@Lucius Cypher Cool.
Anyone else notice that the only battle that matters at the moment is Suprana vs Diana vs Bastion And the Pussycats... Which is actually just the GM's?
I suppose Torag and Miyu are going to help, but Bastion is apparently threatening to insta-pown Torag, and Miyu is pretty much incapacitated. Ryonara's siblings are still stuck on the Hapless Angelic Guards, last I checked.
Sorry for the wait, things are kinda busy on my end. I'll try to put up a post as soon as I can. And I actually plan to have Hibiki take some potshots at Diana in my next post, after leaving Shizuka behind to take care of things. Kinda don't really know what else they could do but take everything and go. Seems like we don't need to try too hard to destroy the base.