Danica Graves

Location: Southeastern Wilderness Area
Interacting With: @Sohtem
Danica decided to walk out of the forest, pulling her ear buds out and tucking them into the sports bra strap beneath her tank top as she headed back towards town. Whatever had done this, she didn't want to be caught unaware. She was glad she had after moving a bit when she heard someone calling out and turned in the direction of the voice. Seeing the red head her eyes widened a bit. She didn't run straight over to her, mostly stopping in her tracks and not knowing what to think of the situation. Was she hurt or was it something more? Watching her carefully for a moment, she opted to be the good Samaritan and start to walk over to her, cautiously, because you know nothing ever bad happened when you tried to help a perfect stranger did it? Yeah, NEVER!
Hearing her words she looked around to see if anyone was coming towards them but it seemed clear, for now. Stepping over to her as her legs gave out Danica tilted her head to the side.
"What the hell? Were you part of that camp site that was torn up I came across earlier?" she asked as she took a look at the woman and saw her gripping her arm and the blood. Untying her hoodie from around her waste she wrapped it tightly around the woman's arm and tied it down tightly as she could. Once that was done she moved to stand and suddenly doubled over a bit as she pressed against her lower abdomen.
"Ugh, I still got two weeks before..." she began before cutting herself off and looking back at the woman, taking her arm and wrapping it over her shoulder.
"We gotta move," she said quickly, trying to help her get back up to her feet. Looking around she took stock of their surroundings, getting a feel for the woods and what direction town was. Too many years up on the mountains looked like it may pay off, at least for now. She knew which way they needed to go, she just hoped that the quick first aide she had done would slowly the bleeding down enough so she wouldn't have to fireman's carry the girl out of the woods. Sure, she liked to work out but seriously? Hefting a red head down the trail was not her idea of a good time.
Then another wave of cramps hit, this time a little bit worse than the ones before.
"Fuck me... Okay red, let's move," she said, getting her free hand around the woman's waist and trying to help lead her down a more direct route than what the path provided. As far as she was concerned, they couldn't get out of the woods fast enough; which was a first for Danica. She usually preferred the wilderness to the urban sprawl but right then, the last thing she wanted to see was another tree something could be hiding behind. Her eyes darting back and forth with each step they took.
Amy Chang

Location: Altsoba Methodist Hospital ER
Interacting With: Idiots (I mean The ER Staff, seriously - I D I O T S!!!!)
Things in the ER were running smoothly thanks to Dr. Chang staying on the staff's butt and not putting up with anything from the patients. People had a tendency to be idiots in general, during a crisis they turned into fucking morons. It seemed that the moron flu was going around as Nurse Gretchen, actually an intern but the woman had been a nurse for all of five minutes before going right back to med school since she didn't want to deal with bed pans, came waltzing through the crowded ER with a tray of open container Acids and Bases. She should have closed the container before leaving the lab, she should have taken the less crowded route through the north halls. But did she?
Nooooooooooo! The blonde bimbo, how fitting was that, decided it would be quicker to just make the hop, skip, and a jump route right through the middle of Amy's ER as the doctor was finishing up signing some discharge papers. That was when Lady Luck (Better known as Lady Lick Ass by some) decided to go into full PMS mode (it must be something in the water) and roll all the dice against the nurse and make her fail not only her intelligence check, but her dex check as well. Mrs. Johnson from earlier, you know the Holy Peanut Oil Idiot, came out to
thank Dr. Chang for
purging the demons from her children and instead ran smack dab into the back of
Dr. Gretchen. Sending the Future Darwin Award Winner spilling out as the tray flung from her hands.
Amy turned to see what the yelps and screaming where about only to be met in the face by a liquid that was anything but a water balloon of fun. Suddenly Dr. Chang felt like the Wicked Witch Of The West and screamed out in pain.
"I'm melting!!!" as her hands came up to her face. The pain was searing, clouding her mind for a moment before she grabbed the nearest thing in scrubs and yelling at them.
"Eye Wash Station!!!" The orderly wrapped an arm around Amy's waist and quickly pushed her through the confusion and the commotion deeper into the ER until they reached the sink and turned it on.
Lowering her head down as quickly as she could until she felt actual water touching her face and then stood there, gripping on to the edge of the sink as her joints went white and she gasped for breath. The orderly standing next to her looking at the doctor and then over at the crowd as other nurses jumped in to get people back from the spill and check to make sure no one else was hit when everything happened. Amy just standing there, face in the sink as the water kept jetting up gently into her eyes.
"Ten little idiots jumping on the bed, one fell off and is gonna be dead because Dr. Chang is about to slaughter someone's ass," she muttered under her breath over and over again. Each time she went through the verse she subtracted one until she finally hit zero.
"Zero little idiots jumping on the bed, time to get a drink because they all be dead." She wanted to move and look around, find the person that had done this and ream them a new one but she waited until the
required flush time had passed and then went for another good ten minutes. Blindness was a pain, a blind surgeon was pointless, a blind surgeon during the
end of the world was nothing but a damn meat shield. She wasn't about to be a meat shield for anyone, no matter if it was the end time or the beginning times. Taking a breath she held her hand out for a towel, waiting until she felt it against her finger tips before righting herself and pressing it gently against her face.
Slowly her eyes opened one at a time, carefully looking around and for a moment thought she actually was blind because of the darkness in the ER then she saw the flashlights in the blur and sighed at the blurriness. Thankfully though after a few minutes of blinking her vision cleared up and she was able to see the ER fully once again. Taking an offered flashlight from the orderly she started shining it around. Things seemed calm now but it didn't take Dr. Chang long to figure out who exactly had caused the issue,
Dr. Gretchen was sitting there on a stool getting checked out by another nurse and looking like she was scared for her life; her eyes widening even more when she saw Dr. Chang staring right at her.
"Dr. Chang, I am so sorry!" she scrambled to say.
"Ta ma de, bizui!" she snapped, not even realizing she had gone full
Firefly. Warning, warning, target acquired, target acquired. All hell about to break loose. Evacuate, evacuate. Bitch move your ass! If there had been a warning system for Dr Chang right then, that was what would have flashed along the bottom of the TV screen for the world to see. A beeline was made as Amy stormed over to the woman and let the insults and the berating fly. Some more of it coming out in Chinese as she stood there bellowing at the nurse at the top of her lungs.
"Are you retarded? Seriously, carrying that stuff through here without even a lid on it? Wuh de ma! Jen dao mei they would hire a blond that lives up to the stereotypes! Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh ur-tze! Jing-tzahng mei yong-duh! Go, get out of my sight before I decide to do a live autopsy on you!" The girl sat there paralyzed before finally running off as Amy took a step closer. Shaking her head she looked around a bit, most of the staff just staring at her slack jawed.
"Nee mun doh shr sagwa." Turning she walked off down the hall as she flipped the towel to rest on her shoulder and went to find a new pair of scrubs to change into. This night was just getting better and better.
"And get the back up generators turned on for the love of god before we lose someone on life support!!!" she screamed as she rounded the corner.