Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ayemdar
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@Mercurial oh yeah the systems would fail
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There was a detail in Sodium's post where he said the helicopter blades appeared sword-like. Maybe that's a stylistic choice, but the character's power /is/ to turn things into swords.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Alrightie then. Let's see what we have here.<Snipped quote by Masaki Haruna>In the previous system, you classified Kyou's magic as Igyo, hence it was a mutation. This means whatever kitsune attributes she has are permanent, passive, and not deactivatable. Otherwise, it would have classified as Henkei. With the sudden change in system, only the classification was changed and nothing was mentioned about her magic gaining the ability to be turned off or on. So, yeah.

As for speed, I'd say Akasha is the fastest. Kyou an Nihiri would probably be next to her.

@January@Letter Bee Is it fine for Mikhail to conclude that Donovan caused the unnatural calm that he had felt? Sure, nothing wrong with that. Mikhail can believe whatever he wants to. And Banjo also noted that the sigils were giving off enough illumination to reveal their faces and whatnot.

However, Letter Bee on the other hand, as the narrator for that character, shouldn't write in a way that makes it appear that he already knows this information. I'm probably not making sense, so I'll try to come up with an example.
  • "Mikhail was certain that it was Donovan that was causing all of this" - This is definitely fine. Right?
  • Mikhail's voice lost its bite, due to the fact that he was unable to muster much passion in the unnatural calm given by Donovan - This is probably not okay. Instead of Mikhail just assuming that Don was the cause, the narrator actually confirms it. I mean, I don't think that's part of your job description.
Anyway, I'm well aware that I may be wrong, so call me out if you think so. At least I can explain the reasons behind my decision.

Anyway, off to do some updates.

<Snipped quote by Scio>

To add a bit more to it, while it is not technically meta-gaming (or at least a major game-breaking one) because what was written does not affect the other characters in any way. But luke Scio said, an author's narration should usually be based on the character's point of view, not information given out of character. And this is where exactly we might be having an issue here. When writing a post, you should exclude anything being said OoC (except plans and cooperative ideas) and focus more on the aspect viewed by the character being played.

So, keep RP narration IC. All right, that works.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ayemdar
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

There was a detail in Sodium's post where he said the helicopter blades appeared sword-like. Maybe that's a stylistic choice, but the character's power /is/ to turn things into swords.

But if his character doesn't believe in magic would he actively use it like that?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by January
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<Snipped quote by KOgaming>

But if his character doesn't believe in magic would he actively use it like that?

Wait, is the implication here that the helicopter's blades are magical blades Arthur summoned or am I reading that wrong?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ayemdar
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<Snipped quote by Ayemdar>

Wait, is the implication here that the helicopter's blades are magical blades Arthur summoned or am I reading that wrong?

That's how I took @KOgaming comment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by January
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<Snipped quote by January>

That's how I took @KOgaming comment.

I don't think Arthur's range is infinite?

So what happens when the helicopter flies out of his range?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It might not even be him who made the helicopter wings. It could have been his family. It says in his profile that his magic was something that was passed down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Menhir
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I can't help but notice everyone seems to be making assumptions and bringing up reasons why things would/wouldn't work, but nobody has actually asked Sodium anything directly. The only post that pings him is another player telling him to change his post. As a suggestion, maybe you should address the player and ask him to clarify your concerns first?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by January
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Sure. Good point. We should wait on Sodium to get back to hagroden's complaints.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sodium
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Sodium nanananananananananananananananananananananaSODIUM

Member Seen 4 mos ago

While i'm not a GM, I do want to suggest that you read a few of the posts prior to yours and edit your post.

There's a bit too much going on for it to be likely that you could just helicopter-drop into the dead center. For starters, Junko's fog would prevent any pilot from attempting to land, and I don't think it needs to be stated directly that non-magical elements can't affect her fog, or else it would have been blown away by now. And while I understand that you were aiming for some super-cool insert, it just isn't exactly feasible based off what's going on right now.

I did read the posts. I didn't drop dead center of your little brawl - maybe you should read my post.

If the helicopter's slipstream has no effect upon the mist, then it can be concluded that the mist is uncounterable and overpowered, leading to a need to nerf the ability. Mist is water hanging in the air; it stands to reason that when the air moves REALLY FAST in one direction, the water carried by it will be, at risk of redundancy, carried away with it. If nonmagical effects cannot interact with magic, then the opposite should also be true; why, then, would magic make technology have issues?

And to be incredibly blunt, I don't care whether you find it feasible. There's plenty of imaginary field space for the both of us.

If I'm the only person thinking this way, that's fine, feel free to ignore me, but I think there's a bit too much going on right now for any of us to want to drop what we're all doing and pay attention to Arthur's flamboyant arrival.

Did I once say that Arthur had everyone's attention? Nah, not once. Do I want everyone's attention? Nah. I want everyone to act in-character as they would in the situation. While sure, a helicopter's arrival may be somewhat distracting, I'd say that I'd be a bit more focused on not getting my ass kicked by a girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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So I realize things are apparently a bit hectic but is there still room for another character?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Anyway, Me and Sodium are talking about his post. Regarding the update, my laptop suddenly started to update, so it'll be delayed a bit. Sorry, guys.

@Zero Hex Sure thing, man. Currently, we have 19 participants. Not sure about how active the others are, but technically, only one slot is left. I guess you appeared just in time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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While i'm not a GM, I do want to suggest that you read a few of the posts prior to yours and edit your post.

There's a bit too much going on for it to be likely that you could just helicopter-drop into the dead center. For starters, Junko's fog would prevent any pilot from attempting to land, and I don't think it needs to be stated directly that non-magical elements can't affect her fog, or else it would have been blown away by now. And while I understand that you were aiming for some super-cool insert, it just isn't exactly feasible based off what's going on right now.

If I'm the only person thinking this way, that's fine, feel free to ignore me, but I think there's a bit too much going on right now for any of us to want to drop what we're all doing and pay attention to Arthur's flamboyant arrival.

Just wanted to clear this up; this is untrue. Junko's fog, and mostly anything else magical, may be affected by the non-magical.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

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Uh, @Scio. Before we continue, can we get a good explanation on the difference between science and technology? Maybe a few rules that tell us how technology and magic interfere with one another?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Oh, sure. Since I already explain it to Sodium, I guess I'll post it here too.

My initial explanation was simple "Magic interferes with technology". But I guess that was as vague as I could get. Anyway, here we go.

So, in the world where Four Winds exist, magic functions as an expression of one's will. It's basically an ordering of causality in accordance with your consciousness. Technology (including mundane technology), functions through mechanisms for manipulating flows of electrons and operates according to atomic and quantum laws. So in this world, magic would take place not on an energetic level, but on a paradigmatic level. So the branch of science we're using wouldn't be physics, but information theory.

Consciousness is to the quantum realm as the quantum realm is to Newtonian mechanics. So the rules have a kind of fundamental presence (note how important "the observer" is to some quantum models), but the way they're expressed is radically weird and different from our perspective way up here in the macroscopic plane. So when magical consciousness-effects are present, they cause what amounts to interference on the level of electrons and photons. Living beings are relatively unaffected due to a certain level of self-awareness or what could be called "informational coherence." Inanimate objects, however - especially things with circuits, batteries, and whatnot - are going to be subject to the causality-equivalents of static, bands of interference, blips, crackles and the like. Hence, causing dysfunction of technology.

Makes sense? Even in the slightest? Please?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mercurial
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Menhir
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I really hate to say this but it actually doesn't at all.
It mostly just sounds arbitrary and excessively complex and sort of reminds me of Turn A Gundam. Or Arcanum but instead of going both ways and having mundane things mess up magic too you've made it a one way street.

If I can offer a suggestion I'd say it might be a better idea to stop trying to explain this with soft sciences like that. Maybe do it like Arcanum, and have relatively complex technological devices dampen magic, too. That way you can still justify your mountain hermit Hogwarts by simply saying complex devices are banned due to interfering with the student's development. It would also explain how magicians still face persecution despite having a population of something like a billion people worldwide, since the proliferation of common everyday electronics and the like has made them as a whole exceedingly weak and a lot harder to notice. Kind of a two birds with one stone, right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Actually, I thought it did. It basically says that magic causes technology to dysfuction.

Anyway, I'm more than happy to accept suggestions regarding the explanation and honestly, I like your idea. I don't mind changes things; an example would be how magic was previously classified. There are certain issues I can think of though that would accompany such an explanation. Maybe you have other ideas?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sodium
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Sodium nanananananananananananananananananananananaSODIUM

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Had this written up for PM, but since it's public I may as well make my voice a touch louder.

I got to the third paragraph and lost my composure. I'm just gonna take it you aren't employed in any area which uses quantum mechanics, information theory, or other rather abstract sciences, but you took some introductory courses and, upon reaching a state of mindblown amazement, attempted to apply quantum phenomena to everyday science.

Shit don't work that way, bro.

If it did, the human brain wouldn't function. It uses electric impulses, after all. Using your given numbers, there are presently approximately 1 billion users of magic in the world. Using your pseudoscience, that many conflicting viewpoints in such close contact would no doubt cause informational shockwaves large enough to affect living beings in most of the world. Not only that, but technology would likely never get to the printed circuit era, as electricity would NEVER have any rhyme or rhythm to its function.

But let's assume that somehow we got to present-day tech without magic preventing it. The anti-tech field would affect cities faaaaar more heavily than this school. A city with a million people would have over one hundred thousand mages, while presently it seems the school has, at max, a couple hundred (and I am being quite generous). That means no elevators, no transportation, no air conditioning, and lots of other things that'd make all the benefits of cities nonexistent.

Do note that I haven't even started on why the outright "science" of yours is wrong. Unteaching an introductory course used to excite youngsters into tomorrow's disillusioned scientific force isn't something I care to do online.
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