Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Here shall the characters for the Advanced Star Wars roleplay, Corusant Sacked: Aftermath, be stored.

Note: only approved characters go here. The others go in OoC or PM or external doc or such.

Ellri's NPCs:
Ok, here's three more NPC sheets. These will be directed by us mainly. Like with the three previous NPCs, these sheets only cover parts of the characters.
Name: Moff Absk Katherion

Role: Fleet commander.
Personality: Calm. Commanding. The sort that inspires loyalty in the men and women serving under him. A strong leader.
His origins lie somewhere within the Sith Empire, but it matters little which world. Like most other citizens of the empire, he joined the military at a young age, after it was verified without a doubt that he was not Force-sensitive. Absk ended up within the Navy. As a Katherion, he was trained as an officer, not just a minor role like a pilot or such. Over time, he proved to be a natural leader, quickly rising through the ranks. Within two years, he already commanded his first ship, the Ajak.

Considering how the war with the republic was progressing, that meant he quickly got involved in serious conflicts. Details on what passed in these battles are sketchy, as if someone tried to erase the records. The only thing that is clear about it is that Absk's meteoric rise through the ranks halted overnight. Over the following seven years, he did not get promoted even once; not even when he proved his valor time and again. Official records claim he has declined any promotion, but those few that know him personally all claim that is a lie. No matter the reason, he has grown popular with the troops serving under him. His lack of promotions makes him "one of them" in their eyes.

Some three standard months back, against all predictions, he was promoted to the rank of Moff, and given command of two additional ships, the Asha and the Hâsk. The former, like his first command, was a Terminus-class destroyer, while the latter was a heavily modified Gage-Class transport. He had no idea about why he got this, or anything related to it, but it recently became clear when he, owing to his high rank, was briefed upon the plans for the sacking of Coruscant. His two destroyers would to some degree aid in the sacking, but their primary job would be to protect the Hâsk, a prisoner transport modified to handle Jedi.

Eventually he was introduced to the one who had raised him up despite someone else trying to keep him down. This someone was Darth Nyiss, a pureblood Sith Alchemist that few ever made note of. Not because she was weak, but because she avoided notice as much as possible. He realized that she, with her clout, was his one chance at rising higher through the ranks. With her aid, he managed to crew his ships with reliable officers and crew.
Name: Lieutenant Allende Laval

Role: Ground commander. Led the Prisoner collection team.

Personality: Proud imperialist. She believes in the cause.

Like Absk Katherion, Laval's background is somewhat vague, though for very different reasons. She was recently transferred over from a different ship at the request of the Moff, who had fought alongside her in the past. Those few with access to military records will note that while she has a number of awards to her name, few of them are linked to any specific battle. Her service records are similarly enigmatic due to being full of holes, clear proof that they have been purged without any care for concealing said purges. As enigmatic as this makes her, none doubt her loyalty to the Empire and the Sith.
Name: Lea Rahn
Role: Padawan
Personality: Mysterious, quiet. Friendly. Patient. Resilient.
Age: 14(ish)
Born about a decade and a half into the Great Galactic War, Lea has never known true peace. At the same time, she has not known true war either. She was born upon a world in the galactic core, for the most part safe from the war. Her family, House Rahn, is an old one. It is also famous for its high frequency of Force Sensitives. Not the most powerful ones out there, but still strong ones. As such, it came as no surprise that she exhibited the same sensitivity.

Though she could have been trained by her father, he felt it would be better to have an independent and impartial master train her. Or perhaps it was the high council that felt this way, considering the fact that her mother was not her father's wife. As her father claimed her as his even before she was born, she inherited his name, even if some felt her bastardy should have denied her that right. Nonetheless, her father's wife would not have her around. Considering her mother was also powerful with the force, it only made sense for the Jedi to raise her. The result was twofold. One, part was that she did not have a normal childhood. The other was that using the force became second nature to her. Virtually everyone around her did on a regular basis, so why should she not?

Eventually, roughly eight standard months ago, she was given to the Jedi Knight Alluria Kast as padawan. They trained together for a while, though they were not together at the time of the Sacking, wherein Alluria perished. Lea is now on the cusp of adulthood, she has somewhat of a dual nature, the innocence of Youth mixed with natural grace of early adulthood. She is strong for her age, with little outward evidence that the death of her master hurt her. Whether this is due to her being silent much of the time or other reasons is hard, if not impossible, to say.
Name: Ithan Kando, Inquisitor
Appearance: {No image}
Armored and robed. Stands out, but is also the appearance most often seen.
Sith Trooper armor, only those knowing details of imperial navy ranks can see through it, as his rank insignia tells the truth.

Role: Interrogator Sith.
Traits: Utterly Ruthless. Wily. Reliable. Imprecise. Enigmatic.
Story: Ithan's story is no formal secret, but nonetheless, few know it. He serves, and has served, Moff Katherion for the past several years, doing what needs be done but that Katherion does not want to do himself. Why a Sith would choose to serve a non-Sith like this is hard to say, and neither party seems to have much interest in explaining it.

Few know anything about him personally, not even what species he is. He always moves about in some form of armor, be it his personal Sith armor or that of a Sith Trooper. And he always utilizes a voice synthesizer.
Name: Minder Sixty-Two

Role: Imperial Intelligence Agent

Personality: Minder Sixty-Two’s personality seems to be about as blank as his cybernetically attached glasses. He says almost nothing, and acts like he isn’t there most of the time. In fact, he regularly isn’t noticed when he is there. He refuses to answer any questions or conduct any meaningful interaction at all.

Story: If anyone knows why Imperial Intelligence is on the ship, they aren’t talking. His history, just like every other Imperial Intelligence agent, is classified, though from his weathered face and cybernetic enhancement it is no doubt been a difficult one. He directs much of the interrogation aspect of the project, but will only give pointers about what information is being searched for, and does not seem to actively take part.
Name: Minder Sixty-Two
Role: Imperial Intelligence Agent
Personality: Minder Sixty-Two’s personality seems to be about as blank as his cybernetically attached glasses. He says almost nothing, and acts like he isn’t there most of the time. In fact, he regularly isn’t noticed when he is there. He refuses to answer any questions or conduct any meaningful interaction at all.
Story: If anyone knows why Imperial Intelligence is on the ship, they aren’t talking. His history, just like every other Imperial Intelligence agent, is classified, though from his weathered face and cybernetic enhancement it is no doubt been a difficult one. He directs much of the interrogation aspect of the project, but will only give pointers about what information is being searched for, and does not seem to actively take part.
Imperial Intelligence Dossier: Luhon Aban
Name: Luhon Aban
Species: Bothan
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Uses: Bounty hunter. Smuggler. Hunter.
Reliability: 83%
Reasons: He does what he is paid to do, but he is an alien. No matter how good his track record, that blemish cannot be removed. He is obedient, but only up to a point. He will not risk his own life if he can avoid it.
Personality traits: Silent. Untrusting. Careful. Methodical. Pragmatic. Prideful. Abnormally honest.
Known skills:
Reliable pilot. Has outrun imperial and republic starfighters on several occasions.
Gunslinger. When hired, he will not hesitate to shoot to kill those who hinder his job.
Adventurer. He is not above going to new places or doing things he has never done before.
Tracking. He has reliable skill at tracking prey through various climates, be it sentient or not.
Known Associates: None. He hires and discards locals for each job.
Commonly found:
Outer rim worlds, sometimes hutt space.
Imperial Jobs completed: 102
The Krayt Dragon:
Scarred individual. Clearly a victor of many battles.
42.31 m long.
18,437 tons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Who and what are you? Are you male or female? Young or old? From where do you come, to where are you going? Tell us about yourself. Do not be humble, for we would know all about you.
Male. Pureblood Sith, old enough that all the younger Sith lords who are constantly being killed have no idea how old he is. His name is only known to his niece, though even she does not use it. He is known as Guide, he has been a teacher, scholar and an advisor to all of those Sith who are less stubborn than others come to him for advice. Though over most of the years gone past he has been devoted to his niece, who he is now going to visit upon her ship.

Few men truly serve more than one cause. Sure, you might pay lip service to many and support others, but which cause do you serve most? The Galactic Republic and the Jedi order, or the glorious Sith Empire? What sort of beliefs motivate you? What keeps you going?

He serves the Dark Side of the Force, devoting himself to understanding its mysteries. At the same time he serves the Sith Empire and his niece. While many disapprove of him assisting his niece claiming it should be the other way around he just puts it off, as he has never been a traditional thinker.

Eyes grow weak with age. They cannot see you clearly. Would you kindly describe what you look like and the sort of clothes you wear? Is there something that makes you stand out from everyone else? A physical flaw perhaps?

He is not built for combat, his body does not possess the speed or the strength without augmentation with the Force. He appears older, however he is known to be able to practice the ability to slow down the aging process of his body.

He is also well known among Sith, and while that is a good thing in some cases his combat inability isn't a great secret especially to the older Sith warriors. Though he is still regarded as highly useful and has not been killed. His popularity however is falling amongst the younger members of the Sith Order, and as such many seek to abuse his trusting nature to learn his secrets before killing him, well trustful for a Sith. He is eager to teach and even more eager to learn.

His greatest weakness is his thirst for knowledge, he can risk risk almost everything for something he just needs to know. He sometimes speaks in riddle which annoys people who he is talking with. He is also a staunch believer in the Sith Pureblood on the basis that the Sith Order is based upon the teachings of the Sith species legacy on Korriban and as such does not approve of any non-Sith in high positions, and does not even give them the title no matter what rank they hold even Adepts.

He also can't cook or fly a ship.

Now you have described somewhat about yourself, but you have not covered why you fight. Is it out of idealistic belief, or is it something else?

He tries to avoid fights in any and all forms, though will fight in defence of the Sith, family or knowledge.

Surely you are not like everyone else. What sort of skills make you stand out from the rest? What do you excel at? What do you always fail to do right?

He excels at alchemy, totally and completely. Though with people who he has not met before he often fails in social interaction.

You have not been in touch with the rest so far. How do you relate to them? Are there any friends of yours among them? any enemies? Or perhaps you even have family therein?
My Niece is among them. You know who she is.

The past makes you who you are. What sort of events made you the one you are?

Guide was brought up on older tenants of the Ancient Sith tribes. His family was pureblood all the way back to the earliest recordings of its existence, not one members has been known to marry a non-Sith. Growing up in this environment he has a very pro-Sith sentiment. He does not so much have a quarrel with half bloods but does not approve of non Sith taking on the name of the Sith Order and as such does not particularly approve of the "Sith Order" and just classes them all as Dark Side users rather than Sith he only allows Pure Bloods to take on the name of Sith. He grew up learning history and alchemy compared to the fighting techniques of the order, he did not directly attend the Sith Academy and instead was teamed with several other people and sent to Ziost for study. He often left his team behind as they were chased by strange beings, not even those from the local settlements travelled at night and many a strong saber had died at the hands of these beasts.

Guide travelled to one of the old settlements, abandoned and here he disappeared for several years. When people travelled to search for him they found nor emains and presumed him dead at the hands of the beasts. Though instead he was learning secrets, ancient and forgotten secrets. Thirty years later, he returned from his self proclaimed exile. He was fastracked through the academy and was offered the title of a Sith Saber, however he declined the title and even declined to become an inquisitor. Instead he became a teacher, advisor and a scholar. Travelling to all the Sith controlled worlds discovering their lost secrets. He was known to the greatest Sith Lords in that he gave them power, he gave them advice and he gave them Sith History. He added to the elitist views of the Sith and as such would often ignore the Higher ups who were not purebloods yet claimed to be Sith Lords. He was essentially a wild card, a master of alchemy with no loyalties he was also a threat and as the same with many other Sith he became a target and survival came through an unlikely source. His niece, also a powerful Force User she too was a Pureblood and saved his life from an assassination attempt, a deed that assisted in her rise to power.

That day he also saw potential in her, and taught her more than he had taught anyone else. He was not her master, and she not his apprentice he was her Guide and Mentor and while he is still sometimes called to help others he holds her above all else as he sees her becoming another Great Sith and hopes to see her raise higher, however as of late he has been disappointed in some of her and as such when the first chance presented itself he made sure to make his way to her ship.

No matter if you are a Jedi or a Sith, you probably made a lightsaber once upon a time. What does it look like?

Violet blade.

If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?

Djem So

What sort of person are you? Do you use the Force for combat, or do you prefer to wield its more mystical branches? Is there something you excel at above all other things? Is there something you are hopelessly bad at? What limitations do you have?
Don’t forget that this is in the middle of a war. Anyone of truly exceptional skill would have been at or near the front lines, and therefore cannot be here.

Alchemy, Mind Alteration. These are his two fields of Force Knowledge. Alchemy he can all but bring someone back to life, Mind Alteration he can create pain and illusions. Though while he can do the average hurling off objects he pretty much fails in every other aspect of the Force, purely due to lack of training.

a) You are a Sith. How come you arrived now, several days after the others? Why would the powerful Darth Nyiss let you in at such a late time?

I arrived with the latest toy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

NPCs of Sundered Echo
These NPCs are predominantly controlled by Sundered Echo, though not always or entirely. The information presented here is not the always the sum total of the character... You'll have to find out more about them in game.
Name: Darth Nyiss
Role: Darth Nyiss spearheaded the initiative to capture a number of Jedi for conversion. She is the master of the Hask and all aboard it and its escorts.
Personality: Darth Nyiss is known to be a rather quirky Darth, but unlike many of her colleagues her quirks rarely involve death or even physical pain. She does not often act much like a Darth, and is known to dally below her station, but never seriously or for long. When it comes to her more esoteric 'hobbies' she is unflinching in her resolve and uncaring in the lengths she will go to.
Story: Darth Nyiss is slightly less well known among the militant Sith as much of her work goes on behind Imperial lines. As a Sith Pureblood, she is a staunch believer in Sith purity and the right of the Sith to rule the galaxy. She is known to have left remarkably few bodies behind her, in the Sith order at least. Almost all of her rivals and foes are still alive to this day, though all of them have some small mark somewhere upon them to remember her by, and not one of them ever challenged her a second time. Since becoming a Darth, she has become a skilled sorcerer and alchemist, wielding ancient Sith secrets discovered in the many tombs dotting Korriban. Recently, she has made it known that she is seeking one new Apprentice or Lord of great skill to work alongside her, and despite dark rumors of horrific experiments a number of these lesser Sith have flocked to her side and are attempting to prove themselves the most worthy in her eyes.
Name: Jewel Namore
Role: Sith Lord
Personality: Jewel Namore is known to be a confidant warrior and a powerful Darksider. Born an Imperial human with a very low percentage of Sith blood she still possessed a connection to the Force powerful enough for her to be recruited. She has had to fight against the prejudice of every Sith that doubted her because of her small percentage of 'purity.' This has made her incredibly driven and independent, trusting none but herself and using every edge she can to get ahead of her peers.
Story: Born into the Sith Empire just before the beginning of the war Jewel has a very small percentage of Sith blood in her heritage. Taken to the academy on Korriban when she was very young, she always fought hard to make the uncaring instructors accept her. She was rarely the strongest, rarely the smartest, but she still always came out on top. Always the most driven, she had a knack for finding things that gave her an edge. As an Apprentice she fought in the war, and though her records are available to anyone of sufficient rank, they are much the same as every other Sith. Eventually, she managed to manipulate her way into the title of Lord. Two years ago she planted a number of Jedi holocrons in the personal effects of her then master, and when they were found she made sure she was in the perfect position to take his rank and power structure for herself. Since that day she has only become a more skilled manipulator, and while she is nowhere near Darth Nyiss is such matters, she has nonetheless gained the attention of the Darth. With Nyiss' attention has come power and influence, but she is also now a target, and anyone who can bring her down will almost certainly prove themselves better and more worthy of a Darths favor. She is currently aboard the Hask to participate in Darth Nyiss' project to convert Jedi, though her station as an established Sith Lord means there are likely to be far more important things she could be doing...
Name: Thallia Valcia
Role: Sith Apprentice
Personality: Thallia is a woman that everyone cant help but love. She simply has that edge to her, a trait one does not see often in a Sith. She is still an Apprentice though, despite many years of apparent success, and many put this down to her lack of vision and her apparent eagerness to aid others.
Story:Thallia has a reasonably high percentage of Sith blood, and is respected among the Sith for it. Throughout her life, she has managed to be the one who never seems to do anything herself, but always has things done when she needs them done. In the Korriban academy it is no secret that she amassed a fair number of followers, ranging from those she blackmailed into following her to those who fell over her for her roguish looks. She is known to be among Nyiss' many apprentices, but rarely receives any direct training from the Darth and seems to be there simply because, like so many others, Nyiss likes her. She isn't really important in the grand Sith schemes, and she is only onboard the Hask because Nyiss is. She still has a small army of followers at her beck and call, but they are weak and stupid to a man.
Name: Allanar Damarcus
Role: Jedi Knight
Personality: Calm. Kind. Always at peace. Very hard to rile up. Willing to listen to anyone. Never hasty in his judgements. A natural leader, though he doesn’t want to be one. He leads by example, not by commands.
Story: Born on Coruscant in the early years of the war, Allanar Damarcus’ Force sensitivity was discovered at a young age, due to his parents having been hired for jobs by the Jedi. He is a true child of the Temple, upholding every ideal the masters consider good for jedi. As a natural result of these traits mixing together, he has no idea they view him so, and even if he did know, he would have been too humble to acknowledge it. He is always interested in learning more, in becoming a better Jedi. He always had a knack for staying calm under pressure and making the right decisions, though he is sometimes slow to decide.

This is not out of any doubt or stupidity, rather he always considers every aspect of a situation before making a final judgement. Some in the temple believed this trait would make him an excellent Consular, but when the time came he embarked upon the path of the Jedi Guardian, seeking to bring his sound mind to the front and help the most needy of people affected by the war. Though he has fought many Sith, it was never because he wished them dead, it was always to defend those who could not defend themselves - be they civilians or soldiers beset by the superior powers of a Sith. Though not a great War Hero, he is something of a veteran of war, his short years on the front having hardened him to any hardships he may personally endure. With his own resilience has come even greater appreciation for the plight of the helpless. He was called back to the temple not long before the Sacking of Coruscant, as the masters did not want the war to break such a promising Jedi.

When the the Sith struck against the temple, he was conferring with an Ithorian master. Though they managed to hide themselves from the initial strike teams, they were later discovered by Darth Nyiss herself. The Ithorian was killed, and after a brief duel, Allanar was captured by the Darth, who proved to be a much better duelist.
Name: Viera Starr

Role: Jedi Knight (young)
Personality: Jaded. Untrusting. Reluctant, yet curious. Whenever she feels insecure, she talks. A lot.
Viera Starr's story is sad. She was born on a refugee ship, her father unknown, her mother too poor to really care for her. As such, her early years have scarred her deeply. Having been shuttled around from planet to planet during the war, she lost faith in the republic that was supposed to protect her. It did not help that when she was six years old, her mother became a full-time spice addict. Only bit of luck she ever had was that the last refugee ship she was on was attacked, and hijacked, by pirates. How could this be luck, you might ask? The luck was in that there was someone important to the republic aboard. That meant that the ship got taken back by the republic with Jedi aid.

As chance has it, her mother died during one of these attacks. Viera still is uncertain which. This was both sad and freeing. It also somehow led to her being discovered by the Jedi rescuers. One of them, a Jedi Knight named Ziris Sorenn, sensed her potential and her plight. He took her in and brought her to the Coruscanti temple for training.

Over the next decade, she was trained in the Jedi arts, even as the masters worked to mend the wounds to her psyche. Because of her sore past, she was given extra attention to ensure she would not fall to the dark side. Viera threw virtually all of her past into the trash bin, dedicating herself fully to the Jedi order. The only part she could not discard was her lost faith in the republic. Nothing could convince her to change that opinion. Thus, while she fights for the Jedi, she does not fight for the republic.

Like so many others, she was present in the Jedi temple at the time of the Sacking. Recently knighted, Viera had chosen to delve into the Archives, knowing well that would mostly let her avoid interacting with anyone from the republic. As deep down in the temple as she was, not even the sound of the ship crashing into the temple reached her. All that did was a slight tremor.

The Force told her something was wrong though. She felt the deaths of both Jedi and civilians higher up. Accessing live security records, she saw the Sith strike teams. Using the library mainframe, she tried to send a warning out from Coruscant, but it, like all other communications, was blocked by the Sith.

It did not take them long to find her. Or to subdue her. She had seen long ago that there was no chance to escape. When hiding failed, she surrendered. When she wouldn’t shut up even after they tied her up, they knocked her unconscious. She will often talk to attempt to cover up her uncertainty.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Who and what are you?

Sith Lord Sish, Trandoshan

You might have many masters or causes, but when it is ground down properly, you serve one side alone. Which is it? The Sith Empire or the Galactic Republic?

The Sith Empire

What do you look like, and how are you dressed?

I stand at 6ft 6in, with glossy green scales. My left arm is about two, three inches shorter than my right, a fond memory of my master. There are a few scars on my body, though they should be gone when I next shed. My eyes used to be a dark orange. Now, they're a yellow, a side affect of the Dark Side.

My clothing is battle armor. Black padding with metal plates. Only my hands, feet, and head remain uncovered, the former two because they're more useful that way, the latter because of personal preference. It's not customized, other than the color.

Why do you fight? What thoughts and ideas influence your actions? What are the reasons behind it all?

People assume that the Dark Side is evil. Babies impaled upon spears. Civilians cut down in mad rages. While they are correct, they are also wrong. Those things can happen, those things probably have happened. But the Dark Side is not inherently evil. It is giving into emotions, being free. Utilizing the power given to us as it was meant to be, to command the herds of those weaker than us. The Jedi hide themselves from this power, fearing it and what it might do to them. Fearing freedom and utilizing logic when they should be governed by passion. Calm when they should use anger. Love when they should use hate. And because of this, they are weak. Easily deceived. Manipulated. Broken.

The Jedi lock away their emotions, thinking it makes them strong, fearing what the Dark Side can offer. They are wrong. It makes them weak. Emotions, all emotions, are what define us. Locking away some, or all, of them is unnatural, and foolish. Because of this, they will never know the fear of death, and will not fight as hard to avoid it. They will never know the anger, the grief, of seeing a friend fall in battle, and will not fight to avenge them. And if they do they fear it's touch, and shield themselves from it. And because of this they deny the truth of the Galaxy. The strong survive, and the weak die. It is not the destiny of those with power to protect those who cannot protect themselves. It is the destiny of the strong to rule the weak. They think they are different from us, calling themselves 'guides' and 'advisers'. In reality, they are almost like us. The strong ruling the weak, only we accept this fact, and they deny it. And because of this, they will die. They will suffer. Nothing can be too much for what they have done the Galaxy.

In short, I fight to free the Galaxy from the foolish ideals of the Jedi, so that it will stop being weak. I fight to strengthen it. I fight so that the law of the Strong Rule the Weak become Galaxy wide. I fight to make the Jedi pay for causing this weakness. To make them suffer. Weep. Die.

Do you have any skills that make you stand out from the crowd?

Combat, obviously. One does not get Jagannath points by being scholarly. Before I joined the Sith, I was a mercenary wandering the Galaxy, with a taste for melee combat. That was enhanced and carried over when I joined and was trained by the Sith. I've fought a wide variety of opponents, from the dirtiest of Bounty Hunters to the most honorable of Wookies. Not to say I can't be surprised, but I've seen all the tricks, and can adapt accordingly. Of course, the infrared spectrum. It makes hiding from me hard indeed, as I can see heat signatures fairly easily.

How do you relate to everyone else? Do you have any friends, family, foes or subordinates among them?

Will update later.

What made you the person you are today? How did the past influence your present?

From birth, my life was one of combat and struggle. The earning of Jagannath points began early and never stopped. One of my siblings tried to kill me, and I ripped his throat out. Death was a daily part of my life, and I became numb to it quite quickly. The death of the Emperor would affect me about as much as the death of a bug. Most of my family is dead. Mother just disappeared, and I never saw her again. My father died protecting his ghrakhowsk. I killed my other siblings, or they would have tried to kill me, my Force Sensitivity allowing me to survive in situations where I should have been killed. The Strong Survive, the Weak Die. I left when I was adult age, twenty-five, in search of more Jagannath points, because I couldnt' earn enough on Trandosha. Thus began my career as a Mercenary.

I took jobs for the Hutts, the Galactic Republic, The Sith Empire, anyone who would pay well, I did a job for them. I avoided long term contracts. They bogged me down, and I preferred to earn my Jagannath points against a variety of opponents and prey. On the few times I was with a Jedi, then sensed my abilities, and tried to recruit me. I refused all. There were definitely not going to be any Jagannath points if I followed the peaceful route of the Jedi. Did it bother me when I fought and killed Republic soldiers? Not in the slightest. My planet was apart of it, but my allegiances were to the Scorekeeper. What mattered who won the war in this world when the Scorekeeper was awaiting me at death? And so, I did my job for a variety of people and governments, and I did it well. While I didn't exactly become infamous, I was usually sought after by a large amount of people for a variety of jobs. The Galactic Republic had hired me when the Sith...'recruited' me.

It was a simple job. Go with a squad of Republic soldiers and investigate rumors of Sith scouts. No force users, just soldier to soldier combat. Kill all hostiles, etc. Well...that didn't exactly happened. We walked into the bunker, a Mon Calamari in the lead. It was quiet, abnormally so. I saw their heat before they revealed themselves. They rose and before their lightsabers activated the Mon Calamari managed to shout 'It's a Trap!' He was cut down along with a host of others. The doors closed behind us, and the butchering began. It came down to a slaughter in close quarters. After all, what use was blasters in that death hole? Their use of the Force didn't help our chances either. For a few, long, hectic motions it became a whirring world of red light, flashing heat, screams, a few blaster shots, and blade upon lightsaber,

Still, I held my own, even managing to wound one. That's partially what saved me from being executed. After my Trandoshan double-blade slashed across my assailants face, my arm was suddenly gone and I was thrown, pushed, without being touched into the nearby wall. I still had a hand on my double blade, however. As they began executing those that weren't already dead, I took more notice in their details, aside from the fact they were Sith and enemies. Most of the fighters had been young, and were speaking to others who stood off in the shadows in terms like 'master'. Apprentices then. Getting their first test.

That's when I noticed there was quite a bit more dead Sith apprentices among the corpses of the Republic soldiers than there should have been. That didn't make sense. It was a bloodbath, a perfect victory. Why would there be their own dead amongst my former allies? That's when I noticed that all of the apprentices who had been killed weren't killed by blaster or sword. They were killed by lightsaber. So, the test wasn't to slay a group of Republic scum. It was to prove which of them was stronger. The Strong survive and the Weak die.

Someone was approaching, apparently preparing to kill me. Judging from the wound across his face, this was the apprentice that I had wounded. He was making some arrogant statement about my death, presumably, and glancing off to his fellows. Arrogance I could take advantage of. Distraction I could to. Alone they possibly wouldn't work. Together though...perfect opportunity. He was only wearing robes, and the blade cut through them like they weren't even there. The surprise on his face was comical, before he slumped over. I shoved the blade through his throat just to make sure. And that's what got the attention of his, soon to be my, master. He was a pureblooded Sith, red tentacles on his face and all. His name was Shâsot Rather than killing me, sensed I was gifted with the power of the force. Judging by how I had survived the massacre and killed his apprentice, I possessed some strength. But, of course, he had to see just how much. I remember trying to reach my blade to kill myself before his boot crashed on my skull and I lost consciousness. I couldn't be captured! All my Jagannath points would be reduced to zero! My life would be forfeit!

Well, so much for that idea.

I'll gloss over my..'trials'. Suffice to say, they were painful, brutal, and proved my strength to my master. By the time he was through, I was more than willing to accept his offer. My training was less painful, but no less brutal and no less proving my strength. I was not 'pure'. I was assumed to be weak then. This was soon dissuaded with the deaths of a few of those who thought I was weak enough to kill, quietly and with no connections to me of course. My master was the first of those. We assaulted a group of Jedi. We won, and were separated from our forces. I sensed my opportunity. At long last, I could kill him. Prove my strength without a doubt. And, admittedly, get a revenge for his zeroing of my Jagannath points and the 'trials'. I killed him because I was stronger, and he was weaker. I attacked him because it had been my life until he arrived. Being captured alive was a great shame to your average Trandoshan. I still hadn't lost that sense of shame. He wasn't unprepared, perhaps expecting it for years now. I didn't have the element of surprise, but I didn't want it either. The weak use surprise tactics.

It was a brutal fight, but I prevailed in the end, separating his head from his shoulders with my remaining arm. He had cut it off during the battle and I only avoided being killed then and there through force lightning. He had also destroyed my lightsaber. Returning to our group, I spoke of a surviving Jedi Master. They didn't believe it, and muttered darkly about it, as all the Jedi who were in the group were accounted for, but they didn't dare challenge me. I had proven my strength, and they were to weak to kill me. Though, prejudices run deep in the Empire, and I'm always considered 'inferior' by most who first meet me or haven't heard of me.

I met my apprentice for the first time on her home planet. It was a subtle mission, to kill a Jedi, and I largely kept my identity as Sith Warrior a secret. I did sense that her and her brother were both force sensitive. The latter apparently a renowned warrior. Of course, even though I didn't worship the Scorekeeper anymore, I still couldn't resist the challenge. Turns out, he wasn't. The Jedi found me over the corpse, and she proved to be more of a fight. I thought she had died, and was leaving for Kashyyyk, as I hadn't killed a Wookie in quite a few years and still had a while before reporting success.

My apprentice followed me to the Wookie planet. I found her injured, with two dead Wookies around her and another getting ready to kill her. I killed the surviving Wookie, and rather than thank me, she tried to attack me, screaming some nonsense about her brother. It was short fight, ending with her unconscious, but not dead. She was strong, that was certain. Following me across the Galaxy, surviving the forest floor of Kashyyyk, slaying two Wookies, and then still trying to kill me. But, I had to find out if she was strong enough to be a Sith.

The 'trials' began again, only the roles were reversed. As soon as I had determined she was indeed strong enough to be my apprentice, I made an offer. At first she refused. So I tried to break her, make her agree, as my master had done with me. That didn't work, and it soon became clear I would kill her before I would break her. So, I tried a different tactic. What did she want with all of her emotion and life in her? My death. So, I used this fact. She couldn't kill me as she was right now, and I was offering the chance for her to gain the power necessary to do so. The Jedi wouldn't allow her to have her vengeance. The other Sith would slay her for not being Pure. I was her only chance.

Clearly, that worked.

Now, what were we, a Sith Warrior Lord and his apprentice, doing torturing and question and turning young Jedi? We were apart of the invasion force. The reason my apprentice and I are on this ship is twofold. We're heading back to Korriban, to continue her training. Also, I sense she's not entirely assured of the rightness of our path, of the Dark Side. She could waver. She could be weak and turn back to the way of the Jedi. If she is, I'll have to kill her of course. But, there is no way to know that without a test. And what better way to test than the torturing of those her age or younger? Will she stay strong? Or will she be weak, pathetic and show sympathy to the maggots that are bringing about the death of a galaxy?

Everyone has Flaw(s)...what are yours?

I believe I have already mentioned my force weaknesses and strengths. I'm also emotional. Even for the Sith. Anger, hate. I am not well versed in disguising them, and in this new challenge...it may prove my death. In case you haven't noticed, I am unreasonable, wrathful, sadistic even, when it comes to the Jedi. There is no punishment that is too cruel for them. The can never suffer enough. They will bleed for a galaxy they've brought to it's knees.

I am a Trandoshan. Even before I became a Sith Warrior, I preferred to handle my problems the direct route, rather than the roundabout way. Sadly, this cannot be the case in the politics of the Sith Ship I have found myself upon. I will be in uncertain waters, and unable to tell if I'm being manipulated or not. I'm afraid. I, the Sith Lord, am afraid. The Sith are emotional, but in our politics we are more apt to the Jedi, or droids. Cold, ruthless, efficient. I am illsuited for this type of battle. Not only that, I am bringing an apprentice who wants nothing more in this world than to kill me. But I will play their game. And I will prove that I am strong enough to survive in this new environment.

And if I die, so be it. The strong survive, and the weak die.

Would you describe your Lightsaber, if you have made one?

Simple, Utilitarian. A tool for killing. Designed to be easily used by my three clawed fingers. A bronze color. Designed for a right hand than a left. I stripped it from my master's corpse.

If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?

I am proficient in Form V Djem So.

Describe your preference in the use of the Force. Are you particularly talented in any one area? Do you have flaws in another? What are the limits on what you can or will do?

Combat. Force lightning, Force kill, force augmenting of my physical abilities, anything and everything that increases my ability to battle the Jedi I am proficient in. As such, it leaves more of the..subtle applications of the Force out of my reach. I can fill my enemies with fear, or terror and paralyze them for a short time, but I cannot mind control their decisions. If I wanted to get through a checkpoint with items my enemies were searching for, a couple of droids for example, I could not wave my hand and make them believe I didn't have the droids they wanted. I'd have to cut my way through and hope the droids come out alright.

As such, I cannot wield the Force in long or overly complicated uses. I can manipulate it in short bursts of physical augmentation or other short objects like choking or killing an opponent, or throwing them into and possibly through a pillar or using Force lightning. I'm also not for the delicate applications. Brute strength and straight power of the force. Nothing fancy. Simple and direct.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Who and what are you?

Zanna, Pureblood Sith Inquisitor and Alchemist.

You might have many masters or causes, but when it is ground down properly, you serve one side alone. Which is it? The Sith Empire or the Galactic Republic?

Sith Empire

What do you look like, and how are you dressed?

I stand at 5ft 7in. My general clothing is the black, form fitting cloth, ending in black boots, with the black robes over it.

Why do you fight? What thoughts and ideas influence your actions? What are the reasons behind it all?

Power. Pure and simple. I fight for power so I can ascend the Sith Hierarchy. It was what was instilled into me by my master. Power is everything. And because I am pure. Power is my right, superiority my gift. The halfbloods and the humans should look up to me, not the other way around.

Do you have any skills that make you stand out from the crowd?

Force powers. Primarily dealing with the mind, though I have skill in a large amount of the areas of the force. Complex, or just straight endurance using it is nothing to me. Particularly if it involves anything to deal with the mind, from irrelevant fear, to illusions, to panic, to Affliction, I'm well versed in that art. I can even break into someone's mind and watch their memories, or what their minds are showing them. I'm also well versed alchemy, specifically potions that trigger negative reactions. Like reliving memories that are painful. Or their mind creating illusions that terrify them. If I can visit their minds, see how they are affected by it, I can begin making a breakthrough into warping the realities of the mind, even forcing people to relive memories of my choosing.

How do you relate to everyone else? Do you have any friends, family, foes or subordinates among them?

Lord Sish is considered my primary enemy, though his apprentice I could manipulate against him..

What made you the person you are today? How did the past influence your present?

I was born in the Sith Empire, to the remnants Kissai caste. The Dark Side of the Force was in my blood, and from a young age I studied it and the practical uses of Alchemy. While most of my fellow students preferred to study the nature of the Dark Side itself, I was far more interested in learning of the affect of the Dark Side, or alchemy, on the mind. Could it break people's minds? Could we use it to force false memories onto people? Could it even be used to corrupt their perception of reality? That's what set me on the track I am today. Studying the affects of the Force on the minds of sentient beings, and how it could be used. I've already developed a method of breaking into someone's mind and reliving the memories they are reliving, seeing what their mind is conjuring. It's...fascinating.

Soon, I was discovered to be force Sensitive, and shipped off to the Korriban academy to learn how to be a Sith. I displayed a talent for using Force powers, and was soon given over to an Inquisitor for training. It was...harsh. Brutal. Not physically, but mentally, especially when it came to using the force. Some of my fellow apprentices died from the training , even before the cut throat murder to be the 'one' the master delivered all of his secrets to began. I nearly died when this began, poisons being cured just in time, fighting off the mental attacks of my fellows. I always responded in kind and I always was victorious in the end. Of course, this could never be proven, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind. I was the strongest. I was the most determined. I deserved the secrets our master could deliver.

And deliver he did. Information I didn't even know of he delivered to me, and I was grateful. It's why he's still alive. He's the reason I've gotten as far as I have and he's realized that his life was worth much more than trying to kill me. So, my studies began in earnest, and while I could still be technically considered an apprentice, I surpassed my master and I am now looking to further increase my powers. That's partly why I'm here, to garner Darth Nyiss's favor and become her apprentice, while also helping her with her experiments, my skills, and experiments, in the area of mental manipulation and essentially torture reaching even her ears.

I will become her apprentice, even if I have to poison and kill all of those who would get in my way.

Everyone has flaw(s)... What is/are yours?

Combat. I am well versed in the use of the force, but in combat I am sadly..inefficient when compared to my more combat orientated brethren, or that dumb Lizard Sish. I'm also not to be trusted. Now, most of the Sith in the Empire aren't to be trusted, it's just common knowledge. But, being an Inquisitor, people are far less likely to trust me in alliances. With good reason. I would poison them, betray them, stab them, anything and everything if it served to further my position to become Darth Nyiss's apprentice. So, if they all decided to band against me, I'd have no allies to turn to unless they were forced to work with me as well. Arrogance too, I suppose. But it's not really a flaw. It's just the truth. I am superior to any and all non-Purebloods on this ship. Especially the Trandoshan.

Would you describe your Lightsaber, if you have made one?

Scarlet Crystal.

If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?

While I prefer Form IV: Ataru, I have also studied Form VI: Niman.

Describe your preference in the use of the Force. Are you particularly talented in any one area? Do you have flaws in another? What are the limits on what you can or will do?

Primarily mental abilities. Force Horror, Force Affliction. Force Fear. Force rage. For combat I have force lightning, Force Choke, and Force Push are the only few. I largely rely on confusion and interrogation, messing with Sentient's minds to fight my battles. Alchemy helps with that greatly, as I do not have to exert myself to gain the wanted results. As I said before, I can enter someone's mind and see what they're seeing, relive memories with them, and so on so forth. Sith Alchemy helps me greatly here, although I haven't mastered creating the war beasts yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ultimate523
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Who and what are you?

I am Strago Kelrune, a human Jedi Knight.

You might have many masters or causes, but when it is ground down properly, you serve one side alone. Which is it? The Sith Empire or the Galactic Republic?

My primary allegiance is to the Jedi, leaving the only option of those two to be the Republic.

What do you look like, and how are you dressed?

I am a human who stands at 6'1". My body is well proportioned to it, and shows that I am capable of both strength, and agility when needed. I allow my facial hair to grow, but not by too much, leaving it at what feels to be a good balance between nature, and order. All I wear, with no exception for many years, is the basic jedi apparel, (Obi Wan style).

Why do you fight? What thoughts and ideas influence your actions? What are the reasons behind it all?

Much of my fighting is done with words, and non-violent action, done to achieve peace, and unity in whatever small ways they can. However, when it is absolutely necessary to defend myself, or especially others, I have taken out my lightsaber.

Do you have any skills that make you stand out from the crowd?

I spend a large amount of my time training my body, teaching it to endure much more than most can while also making sure it is very capable of doing whatever I must as a jedi. I also spend large amounts of my time meditating, and working on my mind, which I feel has allowed my connection to the Force to grow far more than it would have otherwise.

How do you relate to everyone else? Do you have any friends, family, foes or subordinates among them?

Friends with Calista Praxon, and Kinsakwi'teksa.

What made you the person you are today? How did the past influence your present?

My life before becoming a Jedi feels like it had happened as an entirely different person. It was not unpleasant, but also not spectacular. My parents did what they could to care for me, and I still view them positively. However, I was quite young when I, and my family realised that I had a connection to the Force, and they allowed the Jedi to train me once they had found out about me. I was 6 years old at the time.

My mentor was an interesting Caamasi named Gilad Kallos. He showed me the value of pacifism, and using the Force to help people as much as possible. He also greatly expanded my knowledge of politics, being quite involved in it himself. I am very happy with the person he has helped me become.

After I became a Jedi Knight, I continued with much of his teachings, but also felt a need to train my body, and my skills with a lightsaber far more. I knew that combat would be inevitable, and wanted to be prepared, while also being able to teach others what they would need to know about it. Ever since then, I have put a large amount of effort into mastering Soresu, and improving it to my own liking where possible.

Everyone has flaw(s)... What is/are yours?

I often struggle to decide what is truly the right choice, causing hesitation in situations where a decision is needed. I'm very emotional in certain circumstances, yet nearly entirely apathetic in others, which, combined with my general way of carrying myself, causes many to have issues understanding me. I also question many things, even if I may appear very sure of them to others. I also tend to value honesty, and truth above many other things, which has worked both for, and against me.

Would you describe your Lightsaber, if you have made one?

My lightsaber has a relatively large hilt, due to my preference for using it two handed, but it is quite light for its size, allowing me to last longer at the expense of some raw power gained from extra weight. It is very plain, and the blade is yellow.

If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?

I have trained almost entirely in form III, Soresu, putting a large focus on simply wearing down my enemies while taking the least damage possible. Due to my dedication to it, I am highly skilled in it compared to many, particularly of those like me who avoid combat as much as possible.

Describe your preference in the use of the Force. Are you particularly talented in any one area? Do you have flaws in another? What are the limits on what you can or will do?

A large amount of my strength in regards to the Force is in defensive capabilities, and ones to strengthen myself, or others, both in combat, and in resisting others trying to use the Force for evil. I can heal both myself, and others very efficiently, and also make my own body temporarily much better in a variety of ways. Like many Force users, I am capable of telekinesis, but am only average at it. I am weak at nearly everything else relating to the Force.

Is there anything else you would like to mention about yourself?

Not that I can think of.

If you are a Jedi, have you given thought above as to how your character got captured, and why he/she/it is still alive? (answer to this can be reflected above)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 5 days ago

Who and what are you?
Well... I guess I have no reason to lie here. I am Padawan Kinsakwi'tetsu, Twi'Lek.

You might have many masters or causes, but when it is ground down properly, you serve one side alone. Which is it? The Sith Empire or the Galactic Republic?

I serve the Light Side as best as I can... The Jedi Order is my only true allegiance, they're the only reason I support the Galactic Republic.

What do you look like, and how are you dressed?

I am of smaller height (1,60 m) and weight than average, my skin tone is a deep purple with gold-colored eyes. Light purple horizontal stripes decorate my cheeks and lekku. My ears are humanoid in form.

Why do you fight? What thoughts and ideas influence your actions? What are the reasons behind it all?

Lately I've been feeling insecure, paranoia is settling in, somehow. I believe the Galactic Republic is holding secrets, dark ones, and it has an effect on me. My Master used to teach me about meditation, but these feelings of dread and dismay had been inside me so long that I couldn't get rid of them in time before I was dragged here.

I started in this Jedi Path of Light after a Jedi group saved me and a bunch of other Twi'Lek kids from slavery. We were orphans, so they took the force-sensitive ones to train them, and let the Republic handle the others. Ever since, I've been thankful and I do everything they ask of me.

Do you have any skills that make you stand out from the crowd?

Aside the fact that I'm force-sensitive, I've got a couple other things that make me useful in my own ways. As a future Jedi Investigator, my force-abilities alone are not enough to survive for long times undercover in theory, so I divided my attention between the force and technical knowledge.

I've trained extensively in the process of hacking systems, and have some knowledge on technical stuff, like repairing droids and different machines.

How do you relate to everyone else? Do you have any friends, family, foes or subordinates among them?

Honestly, I have no idea. I guess some people like to be around me, others do not. My friends, most of them, died in the battle of the Temple, I never had any family, and the one I felt attached to, my master, is out on some secret mission for an unknown amount of time. Subordinates are out of the list, as I am merely a Padawan.

What made you the person you are today? How did the past influence your present?

When I was a small girl, I used to be really shy. Why? Well, it had a lot to do with being born into slavery and every new person just wanting something from me, with no thought to what I wanted. As time passed and my apprentice friends treated me with respect, the shyness faded away and I became a curious, happy little girl. The training I went through helped develop my curiosity, leading me to scrutinize every little detail that seemed off about things.

I also, somewhere along the way, became too outspoken. I started discussing with my Master for reasons I can't remember now, and I eventually became blunt in my way of speaking... I guess that because my Master never lost his temper, I learned that it's better to just be direct with what you think.

For the last few months, I had been feeling uneasy. Of course, my training was coming to an end, and I was to become an Investigator, after years of hard work, but something felt off. That's when I started feeling unstable, I started doubting things too much. I don't know what happened.

And to finish, I've done things I'm not proud of, just like everyone else, but these things had to be done, because they were the most efficient way to reach a goal.

Everyone has flaw(s)... What is/are yours?
You could say that I tend to doubt my beliefs too often to be good. I also find it hard to trust that someone is doing something out of good will, and this often leads me to be distrustful, being wary of the person and in the process, investigating. This often makes them distance themselves from me.

Would you describe your Lightsaber, if you have made one?
It was a shiny metal, I can't remember the name at the moment. It had black leather lightly covering most of it, where the hands hold it. It produced a yellow blade when activated.

If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?
Form IV - Ataru. I haven't had much opportunity to use my light-saber in real combat, but I was trained in this form with the explanation that ending a battle quickly was the best way to stay alive, especially if it was just you against one potentially dangerous mob head.

Describe your preference in the use of the Force. Are you particularly talented in any one area? Do you have flaws in another? What are the limits on what you can or will do?
I am a very talented individual in the area of persuasion, and I excel at force-assisted movements. Otherwise I am average in the areas of force push, pull and I have no training at all in Force Healing or specific stealth skills... I talk my way into undercover situations. I am just a kid compared to the Masters, anyway.

Is there anything else you would like to mention about yourself?
There's not much to say that I'd be willing to share with the Sith.

If you are a Jedi, have you given thought above as to how your character got captured, and why he/she/it is still alive?
Yes. Kinsa chose to surrender as soon as the battle started. She saw the slaughter from one of the balconies and hid, with a few others, in one of the rooms. The ceiling crumbled on them and they were rendered unconscious. When she woke up, she was a prisoner.

As everybody knows, Twi'lek females are one of the most commonly enslaved beings. Things weren't any different for Kinsakwi, or Kinsa for short.

She was born into slavery, her father unknown. At first, she was taken care of by a bunch of brusque thugs, no different than your normal criminal. She was a mere possession, property of a local weapons merchant in Ryloth, just like a bunch other children around her. All born into slavery, or simply orphans who could not find a better home. It was a harsh and punishing life, for sure, but that all changed when the Jedi came.

She was told that they were there to clean up, to make things better, and they did. They stopped the merchant and they freed the slaves. But what did they do with the orphans, the children? They took the force-sensitive ones, namely Kinsakwi and another girl, and started training them at the closest Jedi Temple. The rest were left for the Republic to handle.

Days passed, weeks, months, years. The training was intense and most exhausting, but it was worth it. Kinsa learned more and more everyday, things looked up and she actually opened up to people, letting her past fears and apprehensions be lost in time, to wither, die and disappear like a flower does when it's not watered. She'd decided to never water those fears of slavery, torture and loneliness again.

So time kept passing by, until one day, when Kinsakwi became twelve years old, she witnessed the first act of cruelty, of sheer cruelty that she could remember.

Her, and a group of Younglings, had been taken on a small field excursion with a droid and a Jedi Master as teachers. They were to learn how everything was connected by the force, how all things had a true purpose, the purpose to follow the Light Side.

Now, Kinsakwi and her fellow Younglings lived in a remote place of the Middle Rim, in a small Temple that barely anyone but the Jedi knew. Of course, the Jedi there tried to keep the Younglings away from the news, so most did not know about the Galactic War, the gruesome and dark conflict raging through every single yard of the Galaxy.

While on the excursion, they did learn lots of things, they were taken on a ship to a nearby community, to live a day with the civilians there, to get to know them, and to find out about their lives, and if possible, observe patterns in their behaviour. So they did, and when dusk was approaching, the Younglings were preparing to head over to the ship and leave for the Temple. Spirits were high, everyone was happy, even the Master.

Then, a black ship was seen descending from orbit. It wasn't big, but it surely was menacing. The way that its sharp angles, and bright, black metal hinted at a Dark Blade, was enough to trigger all kinds of alerts in the community. The ship landed, and it was not even a minute until tall beings, clad in intimidating armours and robes, wielding light sabers, poured out. Some farmers, merchants, even wives, tried to scatter for their weapons, they tried to- But they were eliminated before they could even fire a shot.

The Jedi Master was quick to send the Younglings along with the droid into the ship, and ordered the droid to take off without him. As the group escaped, they could all see the distant figure of a remote town being lit on flames by a group of Sith. They all wondered the same question. "Where were the good guys? The soldiers in armor that protect these people?"

Weeks later, they were all moved to the Coruscant Temple. They never heard from their former Temple again.

So, years afterwards, a fifteen years old Padawan Kinsakwi was sent on her first mission with her Master. They were to investigate a series of murders occurring in the Lower Levels of Coruscant. She saw sickening sights, smelled rotting scents, but she wasn't phased by all of that. She was phased by the result of their investigation.

She had always been taught that the Republic Senate was the highest authority in the Republic, and the therefore, they held the highest responsibility. They were the ones that made the ultimate decisions. They had done so in the War all these years, these decades. So, if they held the highest responsibility, how was it even possible, that when all evidence was checked and re-checked, it pointed to the killer being a Senate Member?

At first they had believed the evidence to be possibly faked and implanted, but the Senator had something off about him, both Kinsa and her master could feel it, and after going deeper into the investigation, it was obvious that the Senator was indeed the killer.

They submitted the evidence to the Republic, let them take care of things. But... They never took care of things, either. When Kinsakwi learned that months after the end of their investigation , the Senator was still free and unpunished, she knew something was wrong. She headed over to where they left the evidence, and to her surprise, the evidence apparently never existed.

Ever since, she has doubted the Republic. If they were the good guys, if they were the best in the Galaxy, the ones that stood for Freedom and Prosperity, then... The Galaxy had a bad-looking future.

Kinsakwi brought this matter to her Master, and he said he'd take care of it. She doubts he ever fix the matter, as a couple days after that conversation, he left for a mission somewhere far away.

Ever since, she's continued training and helping Law Enforcement whenever she's able to, though she is always wary of the Republic now, and she doesn't trust them with the Evidence, instead opting to take it with herself to her sleeping quarters.

That all ended when Coruscant was attacked, people died, Jedi died, things again seemed bad, were bad. She had never actually been in a fight against a true Sith, but the moment she had a chance to defend the Republic and the Jedi Order, she... She hid, and waited to be captured. And now she's a prisoner because of that. She always hid her doubts from the Masters and Knights, but now she's not so sure that was a good idea.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omega


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((Probably far from flawless, I just want to get this up to be looked at and potentially accepted if good enough before I go back and make sure it is good. It is 1AM and I have had too much interrupt my attempts to write this already.))

Who and what are you?
Sebastian "Vole" Volonthrope, Sith Warrior

You might have many masters or causes, but when it is ground down properly, you serve one side alone. Which is it? The Sith Empire or the Galactic Republic?
My first and greatest loyalty is to the Sith Empire, other than that I have no loyalty greater than that to the Dark Council.

What do you look like, and how are you dressed?

My state of dress varies by the situation.

Why do you fight? What thoughts and ideas influence your actions? What are the reasons behind it all?
I fight to maintain the Sith Empire, I fight to defeat the Jedi, i fight to save the people of the Republic from the Republic. The Republic is a monster that died from it's gluttony long ago now it is merely a puppet with the strings pulled by the Jedi. It is all a sham, a way for the Jedi to control everything and everyone, a way for them to abduct children from their homes across the galaxy and indoctrinate them to be their personal army that allows them to enforce their will. Nothing is done in the Republic senate without the will of the Jedi and you cannot hope to be Chancellor without the Jedi first allowing this the evidence of this is all too clear in too many cases to count. So long as the Jedi exist there can be no true free will they will ensure it, just as they ensure there are no dissenting voices against them by any means necessary. The Jedi must be made to see the error of their ways or destroyed and the Republic which they prop up must be at last torn down and reforged into the Sith Empire which will bring true freedom to the galaxy at last.

I have seen both sides of the line, I have lived on both side of this war and know both their codes by heart and know that the Jedi code is a lie in all but name. What hey espouse and what they do are so very different. In my last meeting with the Jedi Council before striking out on my own I saw it so truly the greatest difference between the Jedi and the Sith being that the Jedi lie to everyone whereas the Sith will tell you the truth of what they are.

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

It is a test, that is all the Jedi code is. If you wish to ascend to the Jedi Council you must pass the simple test, realize that the jedi code is a lie used to keep the lesser ranks in line. It is so clear once you realize it, emotion, ignorance, passion, chaos, death, all these things the Jedi code says do not exist but these are all things in the galaxy every day and among the jedi at all times. Where the Knights, padawans, and even many masters try to abide by the code stripping themselves of everything that makes them alive the Jedi Council uses what they forbid, just as the lock away most of the knowledge in the library solely for their use. In the end it is all about power, once one realizes that then the way to the Sith is the only way left available.

Do you have any skills that make you stand out from the crowd?
With a lightsaber I am better than most though excel at dueling. With the force I have always shown competence for the theory if not raw power. This has lead to exemplary skill with the subtler and more nuanced uses of the force. Where most would train their abilities to project a wall of power with the force to destroy an enemy I instead have mastered the ability to project a single thought into the mind of my opponent. It is not a swift victory but a more thorough one. To watch the mind of your opposition erode and breakdown, doubt, fear, anger, these are emotions a part of any living being and in the cannot be fought. I work to control them to work emotions into thoughts, thoughts into ideas, ideas into weapons. I will never be a true master of the lightsaber, I will never defeat a dozen enemies with a swing o my arm, but I will wipe away a thousand enemies with a single thought. That is my skill, that is what can never be denied me.

How do you relate to everyone else? Do you have any friends, family, foes or subordinates among them?
I have an attache Miliana Keratine, originally from the Imperial Army I saw potential in her and have kept her with me on all my duties from the Dark Council since acting as my aide and using her skills she gained from the Imperial Army Intelligence Corp.

What made you the person you are today? How did the past influence your present?
Like so many thousands of others i was once a young boy on a world somewhere I do not remember now. I was discovered by the Jedi at a young age, I do not remember my parents but I can never forgive them for so simply handing away me to my future masters. I can never forgive the Jedi either for what they did to me stealing me away from my parents to a life were they controlled everything. At first I took to it as any child indoctrinated under such standards would be. Every morning I went through my training constantly hearing the lauding of the Jedi learning that i would one day be a Jedi so long as I worked hard and studied hard. Naturally I did, we all did, everyone of the younglings with me did our best only because we knew nothing better. There was no life but the life in which we served the Jedi and trained to become them.
Not all made it of course, despite what we were told. They drilled into us how any could do it but as they dropped off one by one I first saw the lies of the Jedi, I did not fully grasp the implications at first until I saw the various members after training but for now I had an inkling when we all trained just as hard but not all made it. There was a time even when I was at risk of being cut. My ability with the force was not developing as rapidly as others, I poured everything into it but I just could not produce the same effects. i dealt well with organic materials for the most part and overheard talk of an Agricultural Corp a few times even.

In time I gained my stride though, I could not produce the same raw power as other younglings but had precision they did not I felt the force at all times and learned to subtly manipulate it and control it more thoroughly than any other youngling in my group. Soon I was becoming lauded by the teachers, in lightsaber training I was a one of the better duelists in the group and with the force my only flaw was raw power but more than made up for it with finesse I quickly began drawing the attention of various masters as I grew older. My control was something increasingly admired by those above me and my ability to work with people was becoming increasingly obvious. My fate as a councilor and a diplomat was sealed many considered and it was mostly about who would pick me up at that point.

When I was chosen it came as quite the surprise, Jedi Master Quoloth was a member of the Jedi Council and supposedly one of the best diplomats in the Jedi. I could not have been happier at such a prestigious posting one of the greatest diplomats and a member of the Jedi Council was to teach me the ways of the Jedi. What a blind fool I was during those young ages. Had i not had a Jedi Councilor as my master though I may very well have never seen the true side of the Jedi however and learned what I needed to learn to join the Sith.

At first I listened to his every word and almost worshiped the very ground upon which my master stood. Early missions were as expected simple diplomatic ones overseeing agreements and settling disputes though it was perhaps not so much the missions, their objectives, or even the outcomes that began my movements towards the Sith but the methods. Early on I learned that the Jedi operate outside any legal boundaries and move all things towards their own ends. My master regularly told me of the dangers of the Sith and their ways how all emotion must be ignored in order to avoid falling to their nefarious clutches. At the same time the Jedi were called upon to show empathy with everyone which my master told me to always follow. When I pointed out this contradiction he gave me the kind of response I grew to hear far too often. A simple platitude meant to sound deep and meaningful with no substance behind it.

I suppose I am getting ahead of myself though for now. for my early missions were simple negotiation oversight largely. The methods were almost always questionable. Lieing and using position as Jedi to manipulate people's views on topics. my master waved this away saying he did not lie but merely told the truth from a different perspective. This began my slow break from the Jedi. At first I said nothing as a dutiful padawan would and merely tried to learn what I could from my master even as doubts nawed away at my beliefs in the Jedi and the system they helped maintain.

As my skill with the force grew my role in missions grew as well it was only a few years before I was being given tasks during various negotiations. At first they were simple and as expected but they escalated into what truly caused my faith in the Jedi to shake. Subtly shifting viewpoints and mentally extracting information without notice in order to more smoothly move along negotiations. As I learned these tricks I began to learn how to detect them and so my master had me learn when he was doing them and if possible learn what he was learning.

This kind of use of the force turned out to be exactly what I excelled out and quickly surpassed my master's expectations much to his pride and delight. In following my master's actions through the force I learned that he was not just removing ideas put planting ones as well. Ideas that naturally favored the Jedi's agenda and the ever mounting war effort against the Sith. As years went on more and more missions were more economic in nature procuring the necessary supplies for war and combating the Sith in the diplomatic arena rather than in combat. I confronted my master on various occasions but was always talked down and given minor platitudes. A favorite of his was that the people they talked to were good people who would have come to the right conclusion and that they were merely helping them to do the right thing.

As I grew older it eventually became time for me to move closer to where the real war was being waged dealing with negotiations to keep worlds out of Sith hands and at times deal with various Sith agents or other subversive elements. Getting my hands dirty showed me just how terrible the Jedi were in all things. Worlds which wished to maintain neutrality or peacefully join the Sith were held in line by all of the most subversive means. Any wrongs were justified so long as they served the ends of the Republic, so long as they kept the Jedi in control. I had no idea how far that meant at the time.

Of even the most skilled diplomats in the Jedi Order they must still be capable of combat and defeating Sith head on when necessary. When my teachings with a lightsaber had progressed far enough my master and I moved with a small unit of Republic troopers through words at or near the current border of the Sith hunting down their agents and influence. More than once we stumbled across groups of individuals, usually on backwater worlds, that my master told me were training centers for Sith. At these outposts resistance was always light opposition just a handful of people in plain clothes with generally rudimentary knowledge of the force and armed with nothing more than a few blasters and swords. We made swift work of them before moving on generally. The final act that began to produce my break from the Jedi happened on one of these worlds. I was caught in a duel with a member of one of the groups his sword struck at my lightsaber over and over slowly corroding away it's blade coated in poor quality cortosis alloy.

The duel was going on for too long so in a lull I tried to infiltrate his mind to grasp his next tactics and learn what I could from him before he shut me out. The man was an open door however and rather than tactics or Sith teachings there was fear and hatred. Hatred of the Jedi and fear of what they had done and would do. I was shocked and off guard for a second that allowed him to charge me only a narrow parry and the intervention of a trooper saved me from grievous wounds. I was still shaken after the man's death but continued into the compound with the trooper supporting me. He was a long time veteran having worked with the Jedi much and was well skilled in anti-Sith tactics, his unit was horrifyingly effective against these outposts.

At one sealed door I felt life behind it, expecting an attack I slashed open the door with my saber and was greeted to a room of children with a single woman holding a blaster aimed at me, we were both surprised and so for a fraction of a second did nothing. The trooper with me though had no such reaction and in that instant pushed me away and took cover on the side of the door. The man primed a thermal detonator and was about to throw it into the room when i grabbed his arm. I could not believe what he was about to do but he just pulled his arm away and informed me he was under orders that no Sith were to survive the assault and everyone here not Republic was a Sith. In a fury of rage I lashed out cutting the man down before he could throw the detonator into the room. I almost feinted when I realized what I had done but had to keep a cool head. Turning back to the doorway I pulled the blaster from the woman's hand and told her she needed to flee.

The woman and the twenty or so kids did not get far, the rest of the compound was secured and as they got outside were swiftly rounded up by troopers. After the debriefing my master and I got into a heater argument. His platitudes could no longer placate me and would never again, in his anger he revealed far more than he meant to me. So much he had been hiding from me for all these years. He stated I was not ready and after seeing my actions today may never be. I was in shock and reeling from the fact that all along we had not been raiding Sith bu force users who simply acted outside the bounds of the Jedi. My master told me they used the dark side of the force and only Sith used the dark side therefore they were Sith and had to be eliminated. After that my master told me it was time I learned of the true threat we were facing and would be facing true Sith now.

For the next year and a half we operated in various border regions clashing with Sith. I still used Makashi at this time dueling generally low ranked initiates comparable to my own padawan level while my master fought their master. It was in battle I first witnessed the unfinished Juyo style and better became able to utilize the force to my advantage as well as finally knew I would have to leave the Jedi. I had been taught so long to hate the Sith and desire only for them to be removed from the galaxy that when encountering them and reading into the minds of my enemies I could not help but appreciate them. Whenever speaking to a Jedi so much was hidden away every last one of them had a thousand thousand secrets and lies to be maintained. The Sith I faced though were much more focused. In the way they moved, in the way they thought, in the way they fought I read nothing but truth of action. They came forthright as people to you with no inhibitions or hidden desires they were truth.

My chance to escape came at last during one chaotic border clash. Engaging a forward operating Sith unit my master and I were moving with just a handful of other Jedi we attacked the Sith in a ruined urban center and only once battle had begun did we realize they were of far greater number and skill than expected. This time I sought no opponent but rather tried to hide myself in the force and await a chance to slip away. As my master engaged his opponent, a giant of a man wielding two lightsabers did I at last initiate my plan. Standing fully where he could see and behind his opponent I renounced my oaths to the Jedi and proclaimed a new loyalty for the Sith. He was shocked and it made an opening for his enemy that he gladly exploited. I had no love for my master, he had ensured that stating that love was not and never would be the Jedi way and we should distance ourselves from all things. It was with that thought I distanced myself from the Jedi.

I had been with my master for 13 years by that point but as he died i had no remorse. From the moment I left the training cadre I had felt something pulling me in a different direction and now at last I had found it. After the battle when the few remaining Jedi were captured the man who struck down my master came before me. I remembered only the Jedi's ideas on prisoners and knew the rarity of which Sith were captured and so wondered now if my own survival would be refused for some reason. I prostrated myself before him hoping for his mercy. I still remember his first words I heard, "Why do you writhe in the dirt like a worm. Are you not a man free and himself."

Standing up I was skeptically added to the group, not quite a prisoner but not quite free. I was sent back to the main Sith fortifications with the Jedi prisoners along with a handful of Sith guards my lightsaber taken from me for now. The Sith leader and most of his brethren continued to mission and from I later learned were highly successful in causing a breakthrough in the Republic lines.

For three days I waited under guard before the master returned and I conversed with him then. He spoke more openly and more freely than any jedi I had ever known. His words were not carefully guarded with double meanings abounding and no fanciful turns of phrase to try to occupy one's mind with their true meaning. I told him my tale of how I wished to join the Sith and he only laughed at first before telling me that from my words my story rang true and would send me on to learn the ways of the Sith and be judged.
Days later I was on a transport back behind Sith lines. I learned quickly, even more quickly than when i was a youngling with the Jedi. I was not the only Jedi to turn to the Sith seeing the truth there but from my class on Korriban I was the most promising and my skills were not unnoticed. Some would say the Sith are more deceptive than the Jedi using covert means to advance and often lieing to better gains. I disagreed right away for how can a man be deceptive when he tells you he will lie? While the Jedi hide knowledge deep away in their libraries the Sith state simply that any who can access the knowledge may have it and freely let loose knowledge the Jedi would rather burn away. The Sith are forever students and forever teachers and it is to you to learn the truth of things.

When I graduated most newly minted Sith initiates were given masters or various tasks but alone was different. I was told to go to a specific room in a specific building halfway across Korriban. I naturally complied and when I got there waiting for me was a single man wearing a black mask in a dark robe. He told me straight away to read his mind and so I did, subtly slipping in past basic defenses to see what was there. All i grasped from him were two words, "Dath Perspicenta." Realizing before I now stood i went to bow but was waved up instantly. He informed he he preferred his servants not be so formal as it made it easier for them speak to him. I realized instantly the edge such an action gave him in those that spoke to him would do so more casually and reveal more. He informed me he had kept an eye on me and even now considered me as a potential pupil though for now I would serve him in any capacity he wished so long as I agreed now to serve. I do so without pause.

For 5 years now I have served the Sith and have only risen in position going quickly up the ranks. Within 3 years I received orders from members of the Dark Council itself always executing my duties with the utmost efficiency and always pushing forward with knowledge. I rarely engage in combat my missions being domestic in nature usually ensuring that knowledge is properly distributed throughout the Empire and not hoarded foolishly.

Good characters are always flawed in some ways. Often heroes are even more flawed than bystanders. There is typically a balance between greater skill in one area and significant flaws in others… What are your flaws?
Everyone has flaws I suppose, I am untested in combat my skills pulled me away from the front lines quickly enough and with the Jedi I always preferred to take a leadership role guiding things from the back rather than leading glorious charges so many of my kindred prefer. I have fought duels against enemies, defeated assassins, and other minor conflicts one would expect but I am quite good at avoiding combat and removing enemies in indirect ways or turning them to my point of view and as a result personal combat is a distinct weakness of mine, particularly when compared to the more militarily minded members of the Sith Order.

My focus on the subtle parts of the force has lead to an overall neglect of the overt honestly and was never strong in the overt forms in the first place. My power in the force revolves mostly around the subtle manipulations of it passing through and around living beings I am weaker with the overt uses and the uses regarding the inorganic. In the end my ultimate goal is not to engage in direct combat and it shows in my skillset neglecting that area.

Would you describe your Lightsaber, if you have made one?

If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?
Form VII: Juyo : Claims mastery of Form II: Makashi

Describe your preference in the use of the Force. Are you particularly talented in any one area? Do you have flaws in another? What are the limits on what you can or will do?
I am highly skilled in subtle manipulations of the force and interacting with organic matter. Overt and powerful actions with the force are almost beyond my capabilities but I truly excel with mental force powers invading the mind of another to learn, take, and plant anything I wish from information to emotions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirth


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Who and what are you? From where do you come, to where are you going? Tell us about yourself.
My name’s Divellyn Gan Tuum. The other Padawans called me Divelli or Div. I’m originally from Orleon, because my dad was a horticulturist and he wanted to study the plants there—they’re really different because of how wet and rainy it is. Oh, I’m half Zelosian—my mother’s human, and she’s where I get my eyes. Otherwise I look more like my dad. Uhm, as to where I’m going… Well, I’m not sure what you mean. Do you mean in general, or just now? Right now I’m not really going anywhere, since I’m kind of stuck in a prison…

I’m seventeen, and I’ve been at the temple since I was eight. I was just preparing to become a full-fledged Padawan with my own master when the temple was attacked. It was… something I was excited about. I’ve trained for this for nine years, and it’s all been taken away. Everything’s been destroyed—our temple’s gone, so many of us are dead… and then there’s me, captured. It would be stupid to say I’m not scared, because I am, but I can’t let it rule over me.

Few men truly serve more than one cause. Sure, you might pay lip service to many and support others, but which cause do you serve most? The Galactic Republic and the Jedi order, or the glorious Sith Empire?
I support the Jedi Order. They’ve taken care of me for years, and I love my brothers and sisters very much. Er, they’re not actually related to me, but we all learn together, and we’ve gotten close. My best friend’s name is… (Snnrk. Sniff.) I’m sorry, can we move on?

Eyes grow weak with age. They cannot see you clearly. Would you kindly describe what you look like and the sort of clothes you wear?

I have hazel eyes like my mother, and very long brown hair. If I’m not careful it gets in the way when I fight, so I usually tie it back. My clothes are pretty normal—a blue turtleneck with a zipper so I can open it and a pair of brown pants. I trip over Jedi robes, so my teachers thought it was best I don’t wear them just yet.

Now you have described somewhat about yourself, but you have not covered why you fight. Is it out of idealistic belief, or is it something else?
I guess… It’s because of Jeena. My friend. Before that, it was because I wanted to protect everyone else. I wanted to make sure nobody had to fight ever again. I wanted peace, in some, big, vague way. Now that I’m… here, and Jeena’s not… well, there’s more at stake. The Order needs me to be strong. They need me to survive and get home.

Surely you are not like everyone else. What sort of skills make you stand out from the rest?
My grasp of the Force is better than most of my classmates. I can levitate small things, including my practice lightsaber and throw it at targets. I can also swing it around without touching it. While I’m not too strong in swordsmanship, I’m getting better.

You have not been in touch with the rest so far. How do you relate to them? Are there any friends of yours among them? any enemies? Or perhaps you even have family therein?
I’m alone in here. I don’t really know who else is captured—I don’t know if they know me, though. I… I kind of wish Jeena got captured too. I know that’s terrible to say, knowing what the Sith are going to do to us, but I wish she was alive.

The past makes you who you are. What sort of events made you the one you are?
Well, I mentioned I was born on Orleon, right? My mom was a freighter captain before she met my dad on Naboo, and after they got married he brought her to Orleon where he was going to do a research paper on the plant life there. The plants grew really big and tall because the soil was so well-hydrated and the atmosphere was so humid, and there were a lot of different types. We lived there until I was six, when Dad finished his book (his research paper just kept growing and eventually became a 400-page guide to Orleon’s flora).

The Sith Empire and the Republic had been fighting for years, pushing each other back and forth. On Orleon, we didn’t really hear much; all I knew was from things my mother said or from the books we had. Naboo was going to be very different.

Once we were back (well, Mom and Dad were back, I had never been), we got a new house and settled in. Now that we were back with other people, we were hearing more and more about the war, about how the Empire was coming, slowly but steadily. My parents were careful not to discuss it in front of me, but I still heard.

I went to school for two years and liked it a lot, but I missed being able to play outside on Orleon. We were the only people living there, so you would think I’d get lonely but I never really felt it. On Naboo I got to play with other kids for the first time. That was when I figured out picking things up without touching them was weird.

I didn’t think it was, since I’d been able to do it for as long as I could remember, but the other kids were either scared or impressed. The ones who were impressed were easier to deal with than the frightened ones, but they never hurt me or anything. I didn’t have any close friends so I didn’t have to worry about them being with the scared kids. Hidden blessing.

Eagan Everille was the Jedi master who recruited me. On the lookout for teachable children, he heard from my dad’s university that I was ‘special’. He decided to see for himself. He came to our house and asked me to levitate things for him. I’d heard about Jedi from my mom—she’d worked with a couple, years ago, when she still had her freighter, and she sat with Master Everille while I concentrated on the steel ball he put on our table. When it lifted into the air, I think Mom realized I really was different.

Up until then, she had been proud of me, like most parents are of their kids, but seeing my abilities firsthand kind of brought it home, to her. I remember the look on her face—all that pride. She was thrilled I’d gotten the attention of the Jedi Order. When Master Everille offered to take me to the Academy, to teach me to use the Force properly, she couldn’t say yes fast enough.

Dad was less enthusiastic, because he and I were closer than me and my mom. He tried to convince her not to let me go. He told her it was dangerous, and that I was too little to go. It was me who convinced him… I said I wanted to go. After seeing the look on Mom’s face and how Master Everille had smiled when I picked up the ball, I wanted to go.

I met Jeena at the Academy. After I spent a few days overcoming my dad’s reservations regarding the war and the Sith, Master Everille took me to Coruscant to be trained. While I was there, I heard much more about the war—when Rhen Var was attacked, many of the Masters went away to fight. Master Everille went with them, and when he came back, he looked sadder than I’d ever seen him. Later I found out his Padawan at the time, Sidri Nalaar, had been killed in the battle.

I’ve worked hard in my classes, trying to be everything my mother wanted me to be. Everything Jeena wanted to be.

No good character is without his or her flaws. Nobody’s perfect. The heroes, be they good or evil, tend to have more blatant flaws than the tagalongs. What be thine flaws?
Um, well… I care more about what people think than I let on. Aaaand… I’m kind of naïve. It’s weird knowing that I’m gullible and that I always see the best in everyone else but not being able to stop myself from being that way. Jeena usually stopped me from being too trusting, but she can’t do that anymore…

No matter if you are a Jedi or a Sith, you probably made a lightsaber once upon a time. What does it look like?
Mine is green. The hilt is about as long as my forearm, so maybe fifteen inches? I haven’t really done much to it—I just got it when everything happened.

If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?
I use Soresu, if I’m forced to fight. I try to keep out of frontline combat, because the Force techniques I use require a lot of space. I’d hate to hurt someone else with a wide swing.

What sort of person are you? Do you use the Force for combat, or do you prefer to wield its more mystical branches? Is there something you excel at above all other things? Is there something you are hopelessly bad at? What limitations do you have?
Don’t forget that this is in the middle of a war. Anyone of truly great skill would have been at or near the front lines.

I was in the middle of practicing my swordsmanship when the attack came. I’m not well-versed in the forms in spite of all my trying. I work hard, but it just doesn’t seem to work.

Where I truly shine is in the Force. I can move things and pick them up, and it’s always been really easy for me. I can get really fierce when I’m feeling a deep connection, which happens when I concentrate hard enough. So far I can lift and throw other people, as long as they aren’t too big. I know it’s frowned upon in the Order to enjoy fighting, but I like winning. Or, well, more accurately, I like competing. I try to shut off that part of myself when I fight, though.

You are Jedi. Yet you have not been held with the other prisoners. Why not? Were you captured elsewhere? Did you just get captured? Or have you simply been isolated till now?
I… I think I got hurt. Badly. It was because I was stupid. I… I left the fight to bury Jeena. Everything’s very confused, but I remember dragging her away and then crying and leaving a flower for her. The only ‘girly’ thing she would ever tolerate was a flower now and then. She liked putting them in her hair.

Somebody must have come up behind me. I don’t know.

Is there anything else you would like to mention about yourself?
I will never betray the Jedi. Jeena would want me to be strong. I have to be strong.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Who and what are you? From where do you come, to where are you going? Tell us about yourself.
I have taken the name of Ntaaj Thaiv. Though I do not remember it well myself, I was birthed and to be raised as a protector of my people, just as my father before me. Events occurred in which I was removed from them, due to my sensitivity to the Force. Afterwards much of my memory has been altered and changed, or perhaps they are as they always have been, and only I think different. Either way, that was in the past. I have a new life to live now, working my way up the Sith hierarchy.

Few men truly serve more than one cause. Sure, you might pay lip service to many and support others, but which cause do you serve most? The Galactic Republic and the Jedi order, or the glorious Sith Empire? If you have other causes you pay some service to, you may mention them as well.
I serve the Sith, though mostly because I agree most of their ideals and am willing to defend and kill for them. As for those who are among the Sith... That loyalty is variable. Just because we agree with each other does not mean that we like one another; indeed, given the chance, I would gladly kill some of my fellow Sith for their impudence. But there are also some who I would gladly die for (Or merely kill others for) as well, who are honorable and accepting of my ideals. They are few in numbers, but they exist.

Eyes grow weak with age. They cannot see you clearly. Would you kindly describe what you look like and the sort of clothes you wear? Do not leave out anything you think would be relevant. Are you young? Old? Human? Alien? Male? Female? Scarred? Deformed? Yellow? Blue? Green? Red?

In addition to what is seen, he is usually equipped with various gadgets and machines that allows him to function both similarly to other Sith, but also differently. However he often changes them to suit whatever situation he is going into, or whatever he could attach on a short notice.

Rarely is Ntaaj ever out of his attire. He is more machine now than man; twisted and maniacal. Though most of his internal organs and his upper body still retains the flesh, he would rarely show it and much prefer to be rid of it altogether. But should you be able to see pass his mask, he would see a face almost untouched by time, the face of a young man with a young voice. But his youth was not given to him naturally; he had withered and aged before, became scarred to his time, but used machines to hide it all before he simply chose to hide behind the machine itself. He is believed to be human, or at least humanoid. His eyes are a solid black, no color, no life, a sure sign that he has chosen to abandon the flesh.

Now you have described somewhat about yourself, but you have not covered why you fight. Is it out of idealistic belief, or is it something else?
I was taken by the Sith to learn of their ways. But I do not follow them merely for the power to control the Force; instead, I use their ideals to create my own power, so that I am not a slave to the Force like the others. The Jedi fear power while the Sith takes it, but I will do more merely that. I shall do more than take; I will create my own power, my own force to be reckoned with.

Surely you are not like everyone else. What sort of skills make you stand out from the rest? Do they stand out because you excel at them, or because you fail miserably?

Though my control over the Force is not as great as others, I compensate by using tactics that are almost sacrilegious; technology. I do not limit myself to the anarchic ways of the Force, using merely lightsabers and my meager force powers. I am skilled and utilizing various forms of blasters and slug-shooters, as well as operating various machines and vehicles. Additionally, I am equipped with various gadgets and weapons that are vetted to be akin to force powers, or even different entirely in order to change the tide of battle in ways my enemies will not expect or to deal with situations that the Force cannot fix. I have also begun to devise ways to control others, either through superior firepower or other technologies, in ways that the Force does not.

You have not been in touch with the rest so far. How do you relate to them? Are there any friends of yours among them? any enemies? Or perhaps you even have family therein? Do not hesitate here because you do not see yourself mentioned in other players' character sheets. They may simply have forgotten to write you up. Correct that mistake, would you?

I have many enemies due to my well known reputation for disregarding the Force, among other reasons. Actual friends are far and few, but you could say I have many potential allies in lieu to companions. They are often merchants, smugglers, and other business types whom I often contact for new parts to use or repair. Those who do not know me for my distaste for the Force would know me for some of the technologies that I have created (Granted with the help with others, but they no longer live to tell their tales) and will continue to develop upon. One such invention that has risen me to glory is a device that allows me to alter the memories and thoughts of others, such as Republic soldiers and VIP's. Thanks to it we now have various allies even within the republic, who are naught but puppets in our hands.

The past makes you who you are. What sort of events made you the one you are? Do some events mean more to you than others? Did you have a good or a bad life?

Though the details escape me, I remember being born in a lush jungle. My family, my people, were a primitive sort. Rarely did they work with technology despite having access to it. They chose to live in their own ignorance, assured that so long as they caused no trouble that there would be none. Of course they were wrong. For only a few short years while one could call me a "Child" did I live with my people, before ships tore the land asunder. By the time the smoke cleared there was nothing but ash. Ash and myself. It was on this day that I was discovered for my force powers, and at this age I was sent to an Academy to hone my skills and find a lord to serve. But instead I grew to resent my so called "Power". When pitted against others my Force ability may as well have been nonexistent, and even basic level abilities were only earned through constant struggle and effort, long after others had succeeded. Many have given up on me, and soon I would have as well. But that was before I learned of droids, and the machines.

Many of the Sith would look down upon relying on anything aside from their skills and their lightsabers, but I am not like many Sith. I was much too aware of my own weakness, so I decided that I would find a way to improve that allowed me to stand against my fellow apprentices as equals. I endured their scorn and hatred as I had to, using what funds I had to turn my flesh into steel. Forced to fight outside of the box, I learned new ways to use my powers, and brought them against my enemies. Lasers, slugs, flames, or electricity; I tested them all against my enemies, and learned how to use them just as well as I learned how to use my own weapons. I began to grow stronger in ways others could not. For once, I had power. And I aimed to ensure that remained true for the rest of my life.

My education took a divergent path from the usual Sith training. Sure, I did attend my required classes when I had do, but more often than not I fought with machines. My extra time was spent upgrading my body and learning how to operate various vehicles and becoming skilled in operating them. It was in that field that I had talent, as flying or driving came naturally to me. Not only was I skilled at moving such vehicles, when it came to combat machines I was also great. Using the combined power of my organic mind and computing technology, I was able to aim and hit targets with various ranged weaponry faster than most who share my classes, and sometimes even better than the professional teaching me. Some scorned me, but now they too would feel the struggle that I had gone through.

One of my most successful accomplishments is a device I have christened the "ALTR-1". The ALTR-1 is a helmet-like device that, hooked up to certain interface terminals, allows one to alter, extract, or remove memories of those who are equipped with the ALTR-1. Originally I created it in order to assist in my learning, but than I found that it had other uses. Thanks to it I have managed to gain very important information from various spies and Republic Figures, as well as altered their idea of us so that the Sith may use them however they please. Though it's not without it's faults, it has proven to be quite an effective tool at enthralling the minds of some of the most powerful individuals in the galaxy. There were only two types of people in the world who could fight against the powers of the ALTR-1; the Jedi and the Sith. By taking in certain students who I have volunteered, I've worked for many years to improve on controlling the minds of my fellow students, in hopes that one day I could do the same to our natural enemies, the Jedi.

At some point during my time training as an Apprentice I may have made a few too many enemies. When I had surpassed the title of Apprentice, my enemies made it so that I could neither advance above them nor find other avenues to surpass them. They knew my skill with the Saber matched their own, so they fought me in ways that I could not, the very ideal which I used to gain my victories. But there was one way I could escape them, one way which I could achieve my goal and ensure they won't stop me: I was sent to assist Darth Nyiss, an eccentric dark lord. Using many of my favors and contacts, as well as a gratuitous use of the ALTR-1, I made it so that I would be sent to her to offer her my services with the ALTR-1, as it's creation and use was a closely guarded secret of mines. Working under her was not the most ideal way for me to ascend in ranking, but I have not toiled for so long to be daunted by such notions as "difficulty".

No good character is without his or her flaws. Nobody’s perfect. The heroes, be they good or evil, tend to have more blatant flaws than the tagalongs. What be thine flaws?

I am not good with animal lifeforms. I do not understand why, though most attempt to eat me whenever possible, or at best are simply unresponsive to me. I dislike the creatures myself, and only tolerate them when told to do so; I'd prefer to butcher them and eat their flesh. In fact, I am not very good with sentient lifeforms either; I detest the flesh, tolerating only long enough to get what little use I can from them. Rarely do I bother forming anything beyond a professional relationship with others, and it shows; I have no friends, merely enemies and coworkers, both which are not mutual exclusive concepts. I also have difficulties communicating with others that are not simple orders or commands; either I can be vague and laconic or speak with such unnecessary eloquence and sophistry even I would begin to lose track of what I intended to say (i.e. I talk too much).

Lastly, I have been known to be a "Maverick", or someone who simply does not abide to all the laws put onto us. Though in my defense, I follow those laws well enough, up to the point there they become a bothersome obstacle that I could simply ignore instead of try to overcome. If I were to die by these laws, what use were they to me? Another issue regarding this flaw is that I often look for loopholes, despite whatever my superiors want me to do. Holes in logic or imperfections I can exploit will be used and abused whenever possible. I would even dare to question these laws, challenge them on a principle level and refute them if I deem them unnecessary. This however may have created the imagery that I am untrustworthy of any task that would require or have the possibility of sacrificing myself. And they would be right not to trust me with such tasks; I value my own existence more than I do the loyalty to others, and I would do whatever I must I can to ensure that I can live to fight another day, be it cutting down the enemy or playing along with their games.

No matter if you are a Jedi or a Sith, you probably made a lightsaber once upon a time. What does it look like?

(With a traditional red blade instead of the current color, of course.)

I intentionally created my own Lightsaber as as Crossguard Saber, to not only ensure that it stands out but also to prevent others from trying to use it, due to it's strange qualities. Namely the four blades that extend perpendicular to each other and the main blade. It is also due to this trait that only a certain few, primarily me, is able to maintenance the saber correctly. As much as I would enjoy watching others kill themselves trying to calibrate my saber, I would never allow others to even land a hand on it, unless they wish for it to be removed by the same saber.

If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?

Form III: Soresu with a hint of Form V: Shien, supplemented with whatever other weaponry currently equipped.

What sort of person are you? Do you use the Force for combat, or do you prefer to wield its more mystical branches? Is there something you excel at above all other things? Is there something you are hopelessly bad at? What limitations do you have?
Don’t forget that this is in the middle of a war. Anyone of truly great skill would have been at or near the front lines.

I will always look for alternatives, to work outside the given means and never limit myself to merely what I'm told I can do. When it comes to dealing with machinery, from blasters to droids or hovercraft to space shuttles, I am quite skilled in operating them. I'm also able to hack into and reprogram various AI's and other digital terminals, allowing me to do such things as bypass locked entrances or remotely control various droids. I also have the necessary abilities to preform surgical operations for mechanical implants, and I have designed my own robotic limbs to be quickly and easily integrated into others on short notice, which some prep time of course. Thanks to my ALTR-1, I can also manipulate the minds of my enemies much quicker and effectively that some would with the force, as well as help implant knowledge and memories that I don't have for educational purposes.

The machines I use are necessary do to my own lack of Force ability. Or rather, while I am still sensitive to it's power, my ability in using them is lacking even though I have become more than a mere Apprentice. I would hardly use the Force at all, if possible. I do not intend to limit myself only to it, relying on it if only because that is all that is available to me. That being said, this same mindset also is why my own ability with the Force is lacking, as I am so intent on not using it that it is barely passing. Some would say that I only require practice, but even I know that practice does not make up for the talent I do not posses. I am reliant on physical things to grant me power and strength in battle. Without them I may as well be a Force-sensitive robot, with none of the advantages and all of the flaws. But I refuse to allow such excuses to put me on a lower level than others.

You are a Sith. How come you arrived now, several days after the others? Why would the powerful Darth Nyiss let you in at such a late time?

After graduating from the ranks of Apprentice, my advancement was grounded due to the interference of many of my enemies of the past. I would have been stuck as nothing more than a Sith in name only, driven to my own madness at never being able to advance above my rank. But there was one avenue I could escape through; if I could ally myself with a powerful person, I could use them to ascend the ranks of the Sith. So I chose Darth Nyiss, offering her the use of my greatest invention the ALTR-1, as well as whatever other skills I could provide. The ALTR-1 has proven useful against the weak minds of most of the Sith's enemies, and I expect that it would work just as well against the Jedi.

Is there anything else you would like to mention about yourself? You know there is something. Don't be shy.

Despite my interest in attaching more machine parts to myself, I care little about droids beyond what they have that I could benefit from. As far as I care, they are as usable and disposable as any other sentient lifeforms. I'm also not a very picky eater, as one of the things that my mechanical body requires is a lot of energy to sustain it. Just about everything could be processed into energy, though commonly I use the flesh and bones of the fallen. It's simply the most convenient. I also has a personal Landspeeder suited to be heavy armored and fast, though lacks on board weaponry aside crushing opponents against it's armored hull. I employ it whenever possible.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bigscreech


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Templar Knight

Templar Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Who and what are you? From where do you come, to where are you going? Tell us about yourself.

I am Gideon Xanthous, a human born on Dantooine, who was tempted by hearing of the Sith teachings to Korriban, and having completed my training to the satisfaction of my instructors, I was taken on as an apprentice of a Sith Lord, Fa'los. Having wandered the Outer Rim under my new master and teacher, searching for Jedi and Republic Agents working covertly against the Empire outside the bounds of Republic and Sith space, as well as any vestiges of the Dark Side to learn more of the ancient Sith or expand our powers and understanding of the Force. I now make my to the capital, following the unexpected death of my master, to settle my deceased Lord's affairs and seeking reassignment with perhaps a chance try to claim the mantle of Sith Lord, should the Dark Council, and the Darth whose network I am a part of, see fit.

Few men truly serve more than one cause. Sure, you might pay lip service to many and support others, but which cause do you serve most? The Galactic Republic and the Jedi order, or the glorious Sith Empire? If you have other causes you pay some service to, you may mention them as well.

I serve the Sith, though only the Empire through assisting Imperial Intelligence in some of its endeavours as my Lord was commanded to do so, not as a fighter on the front lines. For although I share their distaste for the Republic and their Jedi Order, whom coddle weakness and stagnation in the name of "peace", I have not wished to be involved in the constant struggles between Lords and their pupils that have caused so much bloodshed for our kind. Nor do many among them accept me, for in many of their eyes I was seen as weaker for what they see in me as an gentler heart than most Sith. They fool themselves to think that I am any less devoted to the Sith Code than them, I just see no use in wasted potential. I hold to the Sith Code above all, and what I believe it means, regardless of whether or not my fellows in the Empire hold the same views.

Eyes grow weak with age. They cannot see you clearly. Would you kindly describe what you look like and the sort of clothes you wear? Do not leave out anything you think would be relevant. Are you young? Old? Human? Alien? Male? Female? Scarred? Deformed? Yellow? Blue? Green? Red?

I am a human male getting into my middle ages (38) with a trimmed chin strap of black hair and short, well-kept black hair being prominent facial features. I have green eyes, tanned skin, 165 cm (5"6'), 63.5 kg (140 lbs), and possess scars across my back and arms from old injuries due to blades and electrocution. I wear Dark Jedi robes given to me following my graduation, they are well worn and stitched in many places to maintain them due to the massive amount of wear and tear on them, as are my shoes which are simply constructed leather shoes.

I also have kept my old cloth wraps and pantaloons from my previous life on Dantooine to use in the event that I need to wear something less conspicuous for whatever reason. The Dark Jedi Robes are mostly for more formal occasions or situations wherein I’m not afraid to show off my status, low though it may be.

Now you have described somewhat about yourself, but you have not covered why you fight. Is it out of idealistic belief, or is it something else?

I fight because peace is a lie, and there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me. Simply, I fight because it is a necessity in obtaining greater power and a stronger connection with the Force as the ancient Sith did. All Sith fight, and if I am to become a Lord amongst them, I must fight as well.

Surely you are not like everyone else. What sort of skills make you stand out from the rest? Do they stand out because you excel at them, or because you fail miserably?

I stand out from other Sith for my "failings", for although I was adept at wielding a lightsaber and could utilize the Force as well as your average initiate, many claim that my heart was not cold enough to truly match the Sith for their hatred for weakness. Specifically in the fact that I showed mercy to the opponents I dueled, I could not bring myself to strike down a potentially useful fellow Sith simply because I was faster, stronger in will or strength or hadn't missed a step when they had. What I viewed as avoiding wasting a life who could prove useful to the Empire with greater training, my teachers viewed as a severe weakness on my part. They claimed that such mercy could mean not only my death in a real fight, but the deaths of fellow Sith if I was ever in a position of command as a Sith Lord. They eventually made me learn this lesson, making it a more and more painful one to learn as they tried to beat and burn it into me, I finally came to the conclusion that in this situation at least, if the initiates could not prove themselves, they would be killed, so I went along with what my instructors taught me, even though I believed some of their teachings could have been different.

Luckily for me, a particular Sith Lord by the name of Fa'los was residing at Korriban at the time observing the Academy and its pupils for a potential apprentice, it was not an uncommon thing for the odd Master or Lord in need of an apprentice to stop by the Academy to see if any of the initiates held promise, though it wasn't common for a Lord to actually take any of the initiates, the war demanded that most be sent out to fight in the front lines. Why did Lord Fa'los pick me? He claimed that the way I interpreted the Sith Code along with my styles of fighting aligned closely with his own, and that out of most of the initiates, I had the better chance of succeeding as his apprentice.

You have not been in touch with the rest so far. How do you relate to them? Are there any friends of yours among them? any enemies? Or perhaps you even have family therein? Do not hesitate here because you do not see yourself mentioned in other players' character sheets. They may simply have forgotten to write you up. Correct that mistake, would you?

Gideon does not like Jewel Namore to begin with, knowing that her rise to power came from the fact that she manipulated fellow Sith, which he views is a poor way of having earned her status as a Sith Lord. He would never say that to her face though, as he is not foolish enough to offend a higher ranking Sith over his opinions of how Sith Lords should prove themselves.

He is also nervous of Lord Sish and his apprentice Zanna, for he worries that the former will find him to be weak and seek to become an obstacle in his path, and the latter because of her unbridled ambitions posing an equal threat. But he doesn’t give them too much thought otherwise, nor does he know them personally, only by reputation.

Jayda Enor and Ntaaj Thaiv fascinate Gideon due to their unconventional natures as Sith, but he doesn’t know much about them. He may try to get acquainted with them first.

Gideon has a great deal of respect for Darth Nyiss, though they have never met, Lord Fa’los kept him abreast with her ascendancy to power and lectured on some of the tactics she used to gain her position in the Empire, so that he may learn by example. He privately looks forward to the chance to prove himself worthy of being her apprentice, but if that doesn’t come to pass, then he will be content having assisted in the endeavour of a Darth whose ideals fall along a similar vein to his own.

Her uncle, “Guide” was also spoken of by Lord Fa’los, as he had worked with the Pureblood decades before he took Gideon as an apprentice, but Gideon knows little of him outside of his teachings, nor would the Pureblood know anything about him.

Minder 62 has encountered Gideon before through the work he and the departed Lord Fa’los did for Imperial Intelligence, though they don’t know each other on a personal basis, and Gideon has no idea he is involved with the project.

The past makes you who you are. What sort of events made you the one you are? Do some events mean more to you than others? Did you have a good or a bad life?

My unexpected departure from Korriban after the completion of my training to become a member of the Sith Empire had a huge effect on my life, it was what caused me to wander throughout the Outer Rim under the guiding hand of Lord Fa'los, taking odd jobs to book passage on ships and trying to keep a low profile as we were on assignment from the Empire to hunt down Republic agents and Jedi who may use covert methods of trying to enter Sith Space or strike at us, either on Sith Worlds, or the odd neutral worlds. He had been assigned to this mission by his own Darth, and we coordinated our efforts with Imperial Intelligence when able to do so. Our studies never stopped though, the galaxy simply became our testing grounds.

Such a life put me in contact with a lot of people though, I saw people of all walks of life, races, and fortunes and learned how and why people act the way they do, Lord Fa'los emphasized this interaction and understanding of the psychology of individuals, groups, and societies along with cause and effect was as crucial in understanding how to play, and how to win at the conflicts which the Sith embroiled themselves in. Such experiential knowledge is essential in discerning one's weaknesses beyond mere combat prowess. For he believed, just as I believe that a true Sith should know not just how to break one's opponents through combat, but through every other means they can, emotionally, intellectually, anything which can be put to the test in a conflict. After all, is true power not that which enables the wielder the ability to destroy an opponent in any number of ways to ensure victory? And is victory not ever truly obtained until an opponent is utterly broken and vanquished?

One of the most rewarding, or proudest moments of my life was when I bested a rival apprentice for the first time in a duel. The situation arose on Nar Shaddaa while we were working for Sith Intelligence, keeping our eyes open for Republic agents who may use the Smuggler's Moon as a nexus for their operations. A chance meeting of myself, Lord Fa'los and a rival Sith Lord with his own pupil quickly escalated into a contest of who was the better Master, specifically whose understanding of the Sith Code produced the better apprentice? For Fa'los' rival understood passion as being the key to power, a literal understanding of the Sith Code, and had taught his apprentice to feed off of his emotions to give him greater power during conflicts. Fa'los instructed me in how passion has its place in gaining power, but uncontrolled passion leads to ruin, a true Sith has to know when to unleash their passions, and how to utilize that power, which may not necessarily be physical strength, or willpower. The two Lords arranged the duel between us in a secluded section of the city without distractions from potential interlopers and we were told to fight each other through all the means we had until one of us forced the other to yield and supplicate before the other as being the greater, humiliating their Master. We fought for over an hour, our lightsabers not being the only thing which connected. Every time I had the chance I would taunt and banter to my rival, and even utilized the Soresu form against his Shien, letting him become enraged and frustrated at my constant verbal jabs and his inability to land a successful strike.

Eventually he had become so weak that he could barely swing his arms effectively anymore, but I still kept up with the dodging, focusing my energy into making him wear himself out without even landing a blow on him. When his legs finally gave out underneath him from being so tired, I took his lightsaber in an instant and forced him to supplicate before me, using the Force to make him utter the humiliating words when he wouldn't say them willingly. His Master was so enraged that he executed the poor apprentice right there, cutting off his limbs and throwing him off the catwalk to the ground impossibly far below in his fury. Fa'los couldn't have been more proud of me though, using the duel as a lesson that these results proved that there were many ways which a Sith could hold power over an opponent, and more than one way to achieve victory through passion and power and still be a Sith. I always wondered if he would have done the same thing to me as his rival had done to his apprentice if I had failed, I had no doubt that something equal would have happened to me. Fa'los may have had a slightly different idea of what weakness meant than other Sith, but he did not disagree that those who proved to be the weaker should deserve no mercy from the stronger, woe to the vanquished was the apt phrase.

It has not been an easy life, being a wanderer and Pariah among most parts of the galaxy, but I would say it has been rewarding given the path that I have chosen.

No good character is without his or her flaws. Nobody’s perfect. The heroes, be they good or evil, tend to have more blatant flaws than the tagalongs. What be thine flaws?

I have never been a very tough fighter, I cannot take many direct hits without going down, which is why I rely mostly on dodging blows or avoiding fights altogether.

I also have aquaphobia, to the point where I won’t even use drowning-based torture techniques on targets due to my squeamishness, despite their potential usefulness as a mostly non-lethal torture technique. Nor will I go into public baths or any sort of wash basin that has water which can reach up to my neck in depth. It came from a childhood incident where I almost drowned when I attempted to cross a fordless river on Dantooine, the river had been engorged by heavy rains and I lost my footing trying to cross it. The current sweeping me downstream nearly a mile before I could stop myself, and my lungs dangerously filled with water. Since then, I’ve always had aquaphobia.

Sith have also argued that I suffer from Lima Syndrome, wherein I become sentimental about my captured targets. It is true that I am a bit more lenient on prisoners in regards to their treatment, but that is because I believe that working my way into their trust opens as many doors to obtaining information than breaking their minds or bodies outright. Patient, slow torture through mind games, or simply persuasion or coercion, in my opinion can be just as effective. The reason I draw criticism from other Sith on this is that I will try to stop overly cruel punishments if I can, or simply refuse to perform such acts unless ordered. I have never let such sentimentalities get in the way of my missions, nor would I dream of betraying my fellow Sith for an enemy, but I don’t see a point in being unnecessarily cruel.

No matter if you are a Jedi or a Sith, you probably made a lightsaber once upon a time. What does it look like?

It is a standard single-bladed lightsaber of average dimensions and parts, it has an orange crystal though, rather than the traditional Sith red. Lord Fa'los specifically gave me this crystal when showing how to assemble one from scratch in order to symbolize both personally and outwardly, that I was different from other Sith given my interpretation of the Sith Code. But also as a more practical reason, the red lightsaber is instantly recognized by anybody as belonging to a Sith regardless of whether you're in Republic, neutral, or Sith space, if I was to keep a low profile while still keeping my lightsaber, we had to make sure that I was not immediately recognizable by the colour of my lightsaber. Perhaps one day, once I'm reassigned to a different task that doesn't involve covert actions, or become a Sith Lord then I will change the crystal to red, but now it stays orange.

If you wield a Lightsaber, which of the Seven combat forms has your order trained you in?
Soresu was the combat form I was trained in. It offered the skills necessary to fight offensively, as a Sith must, but also those needed to be able to adapt to specific weaknesses of an enemy through its heavy reliance on defensive tactics to give its user time to decipher their opponents. It is also the form which best complements my lack of toughness, making me as good as fighter as anybody else if not better for those who aren't experienced with fighting those who've learned the Soresu form.

What sort of person are you? Do you use the Force for combat, or do you prefer to wield its more mystical branches? Is there something you excel at above all other things? Is there something you are hopelessly bad at? What limitations do you have? Don’t forget that this is in the middle of a war. Anyone of truly great skill would have been at or near the front lines.

As a utilizer of Soresu, I use the Force to aid me mostly in defensive maneuvers or to overwhelm an opponent following a break in their defenses. I am not very skilled in fights between multiple targets by myself, especially ones wielding lightsabers, be they Jedi or Sith due to the fact that I cannot focus on a particular enemy when that occurs. In such situations, I try to flee, as only a fool fights a battle he knows he cannot win.

I am also skilled in torture and interrogation using indirect methods from my experiences with Lord Fa'los while we were on assignment in the Outer Rim. I learned many different ways of breaking a target's will without having to break bones or mutilate bodies, things which cause a lot of noise and are quite noticeable in situations where we are trying to be covert in our operations. Granted, I have never attempted to convert anybody to the Sith cause using my methods, but I do have a successful record for being able to break the will of my targets and obtaining necessary information out of them, and in theory it shouldn't be much more difficult to change those methods over to the process of conversion, would it?

a) You are a Sith. How come you arrived now, several days after the others? Why would the powerful Darth Nyiss let you in at such a late time?

Due to the lack of results on turning most of the Jedi so far by the Sith already aboard, Darth Nyiss would be looking for Sith who are available who at least have some experience with indirectly breaking people's resolve and leave them susceptible to conversion. As to why I am late, Lord Fa'los died unexpectedly of a chronic illness while we were on assignment, meaning that I had to return his body and possessions to the capital anyway so that he may be buried with the other Sith Lords, and so that I could be reassigned by Lord Fa’los’ Master after giving my reports on our work to Imperial Intelligence ,based on where they may need me. So I was not expecting to be free to be able to assist in this matter, but since circumstances allow, I would be able to lend my aid in her cause.

Is there anything else you would like to mention about yourself? You know there is something. Don't be shy.
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