Inquisitor Karthis
Inquisitor Talvyrn Karthis
Karthis is something of what he would call the "pragmatic sort", something others would define him as a radical Inquisitor no doubt due to his mentor he served under as an acolyte, the ends justify the means after all. The man is a strange mix of cautious and bold, weary and brash. Karthis is the one to first draw his gun and shoot but is also the first one to dive for cover; some may call it cowardice but he knows that he can't exactly serve the Emperor if he's dead. He knows how to make a statement but also knows the importance of being subtle. Whatever "plans" he makes are often never set in stone completely both in part of letting him be flexible in his approach and also because sometimes he's just too lazy to really lay out a plan in its entirety. As is with all Inquisitors, he is devoted to the God-Emperor but he tends to be a bit more reserve about it as Karthis doesn't see himself as the demagogue sort. Unlike many Inquisitors of his age, Karthis isn't exuding endless vigor and zealotry and acts a few decades more mature most of the time putting emphasis on the "duty" part of the "holy duty" of the Inquisition. He still is prone fits of hotheaded outbursts and raging, the guy's only human after all.
Born and raised on the Frontier World of Zanfrik Prime to a large family of 10 others, Karthis would loose 8 of his siblings to the sands of the Zanfrik. Enduring hardship and getting accustom to lose might have not been the best childhood ever but it certain made him tougher on a mental level. Given he was a natural psyker, such mental fortitude was more than helpful as he became older. His parents were an interesting bunch, his father an Imperial Guard veteran whose regiment was used as a defense force for Zanfrik while his mother was a former priestess hailing from a Shrine World and was the acting head of the local cathedral. Although both were highly devout, Karthis's father was the more reserved and humbled one while his mother, while having a soothing voice, was very, very passionate about the God-Emperor and Karthis preferred not loosing his voice all the time so he followed his father's more reserved approach.
Upon reaching the age of 10, he was sent to a local chapel where his psychic powers were trained and honed as best as they could. Although his powers at this point were fairly weak, he could easily control and suppress them meaning that they had very little affect on his life beyond being able to do some cool magics. After 5 years of studying, he decided to join local PDF, proving his worth and getting a few promotions thanks to his marksmanship skills and a few of his father's connection. So great was his skill that he had been selected to be on an Arbites support squad for the local Arbiter (local being more or less that entire system) in which there he had also proven himself capable and found himself in charge of a squad within a year of joining.
It would be when a local uprising on another world turned to heresy and the Ordos Hereticus was called in that Karthis would be set on the track of joining the Inquisition. During one particularly intense fire fight, the young man was in the right place at the right time for on Inquisitor Hargos to witness this single warrior firing into a swarm of heretics armed with nothing but an autogun and faith. Once the insurrection was put down, Karthis was given the offer of becoming an Acolyte in the retinue of the Inquisitor, an offer Karthis readily accepted with his the full support of his parents and remaining siblings.
Serving dutifully under Hargos for a decade, Karthis found himself promoted to the role of Inquisitor after making a deduction on another Frontier world that suggested a possible heretical uprising and was snuffed out before it blossomed its ugly flower (in truth it was more blind luck and some lucky coincidences that fell into place for him). Upon taking the rank, he decided to run with the Ordo Fronterius, an Ordo Minorus which dealt primarily with Frontier and Colony worlds. In all honesty however, Karthis mostly took the position and role as a way of finally being able to reunite with his family for a short while. During his time with Ordo Fonterius, he mostly acted as support for another Inquisitor with very little of a network or retinue. It would only be until he was told that his mentor had fallen in Emperor's holy duty and took it upon himself to continue in his mentor's steed, joining the Ordo Hereticus and starting his journey of proving himself to be a competent Inquisitor to himself at least, honing both his combat and psycic abilities through
In one instance about 5 years ago, during a heretical uprising on the world of Woldorn V, he had encountered a Sister of Battle and a Adeputs Mechanicus Genetor who now serve as part of his retinue. During the fighting, he made contact with one Ellyn Caligarus with the fighting along side each other for a short while. In a seperate instance, he rescued Genetor Ortiz Freelon who was under siege in his facility and was the only non-servitor alive. After the events, Freelon would become one of the first members of Karthis's retinue and the two have worked together ever since.
Upon reaching the age of 10, he was sent to a local chapel where his psychic powers were trained and honed as best as they could. Although his powers at this point were fairly weak, he could easily control and suppress them meaning that they had very little affect on his life beyond being able to do some cool magics. After 5 years of studying, he decided to join local PDF, proving his worth and getting a few promotions thanks to his marksmanship skills and a few of his father's connection. So great was his skill that he had been selected to be on an Arbites support squad for the local Arbiter (local being more or less that entire system) in which there he had also proven himself capable and found himself in charge of a squad within a year of joining.
It would be when a local uprising on another world turned to heresy and the Ordos Hereticus was called in that Karthis would be set on the track of joining the Inquisition. During one particularly intense fire fight, the young man was in the right place at the right time for on Inquisitor Hargos to witness this single warrior firing into a swarm of heretics armed with nothing but an autogun and faith. Once the insurrection was put down, Karthis was given the offer of becoming an Acolyte in the retinue of the Inquisitor, an offer Karthis readily accepted with his the full support of his parents and remaining siblings.
Serving dutifully under Hargos for a decade, Karthis found himself promoted to the role of Inquisitor after making a deduction on another Frontier world that suggested a possible heretical uprising and was snuffed out before it blossomed its ugly flower (in truth it was more blind luck and some lucky coincidences that fell into place for him). Upon taking the rank, he decided to run with the Ordo Fronterius, an Ordo Minorus which dealt primarily with Frontier and Colony worlds. In all honesty however, Karthis mostly took the position and role as a way of finally being able to reunite with his family for a short while. During his time with Ordo Fonterius, he mostly acted as support for another Inquisitor with very little of a network or retinue. It would only be until he was told that his mentor had fallen in Emperor's holy duty and took it upon himself to continue in his mentor's steed, joining the Ordo Hereticus and starting his journey of proving himself to be a competent Inquisitor to himself at least, honing both his combat and psycic abilities through
In one instance about 5 years ago, during a heretical uprising on the world of Woldorn V, he had encountered a Sister of Battle and a Adeputs Mechanicus Genetor who now serve as part of his retinue. During the fighting, he made contact with one Ellyn Caligarus with the fighting along side each other for a short while. In a seperate instance, he rescued Genetor Ortiz Freelon who was under siege in his facility and was the only non-servitor alive. After the events, Freelon would become one of the first members of Karthis's retinue and the two have worked together ever since.
- Bolt Pistol - Nothing too special, just an average Inquisitorial bolt pistol that was given to him upon his promotion to full Inquisitor.
- "Trusty" - One of Karthis's first guns, given to him by his father at a young age. Its an old revolver-type stub gun which has served the man well in many years of fighting. He always carries on him in some form or another and his ability to quick draw with it will ensure he gets the first shot off.
- "Break Out" - A gift from Inquisitor Hargos, an easily concealable break-action shotgun that Karthis always keeps hidden in his cloths.
- Power Maul - A holder over from his days on an Arbites Support Squad although its more often than not set to kill over stun.
- Plasteel Buckler - Like his power maul, another relic from his past. The small shield is little more than a glorified slab of plasteel fashioned into a circle and given a handle. Despite preferring not to having to stay in extended melee so he has to use it, Karthis has started to develop and interesting style of close quarter gunfighting using said buckler.
- Psyk-Out Grenades x 1
- Frag Grenade x 1
- Servo Skull "Ahmes"
- Quick Draw Crack Shot - Being on the Frontier tends to lend you pretty amazing shooting skills compared to those who haven't lived that kind of life. Karthis can reliable get the first shot off in any gunfight as well as having some impressible pistol accuracy especially with lighter Stub and Auto pistols.
- Pskyer - The man's a Pskyer, not all to powerful but strong enough to help him plenty in his line of work.
- Invisibility - Self explanatory, Karthis can only cast it for a few minutes though on someone or something, although that's usually more than enough.
- Force Jump - Basically letting Karthis "jump" into the very edge of the warp and appear a few feet away in what is basically a teleporting like fashion. Its range can only safely go to about a dozen feet and he can't pull anyone else through.
Character Rolls:
- Dark Secret Watcher - "You feel like you are being watched all the time even when you know you are alone, you will often see someone or something watching you from around corners, through windows, just off in the distance at times. You will wake up and find notes written for you, or whispers in your ear though when you turn around no one is there. Other times when you find that you think you are going to die it seems as though some unknown force intervenes and you have found that enemies who have the jump on you will crumple dead for no apparent reason at all, you do a autopsy and they like.. had a heart attack or something of that nature."
- Strange Smells - “Once arriving on the planet keeps having a strange aroma in his nose that he can't seem to get rid of, it's like the smell of dead leaves or the distant scent of a dead animal; inquisitor will occasionally scratching his nose just generally aggravated at the smell”