
"Okay you got me there. Um, how about me? How about I do the research, if he pays?" Claire said and Adelaide looked over to Richard for a moment before shrugging. "Good, wait here!" she said before running out. Adelaide crossed her arms over her chest and watched the door.
"Think she will get fired?" she asked Richard.
Claire ran outside and over to Keystone and Caesar. "Okay, okay, got a deal. You pay, I do the research, I report back to you. That way shit gets fucking done but you and Miss Thang in there ain't gotta fucking deal with each other. That work boss?" she asked as she stood there bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Grimm, Indiana - Grimm Rent-A-Car: The man shrugged a bit. "Well, not a lot of people need a car these days, so slow," he said before giving a nod. Yeah, his son went to the high school, everyone in town did. Taking down their information he and wrapped things up. Keys were out for them. "
2015, Ford Focus, out in the parking lot. Gray," he said as he finished up and made sure everything was in order. "Sheriff put you down as unknown for return and unlimited miles a day. No smoking in the car please."
Handing back over the licenses and a copy of the paper work he smiled slightly. "Think that is everything. Sheriff said to tell you he is at the station, hope the visit goes well. If you need anything just let me know and if anything happens to the car, just call here," he said handing over two business cards. One was for the rental place, the other was for a local car repair shop. "They'll take care of anything like flat tires, out of gas, and so forth if you have an issues. Think that covers it. Have a good day," he said.
Outside the car was in the parking lot, doors were locked, tank was full of gas. Tim was over at the station waiting on the girls. Time to get moving.