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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

supertinyking said
"Good news....Ornstine is dead. Bad news.....Every evil doer on the planet got a massive power boost that I can control, and I do not wish to deactivate it..." I say. "Also that gnome comment was a ploy, I am not gonna kill the short dwarf." I say.

"...In order, cool, crap, and OK then..." I say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

CreedTheChimera said
"...In order, cool, crap, and OK then..." I say.

"Yea...soo....I do have a request.....try not to kill the avian girl. I have been thinking about her powers...able to effect sensations....if she can effect pain I will find a great use for her." I say. "And other than that I guess we are at an inpass... I got what I wanted while screwing your guild over....honestly a good deal." I say with a chuckle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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CreedTheChimera said
"I'm not stupid." She thinks. "Prove it!" She demands.Kevin rips of his mask and sends it crashing to the floor. He is fairly handsome with ruby red eyes, his scar tranfering from his mask to his face. He gets nearly to where his nose is almost touching Levy's. "I've never in my life been able to look you in the eye and lie, even when I was hunting Creed down. Remember that. And listen: I have forgiven Creed for what happened and have realized the error of my ways. I. Need. His. Help." After speaking, he falls silent, waiting, without averting his gaze.

Vanitas yawns. "Intimidation...is that SUPPOSED to be his forte?" I respond. "I dunno...I don't think he's lying this time..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

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supertinyking said
In a swift movement, Drac held out his hands the chopper stopping dead still as it slowly floated safely to the ground. Slowly the blades of the chopper are repaired seemingly out of thin air, as well as any other damage done."And that is the main reason why." Drac mutters again.

Zoe heard the crack of breaking equipment and ice, but in a moment the sounds had vanished and the rhythmic whir of the chopper blades stabilized. At some point she had dropped to her knees covering her face with her hands. She opened her eyes to look through the lattice of her fingers and over her shoulder. The glance was just in time to see a panicked pilot shout to the confused man sprawled out in the bed of the craft. The runners lifted off the ice and the helicopter returned to its intended route. Zoe thought that she may have heard a muffled apology shouted from the copters passenger, but she couldn't be sure. Once again she was on the glacier with miles between the next town and a man with glowing eyes and the ability to avert disaster. "...they're gone."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

((Sorry about the slow replies, my PS3 was not designed to be used this way and it takes forever to type. But it's all got...))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

CreedTheChimera said
((Sorry about the slow replies, my PS3 was not designed to be used this way and it takes forever to type. But it's all got...))

((It is a ok man. A ok.))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Zoe Beringer said
Zoe heard the crack of breaking equipment and ice, but in a moment the sounds had vanished and the rhythmic whir of the chopper blades stabilized. At some point she had dropped to her knees covering her face with her hands. She opened her eyes to look through the lattice of her fingers and over her shoulder. The glance was just in time to see a panicked pilot shout to the confused man sprawled out in the bed of the craft. The runners lifted off the ice and the helicopter returned to its intended route. Zoe thought that she may have heard a muffled apology shouted from the copters passenger, but she couldn't be sure. Once again she was on the glacier with miles between the next town and a man with glowing eyes and the ability to avert disaster. "...they're gone."

"Yes, but alive. More than they would of been should that had I not been here." Drac says out loud. "I guess you would like to go to a near by town....do you have a map?" He asks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

Member Offline since relaunch

supertinyking said
"Yes, but alive. More than they would of been should that had I not been here." Drac says out loud. "I guess you would like to go to a near by town....do you have a map?" He asks.

"Uh..yes. Yes I do." Zoe fumbled with her bag finally pulling out a map. A trail from South Col to Kathmandu was outlined in red marker. She handed the map to Drac awkwardly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CreedTheChimera
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CreedTheChimera Bisexual Bitch

Member Seen 9 mos ago

supertinyking said
"Yea...soo....I do have a request.....try not to kill the avian girl. I have been thinking about her powers...able to effect sensations....if she can effect pain I will find a great use for her." I say. "And other than that I guess we are at an inpass... I got what I wanted while screwing your guild over....honestly a good deal." I say with a chuckle.

"Actually, you got what you wanted and we're now short one dark guild..." I say with a smirk of my own. "Madison is quite the whiz at screwing up teleportation. It was rather easy to change the destination for the teleport to 'black hole'."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

CreedTheChimera said
"Actually, you got what you wanted and we're now short one dark guild..." I say with a smirk of my own. "Madison is quite the whiz at screwing up teleportation. It was rather easy to change the destination for the teleport to 'black hole'."

I frown.
"Well I guess that is true, but every other dark guild is at 60% greater power. Not to mention I may be reviving those demons....they could be useful...." I say thinking. "Yea...we could help each other...." I say with a dark smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Zoe Beringer said
"Uh..yes. Yes I do." Zoe fumbled with her bag finally pulling out a map. A trail from South Col to Kathmandu was outlined in red marker. She handed the map to Drac awkwardly.

Drac looks at the map.
"Ahh ok here is where you wish to do." Drac says as he rolls the map up again and hands it back. He cracks his knuckles and holds his gauntleted hand out, the air shifting and splitting as another red portal opens.
"Well here you go...." He says gesturing for Zoe to enter the portal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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((Gotta run. Night!))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

Member Offline since relaunch

Taking one look at the glowing tear in the air, a chill ran up Zoe's spine. "No that is alright. I think I will walk." ((I'm looking for a little conflict and blood, lots of blood. Any ideas where to lead this to. You have averted several of my conspiracies thus far. :) ))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Zoe Beringer said
Taking one look at the glowing tear in the air, a chill ran up Zoe's spine. "No that is alright. I think I will walk." ((I'm looking for a little conflict and blood, lots of blood. Any ideas where to lead this to. You have averted several of my conspiracies thus far. :) ))

((Maybe a mugger or a animal trying to kill them? Or maybe have Zoe take a swing at drac. He won't kill her but I can show off his powers.))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

Member Offline since relaunch

((i like the second thing. all though it seems pretty foolish to pick a fight with the omnipotent Drac, my character is a little delirious right now.)) Zoe couldn't take her eyes off of the portal. It was mesmerizing and horrible. A heat pressed at the back of her eyes and the a desperate chord struck somewhere in her psyche. It was too much. She had fought the mountain tooth and nail for her chance at glory all to return a failure further reminded of her lack of power. Her hands squeezed the axe so hard her knuckles cracked as she lifted it above her head and swung with all her might at the unholy creature next to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Zoe Beringer said
((i like the second thing. all though it seems pretty foolish to pick a fight with the omnipotent Drac, my character is a little delirious right now.)) Zoe couldn't take her eyes off of the portal. It was mesmerizing and horrible. A heat pressed at the back of her eyes and the a desperate chord struck somewhere in her psyche. It was too much. She had fought the mountain tooth and nail for her chance at glory all to return a failure further reminded of her lack of power. Her hands squeezed the axe so hard her knuckles cracked as she lifted it above her head and swung with all her might at the unholy creature next to her.

((He isn't omnipotent. Just old....really....really....old.))
The ax lands a heavy blow, but rather than cut though drac, seemed to bounce off of him as if she had struck him with a rubber toy.
"Oh god not this again." Drac says rolling his eyes. He then sits on the ground with a raised eyebrow.
"One." He says.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

Member Offline since relaunch

supertinyking said
((He isn't omnipotent. Just old....really....really....old.)) The ax lands a heavy blow, but rather than cut though drac, seemed to bounce off of him as if she had struck him with a rubber toy."Oh god not this again." Drac says rolling his eyes. He then sits on the ground with a raised eyebrow."One." He says.

((Tomato tomatoe))
The recoil from the strike buckled Zoe's knees and snapped her arms back causing the axe to slip from her hands and fling toward a bank of snow. Falling on her side, Zoe skidded backward slamming into her pack inches from an outcropping of ice. As she lifted herself up from the ice, her parted lips allowed a trickle of blood to spatter into the snow. She snapped off the clips from her crampons and gripped both in the palm of each hand. Shakily standing, Zoe raised her spiked fists while bracing her back boot with her pack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Zoe Beringer said
((Tomato tomatoe))The recoil from the strike buckled Zoe's knees and snapped her arms back causing the axe to slip from her hands and fling toward a bank of snow. Falling on her side, Zoe skidded backward slamming into her pack inches from an outcropping of ice. As she lifted herself up from the ice, her parted lips allowed a trickle of blood to spatter into the snow. She snapped off the clips from her crampons and gripped both in the palm of each hand. Shakily standing, Zoe raised her spiked fists while bracing her back boot with her pack.

Drac holds up his hand.
"Well come on then." He says waiting for Zoe to attack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

Member Offline since relaunch

Wiping the blood off her lips with the back of her hand, Zoe inhaled deeply. Without thought or resolution, she dug her boots in and sprinted forward. Once she was within striking distance, she slid sideways into a left jab with her bespiked hand. Some part of her recognized the folly in her clumsy attack, but her anger had not dissipated and the greater of side of her wanted blood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

Member Offline since relaunch

supertinyking said
Drac holds up his hand."Well come on then." He says waiting for Zoe to attack.

Wiping the blood off her lips with the back of her hand, Zoe inhaled deeply. Without thought or resolution, she dug her boots in and sprinted forward. Once she was within striking distance, she slid sideways into a left jab with her bespiked hand. Some part of her recognized the folly in her clumsy attack, but her anger had not dissipated and the greater of side of her wanted blood.
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