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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Ophene Kerakas

Pheran, A Tall Rabbit-Eared race that look relatively human. They live on a small mountain range near to where the Caededril Republic. There is one large city built into the mountain with many smaller settlements heading down the range.




As with all Pheran, Ophene is a fairly tall woman standing about just about 6 feet some inches (with her ears adding more to that.) She has a light tan to what would be naturally pale skin otherwise. Overall, she has a slender build with fairly muscular legs which, in reality, looks like just the average Pheran.

Ophene’s armor is a light (and somewhat revealing) set of cloth/leather armor that also doubles as her typical clothing. It’s protective power is. . . Light, to say the least. It protects her vital parts enough, but her general finesse should be enough to keep her out of harms way.

It was a parting gift from her teacher as she traveled to the new world with an enchantment on it to help casting spells, making it easier to come up with the magical resources necessary to cast spells.

Ophene is a somewhat scholarly person though not to the point that she slacks in her physical training. She enjoys learning about new things, and is likely the main reason she decides to travel to the new world. As a standard, she's a fairly nice person. She cares little where one comes from, as the only thing that matters is whether or not they can be patient though she isn't too much a fan of those with angry or depressing dispositions.

Ophene grew up as many Pheran did, helping her parents out every now and then when they needed help with their jobs or just around the house. However, when she was ten, she had to decide what she wanted to do. Many children are pushed to join either the local Magic School or the Militia though many do not. Instead, Ophene did what most would consider either overconfidence or pure stupidity. . . She wanted to learn both the blade and magic.

One of the older magic scholars saw her desire and felt obligated to help. “If you are willing to study both then you will have to first spend a year or two studying just the blade,” he said. The man gave her no name, but insisted that she called him, “Teacher.”

Ophene agreed to his terms and studied the blade for two years, returning to “Teacher” when she had. Smiling, he told her that she would continue her swordsmanship during the day but he would teach her at night.

This continued for three years. She grasped the concepts well and Teacher was impressed with her dedication to both the Magical and Martial Arts. Teacher then gave her a book that talked of an ancient technique from old Pheran Mages that imbued their power into their weapons, giving temporary effects such as a fire covered sword. It even detailed that more advanced forms created temporary blades from magic itself. . . Ophene was intrigued and the two studied and helped form her current style of combat.

She then decided to journey to Oar’s Rest to explore the new world. She had no idea what she would find, but whatever she did would be bound to be great!


-Steel Rapier: A thing steel weapon that is designed for piercing a target. “Stick them with the pointy end” one source says. It’s a standard piece of Pheran weaponry.

Physical Skills:
-Rapier Practice - Ophene has practiced using the piercing weapon called a rapier. It’s lightness helps in the practice of Spellcraft as opposed to other types of weapons and helps complement her natural nimbleness.

-Pheran Nimbleness and Acrobatics - With a flimsy weapon, Ophene depends on her natural and trained athletic and acrobatic skills to avoid hits.

-Pheran Hearing - As is a natural feature with the Pheran, Ophene has super-heightened hearing. While not quite echo-location, it helps with finding her way in the dark or hearing far off noises.

“Fire” - Ophene has been taught how to either shoot off a firebolt from her fingers or imbue her rapier with the power of fire, wrapping her blade in a supernatural fire that burns all it touches.

Healing Touch - As a gift from her teacher, Ophene was lightly taught how to heal wounds with magic.


-Flimsy Weapon: As her rapier is a somewhat flimsy weapon, Ophene is unable to block with it, though she could effectively parry a lighter weapon.

-Lightly Armored: With barely any armor on, Ophene must consider that she should not take a strike or a bite or whatever would happen to come at her.

Other Inventory:
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Superman
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Tetras: The Warrior

Humanoid-like race, origins unknown




Tetras has reddish dark hair, green eyes, and fairly pale skin complexion. His humanoid side has a strong, muscular physique, and he stands at about 6'2. Even for his larger stature and muscles, he can be dextrous and quick on his feet. Overall he's physically in the prime of his life.

(See fully armored picture)
Standard-issue armor for a knight of his island nation, able to take a reasonable amount of damage. It's not heavy, but light enough with his strength that it doesn't hinder his movement speed or dexterity.

Tetras is very self-confident, easy going, very down to earth and level headed. He doesn't let things get to him, hard to offend, and a kind person. He's comfortable being independent as well as being a part of a group, although he is naturally a leader and brave going into combat. In a fight he is ruthless, always fighting to the best of his ability and showing no mercy. In his culture, you kill or be killed.

Tetras grew up in a small island nation west of the two biggest nations, where a majority of humans live. There are farmlands and wildlife in the surrounding areas, and in the center are a few large cities where most of the population lives. Tropical forests are most of the wilderness, holding strange and interesting creatures, but has a bountiful amount of natural resources. A few plots of land have been cleared out for farming and for the various towns and few cities. Tetras grew up in a small town on the outskirts of the biggest city, Alendaar.

The town was nice and quaint, with Tetras' parents being local merchants that sold wares to people passing by. Tetras was adopted, his origins unknown, but he looked very much human. However, his strength and abilities surpassed the average human, and he was sure he wasn't like his parents. Detached from normal society, his family wasn't so hostile as the warrior culture surrounding them was, and his parents taught him good morales and nature that others had taught them earlier in his parents' life. However, that wouldn't last long as Tetras would be drafted for the Alendaar army when he was 14, ripped away from his family.

He had a reality check, put through the harsh and vigorous training that the Alendaar put upon their soldiers. Have of the recruits died, deemed inferior, as the rest would join the ranks and fight for their cause. Tetras knew he had to follow orders or get killed also, so he shut his mouth and used his natural skill as a fighter to climb the ranks. With his skills in swordsmanship and his ferocity in battle, he became an elite warrior in their army.

In an effort to acquire more information and learn about the new land, Tetras was sent on a mission to explore the land and report back to the Aleendar. In reality it was a suicide mission and Tetras knew it, and they didn't expect him to report back. Their research team would take time to gather enough resources. He figured he could use this as an opportunity to escape and lead a new life.

Twin great swords, made out of simple iron, they were heavy, strong, and sharp. With his natural strength and dexterity, he can use these swords very well like they weighed nothing; a natural extension of his body.

Physical Skills:
-Dual Swordsmanship -Tetras was trained in the use of dual-wielding swords, seeing two as more useful for quick, lethal attacks, able to deal lots of damage with his two large swords.
-Enhanced speed/reflexes - Tetras is quick on his feet, able to perform dextrous feats and tries to dodge attacks more than try to take the brunt of them due to the little protection his armor provides. Also helps with parrying and attacking with his dual swords.
-Unnatural strength: Uncharacteristic of a normal human Tetras has built up his physical strength to match the likes of an Orc or even a small giant (which is the only reason he is able to use his dual swords so easily).

Magic abilities Tetras has acquired naturally:

Healing factor: Tetras is able to heal his own wounds, small cuts heal in minutes, while bigger wounds take longer to heal.

(Others will come eventually, but this is the only one he is aware of)


Non-Ranged fighter: He likes to keep up close and personal, using his speed and stealth to close the distance and stay out of the way of ranged fighters

Magic using: He is a capable fighter, but cannot use magic very well and doesn't know any of his magical capabilities besides his healing factor, which happens automatically.

Other Inventory:
A container for water, small pouches for items and food, vials for poison or other useful liquids.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Race: Blessed Human
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Raven-haired and beautiful, Yozakura Tsukiko is a charming individual, a slender young lady that could be compared to a delicate flower, best admired at a distance. Considering her inhuman strength, that’s probably the right call to make. With hair of ink and skin of snow, she stands at 5’7, silver eyes gleaming with a divine clarity. Despite being a swordswoman, her slim hands do not have calluses, and despite her years of training in the martial arts, there is not a single scar on her body.

Calling Tsukiko’s clothing ‘armor’ would be an insult to even the flimsiest of cloth armor. With soft shoes, stockings, detached sleeves, and a hybrid between a cloak and a leotard, one would be hard-pressed to imagine that such an outfit could be useful for protection at all. They don’t need to imagine it, however. Tsukiko’s clothing is purely cosmetic, and the one magical enhancement it has is the ability to resew itself whenever there are cuts in it.

A strong sense of justice dwells within Tsukiko, one that prompts her to honor her family, uphold her oaths, and fight to realize her ideals. She does not allow herself to hesitate, and takes pride in her unwavering beliefs. Even if they may consume her, Tsukiko’s too stubborn to back down, and will push on past it. Despite the elegant airs she puts on, she is a decidedly unladylike person up close, too straight-forward and aggressive to be the type of person who’d enjoy small talk at a fancy restaurant. Perhaps the description of an isolated, socially inept elite would fit Tsukiko better.

Yozakura Tsukiko is blessed, a mortal born with the favour of the gods early on. Granted a body that will never be blemished by age or injury, and a physicality beyond that of humans, she was put on a pedestal at an early age. The nation she was born in had, four hundred and eight seven years ago, been powerful and prosperous, one of the stronger members of the Caededril Republic, but was now merely a shadow of its former self. On the precipice of being absorbed wholly into the Republic due to national debts and a shrinking populace, the people of the oriental nation of Kanata saw Tsukiko’s birth as the coming of a new age. She was groomed as the Priestess of War and trained in many martial disciplines, from swordsmanship to horseback archery, while her parents worked in the background to ensure that there were no distractions in her learning environment. Her friends became her nation’s foundational scholar-kings, and her ideals the stone she used to sharpen her soul.

Unfortunately for her nation, however, the Priestess of War wasn’t interested in the glories of conquest or in reviving the grand dynasty of scholar-kings in Kanata. Instead, her ideals led her closer to the great spirits that blessed her to begin with, who told her to seek out and purge the evils of the Black Continent, known officially as the Neutral Zone. Though disappointed at first by their golden child’s decision, the council of elders decided that perhaps having a prominent explorer operating within this new continent would be a fine decision as well, seeing how valuable any information about this new place was.

And so, five years after her decision, Tsukiko, like many other prospective adventurers, headed out to Oar’s Rest, to purge the continent of the dark beasts that roamed there and to bring back the spoils to her crumbling nation.

Tsukimi, The Phantasmal Blade
An absurdly long katana, Tsukimi is one of the Sacred Weapons of Kanata, a holy blade that cannot be drawn normally, as the steel is fused the black scabbard. Abnormally heavy even for other weapons the same size as itself, it can be considered to be more of a staff than a proper sword. It has yet to be cut by any edged weapon or scarred by any magical effects.

Physical Skills
Sheathed Sword Style
Tsukiko is capable of using Tsukimi both as a staff and a sword, giving her a flexible style that allows her to fight both in close range and mid-range. The bludgeoning blows, compared to the cuts of swords, makes it optimized for dealing hefty damage to both armored and unarmored individuals, but, ultimately, the Sheathed Sword Style is a defensive style, meant to disable an opponent, instead of kill them.

The Blessings of the Gods
Tsukiko, chosen by the Great Spirits, has been given a mortal form with many advantages. Her body heals seamlessly, boasts an incredible immune system, requires less sleep than most, and, most importantly, contains a strength that cannot be explained merely by her firm muscles. Though her agility and dexterity are solely a product of years of training, her strength allows for her to wield Tsukimi easily and supernatural feats such as jumping thrice her height.

Tsukiko, despite being a Priestess of War, is still a Priestess. One of her most important duties is to prepare food offerings for her ancestors and the Great Spirits. As a result of training that was on par with her martial arts training, she has become quite masterful in the culinary arts of Kanata, and is fairly confident that she can make any dead thing into an edible thing, as well as identify most mushrooms and herbs within a forest.

One Strike to Split the Sky
Tsukiko’s ultimate technique, One Strike to Split the Sky is a lengthy ‘spell’ that allows one to draw out the Phantasmal Blade and cleave through the magical and the spiritual. It cannot be blocked, as it ignores physical obstacles and cuts through magical defenses as if it were merely flesh. It cannot be endured, as it leaves a permanent wound in the person’s very soul. And if it can be dodged, Tsukiko will not use it, because her One Strike can only be used once a day.

Naturally, if she was up against an inanimate object that neither needed magic or a soul to move itself, her One Strike is pretty much useless.

With no ranged weapons, literally no armor, and an ultimate trump card that can only be used once a day, Tsukiko is fraught with weaknesses. She just makes up for those weaknesses by increasing her strengths. Essentially, it could be said that she is a specialist at taking down singular, powerful monsters, as opposed to a horde of many.

Other Inventory
Outside of basic adventuring gear such as a bedroll, torches, a firestarting kit, rope, and rations, Tsukiko also has a rare condiment not found in any other nation within the Caededril Republic: wasabi.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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Lauder The Tired One

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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