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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Edea Odyssey~

~Oars Rest~

You opened your eyes, the gentle swaying of the ship finally stirring you from slumber. Above, you could hear the shouts of the sailors and their quick footsteps shuffling over the deck of the ship as they rushed to get the ship prepared to dock. It took a few moments to collect your wits and remember where you were. Or maybe you jumped out of bed, excited to finally be on land after nearly a week and a half at sea. Whatever your current situation was, you grabbed whatever belongings you had with you and made your way to the deck as the Sailors rushed around you as their expert hands prepared the ship to dock.

Upon reaching the deck, the sun met you with its usual harsh glare, perhaps momentarily blinding you. As your eyes adjusted, you could see several other ships in the distance, some already docked at the large harbor of Oars Rest. Others, seemed to just be leaving and fewer seemed to be arriving, just like yourself. Perhaps some on those ships would soon be your adventuring comrades? Or were you the type to prefer going it alone, despite the obvious risks that entailed? Perhaps you already met a traveling companion on this ship and decided to adventure together?

Whatever the case, you didn't have long to ponder. The ship you were on docked, and you took your first step onto the continent of Edea.

Or maybe you weren't on a ship at all? Perhaps you had been there for a few days already for whatever reason. Maybe you woke in a bed in one of the many Inns and Taverns that existed across the port city? Perhaps you had a bit too much to drink and passed out at the table you were drinking at last night. Maybe that wench you spent money on woke before you and took all of your money while you were sleeping peacefully?

Whatever your situation, you stumbled out of the Inn or bar, perhaps flashing a suave smile towards a maid or waitress as you greeted the warm morning sun. Perhaps today you would finally leave this place and plunder the riches of Edea.

~The Docks~

The docks of Oars Rest were massive. They had to be, really, and over the five years since the settlement was made it only grew larger. As you took a step off your ship, the first thing you would notice...was how warm this tropical climate was. Much warmer than back in the Empire and Republic. The next...was the smell of fish. Crates of freshly caught fish, most of which you had likely never seen before, were moving across the docks. Fish was a common staple of food in Oars Rest, since the sea provided the settlement with ample bounty. Some crates were even packed with fresh looking tropical fruit, and were being loaded onto ships that were likely going to be departing for Ailon soon.

As you walked towards the shore from the pier, you noticed a number of sailors moving quickly. No doubt they were on a tight schedule to get their jobs done. Most completely ignored you, though one or two rushed down the pier and in an apparent lack of manners roughly brushed past you, almost knocking right into you in their hurry. Not to mention the other people making their way towards the town. Many looked to be bright eyed adventurers like yourself. Traveling was definitely slow going at times because of this, making for what would be a short walk somewhat difficult.

As you walked, you took note of a rough looking fellow that simply seemed to somehow radiate an aura of gloom about him. He was sitting on the railing of a ship, apparently waiting for it to depart, holding his head in his hands. In fact, if you looked you could see quite a few of these people sitting around the docks. They were all wearing armor of varying effectiveness and weapons of some sort. It wasn't too difficult to guess who they were. Washed up adventurers who likely lost quite a bit exploring Edea.

Indeed, for everyone that made it big on the continent, five were met with a terrible fate and even more were simply met with challenge after challenge until they called it quits. Perhaps a premonition of your own fate?

Whatever the case, your thoughts were cut short as you finally reached Oars Rest proper after a few moments of walking. A signpost that was situated on a stone wall from the docks pointed people along their way towards the Central Square, where the shops and representative offices of the republic could be found. A second sign, pointed people along the way towards the Barracks, where the Empires Offices were. Which way would you go? The square to perhaps find some rest before you departed on an adventure? Perhaps you would go to the Barracks or somewhere else entirely. Either way, it would probably be a good idea to try and ask about the best route inland.

~Oars Rest~

Oars Rest proper was as busy as the docks were, with as many shady alleys as there were ships that were ever docked there. A number of horses and carts moved through the street, hauling shipments of things form the docks to the various businesses that existed here. Many of the buildings were made out of wood, likely cut down from the forest nearby. Mix that with the somewhat shoddy construction of a few of the buildings and somewhat haphazard construction of the streets, a lot of the seaside town gave off a rural and somewhat shady vibe. Not much of a stretch to say quite a few people came to Oars Rest to escape the law either.

As you stepped out onto the street from wherever you were staying, the bustle of the streets finally greeted your ears had you not already heard it. People talked as they moved about. Some merchants, some seasoned looking adventurers that apparently already came back from their exploration. They were a far cry from the depressed looking ones that sat at the docks, waiting for their ships to carry them back to the relative safety of Ailon. Perhaps you would survive, just as they had and show this new, hostile continent that you weren't backing down no matter what it threw at you?

Either way, you made your way into busy streets, greeting the day in whatever was your usual manner.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 15 days ago

It was the times like these in life that reminded Ophene just how annoying people could be. "And I'm telling you that I've took nothing from you, you foolish human." It was like this with these people, that is, trying to force things from others. Ophene had only dealt with this sort of thing in places with humans and other creatures like them and she just needed to escape from the situation. "If you would please. . . I would like to continue on my way."

The Pheran turned to leave but not before she felt a hand on her shoulder. "And who said you could leave after swiping my carrot, you rabbit-eared freak." Ophene couldn't tell whether the man was trying to get something out of her or make fun of her. Regardless, this sort of attitude was unacceptable. Xenophobic people like this were quite annoying and quite tenacious.

"Five seconds." She spoke loud enough for the man to hear.

"Five seconds? Whatcha' mean, ya' sl--"

The flat of Ophene's foot brought itself up to the man's knee and gave a damaging blow. Nothing to stop his everyday, though he may still feel it the next morning. To make sure her point was made, the Pheran turned quickly and poked hard into the man's head. While he was still recoiling to the hit to his knee, the poke knocked his center of gravity off and fell over in a not-so-graceful manner. "You have five seconds before humiliation." The girl mentioned with a slight smile on her face. Quickly, she made her way to somewhere, anywhere. Oar's Rest was a nice place. A little humid in comparison to the mountains she was use to, but it was expected considering it's location.

For now, there was still a nice and full day in front of her, so what better thing was there to do but to walk around and try to enjoy the sun? Hopefully none of the people she saw on the streets today were like the man earlier. He seemed to be a rare breed anyhow, so likely she'd be fine in her wandering of this bustling city.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 5 days ago

Boats, they were always so nauseating due to their movement and it was hard for some creatures to keep their meals down. One such creature would be the Aahari warrior, Ankt Sol, except he could manage to keep his meal down. That did not make stowing away any easier though, after all, he was already a giant reptile. However, the shouting of the sailors brought a grin to come to his face for he knew what that meant, Oar's Rest. His grudge would be settled very soon, so soon.

Ankt waited a bit longer, waiting for the ship to dock properly, before he rose to his feet so that he could get off the blasted ship as soon as possible. He heard the doors begin to open, he felt the air change, he charged the sailors. Ankt was already out before anything or anyone could stop him, sailors were thrown into the water or tossed into barrels.

"Oi! You bloody reptile, I'll have your he-" A sailor began before being interrupted by a fist to the stomach.

"I have no times for your games human," was all Ankt stated before walking off the boat. He took in a large breath of the humid air before saying something to himself. "Brother, your fate calls for you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Oar’s Rest in the morning was dramatically different from the night. Having arrived at the port town during the late hours of the night, with the moon up high and the stars shining brightly, Tsukiko hadn’t expected that it was that lively of a town. Perhaps adventurers were accustomed to sleeping early, in order to set out on expeditions. Perhaps daylight was a precious resource, and no one wanted to waste a second of it in bed. There were still so many things she had to learn about her new, if not temporary, home, but for the time being, Tsukiko brushed away a strand of ink-black hair from her face as she clapped her hands twice, bowed her head twice, lit a single incense stick, and placed a small dish of grilled fish on rice at the miniature shrine. As always, she performed her morning devotionals with the grace and elegance befitting of a Priestess. Praying for divine protection on her first day in the hostile lands of Edea, the young woman rose up, smoothed the folds on her dark clothes.

“May the Great Spirits be with me.”

A tickling warmth spread up her spine as those words passed through her lips, and she smiled. Hefting her pack over her shoulders and holding the Phantasmal Blade, Tsukimi, in her right hand, Tsukiko left her one-bedroom suite, locking the door behind her. Unlike most adventurers who were fine just with some ramshackle inn room with a piss-stained straw mattress, she had located accommodations beforehand in one of the quieter parts of Oar’s Rest, a few blocks away from the Central Square. She would have preferred if the females-only dormitory was closer to the docks, where she could enjoy the smell of the ocean’s bounties, but, alas, it was good enough that Tsukiko had been able to find permanent lodging that she could actually afford.

Stepping out onto the streets and still feeling a bit sleepy from the absolutely perfect napping temperatures that the tropical continent had, the woman stretched out luxuriously, yawning wide.


Her irregularly long sword swung out as a result of its wielder’s impromptu calisthenics, the hard scabbard smacking the back of a poor soul’s head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Oars Rest Docks, walking towards the Square

The shouting of sailors overhead brought her out of her reading. Had they arrived in Oars Rest already? Not entirely out of her realm of expectations, but she wasn't entirely prepared for arriving so soon. The Sanando Sanguinis didn't easily give up it secrets, and reading the ancient, almost faded text was nearly impossible sometimes. Of course, if she was any better at reading this ancient language it would certainly help her a great deal, but she had no idea what language the book was even written in. She had as of yet found anyone to help in that regard as well. It seemed like it was ancient and very obscure. She had made some headway, but not nearly enough as she would have liked.

Well, trying to read any more would likely give her a headache. With a sigh, she closed the book and wrapped its faded leather seal around its pages and secured it on her belt. She stood, grabbing her sword and shield that was laying on what had been her bed for the extent of the journey before heading upstairs to the deck. She was greeted with the unpleasantly humid air and a breeze, though it was nothing her training hadn't put her through.

"Oi, Miss Valencia." A voice called out to her as she arrived on deck. "Pleasant trip I hope?" The man addressing her was the captain of the ship.

"Ah, captain...I should be thanking you for a smooth journey.. It was quite the enjoyable experience, your crew is very good at what they do." She replied with a small bow. She may have formally been a princess, but showing your thanks to those who deserve it wasn't in anyway harmful or shameful. Just as she said that, however, a commotion on a vessel not too far from their own was heard. Sailors shouted, some were tossed into the water as a Aahari burst from the ships interior. A brave sailor tried to stop him, but was immediately put down by the large reptilian creature.

Her brow furrowed in distaste at the individual actions. The captain sighed, glad his passengers were at least a little better behaved than that.

"At any rate, I do not wish to trouble you further. Good day captain, and smooth sailing in the future." She began to leave, stepping onto the plank that led to the docks. She didn't want to linger here for any longer than she absolutely must.

"Aye, miss. If ye ever need a ship to sail you back to Ailon, don't mind givin' me a holler. Make constant trips between Edea and Baumn I do." With that, he held a pipe to his mouth, a puff of smoke leaving the end of it as he waved bye to her. She gave him a friendly smile, but otherwise didn't reply further.

She only had one goal for now. Get as far away from here and the Baumn Empire as she possibly could. She prayed to Nesenth news of her hadn't reached the soldiers here yet. Otherwise, this would make her life a whole lot harder. As she made her way to the dock, ignoring the large lizard man, she headed in the direction opposite of the Buamn Barracks. She wasn't going anywhere near any place that might be able to identify her. Some place in the Cadedril Embassy would probably be able to give her information about what laid further inland....
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Superman
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Superman The Man of Steel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Getting there a day earlier, Tetras had spent the day getting familiar with the place, trying to see what the deal was. It was a port where many adventurers like him came through (most failed) but some did succeed on their journeys. Although most not without paying a price, and barely any made it worth their while. Tetras talked to one man who had gone to another settlement inland, which seemed like a nice place to start. He told him that how he got there was this forest, filled with some trolls. Jungle trolls to be exact. The plant life was also not the friendliest thing in the world by the sound of it. But not too much scared Tetras, so he thanked the man and decided to make the start of his trip the next day. For that day, he would drink and sleep at the local inn.

It wasn't the nicest place, or the cheapest, but it had alcohol, shelter, and a bed. What more could he want? Down at the bar some wenches tried to flirt with him, either for his looks, his money, or both he wasn't sure. But he wasn't interested in love that very moment. No no, rum was his compassion. Maybe love could happen another time, but certainly not to them. And it seemed a good thing, because some of them would move on right to the next person after they realized Tetras wasn't interested. So he, his wallet, and his rum were safe.

Although he did learn one thing: The docks were probably not the only place that reeked of fish.

Tetras groaned as sun peeked through the... Well, he couldn't quite say window. The opening in the wall that wasn't the door, let's say. He got up, getting himself ready and shaking the grogginess off of him as he started to put his armor on. Putting everything on but his helmet, he let that sit under his arm as he ran a hand through his red hair. His bright green eyes seemed more awake now, and he pondered if he should head out now. Well, it's as good as a time as any. Slipping both his swords in an X over his back, Tetras walked out into the morning hustle and bustle.

Hustling and bustling was right, as he seemed to have ran into a human... That had bunny ears? No, not a human. Humans don't have those. Although the woman more or less ran into, seeming like she wanted to be in a hurry to get away from something, or to something. Although he barely moved, like a brick wall, unfazed as he put his free arm out to catch her and try to steady her. "Whoa there, easy. I just woke up, is there somewhere to get to in a hurry?" he laughed. "I was just on my way to the forest to go exploring... Ow fuck." he called out, hearing a nice BONK as he turned to see a woman carrying an oversized fishing pole, or whatever the hell it was. A nice lump formed on the top of his head as he rubbed it. "Watch where you're swinging that haha, you could hurt somebody! I walk out and wham, I get bumped into and thwacked. I haven't even gotten to the dangerous part! I just don't have luck this morning I suppose" he joked as the bump on his head started to shrink, getting less noticeable with each passing second.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jagred liked his peace and quiet. However, at times like this, he knew enough to keep his mouth shut and tune to world out.

He was sitting in one of the nicer inns in town; the sign outside read ‘Limping Sealegs’. Its interior was comfortable enough, the air reasonably warm and humid. The fireplace across the room had only embers left; the innkeeper was far too busy this morning to pay it much mind, leaving the inn comfortably cool. He sat alone at the counter, nursing a glass of mainland brandy that probably cost far too much. It didn’t matter though, the liquid was cool in his throat and fire in his stomach. Just the way he preferred it. Most of the hustling and bustling in the inn was coming from groups of armed men spreading out on the worn wooden tables. They stuck to their own groups, speaking in hushed voices and constantly glancing back and front at passersby. It looked almost comical.

To be honest though, he wasn’t too different from those so-called adventurers. He too was a hunter, and Oars Rest was rich with all types of games. Jobs inland had grown stale. He yearned for something else to challenge his sword arm, and if the rumours to be believed, he might find it here. However, it was best he find a group first, for even beasts didn’t hunt alone.

The cool morning air began to recede, as the innkeeper took notice and lit the fireplace. He finished up his brandy, tossed a handful of coins on the counter, then stood up to leave. Swinging his rucksack over his shoulder, he stepped into the streets of Oars Rest. After a couple of days just hanging around the inns, he had already learnt the streets by heart. A couple of turns later, and he was standing at the docks, turning his eyes seaward. In all his years fighting other people’s battles, he knew that most expeditions start at either the inns or the docks. All that mattered now was to find an able expedition that would hire him on. Since he had little luck at the inns, it would only be prudent to try the docks now.

A couple of minutes later, the ships started docking. Not much caught his eyes, so Jagred kept to himself, leaning against a stack of crates and half-heartedly wiping an oil-soaked piece of cloth over his black sword. Most of those who came in today was obviously merchants, coming to trade and barter. He was tempted to take a look at their stocks, but then, he figured he would just waste coins on another pair of wyrmskin boots so he stopped himself. Just as he was about to return to the inn and tried his luck with the folks there, a lizard man appeared and started a ruckus with the sailors.

Jagred stood and watched in silent, then slightly straightened himself once he realized the lizard was coming his way. Despite his many years traveling, he had yet to see a creature with such appearance. It was probably one of the many reasons why once the lizard was in hearing range, Jagred whistled and flashed him a toothy grin.

“Quite the entrance, friend.”- He glanced the giant up and down, then turning his gaze to the sailors behind him – “Though make a habit of returning your debts sometimes. It simply does not do for a warrior to steal.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 3 days ago

Limping Sealegs had it's share of adventurers weary from their journey and thirsty for a frothy mug or two, and they seemed to occupy every seat that was available. Save for one in the far corner, farthest from the fireplace and embedded in shadows. The other adventurers seemed to sense that the lone figure who sat there was not to be trifled with; it was as if the black-cloaked patron was the source of the darkness itself, and emanated an aura of apprehension around itself. The hood on the sitting figure slowly turned towards the counter, two lights barely visible from the abyss. Nazrc'thath Iyac'thorl'ieh has found his chosen one at last.

It was a dark night a couple of days ago when the mind flayer skulked to Oar's Rest. The reason for doing so is that he has read up on locations rumored to have once been secret hideouts for the practitioners of the Eldritch Path. One of these was Reef Grotto, a cave located close to the quaint fishing town. No man has dared venture into it's deepest bowels, so any secrets that may have lied there for centuries, if not eons, have yet to be uncovered. Nazr thirsted for the lost knowledge and power that had the potential to be discovered in the cavern, but he knew venturing alone would be an early end to his journey. So he waited until his chosen one, a strong adventurer with a brave heart and a sharp blade appeared. And once he found him, Nazr began his shadowing.

When the red-eyed man walked out of the inn, Nazr rose up his seat, and began to follow him, keeping his distance so as not to catch his attention just yet; he planned to speak to him once they were out of hearing range of any unwanted company. With slow, heavy steps, the black-cloaked being kept his head as he continued on. While the sun of light hindered his vision and caused his focus to waver, he tracked him by detecting his unique pattern of thoughts in the crowd, and kept to his path, as inevitably as the day would yield in to the night.

Once the fair-haired swordsman took a stop at the docks, Nazr decided to make his his move, and approach the young man. But as he stepped out behind a crate, he was greeted with the sight of an Aahari male. Nazr found the presence of his kin curious, as they were an uncommon sight in Edea. A warrior of his might would surely be a suitable companion for the journey into the Grotto. He stood aside as the Snowkin and Aahari conversed, and then approached the two adventurers, and began to slowly speak; it was a slithering voice, with the letter S pronounced, but still acceptable for conversation. "Greetings, mighty warriors. I am making an expedition into the Reef Grotto, and could use strong fighters with courageous hearts, such as yourselves, as company for the journey. There are surely riches to be found in it's depthsss..." The illithid caught himself hissing, and coughed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 5 days ago


Ankt was admiring the view before a whistle caught his attention, his head cocked over to where he saw a very pale human flashing him a grin and said something to him. It was about repaying debts or something along those lines. Frankly Ankt did not care much about it because he knew he would never repay a debt with money or any valuable. Instead, the Aahari looked back at the ship to see some sailors climbing back on board or addressing their wounds. His gaze returned to the one who whistled to him before walking over, a neutral look coming to his face.

"I repayed them by letting them live," Ankt hissed, looking the person in the eye before giving a huff. He did not like it when people were like this for they would always try to get him to "do the right thing", pointless. "Doing the right thing" is a very relative thing and Ankt felt he did the right thing by letting the sailors in his path live with only relatively light damage done to them. However, it seems this Aahari would not be walking away just yet, for a strange man approached from seemingly out of no where.

"Greetings, mighty warriors. I am making an expedition into the Reef Grotto, and could use strong fighters with courageous hearts, such as yourselves, as company for the journey. There are surely riches to be found in it's depthsss..." the man stated, in a slow tone.

"The Reef Grotto?," Ankt questioned, his eyes going to the strange cloaked man. He would need to take this into consideration, his brother could have passed through the area before for Ankt knew that he may not have stayed in this town for long. "You have my sword for now. I am hunting someone and I need to pick up their trail before it goes cold," the warrior stated. The humid air felt nice, he could not help but look up into the air for a moment to simply bask for a few moments. Ankt could already tell that this would be a place where he would thrive after his hunt was over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 15 days ago


After her incident, Ophene was having a fairly pleasant morning. She picked up a fresh looking apple from a street vendor. It was a refreshing taste after the boat ride the day before. Luckily it wasn't too hard to find a boat traveling to and from Edea, still some of the food on those were. . . Obnoxious to say the least. The Pheran people ate meat, sure, but nothing but salted jerky? Bleh. That was not something she wanted to go through again. . . Hopefully next time she finds a boat it wasn't some sketchy thing with nothing but cheap jerky and maybe a few oranges to go around.

"Rabbit-Eare. . ." She could hear in the background and constant noise of the city. That was someone she wasn't so keen on finding again. Luckily he sounded like he was going to opposite direction. Just to be sure though, she turned to see if there was visual confirmation on the man taking the ever so elegant backwards step to keep moving. . . Right into someone it seemed! He didn't seem all too fazed by what happened and even tried to help her. She'd have been fine on her own, but that was a way to break someone's fall. . .

"Nope, nothing going on. . . Just making the rounds." Ophene half-lied. No reason to get anyone riled up into anything. . . She pulled herself out of the man's grip as fast as she could. . . The touch of random people was so weird and not even in a good way if there could be one. Admittedly, she wasn't paying much attention to what he said. Something about a forest? There was something like that nearby but it didn't seem to hold too much informational value outside of creatures and plants. It was a new continent though, so who was she to judge on assumptions though? The rabbit-eared girl was about to speak up when she heard the sound of something hard smacked against the man next to her.

"An oversized sword?" Ophene happened to say without thinking. She'd seen the greatswords that soldiers on her travels through the Republic, but this was something else entirely. (The man that helped her it would seem as well.) Greatswords were big and used the weight to their advantage. . . This one was thin looking in comparison. . . She shook the thought from her head as she replied to the man again, with a smile this time. "Perhaps you should wake up a little bit more before stepping outside then." A joke and advice in one before she turned her eyes on the girl with the oversized sword. Ophene hadn't seen the style of weapon before which was the intriguing part. . .

In part to her inquisitive nature, the bunny-girl looked this woman over a few times trying to study her and her weapon. The only thing she got from a visual examination was that both the sword and girl (and her outfit) were exotic just like everything else out here. "Oh my, where are my manners? My name is Ophene Kerakas. A Pheran, if you needed to know." She said, looking between the woman with the thin and long sword and the man who, impressively, had two greatswords on he back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


~The Docks~

Just as the three adventurers were becoming acquainted with each other and deciding that perhaps working together were in their best interests, a commotion was heard from the direction of the Barracks. Several guards dressed in armor of the Baumn Empire made their way through the crowded streets. Most people instinctively gave them their space, as the man at the lead was dressed in ornate black and gold armor, signifying some status among the army. A large, two handed sword rest on his back as he made his way forcefully through the crowd, though he appeared to at least try not to stumble over anyone. He was likely on a tight schedule, and in a hurry to address whatever public issue that was to be had. The black armored soldier walked over to a stack of crates that had been piled by the docks, likely almost ready for transport to somewhere else in the city.

The rather forceful nature of the soldier moving through the crowded street easily made them the center of attention, and the docks hushed at the sight. It was probably a common sight in Oars Rest, at least, this was how the Baumn Empire usually made public announcements in similar fashions.

"Apologies for interrupting your work, sailors and Adventurers, I am certain all of you are quite busy." He spoke with confidence, and somehow his voice was loud enough to carry almost all the way through the docks. Some sort of enchantment, perhaps. "However, it has come to our attention that a rather tragic incident that happened recently in Oars Rest." The man speaking removed his red-plumed helmet from his head, revealing a face with aged but sharp features. Friendly blue eyes stared at the mass of people gathered.

"A few days ago, the guard stationed at this end of the Reef Grotto was viciously mauled by some unknown creature." There was a small murmur of comments that echoed through the crowd. For the most part, they had kept the death of the guard silent until they had figured out what exactly had caused his death. "His body was found halfway through the cavern, half eaten and...I'll spare the public the rest of the details. It has come to our attention that there has also been rumors of things lurking about in the cavern given out by adventurers passing through the area." He sighed, holding his helm under his arm. "In light of these recent events, we have decided to cut off travel to the outpost of Oars End until we can resolve these issues for your own safety."

There was obviously some outcry's of protest among some adventurers gathered, and rightly so.

"Now, I realize this is a bit of an inconvenience as it's typically the safest path to Oars End," He continued. "As such, we would like this matter to be resolved quickly. The Baumn Empire is looking for a small group of adventurers to go into the Grotto, find whatever creature did this, kill it and report to Captain August at the outpost. There will be a reward of course - equipment and supplies, as well as information we have gathered regarding the surrounding land." He held out a hand, gesturing towards the group gathered.

"As such, any volunteers from the gathered adventurers present will be given a pass into the Grotto and allowed to continue on their way, as well as compensation for your services. Do note, however, we will only be accepting a handful of outside help."

~Oars Rest~

As the tall man, Pheran, and woman with the oversized blade conversed, a loud argument could be heard erupting over the crowd of people. Must have been some argument, really, for it to escalate to shouting that was able to be heard over the normal hustle and bustle of the city. If they happened to look, they would notice a heavy set man dressed in fine blue robes. On his lapel was a badge being proudly worn, a gold falcon emblazoned upon. A badge worn by merchants of some standing within Caededril. Likely this man was from the embassy, doing trade work between the outpost further inland, Oars Rest, and Ailon.

The man who he was arguing with looked to be a seasoned adventurer. A tall, pale skinned man with a spear resting on his back, plate armor covering most of his body with furs of defeated animals sewn into it. Perhaps it was for looks, or he decorating his armor with his trophies. His hands rested on his hips, glaring at the short and somewhat portly merchant.

"And I'm telling you I'm not pickin' a fight with those trolls. I like my bones in my body, not being crunched on my a woman with a face as ugly as an Illithid." He growled. The merchant sighed at hearing this, shoulders slumping slightly.

"I'll pay you double what I did for the first shipment!" He replied, sounding a tad bit desperate, but the spear wielding man had already turned to leave. The merchant took off after him, still trying to convince him to take whatever job he was suggesting. He didn't get far, unfortunately. Thankfully, the confrontation didn't escalate into violence, but the merchant still seemed quite distraught and either unfortunately or fortunately for you, his chasing after the taller adventurer brought him close to the three of them, and his eyes lit up with renewed vigor. It was obvious what he was about to say to the three of them.

"Ah! Y-you three! You're adventurers, aren't you?" He asked walking up to Ophene, Tetras, and Tsukiko. "If possible, perhaps would your skills be for hire?"


Location: Oars Rest

As soon as she stepped onto the stone path leading towards the square, she noticed the red-plumed helm of a high ranking night pushing through the crowd. Her blood froze in her veins, thinking she had been found. She kept walking however - it wouldn't do her any good to panic. If she looked like she wasn't doing anything wrong, then chances were she would be fine. Plus, it seemed like the knights were there for some other reason entirely. She kept her ears open as she walked away from the docks, heading up the gently sloping street to the town. A murder? She frowned...she would offer her services, but the risks of her being discovered were just too great. She still couldn't be sure the guards here still didn't know about him.

She felt terrible about being unable to potentially help the knights from her homeland, but...she put one foot in front of the other and continued on her way. As much as she wanted to help, she also didn't wish to end up executed because they were closed minded fools. It wouldn't be the knights fault though, they would just be following orders as they should...she allowed herself a small sigh.

And soon enough, she reached the square, passing by a rather gruff looking man with a large spear strapped to his back. She thought nothing of it, only thinking he might be in a bit of a hurry to get somewhere. Instead, she happened to catch the last part of the Merchants offer to three people, and she wasn't the type to turn down helping someone if she could help it...at least she may be able to help this merchant instead of helping find whatever murdered that guard.

"Pardon the intrusion, sir." She interrupted them, voice cool and even. "I overheard...what troubles you?" She gave the others gathered a polite nod in acknowledgement. She didn't know them, but she had no reason not to trust or like them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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“Ow fuck.”

Startled at that sudden proclamation, Tsukiko flipped her sword away from the head that it just bonked, setting it instead upon the cobblestone path. It clanged as the dark hilt struck stone, and she peered at the man she had just unknowning assaulted. Two greatswords, a strong build, and red hair, as well as a propensity to laugh and smile a whole bunch? What was odder about him, though, was the fact that the bruise on his head both swelled up and shrunk at a disturbingly fast pace. Definitely not a normal human, and the very fact that he had bad luck that morning must mean that he wasn’t blessed like she was. Realizing that it was rude to continue staring, Tsukiko bowed apologetically, before saying, “Perhaps your bad luck comes from not doing your morning devotionals? Go pray to your gods and your ancestors, lest their displeasure spell the end of you within Edea.”

Of course, considering how unrefined his weaponry was, and how weapons reflect their owners, he might not actually honor the spirits properly, but the priestess wasn’t going to make her judgments this early on.

A few moments later, though, monstrously long bunny ears suddenly popped up before her. Tensing for a moment, she followed those ears down to their owner, a blonde half-monster that seemed to be intent on examining her. Tilting her head to the side, and wondering if this was some sort of strange way of greeting new people, Tsukiko began to do the same, examining her from varying angles, before involuntarily taking another step back. Trying to keep a straight face, the raven-haired woman tried to figure out why the bunny didn’t wear a skirt or coordinated her clothing to make her breasts pop out so much, before she shook her head.

This…this was simply the clothing of another, more…promiscuous culture.

“Yozakura Tsukiko,” she replied, bowing once more, “I have never met a Pheran before, but that can be said for everything else. Is such scant attire normal where you come from?”

Before her view on the world could be expanded further, however, a loud argument erupted, an adventurer and a merchant apparently having problems a job or whatever else. Raising an eyebrow, Tsukiko was about to approach and break it up if it came to blows, but the adventurer soon walked away, leaving the Caededrilan merchant to waddle after him, only to then notice the trio and head over.

"If possible, perhaps would your skills be for hire?"

Well, it looked like the great spirits have blessed her after all, bringing forth two adventuring companions as well as a mission to begin with. Recalling the fur-wearer’s comment about trolls and such, she wondered if those things were similar to the orcs that her parents told her to avoid at all costs if she were alone. Well, now she wasn’t alone, so everything was fine. Leaning Tsukimi against her shoulder, the priestess was about to confirm, before, suddenly, a dark-skinned woman, her coloration giving her away as a true-blood Baumn Imperial, cut in, curious.

Of course the Imperial would be the one to hop in from nowhere and try to get in on this, when they didn’t even catch the merchant’s eye. Tsukiko considered pushed her out of the way, perhaps into the wheels of an ox carriage or something, but refrained from it. Even if they were her nation’s enemies, she sought to purge the continent of evil, not of ‘somewhat evil but mainly just misguided’.

“The trouble is that of these ‘trolls’,” she said, stepping in, shoulder to shoulder with the Imperial, “And you wish for their extermination?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Superman
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Superman The Man of Steel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well the bunny lady... Pheran, apparently, seemed at least sort of nice. Although she was quick to back away from his touch. The armor must be cold, he thought. Although it'd heat up in the sun for sure. He was thinking of ditching it for something lighter, because it's not like he usually needed it. But he'd rather have more dexterity and less heat stroke if he could help it. His eyes scanned over the Pheran, and well her clothes were somewhat on the skimpy side. Her armor, that is. Although he actually envied her for being able to have armor like that, unrestricting but useful. Although it really did show off her body, and he had to quickly advert his eyes from her chest to her eyes. Her ears almost reached his head, and he had to gently move his head to the side to not be hit in the head again by something.

"Oh I'm Tetras, nice to meet your acquaintance. And yes, maybe I should have woken up a bit more. Although it was the first nice place I got to sleep in, compared to the ship I got here in. If you're wondering about race, hey, me too. I usually just put human, makes life easier."

Tetras turned to the actual human, who had assaulted his head with her rather long... Sword/staff/bonking device whatever she called it. She seemed to stare at him a while, at his swords, his armor, his face, but mostly the bump that had now almost completely disappeared as they stood there talking. It was usual, at least for the staring at his natural healing ability. He forgot that people were surprised by it, he never really thought much of it. The woman seemed rather composed, wearing what seemed like some very nice clothing. Really, was he the most armored person here? And he should be the least worried about it? It was unfair. Both of them seemed rather tall, although this also attractive black-haired woman stood about 7 inches shorter than he, give or take. But that long sword through him for a loop, how it was remotely usable and how her thin frame could lift it.

[color=cyan]"Oh gods you say? Well, from where I'm from, we don't have... Gods, or at least, we don't worship any. But if you do that's fine, I'm not opposed. Although if it gives me a bit of better luck I'd love for you to show me how to do all that stuff. It beats getting hit upside the head."[/cyan]

A small commotion seemed to have erupted between a man with a spear and a merchant, a disagreement of some sorts as what looked to be an adventurer stormed off. The pudgy looking man then stumbled towards them, asking if they would do some work for him. I mean, they weren't really a group... He just met these two and they just exchanged names. But hey, work was always nice. And from what he had heard from the conversation, it was right where he was headed anyways. It seemed like his luck turned around, as he now was getting paid and had a group with him. Maybe it was worth getting assaulted.

Before he could even get a word in edge-wise, another female burst into their little group, looking calm and collected as she gave a nod to the three of them before asking the merchant what ailed him. Well... It might be a little rude to walk into their ordeal, but if she means to help them and not just steal the job, then by all means! Although the sharply dressed woman with the long sword thought negatively perhaps, as she gave the newcomer a dirty look and pushed shoulder to shoulder with her, also asking the merchant a question. It might get a little, uh, heated like it had before with the merchant and his adventurer. Tetras simply sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Alright alright settle down now. Let the man speak. Yes, I do believe we're interested. Just tell us what we need to do, how much we're getting, and we'll be on our way to doing it. Seem fair?" he asked, the last two words more directed to everybody who wasn't the merchant.

Tetras was definitely not expecting this so early in the morning.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Black Alice
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Black Alice The Dopest Alice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As events continue to unfold in an endless cycle of questing and capitalism all around her, a lone, quiet figure walks the streets of Oars Rest without a stop. The pack on her back seemed quite large for her small figure, and with her hood up and cloak on it was clear to see that she must be overheating terrible. And yet nobody approached her. Where she walked, the crowd parted subtly around her, as if an invisible pressure followed wherever she went. All the while, inaudible over the hustle and bustle of city, she was seemingly muttering beneath her breath.

And something was muttering back to her.

"...should be...somewhere near..."

Em gazes around the street from beneath her hood, a few beads of sweat briefly visible on her cheek as she stares out at the others crowded down the way. She can feel it. A pulling, clammy sensation from directly ahead. A faint smell, mixing with the smells of the ocean, but clearly alien to this environment, and this world.

Straight ahead. For an instant, her gaze holds on the approximation of a face, belonging to a similarly cloaked figure standing among a crowd of adventurers. When she speaks, it is in a low, but clear tone, directed at the figure despite the distance and clamour of the street between them. Nonetheless, she knows that it will hear her. They always do.

"Like attracts like..." She smiles underneath her hood, "Hello, Dark One." Not waiting for a response, she walks to the entrance of a nearby ally where she would sits down and revel momentarily in the cool of the shaded wall to her back. There, she was close enough to hear the words of the figure and their companions, if she focused, but far enough that she wouldn't stand out among them. That was good. The creature had received her message, and she knew the others were unlikely to have heard anything, if they recognized her voice as words at all.

This was fine, for now.

She wasn't in a hurry. There was plenty of time left until nightfall. So for now, the little Necromancer waits, nestling her evil spirit against her cheek, listening to its whispers. Even here, in the light of day, it had oh so much to teach her, to tell her.

To warn her about.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jagred turned sharply once a hooded stranger approached, his eyes narrowed as he tried to catch a glimpse of the visage under the hood. No luck though, maybe because he wore a mask or something. Regardless, this newcomer didn’t seem like much of a fighter; he was foolish enough to sneak on a man with a naked blade in his hand. Quite the elementary mistake there. The stranger then spoke, though Jagred was puzzled by his accent. His offer was as strange as his accent though. The hooded man spoke vaguely of riches and his expedition, the one that would take them through Reef Grotto. Jagred had heard of that place before, from the mouths of many sailors and adventurers alike. The path seemed easy enough to traverse, as long as you stay on the beaten trail. However, Jagred refrained from speaking up. Only a fool would take on a job with so little details, so he was waiting for the hooded man to continue. He didn’t, though.

Speaking of fools, the lizard man readily accepted the suspicious offer, though from his explanation, he might have some personal agenda. Jagred, on the other, did not. He was simply in this for the fun and profit. Some stranger’s offer would not sway him. He needed something more tangible.

How much are you offering friend?”-He slid the blade back into its sheath with a satisfying snikt.-“I prefer half the payment upfront. ‘Riches of the depths’ is a tad too vague for my taste. Sorry.

It was then that Lady Luck decided to grace him with her presence. Soldiers shouldered their way into the docks, and once the crowd had somewhat settled down, their captain made an announcement. It seemed the Empire was looking for some poor sods to clean up their mess. Well, something else’s mess, but he was not too concerned with the particulars. There was gold to be had.

Quality service for a reasonable price, right here captain.”- He spoke loudly, holding a hand up-“If you would have me.

As he spoke, Jagred glanced over the hooded man and the lizard- “Your ticket to the 'riches of the depth' as well, friend. Best not miss it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 3 days ago

Under the nocturnal masquerade, Nazr smirked; it seemed the howling winds of fate were at his side, as the Aahari had a personal motivation for the Reef Grotto himself, and accepted his proposition quite readily; he did not even need to haggle for his services. The red-eyed man on the other hand turned out to be more difficult, but he did expect something as petty as greed from the lowly mercenary. That was fine; it did not matter whether emotion or coin drove their blades into the flesh of his adversaries, as long as they would do so swiftly and surely. "If it is a reward you ssseek, then I can provide one..."

He put a sleeved hand into a pocket on the insides of his robes, about to take out a pouch of gold; he was willing to lure the dashing young Snowkin into serving him with the luster of the shiny metal. But then he stopped, his eyes blinking with curiosity. He sensed an arcane presence contact him from a fair distance. She addressed him with a title only practitioners of the Dark Arts, like him, or those capable of sensing the Dark would know. This piqued his interest, and he detected her thoughts in an alley, within earshot of him and the two brutes.

Unlike him, who was a follower of the Pure Dark, the female sorcerer had a different kind of aura to her; it was Dark, but it was despoiled and ruined, with a foul scent to it, as if she has already crossed to being one with the dead; most likely an acolyte of Necromancy. Nazr loathed their kind above all else, for undead were abominations with rotten or missing brains, unsuitable and redundant as existing creatures. It was a dangerous move on her part to use her powers to grab his attention, so she now had it. Was it a challenge? A threat?

Nazr pondered on the reason, until he heard a commotion on the docks, followed by an announcement. Nazr smirked enough for one of his tentacles to shiver and twitch from the sheer joy he sensed, though he managed to keep it behind his obscuring hood. It was as if the stars have aligned for him to succeed in his recruitment of valuable allies. Then, he decided to go forth with an idea his brilliant noggin concocted. As much as he hated necromancers, he was wiling to give this one the benefit of the doubt.

Nazr nodded to the Snowkin's words, and then addressed the captain. "The three of us will accept your quest, and eliminate the beassst. Also," he said after a cough, "we may have a fourth participant joining the mission." Before the two swordsmen managed to recover from their surprise and ask him questions, he walked away, beckoning them to follow him with an wave of his outstretched sleeve without even looking behind him; it did not matter to him whether they would obey or not, since this was a matter only he could resolve. Like a creeping tendril that writhed around the dreamer's head, the illithid rounded the corner to the alley, and stood at the mouth of it, casting a shadow over the rotten being resembling a young girl. "Greetings, Corrupt One," he said, mirroring her own message. "Indeed, your true form has not eluded me. Why have you sought the attention of one such as I? Do you wish to sate your thirst for knowledge of the Deep? Have you found our shared affinity curiousss? Or...perhaps you also seek what lies hidden in the depths of Reef Grotto?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 5 days ago

Ankt simply looked down at the Snowkin and gave a condescending look. This man had the wrong kind of attitude for the Aahari to work with, but it was too late when the hooded one volunteered them all as an entire group which was all fine and dandy though they didn't all come to an agreement. It was not all too bad, after all they were going to become a group to go to the Grotto regardless. Though, as he waited, Ankt got the idea to ask the guard something. With large strides, Ankt made his way to the guard and gave a toothy smith while bowing to a fellow soldier of the Empire.

"Good day to you, fellow warrior for the Empire. I wish too ask you of something that is of the utmost importance. Another Aahari may have passed through here, he is a rare Aahari mage at that. I was wondering if maybe you have seen him," Ankt asked as he rose from his bow to the guard. This may be a great chance for him to pick up the trail on his brother, however, he could not let his hoped get risen too high for his brother is a tricky one to track and may have not let himself be noticed.

Ankt had an eager look to him, wanting the guard to give him an answer so that the hunt could begin or not. It was not a look that he gave often, however, for this occasion he most definitely would. After all, what was a warrior without something to fight? What was hunter without prey? What was his honor should he not succeed in his task? He would find his brother, he would take Salistar's head and mount on the skull on the wall.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Oars Rest~

Isabella's gaze lingered momentarily on Ophene. In fact, she was probably staring just a bit. Not exactly in that way. She had just never seen someone so...scantily dressed before. Not that it was her place to judge others attire, but...well, being dressed like that would have likely gotten the Pheran kicked out of the church. Her staring was finally interrupted by Tsukiko moving close, and said something about trolls.

“The trouble is that of these ‘trolls’, and you wish for their extermination?”

She didn't detect the hostility from Tsukiko. Instead, Isabella was wondering if standing so close to another was common where she was from. Not that she particularly minded standing so close to another, but it wasn't something she typically saw unless she was with some other recruits during training. Her thoughts soon turned to what she said about 'trolls' and their 'extermination', however. Her normally cool expression turned into a slight frown at this. Violence, then. To be expected out here, she supposed...but it didn't mean she was fond of it.

She kept quiet though, for she had nothing to say until the merchant himself spoke.

"Alright alright settle down now. Let the man speak. Yes, I do believe we're interested. Just tell us what we need to do, how much we're getting, and we'll be on our way to doing it. Seem fair?"

She shot a quick glance over to the armored man. Was someone excited or something? None of them looked particularly excited or angry. Before she could question what exactly he meant though, the merchant finally spoke.

"Oh thank the heavens." He sighed, shoulders relaxing, glad that someone finally agreed to hear his plight. "Perhaps whatever accursed spirits I have offended have decided to give me a reprieve. Ah let me introduce myself. I am Arturo, a simple, though mildly successful trader. I organize goods to be shipped through the jungle to the outpost. I won't go into details, but recently...all the shipments have been getting lost in the jungle." He shook his head. "The first time it happened, it could be passed off as an unfortunate accident, but this is the third time! I hired help the second time and third times as a precaution, but they along with the shipment didn't return. I can only assume the worst. The embassy is breathing down my neck to find a solution to this problem, or find whatever is causing the disappearances to happen...I don't know what to do! I'm a merchant, not a sword wielding madman who charges into battle." He blinked, realizing that perhaps he had just offended one of the parties present.

"A-apologies...I am simply stressed. In short...I simply would like you to find what is attacking the caravans. I can not pay you up front, but once you reach the outpost and deliver news of your success to the Caededril representative at the outpost, I'm certain they can reward you amply."

As the merchant spoke, Isabella simply listened quietly. What she picked up on, was only that the shipments were getting lost, not that the trolls were responsible specifically. Still, it didn't matter. She couldn't really turn down such a direct request for help. Not when this merchants livelihood was at stake here.

"I can't speak for the others," She replied. "But you have my sword." And that was it. She waited for the others to either accept or reject the offer. If she must, she would go about this task by herself. Wouldn't be the first time she had to do something herself...plus it would give her time to practice.


@RedDusk@Ariamis@Lauder@Black Alice

When the captain finished, there was a murmur of discussion among those gathered. It seemed some were wondering what exactly the benefit of this would be. Certainly, they could all still go through the jungle. It would be much less hassle in this case, and much less work for them. They could get on their way without being hindered by the Imperials regulations and laws. Some were completely uninterested, and moved on their way towards the Inns and shops. There were a few who seemed like they were about to step forward, only to be beaten to the punch by a pale skinned man with red eyes. The captain looked down at him from where he stood, smiling.

"Excellent. Apologies for bothering you." He replied in a friendly tone. He said to the man driving the cart, before stepping off and addressing one of his knights, likely one of a higher rank than the rest. "Continue about your normal rounds. Make certain you have more patrols around the jungle. Those cowardly merchants are complaining about their caravans being raided by trolls again." The disdain in his voice was quite clear, but before any comments could be made he then faced the group who addressed him.

"The three of us will accept your quest, and eliminate the beassst. Also, we may have a fourth participant joining the mission."

"Indeed? Four is just the number we were looking for." He said, as Nazr walked off, turning towards Jagred as Ankt approached, asking him a question about another Aahari. The captain put on his helmet, thinking as he did so. Aahari weren't exactly a common sight in Oars Rest, so taking note of them was something a bit required in his job description, since they could often be somewhat...unruly. And dealing with unruly citizens was his job.

"Not often we get Aahari here." He replied. "They don't tend to stay long if they do, either. I can't give you any solid leads, but if you want to travel to the outpost just after the Grotto, the Captain there would likely have more information on an Aahari." It seemed like that was all the captain was going to say on the matter, though he could be holding back a bit in favor of perhaps motivating the Aahari in front of him to help with this incident.

"Now, more importantly...we're not sure what beast did this. There have been a lot of rumors about the Grotto since we first found it. Most adventurers tend to overlook it since its so close to Oars Rest, but...well, let's just say some of those rumors might be a little more than rumors." What he meant by that he didn't elaborate before he continued. "I trust you can find your way to the Grotto yourselves?"

Whatever the adventurers answered, the captain proceeded to give them a sealed letter.

"Once you're done, give this to the Captain as proof you're there on official business. He will reward you quite well for your services, I assure you. Information on the surrounding land, weapons, rations...this matter is something we would like solved quickly and quietly." His tone took a somewhat more grim turn as he spoke. "And I must warn you that the Empire does not tolerate failure or deception." That last bit was probably added, just in case they decided to get wise and move through the Grotto without even attempting their given job.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 15 days ago

Scant attire? Well, this wasn't the first time someone had called it that, but it was hot anyhow. Her legs felt hot anyhow and was going to say something before this merchant came up and spoke of what he wanted after this new person arrived to listen to his woes. Something of trolls and a missing shipment. Now, really, Ophene was a scholar over being warrior by now. She wanted to train martially as a youngster and has kept those skills sharp but now she really was just wanting to learn of the world and magic. . . Regret was a feeling she'd likely feel if she went with what this man wanted. . . And these others she, almost literally, ran into.

Still, she felt someone's sight gazing over her body. . . This new arrival. . . Actaully, she didn't know the girl's name but it didn't matter did it? She'd likely find out soon enough anyhow. There was a high chance she was going on a trip. . . Might as well go to see if she could learn anything. "I guess I can go. I might learn something out there anyhow." It seems like it'd be a good time to learn about the area. "Doesn't hurt to have a little bit of magic on your side either." The Pheran said as she held a finger out with a fire appearing at the tip, not seeming to bother her in the slightest.

She looked between everyone else. It was her and the new girl with a likely addition of the other two. She gave a smile to both Tsukiko and Tetras, hoping it would urge both of them to say they'd go. . . There was no way in hell she was going to go with just her and the new girl after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jagred simply blinked as the hooded man mentioned a fourth member to their little team. He scanned the crowd quickly, but found no one eager to affiliate themselves with his group. The hooded man then beckoned him, but he opted not to. A mercenary simply couldn’t be picky about his company. There would be time for proper introduction later, where they could all exchange meaningless names and stare each other down for an eternity. For now, he wished to know more about the job.

The lizardman was already standing with the captain as Jagred ambled over. He noticed that the Aahari was once again after information on whoever he was chasing, and once again, he was uninterested in the lizard’s affair, though he felt that it was a tad excessive to bring his search up every time he met a new person. The bits about the beast interested him more. It seemed that not much was known about this elusive menace, though that didn’t make it any less dangerous. The mauled guard was the testament for that. However, since they didn’t know much about what they were facing, it certainly made this job a bit harder. Hopefully the pay would be worth it. From his experience working with government officials, Jagred knew that they were prompt with payment, though the pay often was far less than what private organizations were willing to offer. Too bad the concerned party this time was some merchants or wealthy landowners. Regardless, he would take what he could get.

Yeah, we will get to the Grotto. Late noon, at the latest.”- Jagred flashed a grin, all teeth and no humor as he took the letter before anyone else could. – “And what did I said? Quality service, sir. You can rest easy.

With that done, he pocketed the folded letter, before turning to find the hooded man. It did not concern him whether the lizard followed, for he knew that he would. Jagred then spotted their hooded friend standing at an alley, so he made his way over. As he approached, he caught only a few sentences.

…perhaps you also seek what lies hidden in the depths of Reef Grotto?"

Pardon my intrusion, but what else lies in the depths? Awfully lots of stuffs down there, don’t you think?”-Jagred said, looming over the hooded man’s shoulder to look at whoever he was talking to- “And who is this? Introduce us, friend.
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