Deeper Than The Sands: Paused Between Ch. 1 & 2
This Rp is part of a larger story line and is currently paused and merged into the Tartarean Strands Storyline. It will pick up once the storylines break apart again.
*Rules are enforced and you will be removed if you break them - they may seem strict and harsh but I am a fair Gm as long as communication remains open and honest and people do no take advantage.
General Rules For All Lady A Rp's
- Gm Is Goddess And An Evil GM Overlord
- Gm has final say on all matters.
- You must read and follow all the rules at all times
- Gm does check on posting and log in habits
- Gm will contact your previous GM's and Rpers for references if she feels it is needed
- Do NOT insult the GM, the rules, or your fellow Rpers
- Gm does kick, block, and call out Rpers
- If you are not joining or interested in the Rp - do NOT post here, period
- Check Ego's at the door - I do not put up with bullshit, flamers, trolls, whiners, egomaniacs, etc.
- Applying does not mean acceptance. Gm reserves the right to deny anyone for any reason at anytime
- Gm does and will request edits to CS and IC posts if things are missed, over looked, or cannot be reasonably explained
- Gm will work in side quests and story arcs - Just PM them
- Have an idea or want to keep something under wraps for a time? PM the GM
- Read through Rpers Guide To Etiquette - This is a good reference for RP Etiquette - It is required reading for the RP and you will be held to everything in it
- CS Sheet Provided Must Be Used
- Use code provided below
- Do not submit WIP's - Final CS's only
- Post CS for approval in OOC
- Only GM approved CS's allowed in CS Tab
- If you submit a Cs and you do not follow the rules and instructions it WILL be denied and not be allowed to be resubmitted with edits. In other words, it is scrapped.
- Change color code to one not in use (This is required for various reasons)
- If you have problems with changing out the color code or any of the coding, just pm it to me and I will take care of it for you
- May not use default CS color, any colors currently in use by active characters or that are close to another characters color
- Dark or Hard to read colors will not be accepted and will be required to change before a CS is accepted
- Images are not required but are highly encouraged for visual and music video purposes
- Remove ~instructions~ on CS before submitting
- Remove the "." in the [hr.] code before submitting
- Once Cs's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS when stated by the GM
- Once your CS is approved and posted in the CS tab you may not edit it without first gaining permission from the GM
- General Rules
- Follow All Forum Rules
- No Flame Wars in OOC - Have a problem? Take it to PM
- No Meta-Gaming
- No Bunnying
- No Auto-Hitting
- Remember IC and OOC are two different things - keep them separate
- All actions using skills must be a called action and will require a GM check to see what the outcome is (Depending on the situation, this can be done before you post via pm or after you post a called action in the next world narrative)
- Language - No Filters
- Gore - No Filters - This will get gross
- Taboo subjects will be crossed but will be maintained to fade to black if needed
- All Lady A Rp's cross certain lines, many subjects are not for the easily offended or triggered
- Romance:
- Allowed but keep it Pg-13, then fade to black
- No prestarted couples
- Don't plan out couples ahead of time
- Don't force couples
- Let romance happen naturally without planning - trust me, the wait and work is worth it.
- If love interests and couples form too quickly in the GM's opinion she is not above instituting a required roll from LLA to see if love can occur or if they end up hating each other just as instantly as they fell in love.
- Approved and active members of the Rp will be given the link to Lady A's Rp Chat room to better help stay in touch with your fellow Rpers in this RP
- The world is controlled by the GM - All NPC's, weather, what you see, what you find, what happens, everything. So if it isn't in my post, it didn't happen. If you need more information, either tag the Gm in OOC or drop a PM. Assume nothing.
- All skills and attempts for things must be sent to the GM for rolls to deem success or failure.
- Randomization and LLA is used in this RP - Please refer to my tutorial for a description if you are new to this concept
- Posting Habits
- You are not allowed to use @Mention Tags or Interacting With Headers In IC.
- You are not allowed to copy and paste anything another character has said or posted in a previous post in your posts
- Uniform Headers for Character must by used in IC posts (code provided below)
- No Fontmeme or the like is allowed for IC or CS's
- Your characters personal color code must be used for dialog
- Minimal of 250 Words Per Post
- Post on SI first and hover over the stars in the top left hand corner of your post to check post length.
- Once posted on RPG, edits for post length will not be accepted and you will be removed from RP if your post does not meet the minimal.
- If you are running more than 1 character at once, your required paragraph total is equal to 250 words per character!
- Must IC post once every 7 days (It is your job to keep up with when you need to post. Your last post hits Day 8 and I remove you from the RP.)
- If you need additional time to post you must notify the Gm by day 5 of your counter. Extensions will not be granted after that. I will try to work with you but only if you are up front, honest, and keep the lines of communication open. Real life comes first but joining this Rp means you know and respect what is expected of you and your fellow RPers. (You aren't the only one with a life)
- I do not accept "no inspiration" as a reason not to post
- I do not accept "waiting for someone else to post" as a reason not to post
- I do not accept "I have nothing to post" as a reason not to post
- Keep up with all IC and OOC posts - This means read them all, I do random checks on this. Miss enough things and you will be removed.
- No spamming OOC - Seriously, I will gut you
- If you are holding up the RP and joining other Rp's you will be called on it
- Minimal 2 posts between your last
- No editing a post in IC once it has been posted without first getting permission from the GM
- If an edit is required to your last post it must be done before day 8 on your previous posts counter or you will be removed. (Posts that need editing are considered incomplete.)
- If a Gm calls for an edit that is your ~permission~ to edit
- No Editing IC/OOC/CS posts if you leave or are removed from the RP
- There is no additional time granted due to forum glitches unless the forum is fully down for more than 3 days. A week to post is plenty of time even if the forum glitches a day or two
- Collabs
- Must tag the Gm in OOC to notify her that you are collabing and who are you are collabing with by day 5 of the highest counter
- Collabs may not be started after your day 5 counter
- If you are collabing and your partner vanishes or does not reply, you must finish the collab and post it before the timer runs out
- If your collab partner vanishes you are granted temporary minimal bunnying privileges to complete the collab
- If your collab partner vanishes, you need to make the Gm aware so it does not count against you
- Know your personal posting limitations before applying to join - Work gives you a schedule, schools let you know when finals are coming, plan around these things
- You may withdraw from the RP at any time and be put on Hiatus for an extended amount of time if your schedule becomes over whelming. You are allowed 1 Hiatus per year.
- If you join other Rp's while on Hiatus you will not be admitted back to the Rp and will be considered ~kicked~
- If you flake out, ghost, or are kicked from the RP the GM takes control of your character and it becomes general NPC property of the RP. The character may just be shelved, might be killed, or turned over to another Rper. (So if you are going to drop this RP, just post you are leaving to keep this from happening.)
- Spots are not first come first serve
- Gm will review completed CS first
- Gm will then notify you if you are approved
- Character deaths will happen, no one is safe - it will be randomized and you will be notified when your death approaches. (This does not mean you are out of the RP, it will mean however you need to make a new character should you wish to continue - I recommend having Back Up Characters Ready)
- I am looking for long term highly dedicated Rpers. My Rps tend to run a minimal of one year, so be prepared for it!
- This RP is within the Lady A Universe Timeline 'Verse
- Rules and Cs sheet will be added to and changed as need be depending on problems or points that come up.
- Under Extras in your CS post a link to a post you have done in the past on this forum. If you submit a CS without this it will be declined
- Special - To New Comers To The Guild - Pm The Gm before you even start a CS
Special Rules For Deeper Than The Sands
- This is a Chapter Based RP
- This Rp will be broken down into Chapters instead of ~ending~ the RP and starting over with each new part
- Original OOC will be updated for each chapter
- At the end of each year awards of new skills will be granted to those characters that ~survive~ that long
- Characters must be in play a minimal of half the chapters time to be awarded new skills
- Cases
- Case Method will be used in this RP from time to time
- Counters for Cases will begin when the WN with the case in it
- Counters for Cases differ from the usual 7 day counter depending on the Case - How many days you have for a case will be posted in the case file
- Cases are collab work between you, whoever else is assigned to your case and the GM - In PM for rolls and updates
- Cases are a newer method and give much more control to the RPer - if you have questions ask. If this is your first time dealing with cases, do NOT worry. The GM will walk you through it
- Rpers may start out with 1 character and 1 back up character
- Rpers in Good Standing with Lady A may begin with 2 Characters and however many back up characters you think you'll want to have
- Additional Characters may be brought in later depending on various things, PM the GM if you wish to do this after a minimal of 3 months of IC for review
- This is a slice of life rp
- Real Life cause and effect will be in place
- Realistic Character Sheets Only
- Things like jobs and skills must fit with characters back story
- Please remember this is taking place in 1924 Egypt. There will be certain prejudices in place: gender, religion, sexuality, class. So please take this into account as it could be a factor in the RP.
- If you wish your character to have "connections" please run it by the GM first to ensure it is acceptable and isn't already being done by another.
- Under Extras in the CS place your favorite Egyptian God/Goddess so I know you at least skimmed this...(Ha all you old timers, I move one.)
- This RP is a prequel to Darker Than Black, so it is a crossover.
- You may NOT use characters from previous RP's
- Once Cs's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS - This is not required to late comers to the RP as you wouldn't know someone at this point.
- Rolls must be requested for any action in an RP
- Don't assume just because your character is capable of something that it has been rolled for
- Rolls must be requested by end of day 5 of your general counter except in the following circumstances
- In a case - roll counters are done on an individual case basis.
- You are on day 5 when an update comes in. You have 48 hours to get a request in then.
- Once a roll is called for and I give you the results, you have 24 hours to post. (Failure to do so will result in removal from the RP.)
- When making a request be sure to include all information
- Character name
- Characters current location
- Characters attempted actions
- Any and all skills being used
- Why each skill is being called
- Desired location if the character is attempting to move from point A to point B
- Skill Rolls
- These are ONLY skills your character has listed in their CS
- These MUST be listed in your header if you make a roll request
- They MUST be listed EXACTLY as you have listed in your CS
- Having the skill and calling a roll for it gives you certain bonuses to success
- Example:
- Gavin is currently sitting looking through his scope on the green near the lake. He is going to attempt to shoot the Edenite that is on the top of the wall, closest one to him. He is using his Rifle and Sniper Rifle Skills for this to take aim and to fire. He is using his people reading skill to supplement them in hopes of knowing if the person is going to run right before he fires. he is NOT moving from his current location at this time.
- These are for skills not listed in your characters CS
- These are general attempts
- They do NOT get listed in your header
- When you call for one, you must let the GM know your character does not possess this skill.
- These can be used for a general light bulb, to attempting something new, and so forth.
- Example:
- Zoie is currently in the main hosting area of the party at Queensguard. No skills are being used. I need a general observation and perception check to see if anyone is keeping an eye on her or if anything seems out of place. She needs to get to a private location so she can try to execute the plan to get information on Cynthia Ross. So general mental check to see if any points of exit come to mind. If she gets an idea she will be attempting to leave the scene, if not she will hold position.
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