@dabombjk Ok, that I didn't know. That you made that post before I posted about Karlos falling asleep. If that is the case then Karlos would be in his room now still sleeping I guess.
Yeah I guess it was a bit obvious that Karlos would want to kill Darius. Just wanted to let you know that lol. Since Darius kept carrying him around like a rag doll and speaking about wanting to kill him. That would push Karlos over the edge, and if he wasn't going to go after Darius before-he probably will now.
Which will probably mean my character Karlos will be dead soon. Damnit. Why can't Darius be nice to him? :(
That's a good point, I didn't think of Darius like that. That he let himself get hit to be able to do a counterattack. Thanks for pointing out that he isn't invincible. That he can't dodge every attack ever. I appreciate you writing that, and it explains to me why Darius was able to get hit and like Caits said he wasn't expecting the knee. Like in a fight I suppose, you expect every attack because your opponent is trying to kill you and you kill them.
As for being too polite. Now that you say I don't have to be so polite, I'll do my best not to be. The reason I was so polite though, was because I felt like I was picking apart your guy's collaboration post. Something you guys worked hard to build together and I felt bad. But at the same time I felt I wanted to point some stuff. It was an uncomfortable situation.
It's also like a personality trait of mine. I hate 'correcting people'/'questioning their work', as I know I'm not perfect myself, so unless its important I normally keep my mouth shut.
Why stress someone else out about the small stuff?
That's the question I ask myself.
Sorry for rambling buy yeah, that's who I am.
@Caits Ok, yeah that makes sense. Thank you for explaining that. I appreciate it. :)