Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Livia Fiore~
~Semester 1, Day 1~

A pleasant, autumnal day in the academy of St. Sappho. The sun had started its ascent into the sky a few hours earlier, and birds could be heard overhead. A gentle, though cold wind blew through the noisy crowds that were bustling about the school grounds. It was the start of a new semester after all, and everyone was hustling and bustling around, going about their day and trying to get to where they had to for the first day of school and learning. Chances are, even if they missed it, they wouldn't miss much. First day of classes were mostly to allow the students to learn where their classes were and adjust to the schools atmosphere. Many students, clad in robes were walking up the stone steps to the entrance. And to greet them?

The headmistress herself.

"Headmistress." A passing teacher bowed his head as he threw a pleasant and casual greeting towards her. The woman, dressed in her usual indigo and violet colors returned the greeting, giving him a friendly smile and a wave, though her attention was more on the students. She made a point to help anyone she could on the first day. That, and...well, despite St. Sappho being open to everyone, and not just nobles, some of the more uppity nobles liked to cause trouble.

And she, would not have such chaos on her school grounds. She made a point to make sure nobles knew that if they had some score or something to settle with another student, it must be done through official means in the practice grounds where proper safety precautions could be taken. Of course, she also wanted to help any student that might be otherwise having trouble. The school grounds were large after all, and it wasn't a surprise that some might get lost.

That...and well, she was expecting some rather big players at her school this year.

Lunalel Lightsword, the current daughter of the Lightsword Lord. A practitioner of light magic and a knight. The family was known for its kind ways of treating peasants and how it looked after them. Something Livia fully supported, though they were somewhat idealistic. She doubted they could do things the hard way, if they had too. Idealism was nice, but sometimes it wasn't a realistic outcome.

Swen Runvall. A prince mage, and a bit of a recluse from what she had gathered. Not much else she could know about him and his family, though. She had to wonder how he would adjust to life here. Not to mention that whole business with the arranged marriage to a foreign noble of a declining house, Gwynn Foghlú.

Ah, yes, Gwynn Foghlú. From what she gathered from her family...well. She was more than a little of a troublesome girl. She had been caught more than once stealing, breaking and entering, and a few other miscellaneous crimes. Of course, her family hushed all those rumors and had them all swiftly swept under the rug, but it was easy enough to have people investigate such things. It'd be quite amusing to see the Magierprinz deal with her.

And then there was Lukas Kunze. From a family of rather notorious flirts. She sighed, shaking her head at the thought of him at her school. Maybe she should see just how good he was at the whole thing? It'd be amusing to see how good the Kunze family was. She might pay him a visit himself. See how the young noble handled being on the defensive, hehe~

And lastly, the most troublesome new student on her list. She was a last minute addition that she couldn't really find any reason to say no too, no matter how much she had rushed it, and no matter how disastrous of an outcome this entire thing could have. Princess Lyssa Nemorienne Beelthanus. She didn't want to think about the potential disaster this single student could bring upon not just the academy, but also the world should something go even the slightest bit awry. She hoped the princess wasn't as fickle as her kin, sometimes. Otherwise, she was going to have to keep a close eye on her. She had been assured she was a 'perfect, sweet little angel' by her father, but...that was hardly an unbiased opinion. She had yet to discuss this with her teachers as well, but she'd need to make sure all of them understood not to get to hasty or violent with the girl if she did something out of place. At least, not without her permission.

...well, either way, it was certain to be an interesting year. The academy may even be graced with the presence of a few myths or legendary creatures as well...

For now, she hoped all the students were making their way inside to where they were supposed to be. Which was getting to their classrooms and getting acquainted with their teachers and each other before heading to their dormitories.

~Lyssa, the completely normal, sweets loving human~

"For the,"

The green clad girl with bright pink hair stood in front of the school, an almost impossibly huge grin plastered on her face.

"Love of,"

She held her hands in front of her bouncing excitedly as she noticed the sheer number of people around her.

"Uncle Lucifer! Look at all these people! Aaaah, sooo many! I've never seen so many before!" Her odd...phrasing aside that got her a few strange looks, the pink haired youth looked like a kid in a candy store. She was bouncing from person to person, shaking their hands and brightly introducing herself. Even the more uppity nobles were at a loss for words from the energetic girls introductory skills from someone who was obviously dressed as a peasant. Well, a peasant that perhaps got their hands on some nice clothes to send their daughter to a school, but still a peasant.

"Ehe, this is gonna be so much fuuun!~ So many people to play with!" She giggled to herself, looking up at the steps. It was true, Lyssa wasn't really used to hanging around this many people before. Not that she wasn't shy, no, quite the opposite. She had just never had the opportunity to meet so many others before, despite her cheerful demeanor. Her home village was small after all, and there weren't many people there. She had never really been to school before either, aside from lessons by her father in martial arts and mother in magic.

She then stopped, mid introduction, sniffing the air and suddenly looking around as if she was a dog who suddenly smelled the juiciest steak.

"I...smell...sugar!" And with that, she bounded down the road, opposite of the direction of the entrance of the school, completely forgetting her entire reason for being there. The bewildered student who she had been introducing herself too, simply watched her retreating form with confusion as she rounded the corner of one of the buildings, losing sight of her quickly.

~Gwynn Foghlú~

@RabidAnubis - Moain may want to physically drag her to the school

Unlike some excitable pink haired girl in front of her, an older blond hair girl wearing a green and gold dress, was less excitable. In fact, judging from her expression alone one might think she was wishing swift death upon everyone. She stood in front of the stone path on the school, grumbling to herself about why she was even here. Starting with a boring, long ship ride to the mainland, followed with weeks of traveling by carriage because her parents couldn't afford a decent teleporter to swiftly get them here. All for what? To marry her off.

Bah, she could have just taken the money. Of course, she was strictly forbidden from doing such a thing because her father said that they were not bandits, marauders...pirates like their ancestors. Yeah, well, what was problem from stealing money from bad guys and using it for herself? At least their ancestors could do whatever they wanted too, more or less. So she, was going to take a page from their book here. She turned on her heel, and walked swiftly down the street, intending to get lost in the small village that the academy was built around. She had no desire to go there and meet her 'betrothed'.

She didn't care what Moain would go on about. Unless she could physically drag her into that school, she wasn't going. Of course, she had no idea what she was going to be doing since she didn't exactly have a lot of money with her...her parents gave it all to Moain.


her walking slowed, shoulders slumping.


She hated her life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 43 min ago

Katherine Lindall

It was the opening day of school, and opening day was always such a busy one even for Katherine who'd rather spend time researching magic rather than teaching these stupid kids. Still, it was supposedly good for the next generation of magic users. "Greetings Teacher!" A new student said to Katherine as she moved swiftly across the academy. It took most of her being not to tell the student she was busy. . . To be fair, she usually was with either classes or her studies but today was the day to help students after all.

The teacher took her mouth and turned it into a smile as best she could. It was convincing enough apparently. "Hello, you must be a new student? My name's Katherine Lindall, what is it you need." There was nothing wrong with being blunt, was there?

"Ahh, thank you Teacher. My name is Lunalel Lightsword." The girl said giving a slight smile in response. "I was hoping you could point the Headmistress out to me." Katherine thought there could be very few people in the world that would WANT to talk to that woman (herself aside of course) but these nobles were something else.

"I can. I actually needed to say something to her anyhow." Katherine mentioned before beckoning the blonde student to follow her.

Lunalel Lightsword

This school was amazing! Luna had never seen so many people able to cast magic in one place. To be fair, she was usually traveling around to different villages and training the villagers and teaching new drills. She was at the peak of physical wellbeing without that annoying look of bulging muscles thanks to them, so she has no complaints in reality. Back to the present though, she was being led through the crowds by a fairly young teacher. At least, she looked young. Really, Luna had imagined most of her teachers to be old men in robes. . . Not a young woman in a robe.

"That's her." Miss Lindall mentioned, pointing the woman out. She looked much younger than Luna would have imagined. On looks alone, the headmistress looked younger than her mother! The rumors were most definitely true. "Hey Liv-- Miss Fiore. Katherine fixed herself, bringing a whisper to the woman's ear before pulling back to add, "And this student wanted to speak to you." She stepped off to the side a bit to give them room, but figured it wouldn't matter much if she was there or not.

"Greetings, Miss Livia Fiore, Headmistress of St. Sappho Academy." Lunalel said with a bow. "My name is Lunalel Lightsword. I thought it only proper to introduce myself to you on the first day." The girl took a look up and down the headmistress almost in awe. Really now, how did one become Headmistress and stay so young looking? Lunalel had heard that studying magic was a long and tedious process and only those who have spent their life studying the craft were the strongest. . . Perhaps that was wrong then? Peasant rumors? "And I must say I am impressed. I was expecting some old woman with wrinkles, not some young beauty." The girl was too pure to be flirting, instead it was merely an observation and the irony between what she imagined and reality itself.

Katherine herself cringed at the comment, reminding herself of the first encounter between herself and the headmistress. Of course, her incident was a bit more. . . Flirtatious? Regardless, it was almost like seeing the event unfolding in front of her. . . Of course, it wasn't the same thing, still. . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

'Gathlan pressed her against the wall, using the brute strength of his arms to ...'

Three years ago, Swen Runvall's parents had sent him off to this school to supposedly allow him to further enhance his magical skills. Although initially confused about why he was being sent away from family resources, soon he discovered the true reason for his departure.

His dear father and mother believed him to be too ... reclusive. The nobleman respected their reasons and sought to improve himself as a result. After three years, the Magierprinz would be glad to discuss how his advancements: now he studied silently in the library within proximity of others. Additionally, the Prince had to seek out food at least daily in a public setting.

Seeing his improvement, his parents decided to reveal that he would be meeting his future bride in the school, a noblewoman from Ireland. Initially the sixteen year old was glad to be able to assist his parents with their political struggles, and considered it his duty as the heir of a princely state to go through with their desires.

Now though? The prince found himself flipping nervously through yet another book on his desk. Lady Gwynn's familiar had discussed that this may be ... slightly problematic. Apparently the girl was reluctant to go through with the will of her household, seeking instead to see the world for herself. So the young man found himself turning yet another page in A Lady's Desire which could only be described in one word: Smut. He had to educate himself, else he chance at failing his parents.

The Prince was relieved when the time came for the introductory classes, and entered for his first day after returning a brief wave from the headmistress. The man sat in the back of the room, continuing to read pages of what he considered to be an ridiculous instruction in the ways of love. The Prince didn't have much time left ...

Maoin was growing more and more frustrated as the weeks of travel rolled by, ensuring the comfort and good behavior of her unruly mistress as they continued their journey towards the academy. The cat had expected everything to go more smoothly after they arrived, and hoped that Gwynn would abandon her silly childhood games once the pair reached their destination.

Those hopes were quickly scattered into whatever abyss failed dreams landed in. It would simpler task to battle an ancient dragon than to prepare her mistress for the day. After several hours of struggling, debating, and bargaining, the black haired girl finally managed to put her mistress into decent enough clothing to be able to properly present herself for the entire days activities: an adequate green and gold dress, a braid running down her back with a simple bow tied at the end of it. If Maoin hadn't spent so long battling with her lady, she felt her own attire would have been able to match the circumstances, only capable of procuring a knee length black dress and a collar that indicated her status.

And now. Now her mistress looked suicidal at the thought of properly continuing her day. NOW the infuriating blonde was heading down some decrepit alleyway in a village far beneath her status. Now she'd be required, god willing, to drag this noblewoman back to the damn school.

The black haired neko half-jogged up to her charge, grabbing her mistress' right hand tightly with both of her own, and started attempting to literally drag the blonde haired woman back. Isn't the master supposed to drag the familiar around? Despite her best efforts, the other woman was half a foot taller than herself and would be able to resist if she wanted to.

"Please Mistress, attend your classes. Your parents would be upset to see a lady of House Foghlu' acting beneath her status!" The familiar's frustrated tone of voice indicated to anyone surrounding them that this wasn't the first plea of the day. Nor would it be the last.

The start of another semester, the start of another year where every student imagined themselves learning easily, socializing with attractive peers, and getting merry with fellow students after class. The reality was that many of the noble brats would fail their classes, and instead of being kicked out Livia would bargain with their parents in return for a healthy donation to the academy.

It was a miserable and eternal process that Aetheria felt had an easier solution: to actually follow through with the threat of kicking them out.

Still though, Aetheria was glad the school had ample funding, allowing her to continue teaching and researching on even what the most wasteful prfoessor would consider to be plentiful funding. So long as the teachers generally stayed quiet about some of the ... stranger aspects of the academy, Livia was usually happy to work with them.

Looking upwards at the host of students, the white mage began to give the students and overview of their assignments, projects, and readings that they would be expected to do for that year.

What the teacher truly was thinking about however was what would be brought up at the meeting after classes, giving small gestures to the audience in her white robes to help deliver her message. The headmistress had requested her council later that day, although she hadn't really discussed why ...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Livia Fiore~
~Semester 1, Day 1~

"Hey Liv-- Miss Fiore. And this student wanted to speak to you."

Sounds like someone was missing her company just a bit. She chuckled a bit at the thought, turning to give Katherine and the student with her a friendly smile. They wanted to meet her? Then that meant they were either someone of standing, or they had something they wished to discuss with her. She didn't know the girls face, so it definitely couldn't have been a social visit.

"Greetings, Miss Livia Fiore, Headmistress of St. Sappho Academy. My name is Lunalel Lightsword. I thought it only proper to introduce myself to you on the first day. And I must say I am impressed. I was expecting some old woman with wrinkles, not some young beauty."

...perhaps this could turn into a social visit, though. Livia laughed softly at Lunalel's compliment. She was vaguely reminded of the last time this happened, and wondered briefly if history was repeating itself here. Of course the last student who complimented her in such a manner was likely far less morally upstanding than miss Lightsword here. Wasn't going to stop her, though.

"Oh my, thank you." She replied, giving Lunalel a warm smile. "Magic can be quite useful in keeping one young looking...though it can only do so much and can't take the weariness out of old bones." She took a quiet step closer to the younger girl, smiling softly, voice lowering slightly so she wouldn't be heard by anyone else. "Of course, its still good to know I'm attractive to a cute young thing like yourself. Maybe you would like coming to my office later?" She was only a few inches in front of the other girl now, a playful smirk crossing her lips as she spoke. "I've heard great things about house Lightsword...I would love to hear more."

However, before she could give the girl time to reply or process her statement, the headmistress returned to a more acceptable distance before anyone got too curious about what she was doing. Instead she turned her attention to Katherine. "Do you need something Miss Lindall? Or are you simply here to enjoy my company?"

~Gwynn Foghlú~

Despite the soft tugging on her hand, Gwynn seemed to show no intention of slowing down any more than she already had. Her annoyed frown turned into a scowl as she waltzed into the alley. She didn't even care she was in such a place as a decrepit looking alley. All she cared about, was not stepping a single damn foot into that damn school.

"And why should I care about what they think is 'beneath my status?!" She angrily shouted, wrenching her hand away from Maoin, though she made an effort not to hurt the girl in the process. "I don't wanna go to school or be married off like some housewife to some uppity noble! I want to slay dragons! Adventure! Sail the seas! Slay bandits and evil doers! Steal from the rich and give to the poor!" She placed both hands on her forehead as she stopped walking, annoyance obviously quickly spiraling into a raging inferno of anger. "Aaaargh, its infuriating that they think they can get rid of me so easily! I'm not going Maoin, I don't care what you say, I'm not!"

In fact.

She was gonna plop herself down on the ground, not caring one bit about possibly getting the dress dirty. The young noblewoman crossed her legs and folded her arms rather childishly against her chest, ignoring any protests from the Neko for the moment.

"I bet he's just some spoiled bratty pervert." She grumbled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Maoin was dragged down the alley a short distance by her mistress before her owner decided to sever contact and start shouting nonsensically, the surrounding peasantry now watching the strange scene as it unfolded. Although the kitten initially stepped back, tail between her legs, the servant regained her composure by the time Gwynn claimed the muddy ground as her throne.

That ... that'll be an hour or two ... For a moment, it appeared as if Maoin would start to cry as her mistress added a few hours of washing the expensive green fabric to her already long list of chores. It was infuriating how a few seconds of her Gwynn's inconsiderate actions could leave her cleaning up long afterwards, neko's tail swished quickly behind herself as if to help express her frustration. Having put up with this treatment for two months, the black haired girl raised her voice. "For someone claiming to want to help the poor you are perfectly content to add hours to your own servant's workload."

After a few seconds though, the neko assumed a more submissive stance as she realized that comment had been out of place. Her tail slowed down, and her eyes drifted to the ground. It was her job as a familiar to put up with this, no matter how ridiculous it seemed. It was also her job to make sure Gwynn behaved properly, and accomplished both the families goals of their daughter attending this academy.

The teenager kneeled down to her lady's height, speaking softly so the crowd of spectators wouldn't hear. While Maoin believed it was Gwynn's duty to go through with this, perhaps talking from a different perspective could be useful. "Mistress, you have no idea what your betrothed will be like. And you won't be a mere housewife, you will still have me and other servants to take care of you," Maoin muttered something about surviving until then beneath her breath before continuing, "and it's very possible that he may encourage some adventurous spirit being in his spouse. It IS the 1430s after all." The cat managed to avoid commenting how ridiculous she thought the idea of a lady as noble as Foghlu' doing such a thing was, and decided to make an offer so that her mistress would hopefully get off the ground.

"How about this: if you act appropriately in class, let me prepare you for the evening, and give Lord Swen a fair chance ... I'll do anything you want tonight. Dancing, singing, games, ANYTHING." The neko stood up, extending a hand down towards the blonde haired girl. Of course, that offer made no sense. It was already her job to do whatever her mistress wanted, but hopefully Gwynn wouldn't remember that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 43 min ago

Katherine Lindall and Lunalel Lightsword

"Not really, I was just curious to see what the girl was going to say." Katherine replied to Livia, just recovering from her cringe session. "I wasn't exaclty expecting that though." Katherine walked over to red faced student and put a hand on her shoulder. She seemed like a pure and innocent girl with her blushing reaction, so Katherine felt that, as a teacher, it was her job to give her a warning. "If you want to preserve yourself, do not take her up on her offer." She took a step past the girl and started to head back through the thick mob going elsewhere.

Lunalel was surprised by both the words of the Headmistress and the words of the teacher. She almost replied, "What do you mean?" To Katherine, but the woman left before she even got the chance to ask. Instead, now it was just her and Miss Fiore. her bright red face gave away her thoughts of embarrased nervousness. "I'm not especially cute." Lunalel said, unable to think of much else to say. "I've got scars and brusies all over my back and body. Those aren't exactly the cutest."

The girl's eyes looked all around, looking for an escape route. It seemed everyone was busy trying to get to where they needed to ready themselves for the rest of the year, and she knew no one else yet. No one to help her of course. "Oh, but I should get moving to ready for tomorrow. Perhaps we can meet up some other day Miss Fiore?" Luna asked in a "If we happen to see each other at some other time" way. "Until later, miss." She went along with the crowd ending up anywhere that was not where the Headmistress was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Livia Fiore~
~Semester 1, Day 1~

Livia pouted for just a moment at Katherine, though said nothing as she interfered with her flirting with Lunalel. Ah well, she'd just have to show Katherine just how much she had offended her later, heh. There had been this thing she had been wanting to try for some time, and she knew exactly how to get Katherine for some alone time. Thoughts for later though. For now focus on this cute little Lunalel, and how to get some alone time with her.

"Oh please, call me Livia dear." She smiled at the knight as she passed. "And if you need anything at all, do stop by my office. It's always open." With that though, she turned and walked after Katherine. Her favorite, precious little student wasn't about to get out of this so easily. Oh no, no, she had something she had to discuss with her after all. The headmistress easily caught up with her, after all. She wasn't exactly hard to find in a crowd.

As soon as she approached her from behind.

She gave her a swift, but discreet smack on her butt. She spoke in a low voice, obviously not intending for anyone else to hear her.

"My, my dear little Katherine bringing such a cute thing to me and then taking it out of my grasp. I hope you're ready for some extra curricular lessons after the meeting today." She pulled back to a more acceptable distance, walking alongside the teacher, speaking more formally now that they were indoors.

"I request your presence in my office this afternoon, after the meeting this afternoon, along with Aetheria Gagne. There is something I must discuss with the two of you in private, as I believe the two of you are the most capable for the task. Until then, go about your day as usual. And if you see a student by the name of Lyssa Nemorienne in your classes today, you are to treat her as royalty and make sure she is comfortable. I do not care how difficult or impossible she is being. I will tell all the important staff why at the meeting this afternoon."

With that, the headmistress left Katherine side, without so much as allowing her to protest or question such an instruction.

~Gwynn Foghlú~

"For someone claiming to want to help the poor you are perfectly content to add hours to your own servant's workload."

Gwynn rolled her eyes at the Neko's comment. She almost snapped at her, but managed to restrain her tongue. Maoin was only doing what she was told, and as much as that annoyed her she didn't deserve to be told off for it. She simply looked at the cat, glowering at her in a childish manner.

"Mistress, you have no idea what your betrothed will be like. And you won't be a mere housewife, you will still have me and other servants to take care of you, and it's very possible that he may encourage some adventurous spirit being in his spouse. It IS the 1430s after all."

Gwynn made a noise that sounded something between a growl and an exasperated groan. The blond Irish girl turned her head away from Maoin in defiance, though she was mulling over the words. She was right, after all. She had no idea who this Swen was, or what he was like. Maybe she should give him a chance. It was bad to judge a book by its cover after all, as her father always liked to say.

"How about this: if you act appropriately in class, let me prepare you for the evening, and give Lord Swen a fair chance...I'll do anything you want tonight. Dancing, singing, games, ANYTHING."

Slowly, the noblewomans head turned towards Maoin, amber eyes furrowed as she looked at the hand that was offered to her. Well...even if she hadn't offered, she couldn't very well sit here forever. After a few moments of staring up at the Neko, Gwynn sighed, defeated. Well, she had offered though so she might as well make the most of this. Gwynn took Maoin's hand, getting off the ground and standing up. As soon as she got on her feet, she positioned herself to stand right in front of Maoin.

"Anything I want, eh?~" Annoyance had been replaced with a playful mischievousness. One of her hands brushed against the Neko's cheek, straightening a loose strand of her hair as she stared straight into the Neko's eyes. "And if I said...I want, you, my cute little Neko?"

This was probably something that Maoin wouldn't be new too. Gwynn routinely teased the familiar in such a manner. It was mostly to throw her off her game and interrupt her when she was trying to get Gwynn to do something she was supposed to be doing. Now though, Gwynn was doingit mostly for giggles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Gwynn seemed to surrender, using the outstretched hand to lift herself to her feet. Maoin sighed in relief as she embraced a hard won victory ... only to gasp a moment later as she felt her mistress' fingers brush her cheek suggestively. The neko had to resist the urge to press herself into the petting and settled instead for avoiding Gwynn's eyes. This certainly wasn't the first time her mistress had flirted with her, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

"As your familiar, it is my job to provide whatever services make you satisfied." The kitten tried to speak coolly and unemotionally to her mistress, but the spreading blush on her cheeks and the hesitation in her response made it obvious that the noblewoman had won at her game. Largely because that statement was true ...

A few seconds later, Maoin grabbed the hand of her mistress and began walking her to the campus. Despite Gwynn's implied promise to behave, Maoin was hesitant to let the irresponsible girl go.

The pair eventually managed to enter the main building after filtering through the crowds. Looking behind herself, the neko decided to check on her charge ...

... and smacked her head into a solid sheet of steel as her eyes drifted from where she was walking. Clutching her head as a natural response, the black haired girl's eyes drifted upward to see that she had run into a female knight about four years older than herself. This embarrassment simply topped off the frustration of this day's events. Eyes watering slightly from the pain, Maoin looked down at the floor. "Sorry ..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 43 min ago

Lunalel Lightsword

Luna had been lucky to escape that woman. Well, that's how she felt at least. If she wanted, she could have likely stopped Luna from leaving if she so desired. She didn't seem to care enough to do so. . . So that was a good sign. For the moment at the least. Now though, she had absolutely no idea where she was now. She was. . . Somewhere on campus. "Really now. Where am I?" The Knightess asked herself as she looked about, trying to figure out where to go next. She was in a building now at least. Likely the main one, considering that most people would have come here anyway. Then she took a step and felt something bounce against her breastplate bearing the heraldry of the Lightsword house. Luna recoiled slightly, but recovered quickly as she looked down to see what she had just ran into to.

It was a girl. Well, seemed like more than a girl even. She had cat ears on her head. Luna couldn't say she was all too surprised since this was the Magic Academy. "I must apologize for this miss. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you well?" She asked with a small smile on her face though she noticed the girl holding her head. It was likely where she hit her head. Well, she knew a small spell that should help with that much. "Light, come to me." As the Knightess said the words, a few strands of soft light glided like a leaf straight to her hand as she touched the head of the cat-girl. The pain from the blunt impact with Luna's armor should all but disappear and a floating feeling would replace it.

"Alright, let's stand up now." She continued, grabbing the cat's hand and forcing her to stand moreso than help her. "Now then, where are my manners. My name is Lunalel Lightsword, daughter to the Lord of the Lightsword house. I'll apologize if I bothered you two in any way." At the least, Luna took a guess at that. The other girl in the nice dress seemed as if she was with the other girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Gwynn Foghlú~

"Aaah, you're no fun any more Moain." Gywnn sighed, seeing that her teasing had almost zero effect on the Neko. No surprise that she had gotten used to it, really since she did it daily. The blond simply sighed, shaking her head and followed after the cat, allowing herself to be lead. She wasn't really planing on running at the moment, so it was an unnecessary action but if it made Moain feel better, well...that was fine. She honestly, just didn't feel like it at the moment. Well, this was her life now she supposed. Maybe she was being a pessimist about this whole thing, but...well, she was never the most optimistic person out there despite the fiery disposition people attributed to her.

So she silently followed the Neko. She could easily escape if she wanted too, but she really didn't want to cause the cat any more stress than she already had. Eventually, she just returned to her own thoughts realizing just how soft the Neko's hands were...before a loud thunk brought her out of her thoughts. Apparently the Neko had run right into another girl.

Gwynn simply snickered.

"Wow Moain, for someone who doesn't like flirting you sure have a habit of attracting all the cat lovers, heh." Either way...this was the perfect chance. A distraction! If she could get Moain distracted here, she could escape. Would it cause the cat a bit more stress? Well, yeah, probably, but she would keep her promise and go to her classes. She might not exactly meet this Swen in the timely fashion she wanted, but she would keep her promise to mostly behave.

"Nah, she's fine. Moain is a tough little kitty." Gwynn replied with a friendly grin to Lunalel, giving Moain a friendly pet on the head. "Call me Gwynn. I'm a...reluctant new student here." She introduced herself, though conveniently left out her last name and spoke in a casual and friendly manner. She really never liked advertising she was a noble so much. Not because of the declining status her name carried, but because people inherently tended to treat nobles differently.

And she loathed that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Maoin felt the knightess place a hand on her head, and after a second the pain of impact was replaced by a strange magical feeling that caused her ears to twitch. After completely recovering to her feet, the one called Lunalel Lightsword introduced herself and apologized.

The kitten was about to apologize in return, but Gwynn started to tease the clumsy cat. Putting up with you most of the day is bound to make anything tough. As a hand was placed on her head, Maoin found herself once again resisting the urge to lean into light petting, her tail swishing back and forth slowly.

Eventually she introduced herself with a small curtsey towards the knightess. "Pleasure to meet you. As you likely guessed, I am Lady Gwynn Foghlu's familiar." The black haired girl's eyes drifted downwards again. "And the fault is with me, I was not looking where I was going." The ears bent downwards slightly and the tail's swishing became more lethargic as the kitten apologized, expressing her embarrassment with the entire situation once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 43 min ago

Lunalel snickered a tiny bit before she opened her mouth to give a compromise all the while wanting to pet the Cat's head out of habit. "If that is how you are going act, how about a compromise. We're both at fault since neither of us had our eyes forward and now we're friends because of it. That extends to you as well, Miss Gwynn."

Likely, Lunalel was too optimistic for her own good but she had hopes she could make friends with these two. If not, well, it was worth a shot at least. "Oh, but you two happened to be in a rush were you not? Oh my, was it time for a class? It seems to have slipped my mind."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Gwynn Foghlú~




"Friends? Oh sure, Luna~" Gwynn chuckled mischievously, placing a hand on Moain's head once again, giving her another petting as she spoke to her new friend. "Please don't call me miss though, makes me feel old and unfun. But yeah, I was in kind of a hurry. In fact," She started petting the cat a bit more vigorously. Her hopes here, was that the cat would get into it and focus on the petting instead of what she was actually about to say.

"Maoin here could use a bit of time off though. Poor thing has had to put up a with a lot, and I'm unfortunately on a tight schedule...she could use a new friend to play with~" Or at least someone to distract the cat in a manner that she could escape in. Without warning, she shoved Maoin gently into Lunalel, snickering lightly in the process as she quickly set off down the hallway.

"You two have fun now!~"

With that, she quickly lost herself into the crowd. She'd have to apologize to Maoin later, but she had to get entertainment somehow. Still, she was gonna keep her promise and get to class on time. It didn't take her long to find it, either. She quickly and quietly entered the room, giving a brief nod to the instructor, but said nothing as she found a seat near the back next to a boy reading some sort of book.

...right, was she supposed to have books or something? She felt like that was a yes, but she didn't have any with her. Ah well. She never promised she would do well in her classes, just behave. But to behave, she had to at least look like she was doing work. So her and this kid, would become new best friends.

"So, what ya reading there?" She asked, as she made a grab for the book herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

With her mistress and Lightsword becoming friends, Maoin decided to be silent, nod, and enjoy the light pettings as the two noblewomen conversed. It wasn't really her place to have friends with a mortal as a familiar - it was her job to devote as much as she could to Lady Gwynn, and her mistress CERTAINLY needed that time. However, it was nice to see her mistress acquiring friends, and the kitten hoped that would make her charge happier to be at St. Sappho.

"Oh, but you two happened to be in a rush were you not? Oh my, was it time for a class? It seems to have slipped my mind."

Maoing was about to reply in the affirmative, but her train of thought was interrupted as a euphoric feeling filled her. It was possible to resist the light touches of a soft petting, but this sort of attention was irresistible, and suddenly the rest of the world stopped mattering. The black haired girl's head tilted into Gwynn's hand, ears twitching happily and her tail swishing back and forth without a care in the world.

Suddenly, she was pushed forward into the armored woman. Gwynn had disappeared into the crowd, and the kitten knew it would be difficult to find her charge even with her advanced hearing. Standing only two inches above five feet, she couldn't see over the heads of Gwynn's fellow students. I've been had ...

Totally unaware that Gwynn had actually gone to class, the familiar began to panic. Maoin believed Gwynn's parents would be upset to find out their daughter skipped class, and felt betrayed because the kitten believed they had a deal. The day's frustration culminated in a few moments, and Maoin's eyes began to water as a few tears ran down her face. She looked up to Lunalel, trying to see if the knightess had noticed her 'friend' leaving. "Did ... did you see where my mistress went?"

Maoin's animalistic features expressed her mood, tail somewhat between her legs and ears flat on her head.

Swen's eyes continued to observe the garbage, but his three years here had taught him to observe his surroundings periodically. Glancing to his right, the Prince saw a pretty blonde girl in a green dress looking at him.

"So, what ya reading there?" The woman began to reach for the book.

A small blush ran across the nobleman's face, but after reading through this novel that completely contradicted every chivalric virtue he had been taught, he decided that perhaps it would be a good time to ask for advice from a member of the opposite sex themselves.

The Magierprinz placed the book into her hand and responded honestly. "I have a date tonight and was looking for advice ..." Seeing her amber eyes, the nobleman faltered for a moment in embarrassment. This woman certainly caught his eye. Still, if it was for his future love he would be willing to look ignorant in front of this woman. "... but I'm new to such things, and decided to turn to the library ..."

The heir of the princely state gulped before gathering his courage. "... but after reading such unfiltered narrative, I'm convinced it might be time for me to simply ask for help from a woman ..." He awkwardly gestured towards the noblewoman, indicating that he was asking this of her. There was still a few minutes before class started. "... if it's not too much trouble, could I have your aid in this matter?"

It was for love.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 43 min ago

Lunalel Lightsword

Lunalel was caught off guard at Gwynn tossing her pet cat-girl toward her. Her reflexes acted on their own and her arms reached out to catch Maoin, not wanting her to knock her head against the metal chestguard again. Just as she got a good grip on the cat, the Knightess' head rushed up to catch sight of the cat's master rushing into the crowd, heading deeper in the building.

"Did ... did you see where my mistress went?"

The servant had tears rolling across her eyes now. Really, Luna wasn't really good at this kind of thing. How would she cheer the girl up? If left well enough alone, people would start rumors like, "Did you hear that the daughter of the Lightsword house made a girl cry on the first day?" or perhaps "Maybe we've heard wrong things about the kindness of the Lightsword house." There was no way she could let that happen therefore, she spoke up. "I'm sorry Miss Maoin. I believe she ventured further into the building, so at the least she is probably heading towards class."

The Noble looked down at the catgirl, and was slightly caught off guard by the ears again. They were cute and precious looking just like any cat. Without thinking, Luna's hand reached up to the cat's head and pet it a bit. . . And a bit more after that. It was entertaining. It was like petting a cat, but a bit taller and with a cute face. . . And human body of course. "I can help you find her if you want." Luna asked with a little more than her normal smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Gwynn Foghlú~

Gwynn took the book, half listening as she flipped to a random page in the book. She seemed completely unfazed by the subject matter, in fact, she seemed rather amused by the turn of events as she listened to his explanation. Being the somewhat shameless woman she was who had little care for such things, she wasn't flustered at all by the content. However, when he asked for her 'aid' she stopped flipping through the pages and gave Swen a surprised look...before laughing loud enough to be heard in the front of the room.

"Oh...my...god," she said through a fit of laughter. "You can't...just...that's not..."

It took the blond Irish girl a few moments to recollect herself, seeming not to care if she drew attention to both herself and Swen in the process. Okay, so he wasn't just a cute looking guy. She actually found his reluctance about such things a bit endearing. In fact, she could say she wanted to help this kid in his plight just a little bit.

"Okay, look here kiddo," She said roughly placing her left arm around Swen's shoulder, pulling him close to her so she could speak in a somewhat hushed manner. "First of all, you've got zero chance with me so don't even ask. Secondly, that's definitely not the way to a girls heart."

What time was it? Class was going to be starting soon, wasn't it? That meant she didn't have a whole lot of time to elaborate here. Well, that was fine. She'd help this guy during their afternoon break from classes. She'd just have to make sure Maoin was properly distracted...their new 'friend' Luna could probably help with that. All she'd have to do is make sure she wasn't found.

"I promised I'd behave in class today, so I can't go into detail, buuuuut~" She grinned, giving him a pat on his shoulder. "How about this! During the usual afternoon break, I'll tell you the quickest ways to a girls heart. Deal?" She held out her right hand, in an attempt to shake his in confirmation of their little deal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

The soft pettings cheered the kitten up, and hearing Luna's offer of help made the depressed Maoin feel a little better. She nodded in reply, accepting Lady Lightsword's offer. In dark times like these, it was essential to gather as many allies as possible. "That ... that would be greatly appreciated Lady Lightsword."

She wasn't sure if they would be splitting up or if they were working together, so after brushing away a few tears with her hand the black haired girl spoke with a bit louder voice. "You know this place better than I, please lead the way. I don't need to stay there, just make sure she actually arrived and didn't wander off somewhere she shouldn't be."

A quick look at the neko indicated that she was feeling quite a bit better after Lunalel's offer of assistance.

The blonde haired girl in front of him laughed loudly, but at the end of the day received the offer of assistance he was looking for after being preemptively rejected by the woman.

The prince extended his right hand in turn, shaking the noblewoman's. "That would be greatly appreciated! You have my gratitude." A few seconds later, the lecture started and the Magierprinz turned his gaze towards the front of the class, paying attention appropriately and taking rather detailed notes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 3 days ago

- Lukas and Lyssa : A Sticky Situation -

She could smell it! It was around here somewhere! The delicious smell...of sweets! The pink haired girl bounded down the road, stopping on every street corner to find the source of the sweet smell. After all, it was job number one to find a delicious place where she could get her daily fix of sugar. She was very eager to see what these humans could cook up in regards to sweets. She hoped they were delicious, but anything with sugar was delicious so she didn't have much worry.

Well... today was the day!

The carriage ride wasn't so bad, despite the weeks of travel; though the roads were lonely, save for the literate driver who was little for conversation. Though the reason for his journey was a lot longer, due to him hoping to practice for a time to keep his blade keen and his mind sharper. So the man would often enjoy a game of cards whilst a poor tree was the flirts new victim.

Thankfully he had a set of clothes, but blast it if he couldn't dispose of this accursed ring! Lukas had to make sure they made detours into towns so he could keep his appearance from altering. Glad they started early at least, though Lukas wished they could of gotten hold of a mage that could teleport him... he wanted to spend more time chatting with the maid versus staring at the scenery.

Once within the vicinity, he said the driver was free to head back when he wished and gave the greyer man a hefty tip. Lukas never saw someones eyes glitter more with happiness as he slowly walked to the academy with most of his luggage floating behind the noble...

... is what would of happened if he didn't get occupied by a lovely lady in the nearby pastry building. Slowly marching towards it, he ignored the looks he was getting from passerby nobles, peasants, and the children of people in the middle as he put a hand to his mouth. Lukas gave off the appearance that he was examining what type of sweets to procure, when in reality he was looking to have a "chat" with her.

Eventually their eyes met, which resulted with a forward wink and beam from the young man as he entered. Lukas noticed she was blushing a little but kept her composure. He did the usual every time he came into contact - go over to the counter, buy order a random treat for two, and beckon the girl over to "talk." Thankfully, her father didn't seem to mind, at least for now as he managed to keep the conversation rolling for a couple of hours, resulting in a giggling, red as radishes girl, a free fritter, and the owner "escorting" him out. At least he managed to get a blown kiss from the young woman.

Of course, he knew it was getting late and began to quickly pick up the pace as the sweet and parts of his equipment, books, and other necessities followed behind him, swifter than a cheetah. Lukas did recall the treat given to him, and made it hover near his mouth. Closing his eyes, he bit into the delicately made, sweet, delicious fritter...

Unfortuantely for Lukas, he'd not get to savor the sweet treat. At least, not the one he was expecting anyways. Not moments after putting the thing into his mouth, Lyssa bounded around the corner, eyeing the sweet for herself. Without regard for decorum, social norms or even asking permission...she bit the fritter, fitting as much of it into her mouth as she possibly could.

And in the process, the young man Lukas, got the feel of the softest lips he'd ever have the pleasure of coming into contact with. Not only that, her chest was pressed firmly against his, her hands resting on his shoulders as she tried to get as many of the crumbs as she could off of his mouth.

Not two seconds later did he feel someone latching onto it, jolting the young man, causing him to open his eyes. What he saw was a beautiful... pink? haired maiden devouring down the delight, making the reward fleeting.

But at least he got something nicer which caused his eyes to widen in sheer shock at such an event as he felt the warmth of her lips press down on his.

This... beaut had just kissed him, despite trying to get the sugary bits from his mouth. It was a full frontal assault as he felt her pressing on his white clothing - a complete contrast to the (sort of) fresh attire she had on; a mix of dyes such as red, green, and white were found on her being, as well as the design of stripes and a multitude of other items. He had a mild tinge of red on his face, but once it was all over he could see the smiling face of the girl. This was all sudden and almost wanted to embrace the girl, but even he knew that would be a little out of character due to his disguise.

As Lukas Deboir, middle class man!


That and it wasn't exactly the right moment, but regardless, he needed a response! A small quip, a line... hold on! He had it!

Breaking away his lips from the young lady, he suavely brushed part of his hair hanging over his face to the side. Presentable, he gave the maiden a charming smile as he looked into her viridian eyes. "Well well, not every day do I get to taste something as sweet as you my Sakura blossom," he spoke smoothly as he gave the younger looking lady a glance as his smile became slightly mischievous. As he did this, he tilted his head a little to the side.

For a few moments, Lyssa didn't respond, merely munched idly on the fritter as she stepped back to a more socially acceptable distance. So these were human sweets! They weren't half bad! In fact, they were delicious. She had half a mind to go in there, by as many as she possibly stuff her face with and completely forget about the school nonsense her parents wanted her to go too. Well, forget about the learning part. She was all for the people meeting part. After a few moments of silence however, the pink haired girl seemed to finally register Lukas' presence, and she gave him a bright smile.

"Ehe, I'm not a Sakura Blossom. I'm a Lyssa!~" She giggled.
"But thanks! You're pretty sweet too. Well, that could have just been the pastry. I haven't had any human sweets yet, so it was pretty good. I should bring some back to Uncle Lucy, he'd love them...hmm..." She seemed to go off on a thought tangent for a moment before focusing back on Lukas.

"Hey, you have any more of those? I didn't have time to eat this morning and I'm pretty hungry." Not entirely a lie, but she just wanted more free sweets.

Looking at the girl, his smile begin to warm up a bit as the girl returned a quip which lead to the discovery of her real name - Lyssa. Surnames aside, he at least had something to call the girl... and another return as a glint in his eye hinted to that. As the young lady backed down to a more cordial distance, the noble angled his back over towards her, putting a hand to his chin. he then proceeded to study her in the most over the top fashion while muttering something to himself. "So you're a 'Lyssa' then, eh? That's even better.~"

Licking his lips as he returned to his normal height, the man gave her a wink as he chuckled before dropping his arm and jabbing a thumb into his chest as he smiled widely. "So I guess that makes me a 'Lukas' then," he spoke back as the girl was giggling in the cutest matter. Lyssa then told him he was the sweet too... that or the human sweets she tasted.

His eyelids slightly twitched, going downwards in an unnoticeable manner. He had rumors of mythical beings that were attending the Academy, though that was a thought for a later time as she spoke about her Uncle Lucy... strange name for a man, but he shrugged, his arms dropping back to his sides.

"Regardless, thank you milady; I wouldn't mind having another taste," he laughed as he gave a polite bow to the girl.

Though, what happened next was a little surprising. Lyssa admitted that she had naught a drop of food this morning and asked if he had any more. Lukas appeared a little down trodden, knowing full well that he not only didn't, but if he went to procure some, he would be absent! It was... unacceptable! Devising a plan, Lukas let out a sigh as he gave a small grin to the girl, looking slightly guilty about this all.

"Apologies fair lady, but I lack any more of the savory sweets you wish for..." Crossing his arms, he stared at the ground for a couple of seconds before snapping his right hands fingers together.

"Say, how about I take you out to lunch, dinner, and maybe a little dessert after these classes for the day?" His mood seemed to improve after this recommendation, though he was somewhat disappointed that he would forgo some training for the day; his poor blades and wits could dull... well, maybe just his blades, but still.

"Ehh, another taste of what? If you want another all you gotta do is ask~" The girl replied cheerfully with a giggle. The fact that she took a few steps closer to Lukas made it obvious just exactly what she was referring to. Though, at hearing that Lukas didn't have any more sweets on him she pouted and gave Lukas a hurt expression.

"Waaah?~ But I can smell some good stuff here! My nose doesn't lie." She giggled. "It led me to you after all~" Wait...that meant that the place he came from likely was the place he got that from! So that's why this place smelled so delicious. Well, alright then! She might as well take him up on his offer of lunch and dinner.

"But hey, if you wanna buy me dinner later that'd be awesome." She sighed for a moment, frowning. It sounded like he was gonna go back to classes, if that was the case. That meant they were both students at the Academy. She wondered if he was that much older than her? She couldn't really tell. Eh, not that it mattered.

"I don't really wanna go to classes though." The pink haired girl walked over to Lukas' side, grabbing one of his arms and giving him an Impish grin. "Saaay, how about we don't! I'm sure there's tons of stuff we can do around here and I wanna see what this place is like. I haven't been here before. You can still by me lunch, too!~"

Well this was just peachy. Not only was this lovely lady keen on defecting from heading to the Academy grounds but she was firmly latched onto his arm, giving him the most roguish grin... a.k.a. not taking no for an answer. While he continued to smile, in the back of his mind he was troubled. Lukas preferred punctuality and would rather not have to ditch school due to first impressions. His family name was already looked down upon, but he didn't want to curse them even further.


Lukas struck gold on how he could not only avert tardiness for both of them, but fulfill her sweet tooth. Leaning in closely, he began to play the part of flirt, ignoring the comments of presumptuous nobles and chuckles emanating from commoners. Leaning in close, he returned his own playful smile to the girl, invading her personal space.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt... but before we go, I have something to tell you." Leaning in closer, was a mere millimeter away from the girls lips before he whispered something that would most likely get her heart pumping.

"I know a pastry shop where we can satiate that sweet tooth of yours," he backed up his face slightly before giggling a bit. "And maybe we could quash a certain... hunger of mine as well.~" He winked before walking around in the opposite direction of the school, taking the lovely towards it. Lukas could only pray his gambit would work...

Lyssa giggled, thinking her own plan a success as Lukas started leading her away from the school. That last bit definitely sounded interesting, too. She wondered what he could be hungry for. It definitely sounded like he wanted something a bit more than just sweets...which she honestly would be totally okay with in this scenario. She wasn't exactly adverse to that sort of thing, after all.

"Heh, lead the way then!~" She brightly replied, still clinging to his arm.

It wasn't too far away, pacing was a couple of meters away and he could make it there in a scant amount of time. There were some glances and whispers from a few more students as he saw, as well as what he was sure to be almost jealous looks. Looking down at the devilish girl clamped tight onto his arm, he could only give her a quaint smile as Lukas eventually lead her towards the pastry shop. Extending his arm in an exaggerated fashion, he gave a wink to the girl, before licking his lips.

"Tada,~" he spoke, displaying some of the goods in the window. Surely this would get the girls attention as he chuckled a bit, slowly making his way towards the door. Lukas was sure he saw the other maiden through the window... which was awkward to say the least. He could only give a small, sheepish wave to the girl as she stared daggers in his direction.

Once at the door, he grasped it and yanked it open, but not before stopping it from closing with his foot. Smirking, he held his palm fully out, gesturing for Lyssa to enter in. "M'lady."

It was only proper for a gentleman after all... even if he was going to try and dupe her.

At the sight of the pastry shop, Lyssa let go of Lukas' arm, ignoring him and running over to the glass window that separated her from the delicious pastries in the interior of the shop. She pressed her face against the glass, trying to just imagine the delicious pastries on the other side and what they tasted like. Cherries? She did love those things. Ooh, maybe strawberries? Blueberry? Maybe...chocolate? The possible combinations were just too many for her to think of right now.

If only this glass wasn't here in her way!

Suddenly, there was the sound of energy crackling, followed by a brief flash of red energy coursing through the glass. Seconds later, it shattered into a dozen different peices.

Lyssa fell forwards, giving a small shout of surprise as the glass she was leaning against broke, landing on top of some pastries that had been on display, summarily ruining them in the process.

As he stood there, he felt a weight being lifted from his arm and it wasn't just her bust. Lukas watched as the girl rush over to the window, laughing a bit as he let the door slowly close as he walked to her side. Glaring at the sweet treats, he eyed the lady as she pressed herself against the glass. He looked at the types of fruits that occupied some of the cakes and other pieces of sugar...

... that was before he noticed some red energy emanating from the glass, the source possibly unknown. Lukas' eyes widened as he reached to try and pull the girl away.

Alas, he failed in the given task and it all came shattering. Trying to remedy the situation as fast as he could, he used his powers to quickly grab onto the pieces of glass and hold most of them in place. The looks on the owner and his daughter would be priceless to him, if he wasn't mortified himself. Picking up a suspended shard, he laid that piece on a nearby table, along with setting the others on the same place or near with his mind.

Using the rest of his powers, he began to move the stands to the side as he knelt over and flipped the girl over, resting her in his arm. Lukas didn't care if part of his cloth got dirty as he asked the girl who was caked in a variety of cream and fruit. He didn't even bother responding to the father and daughter who appeared to both be burning with unbridled rage, as he looked more genuinely worried for his friend.

"Hey, Lyssa, you ok?"

"Oh. Uhm. Hehe, well, that was...oopsie~" She giggled sheepishly as she looked up at Lukas. "My bad." She took a note of herself being covered in various sugary substances and baked goods. Ah...she'd have to clean this dress herself. How did one go about cleaning clothes anyways? She wasn't used to doing that herself.

Well, the first thing that came to her mind was too taste the goods.

"Hmm...hehe, I'm delicious!~" She giggled a bit more brightly as she licked some sort of sweet, bready crumbs off her hand. "Hey hey, want a taste Lukas?"

Despite her cheery demeanor, she really was a little upset at what had happened. She let her attention lapse again...and she had destroyed something she really hadn't intended too. Wasn't the first time it had happened, and well, chances are if her track record was anything to go by, it wouldn't be the last.

Honestly, the lack of skill or control on her part made her a tad bit upset. Not that she was gonna go around showing that to everyone.

His anxious frown dissipated, now replaced with a more relieved smile as the girl laughed, embarrassed from the looks of it. Sighing, he chuckled disconcerting matter at this whole predicament. "Hey, you're fine in more ways than one, but..." Lukas looked up to see the same girl who he was speaking with a couple of minutes before he ran into Lyssa was standing over the duo, her face lacking any remorse. Lukas could only stare up awkwardly at her, giving her a faint, nervous smile as a slew of curses erupted from the counter.

"Sir, m'lady! Before you can do anything irrational, I can accommodate you for the damages!" Turning his head to the side, one of his packs began to open up with a sack of gold appearing from the belly of it. It was bulging and appeared ready to burst open at any second. Sending it through the clearing, he noticed the lady could care less for the coin and almost procured it. Lukas could only hastily move it to the side before she squeezed her full of the bag, letting it land on the counter.

"Take a look, that should be more than- guh!" Before he could finish, he felt a hand firmly displace his face, leaving a red mark embedded on it. Grunting, he kept her clothes in place before she moved in to do whatever dirty deed she planned on while they were down. "Well... enough to make up for the damages; apologies."


The man certainly seemed ecstatic, exclaiming happily for the most part, running over, and grasping his daughter, to which he stopped firmly keeping her clothes in place. They were occupied thankfully. Lukas, huffed before returning his gaze to Lyssa who seemed readily cheerful.

"I think that was already a given, but..." Scooping up some of the crumbs from her face with two fingers, he then proceeded to put them into his mouth and gulp rather loudly. Licking his lips, he proceed to grin wickedly before nearing her face. "... I don't mind going for seconds, so sure.~"

Snickering a little, he backed off but not before commenting on how messy she was. "Y'know, maybe we should head back to the Academy so you can get a change of clothes; I can accommodate you by lending you some of mine... at least until yours are washed off."

Lyssa giggled.

"Ehehe, yeah, I guess we should after all, shouldn't we?" The girl replied, standing up and freeing herself from Lukas' grasp rather quickly, almost as if she was startled by something again. "My mom would kill me anyways. She's really scary when she's angry. Of course, then I can just go get free cake from my dad to cheer me up~" She giggled mischeivously at that, obviously amused at her words.

With that, the Duo headaed back towards the academy. It didn't take them too much longer to return, and thankfully they managed to get into class right as the class started, Lyssa taking a seat near the back and Lukas more towards the middle. The girl hadn't changed clothes like he suggested, and instead was still wearing the clothes with the sugary goods on them likely so she could snack on them throughout class. Hopefully, she wouldn't get in trouble.

A few minutes after they left the scene of the crime, another pink haired woman dressed in some rather...odd clothing walked up to the glass. She was wearing long black boots with stockings, a short cut skirt with large, fur covered sleeves and a high, black furred collar. Of course, the most striking feature...would be the womans crimson colored eyes, and pointed ears. She almost had an elfin appearance, if it wasn't for the almost oppressive, commanding aura she was exuding at the moment.

"Oh dear," The woman sighed. "My daughter certainly has a habit of causing a mess." She looked over to the owner and his daughter, who were a little bit wary of the tall woman standing outside of their shop.

They had every right to be, really, even if they didn't entirely know why.

"Lets see...how did this go again? Like...this?" Suddenly, the fragments of glass that had been broken levitated...and reformed themselves, the pane of glass that was broken becoming whole. The owner and his daughter seemed more than a little shocked that a random stranger just waltzed up and fixed the glass.

The woman seemed fairly pleased with her exploits.

Wordlessly, she left the owner and his daughter and headed in the direction of the academy. They simply watched in mild confusion about what exactly had just happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Livia Fiore, Lyssa, and Myrilla Sathanus~
~Semester 1, Day 1~

"You've had a pleasant day, I hope?" The female dressed rather elaborately across from her asked with a friendly smile. Despite the friendly and casual tone, even Livia couldn't help but to feel a little intimidated by her. Not that she was going to go around saying such a thing though. She wasn't one to easily give into such things as intimidation.

"It has gone as well as one might expect." Livia replied with a sigh, setting down a teacup and leaning back in her chair. "The first day of any semester has its fair share of problems, especially with the new students. Some running off and...causing problems for the locals." Livia glanced around her well decorated office. A plush carpet covered the wooden floor, several high quality chairs dotted the room and bookshelves lined the wall. A fireplace to warm the room stood against one of the walls, and

"Oh, I understand." The pink haired woman said, a small smile forming on her lips. "Paperwork, making sure everything is in order...we have similar work, after all. The only difference is that I'm one of the heads of an entire race of people. Oh sure, there are seven of us but running an entire civilization by ourselves especially considering the state we're in after those accursed holy wars is no easy feat." She was speaking of the Crusades that have taken place over the past few centuries. Livia was quite well aware of the happenings of that time, even if she wasn't anywhere near old enough to take place in them herself. If you looked hard enough though, you could find people to tell you stories...and the dead were surprisingly talkative if you knew how to speak to them.

"We lost so many people. Filling in their shoes and the power void left behind has left us in no small amount of disarray and yet," Her crimson eyes narrowed at Livia, their vertical, snake like irises would have likely made any other human run in absolute terror. "I still have time to make sure my precious little daughter is behaving herself." Livia simply sighed at this. She had already received word about what happened at the pastry shop earlier.

"Of course, I would expect no less from Lady Sathanus." She narrowed her own eyes at the demon in front of her. "However, maybe if you didn't spoil your child, she wouldn't be causing so many problems to begin with. After all, if she just waltzes around and does whatever she wants...its more of a reflection of the parents rather than the child. Besides, she never even came to classes before then. I can't very well watch her if she doesn't even introduce herself."

"Oho...those are some good excuses for a creature that can barely be called a human at this point." The demon harshly replied.

"Resorting to petty insults? How very appropriate for the demon Sathanus. Can't even come up with a proper argument."

"One doesn't need to argue when they're right, do they? There's no point in trying to convince stubborn, saggy old hags that they're wrong. It would be better to put them out of their ignorant misery."

The tension the two were creating in the room was thick enough that there was an oppressive aura of aggression coming from the room. Of course, it was simply the usual routine for these two. They hadn't quite come to blows yet, but considering both of their dispositions, if things continued like this they likely would end up eventually fighting one of these days.

"Uhm..h-hello?~" Suddenly the tension was cut off by a pink haired girl, Lyssa poking her head into the room. "I was told to-mom!?" The young girl was obviously a bit surprised to see her mother their, apparently not expecting to see her for some time. "Ehe, w-what are you doing here?" She continued, sounding more than a little nervous. This was going to take awhile, wasn't it? And she even had a date with Lukas! Ugh, she was going to feel terrible if this took so long and it looked like she ditched him. That was just bad manners and not fun! She'd miss all the sweets!

"Ah...my little Lyssa. I simply came to see how your first day went. Any problems? These humans haven't given you any trouble I hope?" Any hostility in her voice immediately left when Lyssa entered the room.

"U-uhm. Well...I uhm, got rather intimate with some sweets and made a pretty cute friend, but um, other than that nope!~" Myrilla sighed, though said nothing. Her daughters habit of twisting the truth to try and get out of punishment or something was a bit of a bad habit.

"At any rate, you fill her in on what we're doing." Livia sighed, glad that little farce was over with. She stood from her chair, giving the demon a dismissive wave. "I shall tell the staff what our goal here is. Both of you shall be present, and I do hope you intend to introduce yourselves."

"Of course, Livia...that is why we're here after all, and I would hate to cause more work for you~" Livia simply shook her head, and walked through a door that lead from her office to the meeting room. Lyssa had no idea what had just happened, and simply looked at her mom, then to Livia, then back to her mom again with a quizzical look.

Upon entering the meeting room, Livia quickly regained her composure, walking over to a podium where she would address the gathered teachers.

"As always, thank you for coming this evening." Livia began with a smile. "I will try to keep this meeting short, but there are some...developments this year that will require the utmost attention from everyone present." She went on to list a few of the usual things. The schools budget, which was as ever, unusually high for a school of even their standing. Many had to always question where the extra money came from, and there were many rumors regarding it but there were never any answers regarding the subject. After that, came an overview of any major events this semester. Festivals, school held events such as magic shows, art galleries things of the scholarly interest such as those. A few mention of some troublesome creatures causing trouble across Europe, that would need students or teachers dispatched to take care of them.

For the most part, it was business as usual until they reached the end of their agenda.

"Before I move on...I would simply say that if anyone here is highly religious and have anything against demons, you might as well resign now."

That was certain to get their attention.

~Gwynn Foghlú~

The rest of the class passed rather uneventfully for Gwynn. She made sure to at least try and behave herself in class, but that didn't mean she had to entirely pay attention. She wasn't exactly one for the academic arts. Reading, maths, things like those. She really could have cared less about them. The only one she was even mildly interested in, was history, and for once she was even motivated to take some rather detailed notes herself when that subject came up. For the most part though, she simply ended up doodling or fiddling discreetly with her ice magic.

When the afternoon break came, she made sure to meet up with the kid she was sitting next to so she could give him proper advice on how to woo the ladies.

1. Confidence! People, liked confidence. Confidence in anything was key. She made sure to demonstrate such confidence on a passing girl herself. She quickly got rejected and slapped, but that was fine! It led to point two.
2. Accept rejection! Not all people are going to be so easily wooed, so he shouldn't trouble himself over a rejection.
3. Persistence! Now, as long as he didn't get creepy about it, and the target of his didn't give him a straight up no, then he should flirt a little and pursue them.
4. Flirt! Be a little roguishly mischievous. People liked impish behavoir as long as it wasn't anything straight up bad stuff. Make them laugh, be humorous but not overbearing.

And that was about it really. Well, that's what she did to flirt with pretty much everyone. Would it work for him? Well, she was curious, but unfortunately since she promised Maoin she would give this 'Swen' guy a chance, she couldn't exactly see how her new best friends date went. Instead, she was propped up on the bed in her and Maoin's dorm, spinning a diamond shaped piece of ice on her finger as she idly waited for time to leave for this date that she was pretty sure was going to end up being terrible.

Ugh, she really wanted to just skip out and go do her usual vigilante work and kick someones butt. But nope, she was stuck here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

As class came to an end, Swen found himself heading to a courtyard fountain and listening intensely as the beauty gave him several pointers. Firstly, she advised him to be confident and demonstrated it by hitting on another girl. Swen was surprised, but the other girl must have been more so because the blonde received a firm slap across the face.

The girl in the green dress also advised him to accept rejection, to be reasonably persistent, and be a little mischievous. After worrying that what she described as flirting to be lying, she provided a few useful examples and Swen found himself understanding the finer sex a little better.

After thanking her and returning to his living quaters, the Magierprinz realized his stupidity: he had forgotten to ask the name of his newly acquired ally. However, he felt he could rectify that next day in class, and perhaps offer his assistance in the future.

Normally the Magierprinz would spend the remainder of the day in his room studying, but for today he spent the rest of his time preparing himself for the date. Wearing the latest fashion in the Holy Roman Empire, the heir found himself wearing long, flowing, dark robes with some elegant trim that fit him nicely.

Having corresponded with his future bride's familiar via letter, the two of them had already arranged a place and a time. The pair would be meeting at a formal tavern that featured the newest dishes across all of Europe. While it would be expensive, the Prince felt that it would do a good job to leave a lasting first impression.

The distressed kitten found herself being led through the hallways by the kind Lady Lightsword, and after peeking through the doorway spotted her mistress attending the class. Gwynn didn't appear to be paying much attention during the lecture, but at least the girl wasn't interrupting the entire class.

Baby Steps.

The black haired girl let out a sigh of relief, hands slightly lifting the edges of her dress as she gave a respectful curtsey to the knightess. "I must thank you for your assistance, Miss Lightsword. I hope to be able to repay you someday, but for now I need to prepare the dorm room for my mistress." The kitten gave her goodbyes and returned quickly to the newly acquired room, where she spent hours cleaning, lounging, and getting everything just right.

The kitten left the dorm to acquire some foodstuffs for her owner and a few other miscellaneous items to assist for the evening. When she returned, she found Gwynn on the bed appearing bored to tears as she exercised her magical powers. Still in her dirty dress. The cat had wished the girl would have started preparing herself for the date in an hour, but if Lady Foghlu' was cooperative like was promised, there would be plenty of time for them.

Picking through the luggage, the girl picked out a small pair of silver earrings holding ambers in the shape of small dragons. Additionally, she picked up a decorative sheath that fit Gwynn's largest dagger. Holding them out in front of her bored owner, Maoin explained. "Mistress, after some thought I decided that it might be a good idea to express a little of your personality in the way you dress for the evening." Even if that personality was unladylike in every manner.

Walking over to recently packed closet, the kitten picked out the finest dress they had: A golden dress that cut off short at the beginning of the thigh, the remainder of the distance being covered by a flowing scarlet cloth. The shoulders were exposed, and the front did the best to appropriately reveal some of Gwynn's modest feminine features with black ties to secure it in place.. The entire dress was lined in expensive but not gaudy trim, and "Please allow me to prepare you for the evening, my lady. I'm sure your worrying is unfounded and you will have a great time." A chair was set up in front of a floor length mirror, with a plethora of makeup and mild accessories covering a nearby table to help Maoin ensure Gwynn was properly presentable.

It was odd, but treating Gwynn like a doll was one of the few empowering things in her life. It was a distant second to naps and petting, but if her mistress was cooperative she would see Maoin's disposition cheer up and her tail flick side to side happily.

Aetheria had finished teaching class for the day, exhausted from the work. The white mage headed to the meeting room, where basic necessities and the running of the campus was discussed. However, the warning Livia presented was a little worrying. Aetheria looked around at the other teachers, noticing their reactions. Many of them were religious, and probably would have a small grudge against demons.

As the premiere magic academy of the world though, it didn't seem like any of them raised their voice or intended to quit. After the brief pause indicating that any held resentment was insufficient to require leaving their occupation, Aetheria spoke to the assembled calmly. "Headmistress, while many of us have faith, I am sure we will agree with whatever plans you present. It is our duty as academics to study that which is outside of our comfort zone within reason. That is how society advances."

She wasn't overly religious herself, given her upbringing on the streets ... shaking thoughts of her past from her mind, the white mage returned her eyes to the woman in the center of the room.
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