ShadowVentus said
Basically, what's happening is that we're revamping the thread. Polishing it, I suppose would be a way of putting it.
Yeah I sort of picked up that much
But Matt's back
ShadowVentus said
Basically, what's happening is that we're revamping the thread. Polishing it, I suppose would be a way of putting it.
Spiritstallion1 said
Yeah I sort of picked up that muchBut Matt's back
thewizardguy said
Damn, I'm being demoted to Co-GM.Tiny is offline, don't know why, but Steam just told me he went offline. He won't be responding for a while.
ShadowVentus said
Well, I wouldn't call it a demotion, I'd just call it a temporary position. For all we know, Tiny could want you to be the main GM while he's the Co-GM. Basically, I'm just trying to make sure we can keep this thread alive, just make it a bit more fun, y'know?
supertinyking said
Sorry I clicked the wrong thing.
thewizardguy said
No problem.
ShadowVentus said
Hi Angel! How's it going?
thewizardguy said
I'm fine with not GMing for a while. Sorry for the mini-outburst there, BTW. I'm just a bit tired.
Angel said
Tired xP peachy otherwise
ShadowVentus said
Good to hear! I'm honestly surprised by the fact that's it's a Saturday afternoon and pretty much no one is online. At least, that's just how it looks to me atm.
ShadowVentus said
Huh...y'know, I haven't seen Tyki in what feels like ages...wonder what he's been up to.
supertinyking said
He hasn't been online in 45 days.
ShadowVentus said
How do you know that, exactly?
ShadowVentus said
How do you know that, exactly?
ShadowVentus said