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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

At first I thought maybe there was something in it about seasonal characters that were accepted. But after another read through I was left confused. Glad to see a lot of us are all in the same boat.

Also, @Fallenreaper I was going to PM you but I have no time this week. Rest assured the PM is coming... just not soonish.

It's alright, I'm pretty patient so take as long as you need.

I suspect our fearless leader is making changes to what the apps/leading page will look like in season 2 and was looking for a handy place to keep it whilst he's doing it.

Alright, still confusing without an explanation. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

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I think he's broken.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I think he's broken.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 19 days ago

No, no...nothing like that. I was just playing around and accidentally posted something here
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by FacePunch>


You were almost worried you were alone, weren't you?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

You were almost worried you were alone, weren't you?

Hey, I need some backup to deal with you crazies.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

Hey, I need some backup to deal with you crazies.

Awww, that's so SWEET! <3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 19 days ago

Hey, just out of curiosity....how close is Natural Selection to being done?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hey, just out of curiosity....how close is Natural Selection to being done?

Heading to the Climax which should be done in about 2 rounds of posts (we're moving to single due to the number of players) and then doing the fall out. I would say it would take, if we keep this pace, about 2 weeks at most, maybe a bit longer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 19 days ago

Ok, I asked just because with Pax done, I wanted to give you guys enough time to finish that up.

Everyone else can start getting ready to wrap up their seasons. Hound, Ded and I will be wrapping up the Nightmare arc, which I would anticipate will be done in about that same time frame, if not sooner.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ok, I asked just because with Pax done, I wanted to give you guys enough time to finish that up.

Everyone else can start getting ready to wrap up their seasons. Hound, Ded and I will be wrapping up the Nightmare arc, which I would anticipate will be done in about that same time frame, if not sooner.

Thanks and as I said, if we keep this pace and with everyone posting than we'll get it up. Right now a series of posts are coming in to progress to the Climax and finally the end.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Alright, a reminde folks: Single posts in the NSA unless there's team ups and such. Use your base judgement to determine this. I'll let the heroes get set up with each doing a post, which I hope to have done around Sunday.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Culluket
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Culluket Tertium Non Data

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

BUCKLE UP, THE WHEEL TURNS. Here is my to-do list for Babel season 2 so far:

  • It's a surprise. But you'll see. Ahoo hoo hoo.
  • Cat says a thing.
  • Yell at Riley (also, get yelled at by Riley)
  • Beat up Lisa (also, get beaten up by Lisa)
  • Get strongarmed into moonlighting for The Cowl somehow so that she, Odette and Silence can be forced to work together, because just thinking about what a personality circus that would turn into already has me in virtual tears.
  • Make bad decisions and an enemy of just about everyone.
  • Receive a $$ SELL YOUR SOUL FOR FUN AND PROFIT $$ letter from Broker at some point and stop by to discuss an evil three-step plan.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I've also got some fun magical plans for Hekate and Marie in the form of an overreaching arc that will hopefully include multiple mystically inclined heroes and villains. It's really only something that affects Marie and her supporting cast, but it'll be sort of what motivates her in season 2 and maybe even turns her to the dark side!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So I know it seemed like Joseph was doing a lot of steering in that post, that was an intentional bit of character development. He's been trying to garner the type of approval and appreciation that White Witch has been receiving as of late, so he's really adamant to take charge of a situation like this.

This was not, however, an example of me puppeting the other involved parties. Sending in Holt to launch a secret assault was Joseph's main contribution thus far and in the following hero posts, you are, of course, free to disagree with how he's chosen to proceed, argue with him, etc. I just wanted that bit of exposition to come through, which is why I formatted my post in the way that I did.

I don't think this will actually be a problem, just wanted to respond to any complaints before they were made just to be safe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

I won't speak for the other players in the scene for your post @fdeviant but personally I didn't see a problem or puppeteering. You launched the scene and action for both the heroes and villains. Good job and can't wait to see the other's act :).
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Tearstone, @EnterTheHero, @GamerXZ, @Nytefall, @NeutralNexus, @DearTrickster, and @Fallenreaper:

To make sure everyone's on the same page as I'm not hand holding, pleading for posts or holding this story up anymore than needed: It's everyone's own responsibility to post from here on here out and get into the scene. If you NEED help, I can't stress that you ask for it ASAP either through the OoC or Chat.

Currently Gene Co hasn't arrived, but is on route. After a few back and forth posts, we'll move over to the next bit and I'll bring in Gene Co in.

@ @Tearstoneand @EnterTheHero: I noticed the collab only covered up to the McDonald meeting. I'm going to suggest one of you cover the fact that Gabe updated Justine over the whole situation (Like a mention or something in your next post) and she's currently there with the rest of the group at the Ironworks. This way you two can move pretty much from that point to the next. Sound alright with you? Any details or needed information, feel free to cover over in the chat or PMs.

-From Skype Chat.

Alright, Fdeviant got us rolling with a nice post here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
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Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Culluket Babel's debut will be magnificient. I can't wait for Season 2.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Robeatics You and me both ^_^
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