Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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@Sodium Dude, this is a fictional world with fictional laws. I could make up the most absurd type of reasoning and it wouldn't matter if it didn't coincide with real world science. The point I want to get across is that technology and machines don't work because magic interferes with it. I'd like that rule, at least for this RP, to be respected. I apologize if I can't give you a well detailed description, but the general idea that I'm imposing is there. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but that's how I chose to do things here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BassDropp
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Jesus christ is this even necessary? Especially something as condescending as that? @Sodium

This is a fucking role play bro, we're just trying to have fun. Its about fucking magic in an anime setting. When has complex science ever been in an anime about magic?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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@Sodium Apparently, there's some animosity or at least some form of annoyance in your reply. If offended you, I apologize. That wasn't my intentions. I'm just doing my best to explain the idea I had in mind.

I did not take an introductory course in anything. Just googled. If my poorly constructed explanation caused you so much vexation, I'm sorry.

The reason for this RP was for me, and a few others, to have fun and serve as an outlet for their creative writing. With that in mind, I didn't really spend time in developing any specific explanation for most of the things in the RP's setting. I usually do everything on the fly.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Menhir
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Issues where? It's important to list the issues in question when you're discussing issues.

I mean I could also point you towards Mage: The Awakening, where physical law itself is actually fundamentally the same as magic and is the result of a shadowy cabal of wizards (the Technocratic Union) who have essentially tricked the entire world into playing by their rules but that's a lot of lore to sift through and it got really silly after a while for other reasons.

See you say that but you have to remember this became an issue in the first place because people didn't want Sodium's character to enter using a helicopter. He was just trying to have fun in his own way, right? And then everyone kept trying to come up with reasons why he couldn't. Pretty much anyone gets prickly when they're being ganged up on like that.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I probably shouldn't say shit considering I don't even have a CS posted but @Scio your explanation seems rather unnecessarily convoluted and abritrary, bringing up abstract sciences to try and explain why science doesn't actually work because of magic.

I'd take what Menhir posted into serious consideration, as it also helps define the setting in such a way that justifies the modern world existing alongside a billion people with superpowers whose sole presence makes machinery malfunction. If there's issues with it the players wouldn't know about, it might be best to list them and maybe we can advance from there.

Also @BassDropp you should consider that it wasn't players that elected to bring science into this at all and while a system of magic can function within its own rules since it's all made up this is entering a weird mix territory best left alone I feel.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Issues where? It's important to list the issues in question when you're discussing issues.

I mean I could also point you towards Mage: The Awakening, where physical law itself is actually fundamentally the same as magic and is the result of a shadowy cabal of wizards (the Technocratic Union) who have essentially tricked the entire world into playing by their rules but that's a lot of lore to sift through and it got really silly after a while for other reasons.

See you say that but you have to remember this became an issue in the first place because people didn't want Sodium's character to enter using a helicopter. He was just trying to have fun in his own way, right? And then everyone kept trying to come up with reasons why he couldn't. Pretty much anyone gets prickly when they're being ganged up on like that.

It's Mage: The Ascension; Mage: The Awakening has a different cosmology.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by January
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Regardless, Scio set the rule: magic interferes with technology. This is one of the laws of this universe and however Scio chooses to explain it is fine. I don't really enjoy the idea of nitpicking the RP so I think the simple solution here is to just drop if Scio's game isn't agreeing with your tastes. I, for one, would like to continue our IC fun within the laws of the world.

I'm fine with arbitrary rules, in short, so long as they're consistent and reasonable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Menhir
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@Letter Bee
Ah, my bad. I always get the oWoD and nWoD titles mixed up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just read the newest post. I'm no fog scientist or a pilot, but I'm pretty sure fog doesn't work that way, and that any pilot in their right mind won't come near thick fog, much less pitch black fog. There's a reason why airports stall any take offs during thick fog after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Letter Bee
Ah, my bad. I always get the oWoD and nWoD titles mixed up.

It's okay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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@MenhirI was just thinking, if technology does dampen magic, the would leave those who use magic in quite a vulnerable state. Getting attacked by those who're against magic with technology wouldn't be unlikely and wizards/witches who decide to live in a society where they\re looked down upon, feared, hated, et cetera. Also, in a technology-filled world, it would be weird if that didn't hinder the appearance of those who were supposed to discover their abilities. And given that Four Winds is an area dense with magic, it would be strange if a machine or two would be enough to interfere with magic. That's why I wanted to go with the opposite idea of magic interferes with technology.

That idea regarding a tech-related mage organization is interesting, but that might make things too in depth?

I have no problem with Sodium's character's entrance. I just wished he would have told me about it prior to his post so that we could talk about what and what not to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mercurial
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@Scio Just so it's clear; things like helicopters still work in the face of magic?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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@Zero Hex To be fair, I wanted to stick with the whole "magic interferes with tech" idea and hoped people would just go with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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@Mercurial Uhm, in areas that are dense with magic, they wouldn't. I mean, they wouldn't shut down immediately; it would be more gradual in a malfunction-ey sort of way. That's why I made the location of the school far away from civilization. To avoid those issues. Only simple machines would be unaffected by magic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mercurial
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@Mercurial Uhm, in areas that are dense with magic, they wouldn't. I mean, they wouldn't shut down immediately; it would be more gradual in a malfunction-ey sort of way. That's why I made the location of the school far away from civilization. To avoid those issues. Only simple machines would be unaffected by magic.

So then, Sodium's helicopter wouldn't work here?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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@Mercurial He could land, but it would be incredibly rough. Like, probably crash-like, but I'll say no real injuries. He'd get to the academy, but sucks to be the pilot and maid he was with. They'd be asked to leave; not sure how they'd get home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Menhir
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Alright so I'm not sure if I'm parsing this correctly so let me read this back to you and you can tell me where I'm getting things wrong because I'm pretty sure I'm getting something wrong here since it's not making sense to me.

-roughly 10-15% of the world's population is capable of magic and thus has the potential to be a wizard
-wizards are an oppressed minority who are regularly the victims of hate crimes
-wizards are also a rare and strange phenomenon
-magic interferes with all forms of technology, but technology does not do the same to magic
-if technology also caused similar issues with magic, it would make wizards vulnerable to the hate crimes they are commonly victims of
-if technology also caused issues with magic, it would make wizards rare because it would suppress many people who have weaker potential for magic
-for these two reasons, making magic and technology have a mutual interference effect would not work with the way the setting was written
-Four Winds is an area naturally clear of magical interference, so adding interference would not pose a problem

Could you tell me where I'm making the mistake here? Because I'm pretty sure I may have interpreted at least one of these entries wrong since a couple lines seem logically incompatible and I'm not sure where I went wrong.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh, theres a ton of posts discussing this already. Thats what I get for sleeping I suppose.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

If you want science, join my Colors RP

I can't wait for Scio to deliver how magic in depth works, I firmly strongly believe there's more to it than being a mere rip off of HXH.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Most of that seems about right. I'll guess I'll just explain the ones that even confuses me.

  • If technology also caused similar issues with magic, it would make wizards vulnerable to the hate crimes they are commonly victims of - (Although feared and hated, aside from being treated unfairly, people tend to leave wizards alone. At least they don't try to physically assault them or anything to that extent, since they might get blown up or something. If technology does hinder magic, then wizards wouldn't have a way to defend themselves if ever people do try to attack them. Making the extremely vulnarable. So currently, even if they are victims of prejudice and such hate crimes, nothing too drastic has been done about them. Makes sense?)
    []*If technology also caused issues with magic, it would make wizards rare because it would suppress many people who have weaker potential for magic (Well, the target of the institution was to pick those with potential and not just those who were capable of magic. They leave that to other institutions. Basically, Four Winds only selects a handful of the minority who are capable of magic.)

I get what you're saying, but I don't think what I've come up with is bad enough that it needs to be changed.
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