Let's start with small announcements and work our way up.
First, the people tagged above may find that their CPs are a little higher in my opening OOC post than you may have accounted for in your posts. (As of the time I'm posting this announcement) This is because of a lesser known bonus that may have been forgotten about by most. Your first post in a new month is worth 5CP, effectively making it 4CP more than a normal post. Happy New Year!
Second, I just deleted a small section of the manual that says that each month is a separate day in this RP. I did this so that the midnight hour does not rush your story arcs any more. Now, the only thing that regulates this RP's pace is the sun's position in the sky, night vs day.
Third, this RP thread's manual will not be updated any further. This is because, in the future (no specified date yet), we will reboot this RP with Dusksong as it's head GM, while I will remain as a Co-GM. The timing of this transition will coincide with my final announcement...
Fourth, I am building an entirely separate site to supplement this RP. This new site is not to replace this RP, but rather, it will add to the experience. The new site's lore takes place 100 years in the future of this RP. This means that, for the most part, the two RPs will operate simultaneously yet separately. But something is stirring in the Pokemon universe that may cause the two worlds to collide....
Fifth, the full scale launch for the new site is
not going to happen immediately. It will be under construction for as long as it takes to get it ready. Even still, I don't want to keep anyone in the dark any longer. So without further ado, here is the web address:
pokemon-new-world.proboards.com ..... You can register as a member now; that way you can watch as the site is slowly constructed. You may even contact me (via PM on that site) if you would like to help speed up the process. I've already built the site's skeleton, but there is still much initial content to write.
I hope 2017 is going to be a wonderful year for all of us, here and in the real world!