Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

supertinyking said
Ornstine lets out a gurgle and I look over, curb stomping him with the force."Yes. I did, but I did forget to mention something..." I say as the sun turns back to normal, and all evil characters on the planet feel like a good deal of their power was ripped away."When I switch the sun back you lose your powers, and then some...." He says.

",,,WHAT?!" They all yell at this news.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

Member Offline since relaunch

((I'm back!))
An old bulky chopper came into sight whipping tendrils of snow up and into Zoe's face. She squinted against the flurries. It was amazing they even saw them from the other side of the mountain, but it would be near impossible for them to land. A man with his sleeve tied off at an oddly high point near his should leaned out the air craft and motioned with his other arm to move back. Zoe looked over her shoulder at Micheal and Drac and reluctantly retreated back toward them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

CreedTheChimera said
",,,WHAT?!" They all yell at this news.

I smile.
"Yes. I little bit of insurance on my part, in case you were going to stab me in the back after I gave your powers. Also relax....with your new powers you can take on nearly anyone. Hell if you want I'll help...I have a score to settle with the gnome in fairy tale." I say a bit disgruntled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Zoe Beringer said
((I'm back!))An old bulky chopper came into sight whipping tendrils of snow up and into Zoe's face. She squinted against the flurries. It was amazing they even saw them from the other side of the mountain, but it would be near impossible for them to land. A man with his sleeve tied off at an oddly high point near his should leaned out the air craft and motioned with his other arm to move back. Zoe looked over her shoulder at Micheal and Drac and reluctantly retreated back toward them.

Drac took a few steps back as well, eyeing the chopper.
"I hate aircraft." He mutters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

ShadowVentus said
"Heh, yeah, I agree." I say. "Man, that is low, especially for you." Vanitas remarks. "Jealous much?" I respond. Vanitas scoffs. "You wish."

"Although, it was kind of nice before the abrupt end..." She thinks and says as memories of a few months worth of dates flood her mind.
"Still like him?" The man asks with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
"Well, as friends, and you know, dating friends NEVER works out..." Levy replies with only a very small reddening of her cheeks.
((Every sappy date you can think of, it's there xD ))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

supertinyking said
I smile."Yes. I little bit of insurance on my part, in case you were going to stab me in the back after I gave your powers. Also relax....with your new powers you can take on nearly anyone. Hell if you want I'll help...I have a score to settle with the gnome in fairy tale." I say a bit disgruntled.

"...Not now, we need to speak with E.N.D. before we do anything else..." Jackal replies before they all turn and head for their guild.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

ShadowVentus said
((I just had that feeling you'd pull off a "do not want" Moment on me XD))

((You're hunch was correct xD ))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

CreedTheChimera said
"...Not now, we need to speak with E.N.D. before we do anything else..." Jackal replies before they all turn and head for their guild.

I follow along.
"Mind if I follow?" I ask.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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CreedTheChimera said
"Although, it was kind of nice before the abrupt end..." She thinks and says as memories of a few months worth of dates flood her mind."Still like him?" The man asks with a raised eyebrow and a smirk."Well, as friends, and you know, dating friends NEVER works out..." Levy replies with only a very small reddening of her cheeks.((Every sappy date you can think of, it's there xD ))

"L-Levy!" I retort. "Hehehe, who's the jealous one now?" Vanitas says. "Why you little.." Levy then hears them bickering.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

supertinyking said
I follow along."Mind if I follow?" I ask.

"Yes." They reply before they disappear, along with their energies. In fact, in the blink of an eye, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, even lacking the large spikes..
((Reason I had a pic, but no location...))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

CreedTheChimera said
"Yes." They reply before they disappear, along with their energies. In fact, in the blink of an eye, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, even lacking the large spikes..((Reason I had a pic, but no location...))

"Ahh...I see....they have a sort of teleportation." I say, as I use my powers to scan the planet for them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

ShadowVentus said
"L-Levy!" I retort. "Hehehe, who's the jealous one now?" Vanitas says. "Why you little.." Levy then hears them bickering.

"Will you two cut it out! It was fun while it lasted, but the feelings are dead! So stop being jealous Ventus and stop provoking him Vanitas!" She yells threateningly in her head. "So, cut to the chase Kevin, what do you want?" Levy asks.
"I need Creed's help, tell me where he is!" Kevin demands.
"Need his help, weren't uou trying to kill him?"
"I was, now, I need his help. I don't want to kill him anymore."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

supertinyking said
"Ahh...I see....they have a sort of teleportation." I say, as I use my powers to scan the planet for them.

You can't find them at all. Not a single hint.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

CreedTheChimera said
"Will you two cut it out! It was fun while it lasted, but the feelings are dead! So stop being jealous Ventus and stop provoking him Vanitas!" She yells threateningly in her head. "So, cut to the chase Kevin, what do you want?" Levy asks."I need Creed's help, tell me where he is!" Kevin demands."Need his help, weren't uou trying to kill him?""I was, now, I need his help. I don't want to kill him anymore."

"He's lying." Vanitas and I say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

CreedTheChimera said
You can't find them at all. Not a single hint.

I frown a bit and sigh. I then teleport to Creed.
"Well I got good and bad news." I say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

supertinyking said
I frown a bit and sigh. I then teleport to Creed."Well I got good and bad news." I say.

"OK..." I reply.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

Member Offline since relaunch

supertinyking said
Drac took a few steps back as well, eyeing the chopper."I hate aircraft." He mutters.

The runners of the helicopter bounced twice on the glacier as the pilot attempted to land the whirring machine. The cabin of the copter had been stripped of any loose articles including the bench that usually ran between the doors. The starboard runner kissed the ice once more before a stiff wind picked up tilting the nose of the craft upward at a fearful angle. In an instant the blades of the chopper dove into the glaciers surface slicing up chunks of ice an pitching them forward. Zoe turned and began to step away agonizingly slowly. Landing at this altitude was suicide, but it wasn't until this moment that the pilot, his one armed passenger, and Zoe realized what end this attempt would take.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

CreedTheChimera said
"OK..." I reply.

"Good news....Ornstine is dead. Bad news.....Every evil doer on the planet got a massive power boost that I can control, and I do not wish to deactivate it..." I say. "Also that gnome comment was a ploy, I am not gonna kill the short dwarf." I say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Zoe Beringer said
The runners of the helicopter bounced twice on the glacier as the pilot attempted to land the whirring machine. The cabin of the copter had been stripped of any loose articles including the bench that usually ran between the doors. The starboard runner kissed the ice once more before a stiff wind picked up tilting the nose of the craft upward at a fearful angle. In an instant the blades of the chopper dove into the glaciers surface slicing up chunks of ice an pitching them forward. Zoe turned and began to step away agonizingly slowly. Landing at this altitude was suicide, but it wasn't until this moment that the pilot, his one armed passenger, and Zoe realized what end this attempt would take.

In a swift movement, Drac held out his hands the chopper stopping dead still as it slowly floated safely to the ground. Slowly the blades of the chopper are repaired seemingly out of thin air, as well as any other damage done.
"And that is the main reason why." Drac mutters again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

ShadowVentus said
"He's lying." Vanitas and I say.

"I'm not stupid." She thinks. "Prove it!" She demands.
Kevin rips of his mask and sends it crashing to the floor. He is fairly handsome with ruby red eyes, his scar tranfering from his mask to his face. He gets nearly to where his nose is almost touching Levy's. "I've never in my life been able to look you in the eye and lie, even when I was hunting Creed down. Remember that. And listen: I have forgiven Creed for what happened and have realized the error of my ways. I. Need. His. Help." After speaking, he falls silent, waiting, without averting his gaze.
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