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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Welcome to Oars Rest, your Gateway to Edea!

Edea is a large, mostly unexplored continent that has recently been discovered. The kingdoms and countries of the continent of Ailon all have an interest in exploiting this new continent for their own reasons, especially the Baumn Empire and Caededril Republic. However, the Edea continent is vast, unexplored, and teeming with wildlife and other creatures. Needless to say, it's not exactly a pretty or safe place.

That's where you adventurers come in! You're here to explore this new continent, and deal with all of its perils. Your reason for doing so? Well, that's for you to decide. Adventure itself, the potential to find riches, maybe even a scholarly interest in this new continent and possible civilizations that exist here.

And as, with all adventures you have to start somewhere. Oars Rest is a quaint little town constructed by the Baumn Empire and Caededril republic as a Neutral zone after their recent war for exploration of Edea. This has been going on for almost five years, and many adventurers travel inland, though few of these ever return. Those who do, often return with riches or information about what lays ahead for other adventurers.

This is a dungeon crawler/Etrian Odyssey Inspired RP. I will be playing the world, creatures, NPC encounters, and other misc. creatures that your characters may or may not encounter. I shall also play a character, if needed for whatever reason but for the most part, I shall be playing god and making all of your characters lives miserable the most exciting they can possibly be~

I'm looking to keep this to a smallish group. At most, I'll be willing to have eight people at once, and those will be split into two different adventuring groups of four people, which will go on separate, yet simultaneous adventures and who will often likely cross paths, and either hinder or help the other group.

The RP is going to focus a lot on character interaction & Development, Adventure, and Combat. There will be down time of course, for characters to rest and properly recuperate and for some good character interaction to develop.


~More Lore~



1. I will be keeping a strict posting schedule. As in, I want at least one post every two days. This is a rule I am going to heavily enforce and keep track of. If the timer above your last post reaches two days, then you'll receive a warning and your character will be on auto pilot so things don't get slowed down until you return. Two offenses of this, result in immediate ban from the RP. If you must be absent for some reason, tell me. I'm not going to kick you for some emergency or other reason.

2. I am the GM. You may call me Overlord Rune. My word is also law here. Any disputes OOCly will be settled by me and me alone if you can't settle it yourselves. I will try and be fair, but do try not to escalate something to the point where I have to intervene.

3. This, admittedly isn't going to be the most realistic of RP's. As in, there will likely at some point be big-ass anime fights with explosions and stuff like that. However, if your character gets injured, I expect that to factor into their actions and such in some way. No walking away from getting stabbed in the heart, kiddos without some really, really, good and heavy healing magic.

4. Any sexy stuff needs to fade to black. Or take it to the PMs. I don't care what you all do in your free time~

5. REMEMBER. One post every two days! I am going to be strictly enforcing this rule no matter what. I don't care how much someone complains. I am also going to try my best to keep to this rule. I won't expect posts during major holidays or if something major comes up, but otherwise you should try and keep to the rule.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 15 days ago

Ba-bam. Got my CS in. How is everyone? XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


I only got three hours of sleep last night xP

Insomnia is a bitch, sometimes. Although. Playing Horror games like SOMA probably doesn't help with that xP
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 5 days ago

It honestly doesn't. Though I play stuff like Amnesia, outlast, and I played that new resident evil demo. Oh and Alien: Isolation
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


I just love my atmospheric horror games. Playing them at night just makes them 100% better.

You lose sleep, of course, but its totally worth it~ xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 3 days ago

I wanna play a an illithid with psychic powers, is that allowed?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As long as he doesn't get to the realm of flaying someone alive with his mind (at least to start with) I don't see why not~

just keep it balanced.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Are we supposed to PM you our sheets first, before they get posted in the character tab? Or do we just toss them into the character tab once we're done?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You can either PM me if you want, or post it here in the OOC for judgement. Either or works~
All the ones so far have talked to me Via PM.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Cowards, the lot of them. I'll take my flogging with a side of public humiliation then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh my~

Just post your CS here then and I'll make sure your flogging and public humiliation is all ready ;D

On a side note.
We have a good few Rogues/Mages in the works.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CrystalApple
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CrystalApple Take a bite, I wont mind~

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Is the magic section basically individual Spells or are they types of magic that you can use as a magic-user? As I'm making a magic-based character.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I find your CS completely excellent. I can see him becoming quite the formidable character later.

As long as you don't go crazy with that mind dominate thing, you're good to go~

The magic is any sort of magic your character is well versed in. For example, Ophene's abilities with fire or healing. She could develop further skill with her fire abilities as well her healing magic. Any fire abilities would fall under that initial fire magic.

however do keep in mind that at this moment in time it would be rather unrealistic for your characters to master more than one or two sort of...shall we say 'elemental' abilities. I think Ariamis' character Nazrc'thath, is a good example to go by. A single 'element' - the Telekinesis - to start with, with two supporting magics that work well together.

I'm also going to say, try not to have abilities that are so similar to another character. If you do, at least try to make it different enough, please. If I get another character similar to any of the already accepted ones, I will likely ask you to come up with some different abilities.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CrystalApple
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CrystalApple Take a bite, I wont mind~

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

If its okay, can I make a more detailed post of my character's nation/city for lore reasons?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 5 days ago

I shall be starting on my character soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I have a snowkin/white-haired folk swordman I created long ago but never had a chance to explore properly. Ima give him a tweak and PM it to you. No public humiliation for me unfortunately. I prefer to take flogging in the privacy of my bedroom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Race: Blessed Human
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Raven-haired and beautiful, Yozakura Tsukiko is a charming individual, a slender young lady that could be compared to a delicate flower, best admired at a distance. Considering her inhuman strength, that’s probably the right call to make. With hair of ink and skin of snow, she stands at 5’7, silver eyes gleaming with a divine clarity. Despite being a swordswoman, her slim hands do not have calluses, and despite her years of training in the martial arts, there is not a single scar on her body.

Calling Tsukiko’s clothing ‘armor’ would be an insult to even the flimsiest of cloth armor. With soft shoes, stockings, detached sleeves, and a hybrid between a cloak and a leotard, one would be hard-pressed to imagine that such an outfit could be useful for protection at all. They don’t need to imagine it, however. Tsukiko’s clothing is purely cosmetic, and the one magical enhancement it has is the ability to resew itself whenever there are cuts in it.

A strong sense of justice dwells within Tsukiko, one that prompts her to honor her family, uphold her oaths, and fight to realize her ideals. She does not allow herself to hesitate, and takes pride in her unwavering beliefs. Even if they may consume her, Tsukiko’s too stubborn to back down, and will push on past it. Despite the elegant airs she puts on, she is a decidedly unladylike person up close, too straight-forward and aggressive to be the type of person who’d enjoy small talk at a fancy restaurant. Perhaps the description of an isolated, socially inept elite would fit Tsukiko better.

Yozakura Tsukiko is blessed, a mortal born with the favour of the gods early on. Granted a body that will never be blemished by age or injury, and a physicality beyond that of humans, she was put on a pedestal at an early age. The nation she was born in had, four hundred and eight seven years ago, been powerful and prosperous, one of the stronger members of the Caededril Republic, but was now merely a shadow of its former self. On the precipice of being absorbed wholly into the Republic due to national debts and a shrinking populace, the people of the oriental nation of Kanata saw Tsukiko’s birth as the coming of a new age. She was groomed as the Priestess of War and trained in many martial disciplines, from swordsmanship to horseback archery, while her parents worked in the background to ensure that there were no distractions in her learning environment. Her friends became her nation’s foundational scholar-kings, and her ideals the stone she used to sharpen her soul.

Unfortunately for her nation, however, the Priestess of War wasn’t interested in the glories of conquest or in reviving the grand dynasty of scholar-kings in Kanata. Instead, her ideals led her closer to the great spirits that blessed her to begin with, who told her to seek out and purge the evils of the Black Continent, known officially as the Neutral Zone. Though disappointed at first by their golden child’s decision, the council of elders decided that perhaps having a prominent explorer operating within this new continent would be a fine decision as well, seeing how valuable any information about this new place was.

And so, five years after her decision, Tsukiko, like many other prospective adventurers, headed out to Oar’s Rest, to purge the continent of the dark beasts that roamed there and to bring back the spoils to her crumbling nation.

Tsukimi, The Phantasmal Blade
An absurdly long katana, Tsukimi is one of the Sacred Weapons of Kanata, a holy blade that cannot be drawn normally, as the steel is fused the black scabbard. Abnormally heavy even for other weapons the same size as itself, it can be considered to be more of a staff than a proper sword. It has yet to be cut by any edged weapon or scarred by any magical effects.

Physical Skills
Sheathed Sword Style
Tsukiko is capable of using Tsukimi both as a staff and a sword, giving her a flexible style that allows her to fight both in close range and mid-range. The bludgeoning blows, compared to the cuts of swords, makes it optimized for dealing hefty damage to both armored and unarmored individuals, but, ultimately, the Sheathed Sword Style is a defensive style, meant to disable an opponent, instead of kill them.

The Blessings of the Gods
Tsukiko, chosen by the Great Spirits, has been given a mortal form with many advantages. Her body heals seamlessly, boasts an incredible immune system, requires less sleep than most, and, most importantly, contains a strength that cannot be explained merely by her firm muscles. Though her agility and dexterity are solely a product of years of training, her strength allows for her to wield Tsukimi easily and supernatural feats such as jumping thrice her height.

Tsukiko, despite being a Priestess of War, is still a Priestess. One of her most important duties is to prepare food offerings for her ancestors and the Great Spirits. As a result of training that was on par with her martial arts training, she has become quite masterful in the culinary arts of Kanata, and is fairly confident that she can make any dead thing into an edible thing, as well as identify most mushrooms and herbs within a forest.

One Strike to Split the Sky
Tsukiko’s ultimate technique, One Strike to Split the Sky is a lengthy ‘spell’ that allows one to draw out the Phantasmal Blade and cleave through the magical and the spiritual. It cannot be blocked, as it ignores physical obstacles and cuts through magical defenses as if it were merely flesh. It cannot be endured, as it leaves a permanent wound in the person’s very soul. And if it can be dodged, Tsukiko will not use it, because her One Strike can only be used once a day.

Naturally, if she was up against an inanimate object that neither needed magic or a soul to move itself, her One Strike is pretty much useless.

With no ranged weapons, literally no armor, and an ultimate trump card that can only be used once a day, Tsukiko is fraught with weaknesses. She just makes up for those weaknesses by increasing her strengths. Essentially, it could be said that she is a specialist at taking down singular, powerful monsters, as opposed to a horde of many.

Other Inventory
Outside of basic adventuring gear such as a bedroll, torches, a firestarting kit, rope, and rations, Tsukiko also has a rare condiment not found in any other nation within the Caededril Republic: wasabi.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 20 days ago

I have a character almost done, but got dragged off to a baseball game before finishing. I'll have it up, later.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


I shall look forward to all of your characters eagerly!~

She looks absolutely good~

Just take care not to abuse that one-hit KO skill, and I won't have to publicly flog you~

Annnd here comes some flogging~

After some careful consideration and thinking...The problem I have with your character, is that a lot of his magic seems incredibly vague, and from what I can see is very...versatile. That's not how any of these characters should be starting out. At the moment, he seems like he can perform almost every type of magic.

which is a no-no. If I may be honest, you've used a lot of words to describe your characters abilities, but have done very little to actually describe what they actually do.

Ritual magic isn't exactly very well explained in what it is actually capable of and is incredibly vague in result, meaning and if I'm reading it right, there's a lot of room for him to...sort of be able to do everything, I think.

Arcane magic, while it seems fairly well balanced also has the potential to be incredibly powerful in a smart persons hands. Blasts of neutral-element magic while having no particular advantages, have no real disadvantages either. As such, if you want that I would say get rid of one of the second magics, or replace it with a more passive sort of ability.

Witchcraft, is incredibly vague, broad, and seems to include a lot of different forms of magic. Plus, it can't really be the 'most populous' as there are a lot of differing magic forms in this world. It seems to more or less fall under what one might call 'Hexes'. I realize I said go crazy and feel free to create your own form of magic, but also within reason, as long as it was properly balanced.

As it stands, I think 'Witchcraft' is just a bit too generalized at the moment for me to allow since apparently it includes 'Hexes, curses, spirit communication, divination'. Spirit communication would likely more fall under a necromancy sort of ability, and Divination is a fairly powerful ability in itself, and would likely be a stand alone magic ability with some sort of passive abilities such as some small precognition.

Apologies if this seemed a bit long-winded or overly critical. I would like to request you make your characters magic less broad in what they are capable of, and perhaps for now stick with two magics. An offensive based one and a passive magic feat, and properly explain what they can do

Once you make these appropriate changes, I will take a look at the CS again.
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