Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Vera walked back towards the Brom camp with a newfound sense of confidence. She decided she would talk to Fabine and finally get her worries off of her chest. Fabine, I want to be second-in-command, she rehearsed in her head, taking deep breaths.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genesis


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Genesis>

Jett rolled his eyes. "As convincing as that would probably be, it probably wouldn't end well for me," he chuckled. "They'd probably stab anything mysterious that moved... otherworldly or otherwise."

"Hmm... Touche. They dooo like to stab things." She chuckled and then yawned. "Watching you get punched in the face was exhausting. I'm tired."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

"Hmm... Touche. They dooo like to stab things." She chuckled and then yawned. "Watching you get punched in the face was exhausting. I'm tired."

Jett nodded in agreement sleepily. "Yeah, you're right. Probably time to get some sleep," he murmured with a yawn. "Hopefully my eye will feel a bit better in the morning." He waved one last goodbye to Li before walking towards his temporary tent on the edge of the camp.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genesis


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Genesis>

Jett nodded in agreement sleepily. "Yeah, you're right. Probably time to get some sleep," he murmured with a yawn. "Hopefully my eye will feel a bit better in the morning." He waved one last goodbye to Li before walking towards his temporary tent on the edge of the camp.

Li waved as well and headed to her own tent. She ducked inside and kicked off her shoes before settling down to get some sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ambrose returns to the Rabin camp. He hums to himself as he walks over to his tent. He tosses a few pieces of wood on the nearest fire as he walks past. He pauses to watch the flames dance in the low light. He exhales softly and heads to his tent, setting his sword in the corner. He looks around his tent and takes a mental note of the messes he needed to clean up. Piles of clothes, pieces of shattered wood from sparring practice, among many other things. He sighs and slips his shoes off before plopping onto his cot. He puts his arms behind his head, before closing his eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hawksnest565>

Destin brightens and nods happily. "That's true! Sacha's very nice." He nods firmly. "She's a great leader. Don't you think? she's been leader for only around two years and I think she's so much better than any other leader before her! You know, we've been friends for about 5 years now! Wow, time flies doesn't it! she's a great person and an awesome leader. You're so right, if she hated me she'd kick me out!"

Hearing Destin praise Sacha so highly made Aya wonder about Fabine again, but she decided not to pry. "It sounds like you've been in this forest for a long time, Destin." she smiled. "How did you meet Sacha, anyway? She hardly seems the kind to converse with Broms, even one as sweet as you." She paused at her last sentence, surprised at the word which had slipped out. She quickly forced herself to think that the compliment was entirely normal and justified. After all, Destin was sweet. There was no denying it. Regardless, she hoped he didn't consider it too much.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawksnest565


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hawksnest565>

Nadia listens quietly. "I suppose that is true. However, you cannot tell me that the fighting is justified." Her eyebrows raise and she gestured towards him. "You try to kill each other over which side of the river is better. I cannot make sense of it." She leans back onto her palms after a moment and she nods to him. "Russian." She eyes him for his reaction. "I'm just staying here for a bit to get back on my feet." And maybe home? Nadia explains to him.

Marik shook his head. "Of course it is not justified, but it does not need to be. Being able to turn into an animal seems reason enough." He only nodded to her affirmation of her accent. "Far from home then?" His eyes narrowed at her last sentence. "Back on your feet? What occurred to get you off them then?" He considered the forest around them for a moment. "Perhaps I might have guessed an unfortunate situation from our surroundings. Had you any money I am sure the woods would not be your first choice of location."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fionraella

Fionraella Mistress of Chaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fionraella>

Hearing Destin praise Sacha so highly made Aya wonder about Fabine again, but she decided not to pry. "It sounds like you've been in this forest for a long time, Destin." she smiled. "How did you meet Sacha, anyway? She hardly seems the kind to converse with Broms, even one as sweet as you." She paused at her last sentence, surprised at the word which had slipped out. She quickly forced herself to think that the compliment was entirely normal and justified. After all, Destin was sweet. There was no denying it. Regardless, she hoped he didn't consider it too much.

Destin nods at her comment. "Yeah...awhile now." He shrugs, "I dunno. She had some..bad stuff happen to her before she became leader. I was going through some stuff with the Broms. We actually met when she became prisoner a long time ago. That was a horrible time, but I met one of my best friends so that makes it okay??" He blushes at the sweet comment and looks down shyly. "Oh, thanks Aya...you're...really pretty?" He kicks at the ground, horrible at taking compliments.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Nova jumped up from her cot and noticed that the sun was high in the sky. She sighed, realizing that she had slept until about noon, and it was now time for her patrol shift. Letting out a big yawn, she grabbed her bow and placed it over her shoulder, grabbing her quiver of arrows as well in case there was any trouble on the border. Nova pushed out of the tent, squinting against the bright light, and walked purposefully out of camp and followed the path set by countless other Rabins on their patrol routes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genesis


Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Nova jumped up from her cot and noticed that the sun was high in the sky. She sighed, realizing that she had slept until about noon, and it was now time for her patrol shift. Letting out a big yawn, she grabbed her bow and placed it over her shoulder, grabbing her quiver of arrows as well in case there was any trouble on the border. Nova pushed out of the tent, squinting against the bright light, and walked purposefully out of camp and followed the path set by countless other Rabins on their patrol routes.

Ryder walked along the border slowly, kicking at stones as he went. His patrol had been uneventful thus far, but he was uneager to return to the monotony of camp so he kept a relaxed pace as he occasionally glanced around, scanning the trees for trouble.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Ryder walked along the border slowly, kicking at stones as he went. His patrol had been uneventful thus far, but he was uneager to return to the monotony of camp so he kept a relaxed pace as he occasionally glanced around, scanning the trees for trouble.

Nova finally reached the river and began jogging along the shore, keeping an eye out for anything interesting. After she'd walked along the winding river for a few minutes, she began to feel sweat beads form on her forehead from the sun. She rubbed them away, then slowed to a halt. She sat down on the shore for a moment and pulled her sandals off, dipping her feet in the water. She glanced around hesitantly, but didn't see anyone, and relaxed a bit. She began to recount and straighten her arrows while she sat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genesis


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Genesis>

Nova finally reached the river and began jogging along the shore, keeping an eye out for anything interesting. After she'd walked along the winding river for a few minutes, she began to feel sweat beads form on her forehead from the sun. She rubbed them away, then slowed to a halt. She sat down on the shore for a moment and pulled her sandals off, dipping her feet in the water. She glanced around hesitantly, but didn't see anyone, and relaxed a bit. She began to recount and straighten her arrows while she sat.

Ryder stopped as he came around a bend and saw a figure on the other side of the river. Hmm.. Rabin. How do I want to play this? He considered taking a more stealthy approach but as he slowly crept forward, he noticed it was only one girl who seemed unaware of him thus far. He straightened up and called from cover of the trees. "Seems to me that the border isn't really the best place to sit."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Ryder stopped as he came around a bend and saw a figure on the other side of the river. Hmm.. Rabin. How do I want to play this? He considered taking a more stealthy approach but as he slowly crept forward, he noticed it was only one girl who seemed unaware of him thus far. He straightened up and called from cover of the trees. "Seems to me that the border isn't really the best place to sit."

Nova leaped to her feet and drew her bow in a flash, an arrow already loaded. In an instant, she was on her feet with her bow drawn, aiming towards where she had heard the voice. "That's why you've got to be quick," she murmured with a slight hostility in her voice. She took a few steps back from the river and her eyes darted around as she searched for the Brom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genesis


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ryder took a few slow steps to his right and prepared himself to leap out of the way of an arrow if necessary before calling out again. "Ah yes but quick is no good if you're dead. I could've killed you before you even knew I was here. You should really be more careful." He was bluffing of course. He was no archer and there was no way he would've been able to get in close range without being spotted.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ryder took a few slow steps to his right and prepared himself to leap out of the way of an arrow if necessary before calling out again. "Ah yes but quick is no good if you're dead. I could've killed you before you even knew I was here. You should really be more careful." He was bluffing of course. He was no archer and there was no way he would've been able to get in close range without being spotted.


Nova blinked and nodded slightly. "I mean, I guess that's true." She paused and chuckled slightly. "Only a Brom would say that," she added, raising an eyebrow. "Rabins aren't quite so... attack minded," she said carefully. She still hasn't laid eyes on the mysterious Brom, so she didn't bring herself to lower her bow in spite of his apparent lack of hostility.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genesis


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Genesis>

Nova blinked and nodded slightly. "I mean, I guess that's true." She paused and chuckled slightly. "Only a Brom would say that," she added, raising an eyebrow. "Rabins aren't quite so... attack minded," she said carefully. She still hasn't laid eyes on the mysterious Brom, so she didn't bring herself to lower her bow in spite of his apparent lack of hostility.

Ryder chuckled slightly. "Attack minded? You Rabins are so naive. Our two sides spend most of the time trying to kill each other. Keeping an attack in mind is simply practical. Pretending otherwise is a good way to end up hurt. Or worse." He took a moment to consider stepping out. If I do, she'll see I'm a fighter and can't attack from this range... But she doesn't seem the type to really notice... He decided to risk it and stepped out of the trees with a sneer on his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Ryder chuckled slightly. "Attack minded? You Rabins are so naive. Our two sides spend most of the time trying to kill each other. Keeping an attack in mind is simply practical. Pretending otherwise is a good way to end up hurt. Or worse." He took a moment to consider stepping out. If I do, she'll see I'm a fighter and can't attack from this range... But she doesn't seem the type to really notice... He decided to risk it and stepped out of the trees with a sneer on his face.

Nova took an instinctive step back as he stepped out from the trees. She frowned and realized he wasn't welding a weapon he could easily strike her with. She lowered her bow a bit and snickered, "Well, luckily it looks like I'll get to live another day."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genesis


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Genesis>

Nova took an instinctive step back as he stepped out from the trees. She frowned and realized he wasn't welding a weapon he could easily strike her with. She lowered her bow a bit and snickered, "Well, luckily it looks like I'll get to live another day."

Ryder nodded. "Indeed. Luckily for you I just had a big lunch and murder disrupts my digestion." He glanced her up and down for a moment before adding disdainfully. "You're not worth the stomachache."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jaywing93


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by jaywing93>

Ryder nodded. "Indeed. Luckily for you I just had a big lunch and murder disrupts my digestion." He glanced her up and down for a moment before adding disdainfully. "You're not worth the stomachache."

Nova raised an eyebrow and placed one hand on her hip, scoffing at him. "Oh, is that so? You don't even know me," she spit at him. She slowly drew her bow again threateningly. "A fighter, huh? Not much of a match for an archer," she smirked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genesis


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Genesis>

Nova raised an eyebrow and placed one hand on her hip, scoffing at him. "Oh, is that so? You don't even know me," she spit at him. She slowly drew her bow again threateningly. "A fighter, huh? Not much of a match for an archer," she smirked.

Ryder rolled his eyes. "Yes and it would be simply terrifying if you weren't a Rabin. You're all too noble for murder. Somehow I'm not worried." He adjusted his weight slightly, ready to spring away should she try to prove him wrong.
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