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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nadia paused before replying. She returned her knife to its sheathe as he spoke. He wasn't doing anything terribly wrong, and she could go for a nice conversation. "You're good. Just don't crush my things, yes?" She eyed him as she headed over to her bag. She went to find a water bottle to sip off of.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

To Marik's disappointment the weak but warm sunlight faded only a few moments later, being taken away by a stray cloud. His bear form made him feel tired in the cold, perhaps some calling to hibernation, so he shifted back and observed Nadia for a moment. While he didn't really care for company this was really the only place aside from camp that he could sit by a fire and he certainly wasn't ready to return there yet. Nadia seemed like the quiet sort at least, and interesting in some way. Perhaps it was in her accent. "I would not suppose you have a flint? Or a match?" He gestured to where a fire had once burned, intending to start it up once more.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett nodded slowly, but his head jerked up at the mention of rejoining the Rabins. He hadn't even considered that, and it still seemed pretty far-fetched at the moment. He wasn't even positive that was something he'd be interested in if he stayed on dangerous terms with the group leader. "Thanks, you're right, I probably should talk to her," he sighed. "Hopefully she's just not feeling violent this time."

Amelia bites her lip. "Not today. Give it... a week. Let her settle down and get used to having you around more." she nods firmly. She looks at him. "How's that nose doing?" She asks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
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wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nadia held her hand up as if to say to wait a moment. She screwed the cap on the bottle and returned it to the bag, before pulling a box of matches out. Her eyes gazed at the spot where the fire would be, and went to go get more kindling.
After a moment she returned with an armful of twigs, dry brush, and other easily flamable things. She set to work assembling a modest fire, and used the matches to light it. She sat on top of it, gently blowing on it so it gained some more heat. "Don't you have a camp to be at? You are Rabin, correct?" Nadia asks him as she works.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Amelia bites her lip. "Not today. Give it... a week. Let her settle down and get used to having you around more." she nods firmly. She looks at him. "How's that nose doing?" She asks.

Jett nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'll talk to her then." At the mention of his nose, he realized it really had begun to throb again, so he pressed the cloth against it. "The bleeding stopped, but it really hurts," he admitted. "Hopefully it's not broken," he sighed, truly hoping he wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment of Sacha breaking his nose.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'll talk to her then." At the mention of his nose, he realized it really had begun to throb again, so he pressed the cloth against it. "The bleeding stopped, but it really hurts," he admitted. "Hopefully it's not broken," he sighed, truly hoping he wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment of Sacha breaking his nose.

Amelia shrugs. "Just go see Aya about ir. I'm sure she won't make a huge deal about it." She yawns slightly as she looks around the camp. "Pretty quiet today, you're here at a good time. Usually people are running all over, yelling...fighting. " she shoots a sharp look at Misha and Kianna.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Amelia shrugs. "Just go see Aya about ir. I'm sure she won't make a huge deal about it." She yawns slightly as she looks around the camp. "Pretty quiet today, you're here at a good time. Usually people are running all over, yelling...fighting. " she shoots a sharp look at Misha and Kianna.

Jett sighed, "Well then I guess not much has changed since I left." He followed her gaze and frowned slightly, not recognizing either girl. "What sort of drama has been going around the Rabin camp, anyway?" he asked curiously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett sighed, "Well then I guess not much has changed since I left." He followed her gaze and frowned slightly, not recognizing either girl. "What sort of drama has been going around the Rabin camp, anyway?" he asked curiously.

"Usually? Not a ton. Just the occasional argument and such." Amelia shrugs. "BUT I don't think there's been a time in recent history where there have been two Broms, and and ex-Rabin here. AND looks like one of the Broms has a complicated history with a Rabin. So much drama today it seems!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

"Usually? Not a ton. Just the occasional argument and such." Amelia shrugs. "BUT I don't think there's been a time in recent history where there have been two Broms, and and ex-Rabin here. AND looks like one of the Broms has a complicated history with a Rabin. So much drama today it seems!"

Jett sighed and leaned back against the tree. "Sounds pretty boring," he scoffed. "Where's the fun in living here without a little conflict?" he smirked. "Back when I was a Rabin, there were fights at the border all the time, prisoners from others groups, and even the occasional Brom vs. Rabin all out brawl." He chuckled slightly but then thought, At least everything is peaceful and safe now. He glanced back at Amelia and smiled slightly. "How have you been? You were so much younger when I left."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brick returned to camp in around 30 minutes. He was carrying a day's worth of firewood made up of fallen tree branches he'd cut down to log size with the borrowed knife or broken up with big rocks, and his sword was slung back over his shoulder from where he had left it in the middle of the river the previous day. It was completely soaked and he'd need to dry it over the fire again to get it properly usable again - or at least usable enough that it wouldn't dent as much from hitting something.

The fallen branches were going to thin out pretty quickly over the winter as long as he didn't own a real axe, but it wasn't totally unsustainable for the time being. He'd get what they needed before it got too bad - and it wouldn't exactly look good for him to go running off after only being there for a day.

More people seemed to be around than before. Perhaps some folks were coming in from scouting around, or everyone was just a really late sleeper compared to the outside world.

He quickly dropped the firewood on the woodpile, stacking it neatly by just letting it fall out of his arms. He then picked up his bag from the medical tent, and spread the leaves he had collected out over a wide, sunny, grassy space a little ways away from the camp to dry for kindling. When he was done with his immediate chores, he wandered around to look for Destin. He still had to hand over his herb stash in his bag as agreed, after all. The boy wasn't in the medical tent anymore, so he figured he'd ask the first person who seemed vaguely alert and wasn't Kianna or Misha.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett sighed and leaned back against the tree. "Sounds pretty boring," he scoffed. "Where's the fun in living here without a little conflict?" he smirked. "Back when I was a Rabin, there were fights at the border all the time, prisoners from others groups, and even the occasional Brom vs. Rabin all out brawl." He chuckled slightly but then thought, At least everything is peaceful and safe now. He glanced back at Amelia and smiled slightly. "How have you been? You were so much younger when I left."

Amelia laughs. "Sometimes I wonder if you like conflict a little too much Jett." She chuckles, shaking her head in amusement at his comment. "Yeah, I guess. But at the same time...You know what happens when all of those things happen. People die, and people get hurt." She shrugs. She scoffs at him, raising an eyebrow. "That was what. Like 2 years ago?" She asks, rolling her eyes. "IT's not like you've been gone since I was 5 or whatever."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ambrose walks out of his tent, yawning a bit. Dammit. I overslept again. He thinks as he takes in the going-ons in camp. He spots groups of people talking, but decides it's best to leave them be. He notices Misha and frowns. Do I go introduce myself? I mean...new member perhaps? He shrugs his shoulders to himself lifting his arms in a questioning way, almost as though weighing his options.
His stomach growls and he chuckles. Guess that answers that question. He grins, heading over to the prey pile. "YES! Deer!" Deer was his favorite food, and they hadn't had nearly enough in the past months. He pulls out his sword and cuts off a piece of meat to go roast at one of the fires. "Deer is good." He hums as he plops down at the fire no one else was near.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brick noticed Ambrose walking over to the fire and realized that he, too, was rather hungry. Instead of getting a piece of meat, he opted to grab the tastiest-smelling greens he could find off the ground or on a bush that wasn't poisonous, then plopped down over near Ambrose at the fire.

"Didn't know there were any other swordsmen in this camp. You been here long or what?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Brick noticed Ambrose walking over to the fire and realized that he, too, was rather hungry. Instead of getting a piece of meat, he opted to grab the tastiest-smelling greens he could find off the ground or on a bush that wasn't poisonous, then plopped down over near Ambrose at the fire.

"Didn't know there were any other swordsmen in this camp. You been here long or what?"

Ambrose looks up at Brick sits next to him. He grins. "Oh yes. Two years...maybe less, maybe more. Not really sure." He shrugs his shoulders, turning his meat on the fire. "I joined around the time Sacha became leader. She's a good leader, so that was a pretty good time to join. And she let me!" He grins as he sniffs his deer meat to see if it was done. Glancing at Brick's salad he tilts his head. "So...you're opting for the salad as opposed to the steak?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Brick shrugged. "Been slowly losing the taste for meat since I shifted for the first time. Good thing, too, since I can't hunt to save my life." He took a few bites of the vegetation he'd clipped off. The salad tasted extremely leafy, like exponential spinach without the iron and magnesium taste. Rather bitter, too - but not particularly bad, he thought. He couldn't see himself having been willing to eat this stuff before he went ape, though. "I guess you've seen a lot of stuff around here. What's it like, anyway? I've only been here a day so far, so I can't really make any judgments yet."

Brick remembered he needed to dry his sword and shoved it pommel-first into the dirt near the fire. Stupid thing would be out of commission for a few hours at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Brick shrugged. "Been slowly losing the taste for meat since I shifted for the first time. Good thing, too, since I can't hunt to save my life." He took a few bites of the vegetation he'd clipped off. The salad tasted extremely leafy, like exponential spinach without the iron and magnesium taste. Rather bitter, too - but not particularly bad, he thought. He couldn't see himself having been willing to eat this stuff before he went ape, though. "I guess you've seen a lot of stuff around here. What's it like, anyway? I've only been here a day so far, so I can't really make any judgments yet."

Brick remembered he needed to dry his sword and shoved it pommel-first into the dirt near the fire. Stupid thing would be out of commission for a few hours at least.

Ambrose nods, listening to Brick. "Oh yes. I've seen just about anything a person can see. I've seen the trees. There's also a sky." He nods seriously. "We needed a sky pretty badly." He looks upward and sighs dramatically. "I really missed this sky." He blows the sky a kiss before looking back at Brick. "It's not so bad. The groups fight of course, but I mean...It's pretty tame most days. I like long walks, so I go to the river. I like to go shopping, so I go to the town. I like...to swim, so again I go to the fucking river." He shrugs his shoulders. "I mean...this is just...it's life."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by xiaomiau
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xiaomiau please be gentle w/ the cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I don't think he cares. I don't know him very well. He's new." Kianna waves her hand dismissively in the air. "Aya makes teas sometimes but I never really drink any. She mighy have taught him something." Kianna glances hesitantly at Misha, her stomach tied in knots from their close interaction. She would probably go off into the forest and find somewhere to sleep after all this. She was so tired from this. From everything.

Misha glanced over at Brick - and Ambrose, now that he was also sitting there. She looked them over with an air of suspicion, entirely wary of their presence. I'm still a prisoner, huh?. She rolled her eyes. "Glad to see you're making lots of friends here," she said sarcastically, giving Kianna an uneasy look.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by wallaberry
Avatar of wallaberry

wallaberry Its Dat Boi!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yeah. Friends." Kianna chuckles sarcastically. "I don't know most of them very well. Amelia is okay, Ambrose too. I just stick to myself." She shrugs momentarily before holding the tea cup. She eyes its contents, not really aiming to drink it. She set the cup back down and glanced at Misha. "You won't be here for long probably. We don't need extra mouths to feed." Kianna spoke lowly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Amelia laughs. "Sometimes I wonder if you like conflict a little too much Jett." She chuckles, shaking her head in amusement at his comment. "Yeah, I guess. But at the same time...You know what happens when all of those things happen. People die, and people get hurt." She shrugs. She scoffs at him, raising an eyebrow. "That was what. Like 2 years ago?" She asks, rolling her eyes. "IT's not like you've been gone since I was 5 or whatever."

Jett rolled his eyes and shoved her playfully. "You know what I mean. Your personality still hasn't changed a bit," he smirked. He thought about what she'd said earlier and his liking conflict, and frowned slightly. "Yeah, you're right. Sometimes I find it kind of hard to be satisfied with a calm life," he admitted sheepishly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Jett rolled his eyes and shoved her playfully. "You know what I mean. Your personality still hasn't changed a bit," he smirked. He thought about what she'd said earlier and his liking conflict, and frowned slightly. "Yeah, you're right. Sometimes I find it kind of hard to be satisfied with a calm life," he admitted sheepishly.

Amelia grins playfully at the shove and lightly kicks his leg with her foot. "Yeah. I suppose that's true." She shrugs. "I mean. I am still able to outsmart you I'm sure." She sneers at him. She then nods a bit "You dated a girl who is the sole occupant of conflict. nothing about Sacha is equal to a calm life."
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