Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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thewizardguy said
They were right to fear him, of course. However, he would act with all the honor and dignity that was necessary of a noble. While he was literally incapable of fearing these new beings, or their masters, he would be a fool to underestimate them. His goal was not extermination, but domination. His orders, ingrained into his very base mind, were to rebuild the Necron empire, and this could be done through peace as well as war. "I am the Lord of Kronos, Cur'A'Shol of Sautekh. If you represent your race, then you may remain on the planet, as a diplomatic embassy. I shall be retaking this planet, as it is the rightful property of the Necron Empire, won in honorable battle against the Old Ones in the War in Heaven, 60 million years ago." The Necron Lord, unlike some of his kin, found no shame in his past. He himself had not conquered this planet, he did not even know which planet it was he resided on currently, but all planets of the known universe had been conquered by the Necron.

Eclipse listened curiously, then frowned. "This planet ha the right to resist being retaken."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Cur'A'Sol, Necron Lord of Kronos, Nemesor of the Crimson Guard, looked at the angel above. The idea that the planet had the right to anything was quite silly tot the ancient noble, to whome most of the younger races were but toddlers trying to impress the other toddlers in the playground. However, for the simply sake of diplomacy, Cur'A'Sol would indulge the winged alien. "To retake the planet would imply that the planet ever belonged to another. The planet was always under Necron rule, and that claim has not disappeared. Merely our absence does not give primitives the right to lay claim to those worlds rightfully belonging to the Necron." In life, Cur'A'Sol had been quite an elegant gentleman, and a bit of a diplomat, which made him far more agreeable than most Necron Lords. However, even he was not inclined to mercy. "However, if you are implying that they would attempt to take this planet from it's rightful owner, then is that not little more than an invasion? Their ignorance can be forgiven, and as such I have the amnesty to allow them to leave before rebuilding this planet as a Tomb World, but to remain would be an act of war against me, and the Triad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Eclipse landed before the Necron Lord, yet a safe distance away. "I can appreciate your attempt at diplomacy, Necron, but this planet and its life have never known your kind. They have evolved into willful and sentient races, and thus are the only ones who can grant you any purchase here. Whoever gave you a right to be here, failed to negotiate with the planet's inhabitants, who would exist at the time of your arrival. They cannot leave the planet and survive. They are going to fight you, as will every planet that your kind have yet to conquer. If that is the inexorable plan of your species, then I'm afraid you are going to have quite a number of enemies. You will have to be changed or eliminated."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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thewizardguy said
They were right to fear him, of course. However, he would act with all the honor and dignity that was necessary of a noble. While he was literally incapable of fearing these new beings, or their masters, he would be a fool to underestimate them. His goal was not extermination, but domination. His orders, ingrained into his very base mind, were to rebuild the Necron empire, and this could be done through peace as well as war. "I am the Lord of Kronos, Cur'A'Shol of Sautekh. If you represent your race, then you may remain on the planet, as a diplomatic embassy. I shall be retaking this planet, as it is the rightful property of the Necron Empire, won in honorable battle against the Old Ones in the War in Heaven, 60 million years ago." The Necron Lord, unlike some of his kin, found no shame in his past. He himself had not conquered this planet, he did not even know which planet it was he resided on currently, but all planets of the known universe had been conquered by the Necron.

"This is not a universe you have won, necron. The gods of this planet are alive and well, as are our gods. If you wish for this planet, you will lose, for you are cut off from your armies. Retreat is your best course of action...or maybe, an alliance." She says, the small childish figure in the heavy power suit smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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This was quite the annoyance. He had given his warning, and now his claim on the planet was being thrown into doubt? "60 million terran years ago, my people conquered this planet. We slaughtered the Old Ones that stood before us, and wrested it from their hands. The inhabitants, whatever they may be, bowed before our supreme might, and worshipped us as Gods." The Necron Lord held up a hand, and all the Necron Warriors raised their weapons "Simply because of our absence, our claim has not wavered. The indigenous species have forgotten us, but our memory is not so faulty, and I will claim what was once mine. Do not presume to threaten me, alien, or I will show you just how little a threat these enemies pose to me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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supertinyking said
"This is not a universe you have won, necron. The gods of this planet are alive and well, as are our gods. If you wish for this planet, you will lose, for you are cut off from your armies. Retreat is your best course of action...or maybe, an alliance." She says, the small childish figure in the heavy power suit smiling.

"We have killed Gods before. Your Chaos Gods are nothing but the next threat to the Necron Dynasty, and they will either bow or be crushed." As the Necron Lord spoke, a massive Canoptek Spyder emerged from the facility, having finished making it's preparation within. It struck an imposing figure, it's Phase Claws whirring, a Gloom Prism mounted on it's back. "You state that I am cut off, and yet I have all the men I need to conquer this planet by force if I must. However, it is not my place to argue with mortals. I have given you your ultimatum. You shall either evacuate, or be purged."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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thewizardguy said
"We have killed Gods before. Your Chaos Gods are nothing but the next threat to the Necron Dynasty, and they will either bow or be crushed." As the Necron Lord spoke, a massive Canoptek Spyder emerged from the facility, having finished making it's preparation within. It struck an imposing figure, it's Phase Claws whirring, a Gloom Prism mounted on it's back. "You state that I am cut off, and yet I have all the men I need to conquer this planet by force if I must. However, it is not my place to argue with mortals. I have given you your ultimatum. You shall either evacuate, or be purged."

"I see that you doubt my powers as well, metal fool." She says, before with a slight twist of her neck, a small orbital bombardment fires down on the necron Canoptek Spyder. While it wasn't nearly as powerful due to their flagship being grounded, it would most likely do to make the necron think twice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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As the bombardment is launched, the Necron Lord quickly checks whether there was any threat to his army. However, these were clearly primitive weapons, and would easily be countered. As such, he did not order his Warriors to open fire, knowing that it would be best, instead, to make a show of strength. The Necron were unequaled when it came to technology, and he would show it to them. Of all the Tomb Worlds , Kronus had left it's soldiers almost perfectly intact, and they were completely ready for war. These fools did not know what they got themselves into.

Even as the bombs rained down upon the Canoptek Spyder, a dozen or so scarabs evacuated from it's inner regions, escaping the blast radius. Then, when it was done, and the Necrodermis was attemptign to put itself together, the Scarabs moved in, quickly replacing any damaged parts, absorbing any remains to create new ones with. Within mere moments of the attack's closure, the Canoptek Spyder floated once more, unharmed, immortal in the power of the Necron. While not as advanced as the body of the Necron Lord, Canoptek Spyders were as durable as any Necron vehicle.

"It seems you do not believe me." Ten Gauss cannons fired, and the ten Aspiring Champions instantly disintegrated. Under the power of the Gauss Weaponry, their very atoms were removed from contact. No force field, no armor gave hope of defense, as again and again they fired, each shot killing a marine instantly. Even as the Warriors were damaged, the Scarabs repaired them, as well as each other. The Necron Lord, for his part, merely watched the slaughter, as the Chaos Space Marines would come to the realisation that they were no match for the power of the Necron.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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thewizardguy said
As the bombardment is launched, the Necron Lord quickly checks whether there was any threat to his army. However, these were clearly primitive weapons, and would easily be countered. As such, he did not order his Warriors to open fire, knowing that it would be best, instead, to make a show of strength. The Necron were unequaled when it came to technology, and he would show it to them. Of all the Tomb Worlds , Kronus had left it's soldiers almost perfectly intact, and they were completely ready for war. These fools did not know what they got themselves into.Even as the bombs rained down upon the Canoptek Spyder, a dozen or so scarabs evacuated from it's inner regions, escaping the blast radius. Then, when it was done, and the Necrodermis was attemptign to put itself together, the Scarabs moved in, quickly replacing any damaged parts, absorbing any remains to create new ones with. Within mere moments of the attack's closure, the Canoptek Spyder floated once more, unharmed, immortal in the power of the Necron. While not as advanced as the body of the Necron Lord, Canoptek Spyders were as durable as any Necron vehicle. "It seems you do not believe me." Ten Gauss cannons fired, and the ten Aspiring Champions instantly disintegrated. Under the power of the Gauss Weaponry, their very atoms were removed from contact. No force field, no armor gave hope of defense, as again and again they fired, each shot killing a marine instantly. Even as the Warriors were damaged, the Scarabs repaired them, as well as each other. The Necron Lord, for his part, merely watched the slaughter, as the Chaos Space Marines would come to the realisation that they were no match for the power of the Necron.

Oddly, the slaughter continued, despite the insurmountable odds. Clones threw themselves to their death without a second thought. The clone empress walked though the red tide of her warriors, heading to their death.
"Get the flagship running. We are destroying this planet...the necron have arrived." She instructs, as a shuttle landed to pick her up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The Necron Lord simply gestured, activating the Veil of Darkness, as all ten of his warriors teleported into a complete circle around the Clone Empress, including the Necron Lord himself. Each of them simulataneously fired, their weapons ripping away even at her substantially more powerful body, her atoms ripped to shreds as the rifles, which were incredibly potent against armor, shattered her to pieces. Or at least severely wounded her. The Necron Lord Cur'A'Sol, in typical combat pattern, used his Warscythe to swing it down at the Clone Empress, aiming to deal the killing blow.

Meanwhile, the Canoptek Spyder returned to the facility, as it's scarabs also retreated with it. While this made the Necron vulnerable to destruction, at least until the Spyder returned, it needed to perform some final tweaks on the machinery within, preparing it for use. This opening would be all the Chaos Forces would get to finish off the ten warriors before the Spyder returned, it's healing properties making the Necron Warriors nigh immortal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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thewizardguy said
The Necron Lord simply gestured, activating the Veil of Darkness, as all ten of his warriors teleported into a complete circle around the Clone Empress, including the Necron Lord himself. Each of them simulataneously fired, their weapons ripping away even at her substantially more powerful body, her atoms ripped to shreds as the rifles, which were incredibly potent against armor, shattered her to pieces. Or at least severely wounded her. The Necron Lord Cur'A'Sol, in typical combat pattern, used his Warscythe to swing it down at the Clone Empress, aiming to deal the killing blow.Meanwhile, the Canoptek Spyder returned to the facility, as it's scarabs also retreated with it. While this made the Necron vulnerable to destruction, at least until the Spyder returned, it needed to perform some final tweaks on the machinery within, preparing it for use. This opening would be all the Chaos Forces would get to finish off the ten warriors before the Spyder returned, it's healing properties making the Necron Warriors nigh immortal.

Much to their surprise, as soon as they commit to such an attack, the empress moves at speeds far greater than theirs. She strikes with super human strength, even more so than the strongest of her warriors. Using a hidden blade that she kept in her sleeve, she cuts though one of the necron, taking his weapon and begins to fire at the others, all while avoiding the Scythe. Several of her imperial guard rushed out of the shuttle, and opened fire on the necron lord, using small rocket launchers.

As for the warriors, their resolve hardens as several demons fly above the necron, splitting their attention to both sky and ground. While the demons flung deamonic fire from the skies, the soldiers on the ground opened fire with their bolters as they rushed the position. Several warlocks flung chaos bolts into the fray, the chaotic energies tearing at the necron. It seems like their numbers are limitless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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While the Clone Empress didn't dodge the first attack volley due to Viridian Lightnign moving at light speeds, she hadn't given the group enough time to fire again, quickly taking a gauss rifle for herself. Instantly, the self destruct protocols activated, the Gauss Rifle exploding in a bright green flash as it's full load is blown in the Empress's face. This was a code placed to prevent any from learning anything from the Necron, as any piece of technology one captured for observation exploded or teleported away. However, even with this action, which would most likely wound the Clone Empress even further, problems were mounting up. With nine Necron Warriors firing, and one just kind of punching people (not very effective), even the Necron firepower was beginning to be overwhelmed.

Of course, Cur'A'Sol had already devised a strategy to hold out until the Spyder would once more return, both for it's own firepower as well as the Scarabs that used it as a kind of drone carrier. Instead of firing their weapons at full power, the Necron Warriors started firing at arms and legs. Their normally expertly guided firepower now seemed to be used to flay and maim, instead of dealing a killing blow, a rather unexpected tactic. However, there were many things that these fools did not know about the Necron, and now he would use that to his advantage.

As more and more blood hit the ground, a dark, unliving creature detected it. Emerging from the pocket dimension that was their home, the Flayed Ones seemed to appear from nowhere. 20 of them, garbed in rotting meet and flesh, Their cursed bodies were mangled and shambling, long warped blades equipped with distortion fields emanating from their fingers. The Necron Warriors and the Necron Lord, of course, instantly fell back from the creatures, fearful of the dreadful curse of insanity that held the minds of the Flayed ones spreading to them. It was not often one willfully called the Flayed Ones into a battle, but Cur'A'Sol was prepared to use any means necessary, even if it meant endangering his ten Warriors with the proximity of the Curse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by celty sturluson

celty sturluson

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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thewizardguy said
While the Clone Empress didn't dodge the first attack volley due to Viridian Lightnign moving at light speeds, she hadn't given the group enough time to fire again, quickly taking a gauss rifle for herself. Instantly, the self destruct protocols activated, the Gauss Rifle exploding in a bright green flash as it's full load is blown in the Empress's face. This was a code placed to prevent any from learning anything from the Necron, as any piece of technology one captured for observation exploded or teleported away. However, even with this action, which would most likely wound the Clone Empress even further, problems were mounting up. With nine Necron Warriors firing, and one just kind of punching people (not very effective), even the Necron firepower was beginning to be overwhelmed. Of course, Cur'A'Sol had already devised a strategy to hold out until the Spyder would once more return, both for it's own firepower as well as the Scarabs that used it as a kind of drone carrier. Instead of firing their weapons at full power, the Necron Warriors started firing at arms and legs. Their normally expertly guided firepower now seemed to be used to flay and maim, instead of dealing a killing blow, a rather unexpected tactic. However, there were many things that these fools did not know about the Necron, and now he would use that to his advantage.As more and more blood hit the ground, a dark, unliving creature detected it. Emerging from the pocket dimension that was their home, the Flayed Ones seemed to appear from nowhere. 20 of them, garbed in rotting meet and flesh, Their cursed bodies were mangled and shambling, long warped blades equipped with distortion fields emanating from their fingers. The Necron Warriors and the Necron Lord, of course, instantly fell back from the creatures, fearful of the dreadful curse of insanity that held the minds of the Flayed ones spreading to them. It was not often one willfully called the Flayed Ones into a battle, but Cur'A'Sol was prepared to use any means necessary, even if it meant endangering his ten Warriors with the proximity of the Curse.

The empress lands on the ground, her robotic suit damanged severly.
"D-d-d-da-a-a-a..." It seems the voice box was damaged. Her imperial guard rushed, taking as much damage as needed to secure their emperess. This, combined with the less than lethal shots allow them to get their empress to the shuttle, and allow them to cover it as it starts to fly off. What happens next, depends upon her escape.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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kishin asura said
Asura smiles back "hi....""....just checking...." she says"....." theta-d silently moves closer to you

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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kishin asura said

"Honey....I feel like someone beat me black and blue..." She mutters, trying to get up.
"You want to race?" He asks her, one eye brow raised.
I don't react, although I see what she is doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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supertinyking said
"Honey....I feel like someone beat me black and blue..." She mutters, trying to get up."You want to race?" He asks her, one eye brow raised.I don't react, although I see what she is doing.

"Well darkside became a good guy which resulted in you dying." Asura says as he helps her up
"Bring it." She says
"......hey tiny?" Theta-d asks
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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kishin asura said
"Well darkside became a good guy which resulted in you dying." Asura says as he helps her up"Bring it." She says"......hey tiny?" Theta-d asks

"Ahh...." She says, as she hugs him.
"Well, what are we building?" He asks her.
"....Yes?" I ask her, looking over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kishin asura
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kishin asura

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supertinyking said
"Ahh...." She says, as she hugs him."Well, what are we building?" He asks her."....Yes?" I ask her, looking over.

Asura hugs her back "good to have you back." He says with a smile
".....robot." she replies
"Do you...." she pauses and quickly says "have any hobbies?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

kishin asura said
Asura hugs her back "good to have you back." He says with a smile".....robot." she replies"Do you...." she pauses and quickly says "have any hobbies?"

"Good to be back." She says.
"...What kind?" He asks her.
"...Does bounty hunting count?" I ask her.
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