Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Tyki said
"sure" i say softly, offering her a hand and nodding towards the shelter for her to go ahead and lay down

She does so, when she walks she moves her hips around slightly more. She lays in the shelter, awaiting his arrival.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

supertinyking said
She does so, when she walks she moves her hips around slightly more. She lays in the shelter, awaiting his arrival.

i lay with her but don't move to hold her so as to avoid any thing awkward arising, awaiting her to get comfortable next to him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

supertinyking said
Sebastion saw the Scythe, and he moved forward, as to avoid the blade and block the handle by grabbing it, keeping the blade from being pulled into him. He then reared his other hand back, and punches the necron lord in his stomach, firing his wrist mounted bolter several times, while using the necron lord as a shield, rushes forward. The dead chaos warriors, in a fashion similar to necron revival started to stand once more. However they abandon their weapons and rush forwards in a feral rage. Something, or, someone was reviving them.

As Sebastian punched the Necron Lord, the hundreds of tiny scarabs that constantly occupied the Necron Lord´s metallic body, healing it, swarmed up the large guantlet of Sebastian´s Power Armor. The Necron Lord himself felt no pain, and wounds were of little consequence to him, even those that punctured his heavily armored body. Instead of reacting to pain the way a living being would, the Necron Lord smashed his scythe into the ground, sending out a powerful telekinetic shockwave that would launch Sebastian backwards into his own troops. At the same time, a set of Necron Missiles, added by the Tau, launched from the Necron Lord´s cape, seeking out the heat signature given off by Sebastian. The rebuilt Necron Lord had far more firepower, and all the durability and melee combat capabilities of the original.

In the meantime, the Necron Warriors were holding their place against the advancing forces of Chaos. A group of Ancient Builder Scarabs were rpidly erecting a large structure behind the forces, which stoically held their ground against the infinite assault of the rising chaos marines. Their melee attacks were unmatched by any other infantry unit, and with each swing of their powerful Gauss Rifles the Chaos Marines were sent flying backwards, the vile Necron energies manifesting explosively against their armor, tearing at their soul. A Wraith ripped a Chaos Marine into pieces, as Flayed Ones tore their armor apart. Even if they could not be permanently killed, Chaos Marines without their power armor or weapons weren't even a threat to the Necron.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

thewizardguy said
As Sebastian punched the Necron Lord, the hundreds of tiny scarabs that constantly occupied the Necron Lord´s metallic body, healing it, swarmed up the large guantlet of Sebastian´s Power Armor. The Necron Lord himself felt no pain, and wounds were of little consequence to him, even those that punctured his heavily armored body. Instead of reacting to pain the way a living being would, the Necron Lord smashed his scythe into the ground, sending out a powerful telekinetic shockwave that would launch Sebastian backwards into his own troops. At the same time, a set of Necron Missiles, added by the Tau, launched from the Necron Lord´s cape, seeking out the heat signature given off by Sebastian. The rebuilt Necron Lord had far more firepower, and all the durability and melee combat capabilities of the original.In the meantime, the Necron Warriors were holding their place against the advancing forces of Chaos. A group of Ancient Builder Scarabs were rpidly erecting a large structure behind the forces, which stoically held their ground against the infinite assault of the rising chaos marines. Their melee attacks were unmatched by any other infantry unit, and with each swing of their powerful Gauss Rifles the Chaos Marines were sent flying backwards, the vile Necron energies manifesting explosively against their armor, tearing at their soul. A Wraith ripped a Chaos Marine into pieces, as Flayed Ones tore their armor apart. Even if they could not be permanently killed, Chaos Marines without their power armor or weapons weren't even a threat to the Necron.

At this rate, Sebastion knew he would lose, unless he did something. Something a bit drastic. Taking the missiles straight on, the chaos lord once again charged forwards. However, a strange purple glow surrounded him, making him more powerful, at the cost of recklessness. His demons were behind the Chaos meat shields, firing deamonic fire as the undead clones took the blunt of the attack. Several more clones rushed in, these ones armed and ready to fire. Soon, several obliterateor squads followed suit, preparing their large energy weapons to fire after their summoning. Of course, even this may not be enough....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

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Books frowned. "Well that was odd." She stated
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

supertinyking said
At this rate, Sebastion knew he would lose, unless he did something. Something a bit drastic. Taking the missiles straight on, the chaos lord once again charged forwards. However, a strange purple glow surrounded him, making him more powerful, at the cost of recklessness. His demons were behind the Chaos meat shields, firing deamonic fire as the undead clones took the blunt of the attack. Several more clones rushed in, these ones armed and ready to fire. Soon, several obliterateor squads followed suit, preparing their large energy weapons to fire after their summoning. Of course, even this may not be enough....

The Necron Lord utilized an old trick, as he cast a time bauble around the obliterators, as well as the squad of armed Chaos Space Marines. They would be unable to fire, even as the Necron Lord's own forces bombarded them. Using this temporary distraction, the Necron Lord used another of his many artifacts, as he turned himself invisible, evading Sebastian's blows even whilealternating between telekinetic and plasma attacks to smash into the Chaos God. To amp up the damage his opponent was receiving while unable to detect his opponent, the Necron Lord fired an overloaded charge of plasma fire, similar to the Target Acquired ability of the XV22 battlesuit. It was meant for taking down incredibly sturdy individuals, and could not be evaded due to the amount of aiming that came before it.

In the meantime, the warriors were doing their own part. The now mostly naked Undead were no longer a threat, their punches doing nothing but breaking their own knuckles on the hardened Living Steel of the Necron Warriors. This led to the warriors completely ignoring them, occasionally swatting them aside when they got too annoying, and focused their firepower on the Obliterators, who were currently frozen in time. Plasma and Gauss fire rained down upon them, even as the Flayed Ones slowly advanced to rip them to pieces. Even the heavy armor of the Obliterators couldn't stand such an assault for long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Near Magnolia, Sho'Res of the Water Caste had finally arrived. He and Ul'Kan, his personal bodyguard, had been sent by the Earth Caste scientists in the Facility to contact the seemingly human inhabitants of the planet. Depending on how strong the Imperium's steel gauntlet's hold on this world was, the inhabitants might be made to see reason and aid the Tau in their escape from the world and return to the Tau Empire. This was a vital role, of course, as well as an incredibly dangerous one. If the planet turned out to be highly populated by Space Marines, it was quite likely that the merciless brutes would descend upon the facility and destroy it, dealing a serious blow to the Tau empire's technological advance. Thus, the bodyguard was warranted.

Ul'Kan was a Ves'La, an elite of the Fire Cast, who had been through many battles and was an expert Battlesuit pilot. He had been gifted with an XV9 Hazard Battlesuit, one of the most powerful of the Tau's arsenal of battlesuits. It had sufficient firepower to rip through enemy vehicles with relative ease, forming a weapons platform that could sustain heavy combat for hours, if necessary. No other force in the universe could match the Tau when it came to their guns, and the Hazard Battlesuit was equipped with some of the best, while retaining relative maneuverability. It's size also made for quite an imposing figure, it's steps shaking the ground as it walked next to the peaceful Water Caste diplomat, discouraging any potential enemies.
((Hazard Battlesuit:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

thewizardguy said
The Necron Lord utilized an old trick, as he cast a time bauble around the obliterators, as well as the squad of armed Chaos Space Marines. They would be unable to fire, even as the Necron Lord's own forces bombarded them. Using this temporary distraction, the Necron Lord used another of his many artifacts, as he turned himself invisible, evading Sebastian's blows even whilealternating between telekinetic and plasma attacks to smash into the Chaos God. To amp up the damage his opponent was receiving while unable to detect his opponent, the Necron Lord fired an overloaded charge of plasma fire, similar to the Target Acquired ability of the XV22 battlesuit. It was meant for taking down incredibly sturdy individuals, and could not be evaded due to the amount of aiming that came before it. In the meantime, the warriors were doing their own part. The now mostly naked Undead were no longer a threat, their punches doing nothing but breaking their own knuckles on the hardened Living Steel of the Necron Warriors. This led to the warriors completely ignoring them, occasionally swatting them aside when they got too annoying, and focused their firepower on the Obliterators, who were currently frozen in time. Plasma and Gauss fire rained down upon them, even as the Flayed Ones slowly advanced to rip them to pieces. Even the heavy armor of the Obliterators couldn't stand such an assault for long.

Sebastion took such a hit, stumbling, however his ploy had worked. He rushes forwards though the horde of necron in front of him, and started to attack the Obelisks and other necron structures, throwing them about in his battle rage. The oblitorators start to fall, however, as a certain chaos marine that was larger than the others fell, he started to twitch, and change. Slowly he started to float into the sky.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the Necron had come from the facility, revived by the disturbance of the Warp, they hadn't had any time ot fortify their position. There were no Monoliths to awaken, and no ancient armies of Necron Warriors to resurrect below the sands of the world. This was no Tomb World, and no hordes of Necron lay slumbering beneath it's surface. While the Necron Lord and his modified army might be dangerous, they had been shut off from all reinforcements. There were but a measly fifty Necron present, although each of them boasting greatly boosted firepower and targetting systems. There were no structures to tear down besides the Tower of the Unliving which the Ancient Scarabs had been constructing for the purpose of the battle, and they fled back into the Facility the moment their work was torn down.

The Necron Lord would have pursued the heavily damaged Sebastian, but a more pressing matter was at hand. One of the Aspiring Champions was summoning a demon from the False God that they had pledged their meaningless lives to. While he was confident in the capability of his forces, a Greater Demon was not to be trifled with, esspecially not without access to reinforcements. As such, he called within himself for the great power that had been granted to him by the C'Tan Gods, feeling them flow through him, granting him the necessary strength to cloak all in the shroud of death. He arose in shadows, reborn and recreated in the image of the Nightbringer, ready to bring even the Demons of the Warp into the embrace of Death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

supertinyking said
Sebastion took such a hit, stumbling, however his ploy had worked. He rushes forwards though the horde of necron in front of him, and started to attack the Obelisks and other necron structures, throwing them about in his battle rage. The oblitorators start to fall, however, as a certain chaos marine that was larger than the others fell, he started to twitch, and change. Slowly he started to float into the sky.....

Eclipse leaps into the air to avoid Sebastion as he crashed by, tearing up buildings. The Necron warriors seemed to be retreating to the facility. Good. Eclipse was getting tired of exercising their souls to another plane of existence..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

thewizardguy said
As the Necron had come from the facility, revived by the disturbance of the Warp, they hadn't had any time ot fortify their position. There were no Monoliths to awaken, and no ancient armies of Necron Warriors to resurrect below the sands of the world. This was no Tomb World, and no hordes of Necron lay slumbering beneath it's surface. While the Necron Lord and his modified army might be dangerous, they had been shut off from all reinforcements. There were but a measly fifty Necron present, although each of them boasting greatly boosted firepower and targetting systems. There were no structures to tear down besides the Tower of the Unliving which the Ancient Scarabs had been constructing for the purpose of the battle, and they fled back into the Facility the moment their work was torn down.The Necron Lord would have pursued the heavily damaged Sebastian, but a more pressing matter was at hand. One of the Aspiring Champions was summoning a demon from the False God that they had pledged their meaningless lives to. While he was confident in the capability of his forces, a Greater Demon was not to be trifled with, esspecially not without access to reinforcements. As such, he called within himself for the great power that had been granted to him by the C'Tan Gods, feeling them flow through him, granting him the necessary strength to cloak all in the shroud of death. He arose in shadows, reborn and recreated in the image of the Nightbringer, ready to bring even the Demons of the Warp into the embrace of Death.

The clone slams into the ground, the demon that rises large, fat and festering, using a large sword formed of bone. Its body having many tears in its flesh. The greater demon of Nurgle had arrived, and it raged towards the nightbringing, its acidic aura burning all necrons within a short distance of the blubber pile. The champion of nurgle, fighting the necronian reaper. Sebastion opens fire on the reaper with his wrist mounted heavy bolter, as the clones and demons backed off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

thewizardguy said
Near Magnolia, Sho'Res of the Water Caste had finally arrived. He and Ul'Kan, his personal bodyguard, had been sent by the Earth Caste scientists in the Facility to contact the seemingly human inhabitants of the planet. Depending on how strong the Imperium's steel gauntlet's hold on this world was, the inhabitants might be made to see reason and aid the Tau in their escape from the world and return to the Tau Empire. This was a vital role, of course, as well as an incredibly dangerous one. If the planet turned out to be highly populated by Space Marines, it was quite likely that the merciless brutes would descend upon the facility and destroy it, dealing a serious blow to the Tau empire's technological advance. Thus, the bodyguard was warranted.Ul'Kan was a Ves'La, an elite of the Fire Cast, who had been through many battles and was an expert Battlesuit pilot. He had been gifted with an XV9 Hazard Battlesuit, one of the most powerful of the Tau's arsenal of battlesuits. It had sufficient firepower to rip through enemy vehicles with relative ease, forming a weapons platform that could sustain heavy combat for hours, if necessary. No other force in the universe could match the Tau when it came to their guns, and the Hazard Battlesuit was equipped with some of the best, while retaining relative maneuverability. It's size also made for quite an imposing figure, it's steps shaking the ground as it walked next to the peaceful Water Caste diplomat, discouraging any potential enemies.((Hazard Battlesuit:))

Soon, a man approaches the diplomat. He has short blue hairs, his eyes a bright green. He is wearing odd clothing, wearing a pair of baggy pants, no shoes or shirt. Although, he has a grey head band.
"Ahh, I see you are some sort of diplomat....my name is leeroy, a pleasure to meet you." Leeroy says, holding a hand out to shake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

supertinyking said
The clone slams into the ground, the demon that rises large, fat and festering, using a large sword formed of bone. Its body having many tears in its flesh. The greater demon of Nurgle had arrived, and it raged towards the nightbringing, its acidic aura burning all necrons within a short distance of the blubber pile. The champion of nurgle, fighting the necronian reaper. Sebastion opens fire on the reaper with his wrist mounted heavy bolter, as the clones and demons backed off.

Eclipse was revolted at the summoning of the demon of Nurgle. He would have tried to bring it down, saive for it also attacking the Necron lord. It would be more advantageous to let evils battle each other, then cleanup afterwards. All was fair in war.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Maka takes in a pained breath, as the enraged darkside takes his leave.
"Impressive eh? None can out build timbersaw!" He says, his new mech flexing.
I sit in front of the burning building, and simply watch the flames.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

supertinyking said
Maka takes in a pained breath, as the enraged darkside takes his leave."Impressive eh? None can out build timbersaw!" He says, his new mech flexing.I sit in front of the burning building, and simply watch the flames.

Asura goes over to maka "maka? Are you..."
Brawler portals in "oh really?" She asks
"....so...." theta-d begins
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((I'm going to post this again, based on the Necron Lord's new awakening))
Cur'a'Shol had slept, dreamlessly, for nearly 60 million years. He had witnessed the birth of the Eldar race, and the fought in the War in Heaven. He himself had led hundreds of warriors to battle in the name of the Triad and the Ctan Masters, the Star Gods. He had performed the Red Harvests, the complete extermination of life on a planet just to feed their callous, cruel masters, and witnessed the horrors his army had wreaked. Ancient and powerful, Cur'A'Shol had been rusting away for sixty million years, awakening slowly from slumber alongside his army, laid dormant by the Silent King. He was of the Sautekh, a royal who had been granted, through curse or blessing, an immortal body that held his mind forevermore, soulles.

The Tomb World of Kronos had entered the revivification process when it's computers detected heavy weaponfire and explosions across the planet's surface. The weakest of the common soldiers had emerged, stuck with sleep and malfunction, incapable of harnessing Phase Technology without severe limitations. Cur'A'Sol, however, in his eagerness to establish himself as lord of the planet, had sent out this weak army, only to find the entrance to his Tombs shut off, his forces severely depleted. It was almost unheard of for a Necron Warrior to truly die, as their bodies were immortal and self-repairing, phasing to the repair facilities of the Tomb World whenever any serious damage occured, but many had been destroyed during his failed assault of the younger races. Arrogance and brashness had led to the defeat of the royal of Sautekh, third most powerful in the Necrontyr Empire. His honor, as well as his dignity, had been damaged.

When the Necron Noble emerged from the facility within which he had been contained, he hd fully awakened, with ten Necron Warriors by his side, each fully awakened and prepared for the oncoming battle. When he stepped out into the open air, he saw a young race, wearing what seemed to be a fairly basic form of power armor. Their leader, however, could clearly be seen to be more than that, a being from the Warp, yet different from the Enslavers that had nearly wiped out the Old Ones and their creations. He had seen these beings before on Kronus, although his still partially hybernating mind had ignored them. This time, he chose a more tactful approach, as he spoke to the leader of this group. "You stand before a Noble of Sautekh. Bear witness, for hereby I, Cur'A'Sol of Sautekh, claim dominion to this planet, by the rights invested in me by the Triad. You shall be given a time period of a single cycle of the star to evacuate the planet, before I shall commence a cleansing of those that are too foolhardy to leave it. Now inform your superiors of this, and begone."

While his tone might seem arrogant, to some, the Necron saw nothing but a child built of flesh and blood. He regarded the Chaos Space Marines not as sentient beings, or even as a threat, but more as one would regard a dog, or an ant. It was an inferior lifeform, and it was only his honor code that kept him from swatting it. He would establish a connection to the Tomb World and spread the influence of the Necron Empire here, expanding it. While he would have preferred to fully colonise the Tomb World's surface, it had proven too hostile, and he desired to work out of the eyes of the factions he had witnessed, which could interfere with the birth of his empire. With the Silent King dead and gone, Cur'A'Sol would become the new Silent King, and lead the Necron into a new dynasty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

kishin asura said
Asura goes over to maka "maka? Are you..."Brawler portals in "oh really?" She asks"....so...." theta-d begins

She looks at him, and smiles.
"Hia..." She says.
"Yea...." He says.
"........" I remain silent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

thewizardguy said
((I'm going to post this again, based on the Necron Lord's new awakening))Cur'a'Shol had slept, dreamlessly, for nearly 60 million years. He had witnessed the birth of the Eldar race, and the fought in the War in Heaven. He himself had led hundreds of warriors to battle in the name of the Triad and the Ctan Masters, the Star Gods. He had performed the Red Harvests, the complete extermination of life on a planet just to feed their callous, cruel masters, and witnessed the horrors his army had wreaked. Ancient and powerful, Cur'A'Shol had been rusting away for sixty million years, awakening slowly from slumber alongside his army, laid dormant by the Silent King. He was of the Sautekh, a royal who had been granted, through curse or blessing, an immortal body that held his mind forevermore, soulles.The Tomb World of Kronos had entered the revivification process when it's computers detected heavy weaponfire and explosions across the planet's surface. The weakest of the common soldiers had emerged, stuck with sleep and malfunction, incapable of harnessing Phase Technology without severe limitations. Cur'A'Sol, however, in his eagerness to establish himself as lord of the planet, had sent out this weak army, only to find the entrance to his Tombs shut off, his forces severely depleted. It was almost unheard of for a Necron Warrior to truly die, as their bodies were immortal and self-repairing, phasing to the repair facilities of the Tomb World whenever any serious damage occured, but many had been destroyed during his failed assault of the younger races. Arrogance and brashness had led to the defeat of the royal of Sautekh, third most powerful in the Necrontyr Empire. His honor, as well as his dignity, had been damaged.When the Necron Noble emerged from the facility within which he had been contained, he hd fully awakened, with ten Necron Warriors by his side, each fully awakened and prepared for the oncoming battle. When he stepped out into the open air, he saw a young race, wearing what seemed to be a fairly basic form of power armor. Their leader, however, could clearly be seen to be more than that, a being from the Warp, yet different from the Enslavers that had nearly wiped out the Old Ones and their creations. He had seen these beings before on Kronus, although his still partially hybernating mind had ignored them. This time, he chose a more tactful approach, as he spoke to the leader of this group. "You stand before a Noble of Sautekh. Bear witness, for hereby I, Cur'A'Sol of Sautekh, claim dominion to this planet, by the rights invested in me by the Triad. You shall be given a time period of a single cycle of the star to evacuate the planet, before I shall commence a cleansing of those that are too foolhardy to leave it. Now inform your superiors of this, and begone."While his tone might seem arrogant, to some, the Necron saw nothing but a child built of flesh and blood. He regarded the Chaos Space Marines not as sentient beings, or even as a threat, but more as one would regard a dog, or an ant. It was an inferior lifeform, and it was only his honor code that kept him from swatting it. He would establish a connection to the Tomb World and spread the influence of the Necron Empire here, expanding it. While he would have preferred to fully colonise the Tomb World's surface, it had proven too hostile, and he desired to work out of the eyes of the factions he had witnessed, which could interfere with the birth of his empire. With the Silent King dead and gone, Cur'A'Sol would become the new Silent King, and lead the Necron into a new dynasty.

"Necrons! fall back, fall back!" A chaos clone says, as its squad moved back. However, soon a large force advances forward, with the empress heading the force. "Where is the leader....I wish to speak to it...." She says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

They were right to fear him, of course. However, he would act with all the honor and dignity that was necessary of a noble. While he was literally incapable of fearing these new beings, or their masters, he would be a fool to underestimate them. His goal was not extermination, but domination. His orders, ingrained into his very base mind, were to rebuild the Necron empire, and this could be done through peace as well as war. "I am the Lord of Kronos, Cur'A'Shol of Sautekh. If you represent your race, then you may remain on the planet, as a diplomatic embassy. I shall be retaking this planet, as it is the rightful property of the Necron Empire, won in honorable battle against the Old Ones in the War in Heaven, 60 million years ago." The Necron Lord, unlike some of his kin, found no shame in his past. He himself had not conquered this planet, he did not even know which planet it was he resided on currently, but all planets of the known universe had been conquered by the Necron.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

supertinyking said
She looks at him, and smiles. "Hia..." She says."Yea...." He says."........" I remain silent.

Asura smiles back "hi...."
"....just checking...." she says
"....." theta-d silently moves closer to you
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