Vera Munn

Character Summary
Name: Vera Edith Munn
Aliases: The Librarian, Catastrophe
Age: 27
Birthday: September 25th, 1897
Ethnicity: Half British - Half Egyptian
Birth Place: London, England
Residence: Grand Continental Hotel, Presidential Suite
How Long In Cairo: 2 years
Gender: Female
Major/Minor: Egyptology/Archeology
Occupation: Librarian - Museum Of Antiquities Cairo
Languages: English*, Egyptian Arabic*, Hebrew, Ancient Egyptian (Archaic through Late)

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115lbs
Build: Thin
Eyes: Hazel Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale with golden and olive undertones
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Ears Pierced
Personal Style: Vera does not seem to worry about how she looks, more interested in what she knows. She tends to wear clothing that is a bit mannish in all honesty; opting for jodhpurs and oversized cardigans at times or just large dress shirts and a lower shin length simple skirt. Fashion is not a concern of hers but she will adorn the local wear from time to time when she feels like it.
While an attractive woman to some she tones down her looks because of her clothing, though not intentionally. It just doesn't concern her. Form and function. Her hair is usually kept pulled back with wisps of uncontrolled curls around her face or just left long down to the center of her back. She does wear make up but it is minimal; the most evident being the eye liner she will sometimes wear in small homage to her Egyptian heritage. (Because I mean come on, who doesn't love that look in the 1920's Egypt?)

Confident * Skittish * Passionate * Relentless * Enthusiastic * Clumsy
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Vera is a kind spirit who loves what she loves; Egypt. She is very devoted to her family and would be to her friends if she had any. She tries to find the good in situations but it not naive enough to believe that everyone has good within them. Relentless in her pursuits she is extremely passionate and enthusiastic when it comes to history, research, and artifacts. Perhaps she would be this way with people as well but she has little contact with them other than what is required from day to day.
A bit of a loner, she keeps to herself but much of that is because her nose is either in a book or because she is a bit of a klutz and tends to cause situations without even knowing it until it is too late. While very confidant in her abilities and her knowledge, she can be skittish at times and will cower back until forced with no other option than to deal with a situation personally. It is not that she is a coward, she just know where her skills lay and combat is not one of them. Her words are her sword and armor but she is well aware that a blade can pierce through them if she is not careful.
She is rather logical and resourceful when it comes to thing, trying to think outside the box if she can in situations and she never turns down a chance to actually get into the field and work hands on despite her fears. While not an Atheist she does not believe in fairy tales as she called them; she believes if she can see it and touch it, then it is real. Until that moment it is still up for debate.
- Mumbling to herself when she reads
- Reading while she is walking around
- Biting her bottom lip
- Wringing her hands when nervous
- Swimming
- Studying her Uncles Case
- Scorpions
- Flying
- Never finding who she believe was her Uncles killer
- Tea
- Egyptian Artifacts
- The smell of books
- Cats
- Talking about history
- Pointing out a mistranslation made by another
- Anything that startles her
- Liars
- Thieves
- Grave Robbers
- Messes she causes on accident
- Vandals
- Those who refuse to see truth

Cards On The Table
General World Skills:
- R/W Ancient Egyptian
- R/W Hebrew
- Decipher hieratics
- Decipher hieroglyphics
- History (Ancient Egypt)
- Mythology (Ancient Egypt)
- Research
- Excavation
- Coding And Cataloging the Library System of Egyptian Museum
Combat Skills:
- Focus
- Mental Stamina
- Swimming
- Riding (Camel)
- Riding (Horse)
What Is On Your Person:
- Clothing - Calf length khaki skirt that buttons down the front with deep pockets on either side of the hips; brown leather belt; white oversized dress shirt with grey pin-striping; black silk scarf; reading glasses (even though she doesn't need them); low healed black and white shoes
- Gold necklace with locket that holds a picture of her mother on one side and her father on the other
- Gold earrings with black onyx stone
- Purse - small comb, her papers, passport, some money, key to her hotel room, fountain pen
- Several pieces of blank paper
- Piece of charcoal wrapped in wax paper
- Archeologist kit
- Uncles Case File - Death papers, interviews she has conducted and so forth
- Books on Egypt
- Typewriter
- Picture of her Parents
- Picture of her Uncle and her at KV62
- Clothing
- Uncles Papers
- Notes from work
- Trunk of Family Mementos
- Egyptian Mau named Merneith

What Brings You To Cairo: Vera had always been intrigued, if not completely obsessed, with Egypt since she was a small girl. When Carter, who was funded by her uncle, was growing close to what he felt was a discovery she pleaded with her Uncle to let her join him in Egypt. He agreed and she was on her way; taking a job at the Egyptian Museum.
Life Before You Moved To Cairo: Vera was born in London England. Her father was an archeologist and her mother was an Egyptian that he met on a dig in Thebes. She grew up with a simple life in London, going to school and her parents indulging her every desire to learn more about her mothers native land; making sure she could speak both her parents languages fluently as she grew up. Vera adored every moment of it, her nose usually in a book than doing anything else.
Her parents preferred it that way, she was never a graceful child. Seemingly always a clutz on some level but they could never be sure if that was just because she had two left feet or simply the effect of her having said nose in a book as she walked and never paying attention to anything else going on around her. Either way, she learned the basics - Riding, Swimming - but other than that she spent her time either in school or studying Egypt on her own.
When she was in her first year at Whitelands College, studying to be a teacher, her parents were killed in a plane crash on their way back from Egypt on Holiday. Vera was crushed but her uncle quickly took her under his wing and ensured that she finished her education. She took a job teaching after college but was never satisfied with it. She wanted to be in the field. It wasn't until later on when her uncle finally agreed, that she would be able to leave England and peruse something closer to where her passion lay; Egypt.
Life Since You Moved To Cairo: It has been interesting to say the least. She was privileged to be one of the first to see within KV62 and all the wonders it held. When her uncle died though things changed. It didn't stop her love of Egypt, in fact it fueled it. She wanted and still wants to prove that it wasn't some silly curse that took her uncle from this world but hard facts and science. Yet being a woman provides many limitations even if her uncle made sure she was financially secure before he passed. She has continued to work for the museum since then, trying to figure out just exactly what did happen. Thankfully the curator feels like he owes her uncle and keeps her on staff. (Otherwise she would have been fired for being a clutz the day the man died.)

Character Quote:
- I... am a librarian.
- You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance. Always.
- Have you got any bright ideas?
- It's not stealing, it's borrowing.
- Patience is a virtue.
- Oops...
- It was an accident!
- No harm ever came from reading a book.
Theme Song: Kate Bush - Egypt
"I cannot stop to comfort them.
I'm busy chasing up my demon.
Oh, I'm in love with Egypt."
Anything Else:
- Isis
- Enter Eden
- The woman cannot hold her liquor
- Is right handed
*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.
The Notebook
Vera Munn

"Did I do that?"
║ ☯ Neutral ║ ✿ Friend ║ ❅ BFF ║ ♡ Infatuation ║ ❤ Love ║
║ ❦ Considered Family ║ ☣ Tense ║ ☢ Dislikes ║ ☠ Enemy ║
║ ❦ Considered Family ║ ☣ Tense ║ ☢ Dislikes ║ ☠ Enemy ║
☯ Harry Walsh ☯
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
☯ Haakon Elvsgaard ☯
"Oh yes, he is a journalist. We have spoken on occasion."
"Oh yes, he is a journalist. We have spoken on occasion."
Vera has spoken to Mr. Elvsgaard once or twice, she can't rightly recall; her nose was buried in a book at the time. He asked about her family, the dig, the rumors and such. She told him what she knew factually but anything that was question about rumors, fantasy, hokum, she just ignored. She doesn't believe in such things and did not want to perpetuate them further.
☯ Josephine Clark ☯
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
☯ Nora Kingston ☯
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
❦ Reginald Keystone ❦
"Uncle Regi, I broke something else..."
"Uncle Regi, I broke something else..."
Reginald has always been a close friend to the family but when Vera lost her parents and uncle he stopped in to fill the void. They speak frequently and she visits him often at the Barracks for dinner. The two have grown close over the last year and she beyond grateful he is there for her.
☯ Lauren Ridgeway ☯
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
☯ Aziza Tarek ☯
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
☯ Abbas Zien ☯
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
♡/☣ William Drake ☣/♡
"That beastly American is a scoundrel, a cad, and down right handsome! What? I didn't say handsome, I said handful!"
"That beastly American is a scoundrel, a cad, and down right handsome! What? I didn't say handsome, I said handful!"
Vera was none to pleased to be assigned as Williams liaison to the Egyptian Museum when he came out to Cairo for the purposes of "archeology"; given the assignment because he was an American and she was a woman. The two have butted heads constantly but there have been some interesting slips as of late that has the museum gossiping somewhat. It doesn't help that she gets all flustered around him and blushes from time to time.
Lord Carnarvon And The Udjtat
Other Clues Or Points Of Interest