Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

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  • Name: Elron Del Rado
  • Age: 75
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
  • Personality: ELron is a straight forward and to-the-point kind of man. Opinionated, gentle, calm. A life of training and scholarly duties has molded the mans once wild and unruly spirit into that of a focused and determined teacher of the mystic arts. Out of combat Elron is often described as the studious or craftsman type of people, always doing something with his mind or his hands, be it writing down in his personal journal or wittling a piece of wood. Always in motion somehow. Despite his age, he does not exhibit the usual sluggishness older folks often display. Quite the contrary. Elron has participated in contests of determination and stamina on many occasions and out-lasted his younger competitors many times. Often to the disbelief of his peers.
    The elderly man has an aura of understanding to him, non judgemental and unbiased, firmly believing that every person is unique and allowed their opinions. Even if you do not agree with anothers personal philosophies of life, love, race, and creed, it is his duty to foster positive growth and cooperation among all under his care. He fancies himself as a grandfather to nearly everyone he has become close to.
  • Brief Backstory: Elron was born to a frail mother and a father he had never met. The result of a love that could never be and a wedge that drove them apart. His mother had been a middle aged woman at his birth and passed on a year after he was born, an unknown disease had wracked her already frail body into the grave. Raised in an orphanage till he was 10, Elron had shown the signs of restlessness. Often sneaking out of his confines and exploring the immediate area around his 'home'. Every month he would explore further and further, hoping to find something, anything, that could occupy his mind from the empty chores of home.
    On a midsummer eve the lad stumbled through the familiar alleyways and happened upon a man laying in the gutters. The man was old, older than most, with a long graying beard and salt and pepper hair flowing past his back. His clothing was stained and patched up by unskilled hands.
    At first Elron left the man alone and returned to his usual exploration. But as weeks turned to months he saw more and more of the man laying in the alleyways asleep or writing in a small leather journal. A leather journal that was stolen by sticky fingered young Elron. There were parts he could not read and others written in a language he was certain nobody could read.
    Like a hungry wolf the boy devoured every page, reading about the mysteries of this man who had so painstakingly recorded everything in this seemingly endless little notebook. Only when the sun rose that he felt the guilt of having stolen the written life of a wanderer. Disobeying his matrons, Elron fled the orphanage and scoured the streets alone for weeks. Thoughts of his life at the orphanarium fled from his occupied mind to be replaced with his burning need to return what he had stolen and make right the wrong no matter the consequence.

    It took almost a month of searching but on a cold winters night he found him. Wrapped up in a dirty old blanket with his hands waving in the air, Elron found the dirty scholar not far from the orphanage. Tension flared the moment their eyes met and the man rose to his feet with surprise as he saw the young boy holding his book. The discussion that followed was one of apologies and understanding. Malcaz Rado was a pious man and an avid practitioner of the magical arts. His life on the streets was self-inflicted and enjoyed. Free of the intrigues that plagued the colleges of magic. Malcaz believed that the power to wield magic was a gift meant to uphold the worlds sacred laws and protect those that would not or could not fight for themselves.
    Elron bowed his head and became a disciple of the wanderer and ventured with him for nearly 10 years. During his tutelage, the apprentice quickly adapted to the new life and the training of his master. Even adopting the last name he now carries as homage. Trained to harness magic and turn it to powerful spells, Elron displayed an impressive mastery over the lightning element and flaunted his power with enthusiasm and joy. Malcaz and his young apprentice served as body guards and tutors on their days following the road with little cares and a great amount of personal happiness but to Elron it seemed that every passing day his master grew weaker and weaker but whenever Elron tried to get help the man always turned it away.

    Malcaz Rado died at the age of 20 a day after enrolling his prized disciple and adopted son into the Mages college, accepting the gifted young man with open arms and respect. Honoring the final wishes of one of the most decorated scholars to have graced the sacred halls.

    Nearly 40 years later, Elron Del Rado has achieved the same status as his master and walked the world with open eyes and an open heart, free from the hate that clouds the eyes of warriors and unshrouded by the often disrespectful haughty ways of the mages.
    Elron had joined the ranks of the Knights in his 40's and became a tutor to the young wizards of the order as a way of remembering his master Malcaz and his tutelage.
  • Equipment:
    Leather bound journal
    Arcana Tome
    Small carving knife
    Rapier - Though unskilled with the weapon he can still use it to defend himself before unleashing a spell.
  • Skills:

    Thunderclap - Striking his palms together, he produces a blinding flash of static electricity to shock and throw back his opponents.

    Thunderbolt - A focused bolt of lightning fired from his extended index and middle finger, searing through the first target it hits.

    Seraphs hammer - Elron channels a powerful globe of thunder in his hand and thrusts it at his enemy. The resulting detonation, while not very damaging, will often stun an opponent and throw them to the ground with a deafening explosion.

    Arc Lightning - A weak, but effective lightning spell, a simple bolt of charged fury strikes out at the nearest target before bouncing to any nearby targets. Each consecutive bolt is less effective than the initial blast.

    Storm cone - Wild static electricity arcs out from both outstretched hands in a short area in front of the caster, causing severe burns and muscle spasms. In most cases this spell can be lethal.

    Electric Mine - A condensed ball of lightning is thrown to the ground where it crackles until someone approaches, detonating the spell. The effect is similar to thunderclap but in a less effective form.

    City of gold - Elron unleashes a globe of static electricity into the air that rains golden thunder down upon his target.

    Skys Wrath - Elrons most powerful and destructive spell, channeling the essence his arcane magic, a gargantuan bolt of golden thunder plummets from the skies to destroy anything in its path.

    Blink - A short range teleport capable of transporting Elron and one other target.
    Thunder-rush - Empowered blink, where a lightning bolt strikes wherever he teleports to.

    Elron is not restricted to just thunder magic, thanks to his many years as both a tutor and a scholar of the magical arts. Though not as proficient in their use he is capable of casting many other situational spells, like frost bolts, fireballs, and minor healing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zebanamana
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<Snipped quote by harinezumikouken>

Given the size of the post, a summation of the facts would probably be... useful?

Tree fell and killed some knights, and a bandit with a billhook killed a knight. I dunno I figured in a fight where it is like 250 against 250 even if the knights completely and totally out match the bandits, that it would be a tremendous and amazing coincidence where not a single knight would die since chance in battle was a big determinate of success.

Its only 4 soldiers that died, I don't know how many of them are knights.

Basically: Bandits run around and get beaten up, one of them is a proto-anarchocommunist who attempts to surrender but gets his arm chopped off. And Eadwig and his people scatter when the tree comes down, they regroup and then Eadwig goes to help out Iowerth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

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Oh right, bump.

@PKMNB0Y & @Zetsuko
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

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So just making sure of something real quick before I get to writting, but nobody is currently commanding Fanilly's charge at the moment right?
From their perspective their CO charged forward (if I'm reading this right) to deal with the ambush and got cut off?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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No-one is. She darted out to deal with the crossbowman and got cut off by surprise by the falling tree.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

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Awesome, thanks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zebanamana
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No-one is. She darted out to deal with the crossbowman and got cut off by surprise by the falling tree.

Fanilly noooo
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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<Snipped quote by VitaVitaAR>

Fanilly noooo

Don't worry Sult is going to save her waifu lesbian kink captain!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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@Zelosse: Okay, can't help but notice you still have some references to holy stuff and being half-elf. Those need to go. ^^;

@AtomicNut: Fanilly has already become a waifu? D:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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@Zelosse: Okay, can't help but notice you still have some references to holy stuff and being half-elf. Those need to go. ^^;

@AtomicNut: Fanilly has already become a waifu? D:

Yes No, of course not. She is the captain Sult supports, even if she is just a newbie teenager, she will support her for the sheer hilarity.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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Fanilly does need support given her confidence issues.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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Fanilly does need support given her confidence issues.

To be honest I regret not giving Sult a shady assasin background.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Snagglepuss89
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<Snipped quote by VitaVitaAR>

To be honest I regret not giving Sult a shady assasin background.

I see her as more of a back-alley rapist, personally.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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<Snipped quote by AtomicNut>

I see her as more of a back-alley rapist, personally.

Too far.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zebanamana
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<Snipped quote by Zebanamana>

Don't worry Sult is going to save her waifu lesbian kink captain!

But who saves her from Sult? Who watches the watchmen (women)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

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<Snipped quote by AtomicNut>

But who saves her from Sult? Who watches the watchmen (women)

No one. No one does.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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<Snipped quote by AtomicNut>

But who saves her from Sult? Who watches the watchmen (women)

Tyaethe. :p
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Snagglepuss89
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She'll be too busy not being there when the captain needs her most. Say, leading an entirely different flank of the army instead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zebanamana
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<Snipped quote by Zebanamana>

Tyaethe. :p

Dark Tyaethe Rising
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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She'll be too busy not being there when the captain needs her most. Say, leading an entirely different flank of the army instead.

And look how quickly she gets back. Sult's never going to get lucky. :D
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