Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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KiloGhost said
Walks into cafe seeing unusual things. Goes into line and wait's for service.

You find you're number 3.389, and the estimated wait time is around 206 hours. Furthermore, in the corner you see a tall man throttling a child, and an odd fellow cloaked in shadows is playing poker with an alien. A fellow in a red hat with a red sparkling suit walks up to you, smiling brightly. "Welcome to Hell's Coffee Lounge, how can I help you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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"..aaaaAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhh!!!..." *splat*

"..." *blinks*

"Awah fuck I'm dead." *looks around* "A coffee lounge? In hell? ..." *goes over*

"I bet it's only decaf."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Gabriel turns around and looks at you, smiling "Sorry, wrong rp." He snaps his fingers, and suddenly becomes a man in a well-tailored red suit, covered in what looks like golden sparkles. On his head rests a bright red top hat with a golden ribbon, and his shoes are shiny black. In his hand is a cane, tipped with a golden point. It's knob is a translucent black orb, within which you can see suspicious images of screaming faces. He smiles, his smile full of pointed teeth, his eyes blood red. "Welcome to Hell's Coffee Lounge, my friend. A pitstop for the inter-dimensional traveler."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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*smiles slightly, taking a moment to look the welcomer over* "Heh... Thank you. I can appreciate presentation. Well done." *walks closer, looking halfway between amused, and resigned* "I don't know if you're the devil or not, but I'm here." *has no idea what is going to happen* "...How's the coffee?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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"My name is Deus ex Machina, Lord of Insanity, Taker of Souls. You may call me Bob." Bob smiles, before conjuring a table from thin air, and sitting down on it. "Devil? My friend, there is no such thing. The idea of a devil is simply a title bestowed upon whatever main considers to be "evil". Although in several dimensions you might find beings that identify themselves by that name, there is no true "devil", besides the one in your head." Bob takes a sip from a wineglass that appears out of nowhere. You can faintly hear screams as he downs the red liquid, although nobody else in the Coffee Lounge seems to mind. "So then, allow me to ask you the real question. Am I the devil? And is this, in fact, truly Hell, or just another figment of your own imagination?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NoahFire


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Angel teleports behind Bob, except she looks different. Her hair is a dirty blond and her eyes are grey. Her hoodie is a dark blue and she's wearing a pair of blood red tennis shoes with light blue jeans. She's also wearing a pair of glasses. The glasses have a copper color rim and look like there ment for men. "Who are you?" Angel asks, her voice deeper than normal. ((This is Angel from a different demension.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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(Hmm, now I have to pick a character. Damien or his father, Mithias?)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob turns around, smiling brightly. "Don't worry, we know each other. Not really, though. And this might, or might not be your first visit, depending on your outview on the idea of multiversal consistency. But that's all philosophy, now isn't it?" Bob smiles, before handing you a mug of beer, and then changing the beer into liquid fire. Despite the apparent breaching of the laws of physics, it seems to function perfectly, You find that this place is filled with an odd assortment of people from all around the multiverse, gathered together here for undeterminable reasons.

((Drop by the OOC sometime))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NoahFire


Member Seen 1 mo ago

thewizardguy said
Bob turns around, smiling brightly. "Don't worry, we know each other. Not really, though. And this might, or might not be your first visit, depending on your outview on the idea of multiversal consistency. But that's all philosophy, now isn't it?" Bob smiles, before handing you a mug of beer, and then changing the beer into liquid fire. Despite the apparent breaching of the laws of physics, it seems to function perfectly, You find that this place is filled with an odd assortment of people from all around the multiverse, gathered together here for undeterminable reasons.((Drop by the OOC sometime))

"Your confusing..." Angel says. One hair falls and lays in her face, angel seems to not mind. "And stop breaking the laws of physics..." She says and pulls her hood up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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NoahFire said
"Your confusing..." Angel says. One hair falls and lays in her face, angel seems to not mind. "And stop breaking the laws of physics..." She says and pulls her hood up.

"Confusion is a natural state of mind, for one who does not know where she's standing." Bob smiles, and you suddenly notice you're standing on the roof. While Bob remains seated on the cieling, you go tumbling down to the ground, crashing through the table underneath (above?) you. The man who's drink you ruined looks down at you. He's an orc, covered in scars, a massive battlehammer on his back. You feel a powerful demonic and yet somehow benevolent aura coming from him, as he sniffs, and kicks you across the room with ease, sending you crashing into the far wall. "Don't ruin my drink, angel."

((He doesn't know your name, just the fact that you're an angel.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NoahFire


Member Seen 1 mo ago

thewizardguy said
"Confusion is a natural state of mind, for one who does not know where she's standing." Bob smiles, and you suddenly notice you're standing on the roof. While Bob remains seated on the cieling, you go tumbling down to the ground, crashing through the table underneath (above?) you. The man who's drink you ruined looks down at you. He's an orc, covered in scars, a massive battlehammer on his back. You feel a powerful demonic and yet somehow benevolent aura coming from him, as he sniffs, and kicks you across the room with ease, sending you crashing into the far wall. "Don't ruin my drink, angel."((He doesn't know your name, just the fact that you're an angel.))

Angel groans "sorry!" She says "and everyone know my name... Damn me being an angel named angel..." Angel mutters and gets up brushing herself off. "Get down here!" She says to bob.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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The lost soul looks down at himself, and suddenly begins to manifest a solid form. He's male, tall, with long black hair and golden eyes. He's wearing a wide brimmed hat, a long un-lined coat, gloves, boots, and two swords, one on either side of his hips. He takes off his hat and bows gracefully to them both. "Mithias Varomere." He stands and accepts his beer mug, which suddenly becomes a fire mug. "I haven't decided anything yet, Bob." The faint sounds of screaming were mildly unsettling. He hold the brilliant liquid at a distance from himself. "Erm, must this concoction be on fire at the present moment?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob completely ignores Angel, and instead creates a new table for the Orc, who only gunts in appreciation and continues drinking. Bob turns to Mithias, his brilliant smile never wavering from his face. "Very pleased to meet you. And you're not dead, by the way. The only reason it seems as such is because you believe it to be so." Bob takes a deep drink from his cup, and the screaming then stops. Bob lets out a sigh of appreciation. "That's the stuff. Oh, and that isn't fire. The appearance of fire is simply your body's natural reaction to witnessing pure fear and suffering brought into physical form. It probably has something to do with your misguided belief in a fire-and-brimstone Hell. Of course, the true interpretation would cause you to feel those same emotions, so it's a useful delusion." Bob gestures for you to drink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias blinks a moment. Looking 'up' he sees the orc happily back to a table. Some angel was picking herself off the 'floor' not too far away. He looks skeptically back to Bob, then to his cup, allowing it to come closer to him as the flames die down slightly. "Pure fear, and suffering..." He repeated.

So he wasn't dead, but he was certainly far from the world he thought he had come from. Maybe he had been poisoned. Maybe he was being mind-controlled despite his efforts to resist. Freaking out or getting angry wasn't going to be at all productive. There was but one way to learn.

Mithias cast his vision over the light liquid to read Bob's expression as he lifted the mug. The drink still flickered dangerously. The sparkling being merely maintained his toothy smile and nodded. If he wasn't dead, and the drink was what the being in front of him said it was, then drinking it might very well be the end of him. Mithias held it aloft as if in toast to his host. "Taker of souls." He said. The vampire was nothing after 800 years, if not willing to risk the unexpected or the terrible. Closing his eyes, he brought the mug down and drank deeply.

Dropping the mug... onto the ceiling, he winced and clutched his chest in a futile attempt to contain a painful burning sensation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob laughs, as the horrifying agony sweeps over the poor fellow. "My friend, you're not the brightest. To drink pure suffering? For a mortal being, it's pure folly." Bob sighs and shakes his head, still chuckling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Trembling, the black-clad vampire dropped to his knees. The fear, the pain that he drank, was exactly what he felt, and it was intense, like a mouthful of red peppers. He was stunned with fear. Tears came to his eyes as he cried out against the feeling of agony assailing him. His hands shook and he grabbed onto the floor for dear safety. "It can't be... it can't be!" He kept uttering to himself, denying his visions. Mithais shook his head, trying to fight off the emotions as Bob had a good laugh. What Bob had said had been true. Surely, Mithias had been a fool.

Moments later, his adrenalin had kicked in, and Mithias slowly opened his eyes. Sneering and bearing his fangs, still trembling, his voice a low growl, he spoke. "No mortal..." He brought up one leg, defiantly attempting to stand, "...doesn't... know suffering." He growled and got up, looking much more adversarial than before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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"Oh calm down, you great big goof." Bob smiles, as he casually finishes his drink, and then causes it to disappear with one hand. This man was most interesting indeed, a vampire in his coffee lounge. Sometimes, the Random Portal that brought people here did a good job. Although he was getting sick of the thing's recent obsession with Japanese schoolgirls. Several of them had attempted to remake the menu, and clean the place. For pete's sake, he was known as a God, and yet even he could not stand up against the horrifying horde of fangirls. "You should watch what you drink, and use your brain more often. You have it for a reason."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias only glared as he huffed and slowly regained his composure. He was feeling less and less of the affects of the drink, but for the moment, it left him feeling like he could walk through fire. He stood watching Bob as he spoke. "I'll do that." Mithias replied, considering his options. Earlier, the being in the red suit had said some key information, that what Mithias believed to be true had some bearing on reality in this world. The vampire decided to test it. Looking upward toward the proper floor... if anything could be described as proper in this place, Mithias chose an open space to land. With a cautious jump and a flip, he was down off the ceiling and next to the happily drinking orc. Pleased so far, he straightened himself and looked back up to Bob. "Tell me, Bob. Where do you come from?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The Orc glances sideways at you, and then looks up, towards Bob. Bob gives him a smile. The Orc carefully takes his drink, and moves to a different table, as Bob slowly floats down from the cieling. He lands in the seat the orc had been occupying, and gestures for you to sit in the other chair, which has only recently appeared. If you look up, you notice that the table you had been sitting at is no longer there, replaced by a chandelier. "Now that is a difficult question, isn't it? It's been quite a long time since my..... well, I guess you could call it my creation." Bob seems to think for a moment. "Tell me, Mithias. Have you ever heard of the phenomenon Stigma?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mithias obliges the chair. "No, I have not, but being immortal, I find myself with all the time in the world." Bob was obviously very good at this 'belief-manipulation' thing.
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