Whelp. Okay. I'll attempt posting tomorrow. I've been a little preoccupied and will be tomorrow too, so I can't guarantee that I'll get the time to, but I'll try. That's all for this time.
Yupp, I can see where you're going. This means I have some more to write. And I'm not as done anymore. Hahahaha. I'm going to need one more day, because I'm currently exhausted. Thank you for posting, that makes me so happy.
... There we go. Now I need to go collapse again. Haha. ... Tell me if I made any catastrophic mistakes. Hah.
@Masterkeun Well. We are marked as full. ... Thooooooough, I do apologize. Even if I do decide to let more people join, you're not in the absolute front of the waiting list. That does raise the question if I think I should take any from that. ... ... ... ... ... ... Hah. I'll consider that on my own time. For now, I must sleep.
I'm currently playing around with what looks good for my hiders. So the format might be changing and moving around for a bit. Gonna feel like a rich kid buying everything, cause I need it all. I would be fine with bumping into Dawkin at Pureplain City, if he wants to show up. I'm practically swimming in money and owe a few too many favors for his help now.
In a mixture of fortunately and unfortunately, the way we're playing the game right now makes it so it doesn't matter as much if someone's a little lazy. I'll just drop reminders every once in a while. Like...
Appearance: Age: 23 Gender: Male and Female. Personality: Introverted, and extremely protective of small animals. Hometown: Witchpeak City. Background: I am evil at heart, but because I was bullied in high school I am kind to all even when I shouldn't be, except when people attack small animals. Kind of Pokémon you like: Lightning based dark mouse pokemon. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Secretly wants to be a [pole dancer]? Really good/Terrible at [kissing girls]? Has a phobia for [showing my nipples]? Can't stop [sing]-ing to save his or her own life? Will [wash your Car] in response to [Homelessness]? Random oddities. I love Glowing Enchanted Polearms. Items: 1x Potion. You'll obtain more over time. Pokédollars: 500p. You'll obtain more over time.
@Rune_Alchemist “The large metal bird that likely eats bugs like you isn’t gonna hurt ya” XD … I am amused. Haha. And, yupp. Gotcha. Time to zip away. Nicely posted.
Yupp. Not quite the one of everything, but pretty dang most of it. Haha. Nicely posted!
@LordTodo Alright, so I can see that this is your absolutely first post on this forum. So, welcome to the Roleplayer Guild!
However, unfortunately, this game is not currently accepting more players, and even if I did, there’s a small list of people who’s on a kind of waiting list. If you look at the title of the thread, and then look just below it? Right beneath the name of the one who made the thread if just browsing the Casual Forums. There it says the join-status of the roleplay, which is if the roleplay wants more players or not. It’s usually either “Apply” in green or “Full” in grey. There are other options, but I don’t recall them right now, you can hover over them with the mouse-pointer to get an explanation.
But, long story short, this roleplay is currently marked “Full”. I can’t overload myself taking care of too many trainers. My apologies. Do see if you can find a roleplay marked “Apply” which you want to join.
The roleplay is made with the intention of the player characters being kids.
“Male and Female” is not an applicable answer for gender.
The personality section is short, but it's really not that important.
The background is important, though, and as it is it's unsatisfactory. The descriptions of his nature here should be in the personality section. The background section is mainly to tell his upbringing, why he made the choices he has in life and what they are, where he’s now and such which should include why he's embarking on a Pokémon journey and such, things like that. That's important to tell the future story.
Is there any lightning-based dark mouse Pokémon? I can’t say I recall any. That typically means there aren't any. Unless there's some dark shinies out there that I haven't kept track of.
The things I wrote in the QTAO segment were mainly suggestions, you’re to erase them and insert your own quirkiness. Stands out the most where I can’t tell if he’s really good at or terrible at kissing girls. Besides, has there ever been a kiss in a Pokémon game?
Are there glowing enchanted polearms in this world? I suppose that maybe some combination of Pokémon abilities would be able to cause that, but, that’d got to be excessively rare. What would you even use a polearm for in this world? Eh, that aside.
You were supposed to come with a sheet for your first Pokémon as well as your trainer.
I would greatly suggest looking over the entries in the "Characters" tab to take note how the "Background" section looks in the future. The character isn't bad, per say, the image is cool and you have a few details. But, I know next to nothing about his past, which is way too little for what I'd like to know after having read a character sheet. That's about that. This roleplay is full, but keep such things in mind wherever you go next, alright?
@PlatinumSkink Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, Boss! ^-^ I hope I'm not too slow! c: I've been studying for a fair chunk of the week for tests and essays, hence my slow replies :D I'm having the final essay tomorrow, so I might be able to get something out tonight or definitely then! :3
@Eklispe So, do you intend to involve yourself with Martin in the next post? I mean, I can go through with posting to him, anyway, he's just buying a bunch of stuff, but otherwise it's nice for us all to know.