This isn't like this is golf or chess or something that requires concentration and reflection. I have had EVERY game on this site turn out like this. We make characters, the GM slaves over an awesome adventure, then we introduce our characters and... nothing. Nothing at all happens. IRL stuff comes up always, and then the game shrivels up. Out of the the dozens of other players I've played with on here who have IRL issues, it is pretty dang suspicious by this point. Either they have grotesquely poor time management and they are too embarrassed or rude to say "sorry guys, go on without me" or they have gaming as a super low priority (like second even to watching Battle Star Galactica reruns on Netflix.) If everybody is so tied up in IRL, then what the heck are they doing on here? Why are they even IN a game? They need to close up shop, quit their games, and get back to doing whatever is so pressing to consume weeks and months at a time without an hour or minute to spare.
Now, if the GM wants me to linger a little longer, I'll go for it. I care about the effort that Beyond Visions and others have put into the game and I'm not so rude to vanish without a trace. But I'm done waiting. I won't be checking this game any more for updates, and I might or might not log on to the site, and I'm going to go find somewhere that people actually play.