"that way kills you" i warn evenly before he enters, fixing myself a plate and eating, seeming to enjoy it despite how horrid it tastes
thewizardguy said
The Cucumber Lord sighs and throws you another field generator. "This thing'll keep you safe. You might want to get yours implanted to keep it safe, though. You're obviously quite crappy at defense."
thewizardguy said
The Cucumber Lord sighs as he jumps into the pit as well, confidently striding forward.
thewizardguy said
The bolts once more crumple, and the axe as well, shatters, the flames never catching hold for some reason. Each time anything strikes the Cucumber Lord, it fails to do him any harm, quite often simply shattering, regardless of how dangerous it might be to others. he walks straight through it, uncaring. "Oh? Then what is the worst part? Consider it your duty to inform me of whatever dangers lurk here."
thewizardguy said
Again, the attack does nothing, although it being kinetic energy it cnnot be shattered, and thus there's simply no noticeable effect. "I meant actual dangers, not these little tricks and traps. They are mere childs play. I had heard there were dangers in this fog, I was not expecting such weak resistance."